
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Tamil Tigers extinct since 2009

Malaysiakini - National unity, tribalism and proxy wars (extracts):

... the timing of this investigation into Ramasamy is odd, to say the very least.

For almost all means and purposes, the formal civil war in Sri Lanka has long ended, and the LTTE is gone.

Thus, what would the rationale be of investigating Ramasamy now?

If Ramasamy was hypothetically an avid supporter of the LTTE back in its heyday, there may be the slightest inkling of a reason to investigate him; but even on that basis, the argument by Ramasamy and his supporters that every avid supporter of Hamas in Malaysia should be similarly investigated would be valid.

The circumstances of the situation make it all too clear that these sudden reports against Ramasamy were made as a response to his virulent calls for preacher Zakir Naik to be extradited back to India. [...]

Just because some of us may disagree with Ramasamy and/or dislike his methods or approaches, there’s no justification whatsoever for pulling semi-imaginary skeletons out of the closet that have little or no present relevance as a means to persecute him.

Proxy wars

This is symptomatic of the manner in which international conflicts often seem to ‘intrude’ into local communal relations.

Many Malaysians have some sort of pet international cause. Some Tamils have (or had) the LTTE, some Muslims have Palestine, some Christians have Israel, and so on and so on.

I’d be surprised if any of us have never been forwarded one of those ridiculously Islamophobic messages on WhatsApp, or something equally ridiculously anti-Christian, and so on

Indeed, we need to question the IGP on what's going on? Is he taking sides in the Zakir Naik vs Ramasamy stoush?

Actually, Ramasamy as a citizen of Malaysia has far more rights to domicile protection than a foreigner, and the IGP should note this. Additionally Zakir Naik is prohibited from entering numerous countries but not Dr Ramasamy.

But as new Minister Waytha Moorthy said, there will be no value in having a debate between the two Indians, one a Hindu Malaysian and the other, a Muslim Indian national.

Likewise, there is no value in "investigating" Dr Ramasamy on the basis of the 53 reports, and I can bet, all from ultra Islamic groups or individuals. The IGP should not waste valuable police resources

The Perlis Mufti, Sr Asri Zainal Abidin, known for his invincible dislike of Hindus, should also stay out.

very pro Zakir Naik and anti Ramasamy 

The PDRM(IGP) must stay neutral on what is nothing more than a war of words.

Related: Malaysiakini's 'Tangkap Ramasamy' protest after Friday prayers in Penang.

"Zakir did no wrong. Ramasamy should stop harping on the preacher. Ramasamy is only a DCM and not a cabinet minister"


  1. Wakakka... is Ktemoc doing a U-turn and singing "Let Bygones be bygones" ?

    The LTTE was sanctioned by both the US Government and the EU as a terrorist organisation.
    To be frank, I considered LTTE a very dangerous and evil organisation.

    If Ramasamy was an LTTE supporter at the time it shows a bloody piss poor lack of judgement... which is very relevant because he is currently DCM of Penang.

    LTTE was totally defeated militarily and is no longer considered a going concern. However, the People who engaged in terrorist activities are still extant , and they never signed a peace treaty with the Sri Lanka government.
    So the elements of the ex-LTTE are still a serious potential terrorist threat.
    So , yes , it is proper for PDRM to investigate
    a) What was Ramasamy's past involvement , if any, with LTTE.
    b) What are his CURRENT activities and links , if any, with still active Sri Lankan Tamil extremists ( who definitely still exist)

    If there is no criminality with Ramasamy's past or current actions, nothing will come out of the police investigations.

    I am sure AG Tommy Thomas will deal with the case fairly and objectively.

  2. LTTE long dead and gone. Hamas (listed as a terrorist organisation) is still operating in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

    Those are facts which supporters of Dr Zakir Naik pretends not to know and instead twisted the issue to be a local political agenda for UMNO.

    When we talk about Palestine, which is the rightful organisation representing them as legitimate?

    Is it PLO or Hamas (a listed terrorist organisation)?

    Why are there so many blur Moslems supporting Hamas? Hamas is funded and supported by Iran (a majority Shites Nation) in Gaza, Lebanaon and Syria.

    The Arabs and Middle East countries funding and supporting whichever sides might be confused for their own interests but that does not mean Malaysian Moslems should just follow and be equally confused in supporting the Saudi Arabian Wahhabi's ideas where even Saudi Arabia is now undergoing reforms in moving away from Wahhabism.

    Has it to do with past donations from Saudi Arabia promoting Wahhabism in Malaysia?

    And UMNO/PAS using religion to confused the Moslems just for their own political gains?

    When will the Moslems in Malaysia wise up to all these facts?

    1. "When will the Moslems in Malaysia wise up to all these facts?"

      When all the zombies in M'sia have been exterminated, leaving all those wise ummat Islam!
