
Saturday, July 07, 2018

Victims of Revenge

NST - 'We're not taking revenge on Najib':

Yes, Anwar Ibrahim is the PM of Sungai Buloh, Nga Kor Ming is the Foreign Minister of Kamunting and I am the Shahanshah of Timbuktu, wakakaka.


  1. So this is the "New Malaysia"!

    "Bank account with funds for Najib's bail frozen"


    During Najbi's time, supporters' and sympathisers' donations to help people on trial for sedition, etc were not frozen like this.

    Put Najib in trial OK. But freezing this account is too much.

    1. Malaysia's laws have not changed.
      If the " donation " account started receiving large single sums of money from suspicious sources or overseas accounts, that in itself is Prima Facie cause for Money Laundering.

      Mind you, Ah Jib Gor stands charged with Money Laundering, so there is a serious objective basis to freeze the accounts.

      Ah Jib Gor retains the right as
      a private citizen to challenge the freeze.

    2. Mind you that LGE who was charged never had his account frozen, neither was his wife's, or any of his children or his father, or those that donated to Tabung LGE.

      When the people supports such autocracy, that's when all hope is lost.

    3. Lim Guan Eng's defence fund average contribution was RM 50. No such suspicion of money laundering.

      Najib's stepson is notorious worldwide as the beneficiary of Kleptocratic funds.
      He already agreed to pay the US DOJ a large percentage of the ill-gotten gains. Crooks all - the entire Criminal family clan of Bijan.


    Ktemoc used to sneer that Anwar Ibrahim fell on his own sword, hence not deserving of any sympathy or support.

    Now he wants to bullshit that he now Konsiders Anwar was a victim of revenge ?

    I for one have always held that Anwar Ibrahim was a victim of injustice.

    But Ktemoc is a real huge Hypocrite.

    1. Kaytee is a real bastard who must be cut down by first severing of his dick and followed by his head

    2. He is just the typical dedak spinner...licking back his own spit, just like his Botak Liar Sifu. He hated A like hell, now since he hated M even more, he will now side with A....shades of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' even thought BOTH were his pet hates, wakakakkaa.

    3. Lately cheebye kaytee has been using the words traitor, Betrayal and many degratory words. Hence we must return the same favour towards kaytee once he is exposed.

  3. Aiyoh, Kaytee. Why everything to you are acts of revenge, nemeses etc.

    See how DAP leaders being mostly born again Christians leaders behave and you will understand, woh.

    They believe stongly in "Forgive and Love thy enemy", woh.

    Don't behave like Moslems, athiests and Jews who believe strongly in "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and makes everyone blind, woh.

    Better to have leaders who have character and attitudes of being humble, kind, compassionate, humane, forgiving types instead of self serving leaders who uses race, religion, dictatorial, autocratic, greed, lust, fame, revengeful, supremacist as their tools, woh.

    Reminds me of the story of "Christians being persecuted and thrown to the Lions in early Roman History for entertainment" and finally the Emperor of Rome Constatine finally became a converted Christian himself.


    1. The fact that kaytee hated anwar and pretended to be his friend. Who knows kaytee will make nostro piggy char siew for kaytee consumption

  4. what mahathir did is mild if compare against najib.

    1. Do share how Najib was worse. Najib didn't wage war against his own people.

    2. Which is worst - wage war against his people for a quick end OR milk them dry for generations!


    3. Ck.....asking john to use his brain is akin to zombie suddenly be voltaire

  5. Ah Jib Got is not a victim lah.
    The Fattest of Fat Cats in the world , now facing justice.

  6. Talking about revenge Najib has been poorly advised to sue Amar Singh, MACC chief and Tommy Thomas. By doing so he has opened other new avenues to be brought to court, such as obstruction of justice. The three can counter sue and these suits would run in parallel to the SRC case, and future 1MDB case, and would involve very much the same evidence. So Najib will soon have multiple cases to defend in court. The people in charge of collecting funds for his legal defence better do a good job because his legal fees just increased multiple fold.

    1. Ya, Ah Jib Gor pretending to be broke because of his frozen accounts, going around with with a begging bowl.... then launching multiple lawsuits against so many officials.
      Not cheap to pay those lawyers leh....

      Also ill advised.

      Ah Jib Gor can defend himself in court against the latest charges, including raising The "bias" defence if he so choses.

      But separately suing public officials to obstruct them from doing their job is ill-advised and poor chance of success.

    2. wow, Najib should be grateful you are not the Judge

    3. Pokjib will get better advice from Anwar..." don't drop the soap, bro"....lots of tips from 11 years experience in the slammer. This RM 9.5 million dedak makan-er from the 1MDB slush fund won't be able to keep his client from having a long, long stint in the Bamboo River resort....nama asalnye ialah Ganesan a/l Tangavello...setelah masuk Islam gune nama Mohamamad Shafee Abdullah

    4. I would be burning my firecrackers if Pokjib died in prison along with rosmah

  7. India just snookered Malaysia by revoking ZN's passport. By doing that he is trapped here, unless Malaysia issues him a travel document. So the smart thing to do is use him as bargaining chip. T Ananda Krishnan (TDM's good friend) has a lot of Maxis money trapped in India and is facing charges there. Similarly Tony Fernandez is to face court there but will he dare to show up? Will he get arrested? TDM is playing a game of chess, and ZN is but a chess piece.

    1. Wakakaka...there is a moral Lesson in this episode for both India and Malaysia.

      The Government of India itself has a poor track record for cooperating with foreign governments to extradite fugitives. If the person is an Indian national, virtually impossible.

      For Malaysia, it must realise that .."He is a permanent resident, he can stay as long as he does not cause problems here" is not correct by international law to shelter a fugitive.

      There will be a day when Malaysia badly needs a foreign government to agree to extradite a fugitive wanted by Malaysian law enforcement may be very soon..

      So...what goes around comes around.... the booomerang effect...

    2. At home front too...the Malays now kuai kuai...very comforted that their messiah-like Indian preacher who no speekee Bahasa Melayu but very zealously welcomed by the Malays, is rescued by Dr M and not sent back to face the big bad Hindus in India. Dr M scored big with the Umno-Pas Malay voters, hehehe. Win win

    3. Thay cheebye john also beri quiet.....i wonder why

  8. when it suits kt's narrative, it's called revenge but when it's the other way it's called karma...i only call you a chabo, didn't know you can be bitchy as well

    for someone who can scour the net every waking hours just to find fault with others does not seem normal, it has become an obsession, you are on the verge of becoming a stalker

    1. I do hope that in that process, kaytee would one day vomit tons of blood and die horribly

    2. not as horrible as yours, to be crush by Pauline's heavy thighs, while you choke on her Thatch in your mouth, nostrils and eyes, wakakaka

    3. Its thqt why cheebye kaytee refuses to reveal his face or else pauline will surely find kaytee and rape kaytee

      Pauline and kaytee are in australia, right?

    4. Hehehe...we all know Ktemoc had effusively expressed more than once before his hots for the ex PM of Thailand, the delectable Yingluck Shinawatra.....and it was quite obscene the way he had salivated over pictures of her ESPECIALLY in military uniform, his fetish for STRONG women ? maybe he dreams of women whipping him and slapping his bottoms ? we see why he's so obsesssed with one Pauline in his adopted country...always talking about her heavy thighs, her ability to crush faces using her thighs, her thighs chocking mouth, nostrils, eyes, and her pubic hairs ....his obsession with strong women ohh la la...he obviously gets off by such pictures in his sick brain, wakakakaka. Cool it will burn a hole in your brain with such wild imagination, hihihi

    5. Alamak! Kaytee oogling over obasan hah? No wonder every now and then kaytee short dick will arouse whenever he listen to baccara

      You are about pauline though. Not sure pauline has crush on kaytee or vice versa
