
Friday, July 06, 2018

Tong Kosong

Daim and Mahathir will be going to China to sort out a few contracts, most likely including the ECRL.

Looks like those matters are far too important to leave in the hands of Malaysia's Finance Minister Piggy Bank Budak Kecil.

yay, limpeh in charge of piggybank 

Wakakaka - WTF do we have a Finance Minister for?

Possibly to allow the DAP to syiok-sendiri but without realising the ministerial post has very little power.


  1. ECRL is not a Finance Ministry project.

    1. stop splitting hair just for your dedak

  2. The Finance Minister is essentially the nation's Financial Controller.

    I do not know of any organisation ever that tasks its Financial Controller to renegotiate business deals. Maybe Australians.... they always are on the weird side.

    That is NOT the FM'd responsibility.

    1. stop bullshitting, you dedak-makan-er

    2. Show me the proof of Finance Ministers being responsible to renegotiate business deals....

      Any of the countries in thw world will do...

    3. Oui… change tune lah!

      The sign of one running out of rational & logical arguments.

      One better way IS to pull out all yr hair (private included) to remind yr shattered sanity!


    4. Good one ck. Plus cheeby kaytee should dinge dong since his lover shall be dead soon

    5. Adoi..."One better way IS to pull out all yr hair (private included) to remind yr shattered sanity!"...wakakakaka

      Wonder how long this unhinged Ahneyney gonna last ?

    6. Jj,
      If kaytee boh chee boh hut to pluck all hairs including private, we can do the honour

      Shiok man

    7. Wakakaa...have to wear gloves for that la...

  3. The logic is quite simple really. It was a Malaysian Prime Minister cum Finance Minister that made the deal with China, so by courtesy it will take a Prime Minister and Finance Minister to undo the deal. And by bringing a past Finance Minister and possibly the richest Malaysian Robert Kuok it will give the desired respect to the China side.

    1. Bringing a past Finance Minister? What happened to the current Finance Minister? Mentally incapacitated?

      Or do you think his communication skills with China is so poor that RK needs to go? But he was so proud of wanking his Mandarin usage.

    2. Read properly again. Prime Minister AND Finance Minister. Now 2 persons, previously only one.

    3. So are you a fool or unable to read KT's article above? Mahathir is travelling WITHOUT THE CURRENT FM. What's the point of bringing a past FM? Does he speak Mandarin better than LGE? How shocking indeed!

    4. You believe everything KT writes? Poor you. Read The Edge and other publications. They say differently. TDM, Daim, LGE and maybe more ministers will make pilgrimages to pay homage to the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom. Robert Kuok will facilitate.

  4. Hannah Yeoh needs to be the REAL Minister of the Girl Ministry because Kak Wan is so wishy washy on the child marriage issue. Her proposal for SOP and screening process is rubbish. Just delaying tactic to prolong the issue and kick it to the next administration, like what BN did for 61 years.

    Just legislate minimum age for marriage is 18 years. FULL STOP.

    The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) has criticised the government’s proposal to devise a standard operating procedure to standardise screening processes for marriages involving minors.

    "Child marriage is a complete violation of a child’s human rights," Suhakam chairman Razali Ismail said in a statement. "The SOP will not be in the best interest of the child but will instead perpetuate and preserve child marriage in the country."

    "Child marriage must be made a crime as it can be used to justify sex with a child.

    "Child brides, incapable of consenting to sex, can also be raped in the consummation of the marriage."

    He said Suhakam is disappointed that the Ministry of Women, Children and Community Development has failed to recognise these serious consequences and has continued to be ineffective in enforcing a minimum age for marriage at 18 despite the shocking numbers of child marriages in Malaysia.

    He went on to point out that religious practices are subject to Article 11(5) of the Federal Constitution whereby any act contrary to any law relating to public order, public health or morality shall not be authorised.

    “This means that with the political will, it is possible for child marriages to be criminalised at all levels in the country,” Razali said.

    He called on the ministry to be steadfast in the protection of children’s rights, and for the government to abide by Pakatan Harapan’s manifesto to introduce a law that sets 18 as the minimum age of marriage.

  5. Foreign Minister not going.
    Finance Minister not going.
    Economics Minister not going.
    Trade & Commerce Minister not going.

    Wayang cabinet is it?

  6. Ktemoc pick on the wrong Minister in charge for ECRL, SSER project negotiation.

    I think all these comes under Minister of Works or PM Dept or Minister of Economy portfolio. Minister of Finance goes with PM only for finalisation of talks.

    Next time do your homework first before writing.

    Sometimes, vengeance makes a man blind and clueless.


    1. Ugh...Ktemoc's been blind ever since he's on DE DAK side la, now more so than ever when what he had fondly thought was a winner is now a dud !

    2. Lagi worst if kaytee is not on dedak
