
Monday, August 13, 2018

Anti-Anwar Allegations

From FMT (extracts):


A PPBM leader today warned PKR leaders against issuing statements condemning other component parties in Pakatan Harapan (PH), two days after the Kapar MP accused Daim Zainuddin of conspiring to scuttle the plan to make Anwar Ibrahim the next prime minister.

PPBM Supreme Council member Wan Saiful Wan Jan said senior PKR leaders must speak up against colleagues who showed no decorum in accusing certain quarters of blocking Anwar from replacing Dr Mahathir Mohamad, as agreed under a deal by the PH leadership prior to the May 9 polls.

“The wild allegations and lies may be a culture for some but not in PPBM, where we have been taught by Mahathir to respect the camaraderie in PH,” said Wan Saiful.

fCk PKR, I can make anyone a minister even though he's not nominated by his party

I can interfere with any party's affairs

“Don’t drag others into the problems of disunity in your own party.”

On Saturday, PKR’s Abdullah Sani told supporters of Rafizi Ramli, who is vying for the post of deputy president in the upcoming PKR polls, that Daim was among the individuals who are out to stop Anwar from becoming the prime minister.


  1. Aiyoto.....anybody can say anything...

    Maybe it's true .....maybe it's a lie...

    Ktemoc can only dredge up old stories...

  2. I would like to ask those PKR voters in deciding who they wish to elect to be their leaders to be wiser and think before they vote and not to vote based on unsubstantiated emotional outbursts from whoever they are listening to. If they are clowns, do not follow, for it makes those who believe as fools.

    You know a speaker is a liar the minute he speaks without proof or facts in the hands at that moment or already known in the public domain, when he has all the time in the world to gather the proofs or facts before making a speech which is scheduled. And the justification for outright speaking lies and saying proof to be provided later just confirms he is a clown.

    There are many among Malaysian politicians when they gave scheduled speeches on a certain topic who tried to sway the audience by thinking their audience as fools easily swayed by emotional appeal instead of intelligence.

    There is definitely a difference between spontaneous speeches, comments given and scheduled speeches given.

    Religious speeches are however exempted because the speaker knows his speeches are based on beliefs/hearsays written in Books which are words of God/Gods and the speaker need not proof anything.
