
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Anwar Ibrahim faces political oblivion

FMT - Analyst sees open war between PKR factions (extracts):

PETALING JAYA: A political analyst has warned of an “open war” in PKR between a faction loyal to incumbent deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali and one that supports his challenger, Rafizi Ramli, following allegations of interference in the upcoming party election.

Kamarul Zaman Yusoff told FMT that he perceived recent remarks by Kapar MP Abdullah Sani and Ijok assemblyman Idris Ahmad, both of the Rafizi camp, as virtual declarations of war.

Abdullah and Idris, alluding to claims that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad would like to see Azmin’s faction strengthened and incoming party president Anwar Ibrahim’s influence weakened, alleged that Daim Zainuddin, a staunch Mahathir ally, was interfering in the PKR election.

Abdullah named Daim as among those keen to stop Anwar from becoming prime minister as promised under a deal reached by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) leadership prior to the May general election. He said it would be difficult for Anwar to take over from Mahathir if Azmin retained the deputy president’s post.

Idris meanwhile alleged that Mahathir and Daim had sponsored some PKR leaders to destroy the party from within.

Kamarul said Abdullah and Idris were examples of Anwar allies who had been sidelined by the Mahathir administration.

“They may be just mid-level leaders, but what they say carries weight because they are elected representatives and are contesting for important posts in the party,” he said.

“This isn’t good for PH. There has been speculation of a rift between Mahathir and Anwar and of attempts to stop Anwar from becoming prime minister. So when a PKR leader speaks like this, it seems to validate the speculation.”

He said damage to PH could be avoided if Rafizi or Anwar were to tell their supporters to tone down their criticism of Mahathir in public.

He also noted that Rafizi himself had avoided using the kind of rhetoric employed by Abdullah and Idris.

He said it was possible that Azmin’s chances would be affected if he didn’t counter the allegations but it was also possible that he would gain from PKR members’ perception of Rafizi’s camp as having resorted to unsavoury tactics

Anwar is of course aware of the Machiavellian moves to get rid of him, but he treads softly as Maddy is now in power and even has yet to reach his peak. The guppies adore and adulate him as a new Tokong Besar.

Anwar's already tenuous position in Pakatan politics will be worsened if Azmin becomes deputy PKR president.

There is a belief among his once-allies that he as PM and leader of Pakatan will NOT be able to repeat Pakatan's success in GE15, so they have opted for a continuation of Maddy-ism, and not just during this term, but even audaciously expecting Maddy to lead them in 2023 (and with fantasies of modern medical science, they hope even until 2028).

What this in practical terms means exactly what Maddy himself has alluded to, to wit, "If the people still wants me, I stay on (as PM)", implying Anwar won't be PM in two years (and more) as promised.

Lagi suatu janji Pakatan di-capati-kan.

There is an additional factor that many have forgotten, that Mahathir hates Anwar with an unrelenting fury. It's not so much about Anwar's sexual proclivity but that Anwar and cohorts had moved against Maddy in 1997. Mahathir has an elephant memory and an unforgiving Ophiophagus Hannah nature against that 1997 treachery.

But the even far worse scenario I foresee will be Azmin Ali roping his PKR into an alliance with Pribumi, possibly with Amanah and PAS and the remnants of UMNO to emerge as the Greater Pribumi, and with balls-carrying DAP in its new MCA-MIC-rised position.

And Anwar knows that he may yet see a 3rd stint in prison if he bucks the Proton-Equanimity sampan.


  1. Kamarul Zaman Yusoff...wakakakaka.... he's the ex-"Academic" who peed in his pants after telling the forum Mahathir was too old, and Mahathir himself turned up at his forum.

    This guy is a Batu Api UMNO operative.

    Ktemoc needs to be more discerning in picking his sources , else Ktemoc Konsiders will just be another one of thousands of Gutter blogs....

    but wait a minute...Ktemoc is Already in the Gutter.....wakakakaka

  2. What!!!!

    That 2cent political analyst!!!

    Coupled with farts from fraud estate firmed by the like of mom & kt!!

    Wakakakakakaka… the choirboys will be having a field day le.

  3. Ktemoc's ingenuity and imagination in sensational headlines and in spinning words to become interesting possiblities just like RPK is like those chants and sermons in a religious or satanic cult which keeps on going and going until the reader or listener goes into a utter confusion state, then into a hypnotic trance and finally throw in the towel and surrender their thinking to him.

    The minute any line or verse matches your belief, then you are hooked to listen to the next sermon or verse and so on until you become brain dead and just be a follower of his beliefs which he then turns and twists to make it become facts.

    Your a deadmeat by then!


  4. The tag team of the odious Raja Putar Klentong and his Tonto now reaching crescendo level, with sniping from that Turd Farce an added reinforcement......hahahahaha....the dogs bark but the caravan goes on !

  5. No oblivion for Anwar Ibrahim.

    He survived and prospered after Mahathir 1.0
    He survived and prospered after Dollah
    He survived Najib.

    Do not ever underestimate Anwar Ibrahim's fighting spirit.
