
Monday, August 06, 2018

If you love Ops Lalang, you won't abolish NSC

MM Online - Minister refuses to commit to abolishing NSC Act (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — The Pakatan Harapan (PH) government might be backtracking on its promise to abolish the National Security Council (NSC) Act 2016, saying that the law is currently “under review”.

Minister in Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong did not gave a direct “yes” or “no” answer when pressed by Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh (DAP) in Parliament on whether or not the government will abolish the Act.

“The (NSC) Act has not been used over the past two years. If we look at the members of the Council, it also includes many others including the deputy prime minister, defence minister, communications minister, chief of the Armed Forces, chief secretary and the inspector-general of police.

“The prime minister needs to consult with the rest of council and he cannot be the sole decision maker when calling for an Emergency Situation for any district. And this is one layer below the Agong who can call for an Emergency Situation for the whole country.

“The Act is still under review — whether or not it will be abolished,” said Liew in the Dewan Rakyat.

Ramkarpal rose once more and demanded a more solid and concrete answer from Liew, highlighting that during the 14th general election, PH’s promise to do away with the “draconian Act” was part of its manifesto — promise number 27.

“Pakatan Harapan made a promise to abolish the National Security Council Act 2016 and we have made the decision that this law is cruel. What is the purpose to review it? If it is draconian, there’s no need to review it anymore!” said the DAP lawmaker.

He was backed by party member, Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto who also reminded the Lower House that the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma) was supposed to be abolished as well.

Many of you guppies may not remember but during the campaign towards GE14 and immediately after victory for Pakatan, Mahathir voiced his reluctance to abolish BR1M, the GST and NSC.

But the GST was such a hot potato that even imperialistic HE had to give way. But after that, Pakatan supporters became relax towards his governance.

We already know he has kept the BR1M but changing its label shamefully to disassociate its creator Najib from it.

A man like Mahathir who had ruled during the 4th Reich using ISA to incarcerate hundreds (eg. Ops Lalang) is hardly likely to abolish the NSC.

Ramkarpal Singh is absolutely spot on in saying: “Pakatan Harapan made a promise to abolish the National Security Council Act 2016 and we have made the decision that this law is cruel. What is the purpose to review it? If it is draconian, there’s no need to review it anymore!”

But Pakatan's "under review" means it won't abolish it, just as Wan Azizah's claim that "child marriage" is under observation or for that matter, meaning she is going to act "dunno".

And Maszlee claiming the government has 5 years to study the merits of the UEC, is likewise a zero, by which time the UEC can be again a manifesto promise for GE15, wakakaka.

Just a crock of shit from Pakatan.

Lagi satu janji manifesto Pakatan telah di-capati-kan.

keep and re-cycle for GE15 


  1. My my, now where was Ktemoc The Hypocrite when Bijan rammed through the NSC Act ?

    He was as silent as a Graveyard.

  2. Pick & choose mah!

    Dulu ahjibgor, sekarang mamak. Mana ada sama le?

    All jibby's farts r A-grade fragrance, despite it been farts!

  3. dap no diff with mca. in fact, worst.

  4. How come a draconian Act becomes non-draconian Act whoever comes into power?

    If it is not going to be used against the political opponents now, why have it remain to come and haunt again when change of power again happen one fine day?

    Not only that, the powers of the King as the only one to declare Martial Law has been eroded to the Executive via this Act.

    Maybe Ceasar thinks, just in case, keep it until just before GE 15 to abolish it?

    1. not just keep it but he will USE it - done that before, syiok mah

    2. Some people did not consider it draconian previously, and kept very quiet. ...only now waking up from a deep coma to protest after change of power..

  5. I see it differently. The days of block voting is over. There is healthy democratic open debate even within the ruling coalition. Check and Balance, Like the Dacing, Only Better. I'm Lovin It.

    1. balanced? wakakaka - his kutu has just announced his car no 3 will be in 2020 - who can or will stop him

    2. In the dark days of Najib nobody in UMNO/BN dared to "bell the cat" about 1MDB, as admitted by KJ.

      No Check, No Balance. All Together Say "Yes Sir No Sir Three Bags Full".

      Today Ramkarpal is challenging TDM on NSC and Rafizi is challenging on National Car 3. Latheefah Koya on Child Marriage etc.

  6. Guanee is so happy. His Tin Milo Tabung Harapan will soon receive (possibly) 1 Billion, enough to pay for the next couple of 1MDB installments. After the yacht auction will be the auction of 1B jewels and handbags....

    Equanimity will be sold to highest bidder after public viewing

    The government intends to ultimately sell the superyacht Equanimity after all necessary paperwork has been done along with a possible public viewing of the luxury vessel, said Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng.

    “Attorney-general (Tommy Thomas) will make sure all the papers are in order, all controls are imposed and if possible to make sure that there is a proper inventory of the assets inside...

    1. hope it's all legal and with proof of evidence that malaysia has the right to forfeit the yacht

    2. Unless it's done air-tight, the yacht won't sell. Bona fide buyers will not touch a yacht with contested ownership.

    3. We shall hang kaytee like witch.....hehehehe

    4. [ Matthias Chang

      Dear Brand New AG Tommy Thomas,

      Did you advise the Malaysian government (which has a few lawyers as Ministers) and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad whether it is lawful for Indonesia to “return” the yacht “Equanimity” to Malaysia?

      Has AGC or the Malaysian Govt. submitted any formal claims to any US COURTS OR INDONESIAN COURTS that she is entitled to ownership or custody or control of the yacht pending final disposal of ownership rights claimed by parties in the US Court in California?

      What is the legal basis?

      Are you or AGC aware whether any court in any jurisdiction has made a final order as to the rights of competing claimants to the said yacht in pending proceedings?

      Who applied for an order (if any) for the yacht to be handed over to Malaysia when it is already subject to seizure order applied by the US DOJ and obtained from a US Court to transfer custody or control of the yacht to US jurisdiction following assistance obtained from the Indonesia’s Ministry of Justice pursuant to the said Order from USA.

      What representation did AGC made (if any) to Indonesia or to DOJ or to the US COURT that granted the original order for arrest and seizure?

      You had PUBLICLY declared that you had formed a Team of top Senior Federal Counsels to pursue civil claims against the 1MDB CULPRITS.

      What claims (if any) have you (i.e. AGC) filed in any courts in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, USA,  Switzerland, HongKong, etc?

      If not, why not?

      The news of the transfer of the yacht has made my stomach turned topsy-turvy.

      Hopefully you will issue a Press Statement surrounded by the members of your Civil Team, ASAP, to clarify the AGC’s stand on the legality or illegality of the above action.]

  7. A wanted fugitive accused of serious crimes and refuses to surrender himself to multiple lawful authorities has rights to protect his alleged property. Got It.

    1. since he is a thief, let's all be thieves

    2. No different from authorities auctioning off ill-gotten gains from crooks, in this case the alleged crook does not want to step forward even though he knows he is wanted by the law. Not wanting to defend himself is as good as admission of guilt.

      Jho Low’s attack on Dr M just a red herring, says ex-judge
      August 7, 2018

      Gopal Sri Ram says the fugitive businessman is trying to distract attention from the issue at hand by accusing the prime minister of violating the rule of law.

      Luxury yacht Equanimity which was impounded by Indonesian authorities is expected to arrive in Port Klang today.

      PETALING JAYA: A retired judge has dismissed businessman Low Taek Jho’s claim that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has no respect for the rule of law as an attempt to distract attention from the issue at hand.

      Low, better known as Jho Low, had accused Mahathir of violating the rule of law after it was announced that a luxury yacht linked to the fugitive businessman would be handed over to the Malaysian government.

      But former Federal Court judge Gopal Sri Ram said this was like “a red herring covered with a thick white sauce”.

      “If you stir the sauce, you will see the red herring. This is a typical distraction by a fugitive from justice,” he told FMT.

      In a statement issued through his legal team on Saturday, Jho Low, who is at the centre of investigations in Malaysia and the US over allegations of embezzlement from 1MDB, said the move to hand over the yacht to Putrajaya was illegal and politically motivated.

      “As he did in Malaysia’s 1988 judicial crisis, Mahathir is showing the world that his new regime still has no interest in the rule of law,” he said, referring to the removal of senior judges during Mahathir’s first tenure as prime minister.

      Sri Ram said Jho Low should return to Malaysia if he wanted to challenge Jakarta’s decision to hand over the superyacht Equanimity to Putrajaya.

      “He should file proceedings here to claim that he is the owner and that he purchased the yacht with his own money instead of hiding in a foreign jurisdiction.”

      He added that Indonesia was governed by Roman-Dutch law, and had statutes and decrees with which Malaysians were not familiar.

      “It is highly unlikely that the executive will act contrary to the decision of the Indonesian court.”

      In any event, he added, the US Department of Justice’s (DoJ) court filings showed that the Equanimity belonged to Malaysia as it was purchased with stolen money.

      Sri Ram also said if a High Court in Kuala Lumpur had allowed 1MDB critic Khairuddin Abu Hassan’s application to cross-examine Jho Low in the “pink diamond” suit, the businessman would have been compelled to return to Malaysia.

      However, Jho Low in an affidavit filed through his lawyers, denied that he was a fugitive.

      “We now know the denial is not correct,” Sri Ram said.

    3. prove he is a crook first

    4. Jho Low has no legal standing to intercede as he already denied he own Equanimity.
      The crook is in a trap weaved by himself.

      If he doesn't own Equanimity , as he claims, he and his lawyer cannot turn up in court to intercede in the proceedings.

      Malaysia, with US DOJ cooperation just has to show Equanimity
      was purchased with money illegally diverted from 1MDB.

      There is not even a need to convict Jho Low to auction off Equanimity.

    5. Wow…

      Just like u want proofs that jibby/hippo is a kleptomaniac pack if shameless proportions!

      Wakakakaka…… baca baik2 duly.

      "But that’s precisely how the old but cunning Mahathir outsmarted the young thief. Like a fox quietly stalking before pouncing on its prey, the 93-year-old prime minister made the surprise move to check-mate Jho Low. Anyone who claims ownership of the yacht Equanimity and wants to recover it must first show proof of purchase – declared Mahathir Mohamad"

      Senang lah!

      No crook, then comes back to m'sia & challenge in court WITH proofs if yr source of income lah.

      Bloody ampu-ing dedak makan-er!

  8. The new government needs to ensure it GOVERNS in a mindful and methodical manner. That means actions and decisions that are made after due consideration. Taking the time to Do due diligence is not setting aside the manifesto.

    It is important that actions are not taken in a half-assed manner , even though, yes, they are in the manifesto.

    In fact most of the people attempting to stampede the government into taking quick actions are people who have ill-will against it....e.g. MCA, UMNO , MOM, Ktemoc,

    1. no one asked Pakatan to make reckless promises in its manifesto - reckless promises which cannot be fulfilled make Pakatan liars

      but then you are a Pakatan dedak makan-er

    2. It only becomes a lie if they flatly refuse to implement an item.

      By comparison, Ktemoc was a silent Bijan accomplice for 10 years.
      Case in point , his complete and absolute silence on the NSC Act when Bijan rammed it through Parliament.

      Its Pure hypocrisy for Ktemoc to pretend to be a concerned citizen now.
