
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Why is UMNO Youth against the UEC?

FMT - Umno Youth: UEC recognition will make education system ‘disorderly’ (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth has objected to the proposal by the new Pakatan Harapan (PH) government to recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), including for entry into public institutions of higher learning.

Its new chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki claimed that the move would make the Malaysian education system become “disorderly” as there were other certificates of the same level that were already recognised by the government.

He said it would also lead to failure in efforts to achieve national identity and racial integration

The UEC has ALREADY been accepted by numerous countries around the world, eg. UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc, on top of Chinese speaking nations like China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, as an entrant qualification to their respective universities.

One of the few nations which does NOT accept the UEC is Malaysia, and that since 1975 when Mahathir was the Education Minister. Then he threatened the Chinese educationists about issuing the UEC.

Dr Kua Kia Soong enlightened us on the UEC via the FMT:

The litany of reasons given by the government for not recognising the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) through the years gets more and more bizarre.

They used to say that the UEC’s curriculum was not up to mark. The last reason was given by former (BN) Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan in the Dewan Rakyat that the Cabinet, in a meeting on Nov 6 last year, had decided not to recognise the certificate.

The former Deputy Minister said:

gone forever from the political scene?
or will he now attempt to join PKR or DAP?


“For now, the government can’t recognise UEC as it is not based on the national curriculum and education philosophy. This is a reality that needs to be accepted as it’s related to the nation’s interests and sovereignty.”

“The government’s stand was based on a cabinet decision on November 6, 2015".

But MCA president Liow Tiong Lai told Kamala off, saying the issue of 'national sovereignty' was not even mentioned in the cabinet so how could a deputy minister announced that in parliament as a government's policy when a full minister hasn't heard of it?

Dr Kua also went back into history to inform us that Mahathir was the man who first threatened the Chinese schools on the UEC and warned them not start this private line of educational accreditation.

and he thus lost to PMIP (PAS predecessor) in 1969

he dislikes the Chinese since

At independence in 1957, there were 86 Chinese secondary schools in Malaya.

It was only after the 1961 Education Act that many of these schools were forced to become English-medium (yes, not Malay-medium) at the time. Only 14 Chinese secondary schools remained as “independent” schools (MICSS).

It was after the “Independent Schools’ Revival Movement” in the 1970s that the number of MICSS climbed to 60 schools.

In 1975, when the MICSS decided to hold its first Unified Examination, the Chinese education leaders were summoned to Parliament by then Education Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and were told in no uncertain terms to cancel the examination “or else…!”

The Chinese education leaders carried on regardless of the consequences and the UEC has been held every year since. To date,there has never been a leak in any UEC examinations and the curriculum and marking of exam scripts are carried out every year with professional precision.

Finally, Dr Kua gave a flying kick into the face of our former so-called Education Ministry by telling us:

Malaysians should also know that there are hundreds of non-Chinese students in the MICSS and more than 80,000 non-Chinese students in Chinese-medium primary schools of Malaysia.

This is in sharp contrast to Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) that does not admit ANY “non-Bumiputeras” into this public institution even though “non-Bumiputera” taxpayers have also paid for this institution.

Does UiTM violate national sovereignty? This Bumiputeras-only policy definitely violates the International Convention for the Eradication of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).

But to recapitulate, it started with Mahathir's very very strong and fierce opposition against the UEC, and which now is still perpetuated by his 'UMNO-descendants'.

What nonsense UMNO Youth is saying the recognition of the UEC will make the Malaysian education system become “disorderly” as there were other certificates of the same level that were already recognised by the government.

If indeed there were/are other certificates of the same level already recognised by the government, what can one more, the UEC, do to the system?

Just a reminder, the UEC is widely recognised throughout the world (without causing any 'disorder' to their respective system) but alas, not yet in Malaysia.

I have to logically conclude UMNO Youth is objecting to the UEC out of jealous of the performance, standing and credibility of the UEC, or through hatred of all educational things Chinese.


  1. Bijan's gang will organise riots in the streets if UEC gets recognised.

    Pakatan ( yup including Mahathir 2.0) will have a tough decision coming up.

    1. Has mamak gotten the gut liken to how president JF Kennedy's handling of the blocking of the enrollment of a black student at the University of Alabama in 1963¿¿

      He might!

      Wakakakakaka…… eat yr heart out ketuanan freaks & mamak bashers!

  2. When it comes to religion even PhD holders become incoherent and downright stupid. Rais Yatim says recognising UEC will "touch on the core of civilization and the core of our country's values".

    THE government needs to conduct an in-depth study, including taking into consideration the interests of the Malays, the country’s majority ethnic group, before making the decision to recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), says former sociocultural adviser to the government Rais Yatim.

    He said the government should also consider the views of the Conference of Rulers on the implications recognition of the UEC would have for the Malay language, Malay customs, and Islam.

    “I think that (recognising) the UEC is something big which touches on the core of civilisation, the core of education and the core of our country’s values. Therefore it requires an in-depth study first.

    1. Typo, when it comes to Chinese language education....

  3. Am not surprise with UMNO Youth stand since their political stand to be made believable by their supporters have always to be defenders of Ketuanan Melayu and indoctrinated even to Govt servants and students via BTN.

    One of the Ketuanan Melayu agenda is also Bahasa Melayu.

    Even the word Bahasa Malaysia to make it a more sound more as a unifying language for all Malaysians is not acceptable to them and must be called Bahasa Melayu. And thus the non stop chants of "Bahasa jiwa Bangsa" to further cement the link between language and Race.

    What more, when we are discussing about recognition for UEC which is conducted in Bahasa Mandarin.

    The issue here is whether those in PH subscribe to this UMNO idiotic nonsense ideology.

    And why did PH and BN both use the recognition of UEC before the last General Election in their Manifestos?

    Did they not make any study beforehand before promising the recognition of the UEC in their Manifestos?

    Are not all these political parties lying thru their teeth just to gain votes?

    1. Bahasa jiwa bangsa??

      Can these bangsat ketuanan freaks understand the language of instruction in their beloved uitm is England?

      Obviously not!
