
Monday, August 27, 2018

Child marriage issue only finalised in the Year 2118?

MM Online - DPM: Total ban on child marriage not finalised yet (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 27 — The decision to impose a total ban on child marriage has not been finalised yet, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail told the Dewan Negara today.Dr Wan Azizah, who is also women, family and community development minister, said the matter was still under study, including in terms of the legal and social implications if the minimum age of marriage was increased to 18 years.

And just how can lil' sweeties expect any protection from this useless minister when the issue of underage marriage was still under study.

Will the matter be only finalised in the Year 2118?


  1. Even if it is passed tomorrow, can the law hold against syariah judiciary?

    If it can holds up, then must the syariah judiciary be reviewed vis-a-vis the FedConstitution clauses of separation of Islamic & common laws?

    WHO is useless in crying father-mother?

    Ain't petition those slumbering heads within all those palaces the quickest & best approach in views of the feudalistic inclination of the zombies?

    Look like u DONT even know how to fart properly le!

  2. Just to humour Cha Bor, it should be 2218, the Bicentennial year of Pakatan Harapan.....

  3. Sarawak State Govt. insists on retaining the marriageable age at 16 while Islamic bigots wants the marriageable age to be when a girl reach puberty (first menstruation period).

    The problem which most do not want to acknowledge is that girls reach puberty at different ages. Some do not even have their first menstruation period till in their twenties.

    Paedophiles loves girls at any age, preferably the younger the better.

    That's because they love to be seen as overpowering their victims like a beast, hear their screams and squeals and satisfy their insatiable lusts.

    You just have to see the faces of those objecting to protection of young girls to know they have the typical profile of a Paedophile.

  4. Kaytee Matey,after weeks of not being a busybody,I finally found something to comment about.Depending on each individual country's law on underage sex,a minimum age is set.Any person/persons having sex with a minor/minors under that stated age is called statutory rape.Period!

    What is so difficult to just implement the law.Nothing to discuss or talk about bullshit/bullshits.The law is the law.Rape/statutory rape is rape/statutory rape.Period.

    A woman minister who cannot protect girls/women,cannot be in charge of girls/women's affairs.Time to step down and ride to the sunset for an over rated lady politician?

  5. This religion does things to your brain.

  6. CBMFers, read this lah:

    "Moreover, the civil court could not encroach into the jurisdiction of the shariah court on religious matters exclusive to Muslims, as stated in the constitution,”

    “The consent of the Malay Rulers, who are heads of Islam in their states and the Conference of Rulers is equally important,”

    So said a zombieic senior shariah judge!!!

  7. Religion, religion, religion !

    In Siti Kassim's The Real Malay Dilemma, she implores us to be honest....

    "In Malaysia today, we are obsessed with religion. Politicians and Ministers talk about religion and upholding religion. We have dedicated channels and programmes on religion on mainstream TV. Teachers force their religion and religious interpretations on children."

    "Think about this, after all the hue and cry of the 41 year old with 2 wives, from Kelantan who groomed his third, 11 year old child bride from the poor family in Thailand, the state religious authority penalised him for an unregistered marriage and then, instead of voiding it, basically approves the marriage. A significant portion of our Malay- Muslim society rejoiced!"

    the Malays, by and large, has been able to live off the teats of the Government in one way or another. It has been a fulfilled entitlement that will end sooner rather than later.....This gravy train has stopped."

    "So, without a change from the religious-centric environment the Malay society is currently in, and an education system that indoctrinates rather than enhance critical thinking, Malay society will continually drift towards the insularity of religious conservatism and away from progressive capabilities to succeed in the modern world. And population demographic will ensure that a progressive Government will eventually lose out.

    Therein lies the real Malay dilemma."

    Read more at :
