
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Perak Mufti ngomong pitik

Sun Daily - We are endangering national unity with UEC, says Perak Mufti:

a notorious anti-Chinese racist mufti who admitted during his visit to Malaysian students overseas that he hates Chinese

people like him have been the principal danger to national unity

PETALING JAYA: Perak Mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria has warned that national unity will be endangered if the government recognises the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) from Chinese independent schools.

The cleric said the Chinese-language school leaving certificate threatens the status of Bahasa Melayu as the national language, adding that it would impact the spirit of racial unity.

"The racial unity is premised on Bahasa Melayu as the medium of instruction in the National Education Policy," he said in a statement today.

"It will be upsetting if the UEC is recognised because it will open a space for other races by raising the spirit of racialism that can jeopardise the existing harmony in the country."

Harussani was responding to Perak Mentri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu's announcement three days ago that the state government "will follow suit" if the Pakatan Harapan (PH) federal government recognises the UEC. [...]

He added that past leaders like first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and former MCA leaders Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Tan Siew Sin had rejected the UEC during their time, and showed the government's intention in prioritising on national unity

This man must be able to speak to the ghosts of Tunku, Tun Tan Siew Sin and Cheng Lock.

The UEC only came out ONLY in 1975, long after those leaders left the political arena.

As we know, following the May 13 riots in 1969, Tunku was already ousted in a coup by Razak and his Young Turks which allegedly included Mahathir.

Tun Tan left politics in 1974 and Cheng Lock passed away in 1960.

What do you call such a man like Harussani for claiming bullshit as his truth - he's going to roast kaukau in Neraka, this apart from his own person as a man who is notorious for his racist anti-Chinese stand.

Harussani indeed has been notorious for disseminating fake news to cause racist-religious troubles.

In 2006 Sisters in Islam reported:

Perak Mufti Harussani Zakaria came under further criticism today for spreading rumours about a church in Ipoh conducting a baptism ceremony for Muslims which could have resulted in an ugly religious clash.

Women's group Sister in Islam (SIS) slammed the controversial mufti for failing to '“learn from past experiences the danger of disseminating unverified information especially regarding contentious issues such as apostasy'.

“This is not the first time the mufti has made careless statements and allegations", said SIS programme manager Norhayati Kaprawi.

She cited a number of previous statements made by the mufti, including in February where Harussani claimed that between 100,000 and 250,000 Muslims had renounced Islam.

“To date, he has not been able to substantiate these claims, except to merely state that these were obtained from reliable sources.

Harussani was implicated in an SMS (short messaging system) claiming that the mufti had mentioned about the conversion ceremony at a meeting with a group of Muslim NGOs at the state mosque.

As a result, about 1,000 Muslims gathered at the Ipoh church in Jalan Silibin on Nov 5 to protest against the conversion, forcing the police to be called in.

The angry protesters had initially refused to disperse despite warnings from the police, who then brought in a team from the Federal Reserve Unit to control the crowd.

It was revealed that the church was not converting Muslims but was instead holding the first holy communion service for 98 Catholic children.

Catholic lawyers express grave concern

In Penang, a group of Catholic lawyers also expressed their “grave concern" over the incident.

“We find it most alarming that the entire protest was a result of the circulation of a text message which had falsely claimed that the church planned to baptise and convert Muslims, said Bernard Bhar, chairman of the Catholic Lawyers of the Diocese of Penang.

“The SMS was mischievous, irresponsible and very damaging to inter-religious relations in general, and the relationship between Muslims and Christians in particular.

“As a religious leader, the mufti should have acted with greater responsibility by verifying the authenticity of the facts with the church before making any such announcement.

However, Bhar said that the rumour-mongering culprits should not be charged under the Internal Security Act (ISA) “or under any other draconian laws which deny them of their rights to a fair trial".

“There are sufficient alternative laws under which they could be prosecuted in the court of law, he stressed.

SIS concurred and said that it disagreed with the inspector-general of police and the deputy internal security minister on the possible use of the ISA against those responsible for disseminating such messages.

When confronted by police, the coward mufti then blamed a woman Raja Sherina for spreading the fake insidious seditious racist news when it was clearly his SMS that started the near racial-religious riot - for more, see my post 
Perak Mufti pointed at Raja Sherina.

I wonder whether my criticisms of the Perak mufti will render poor sweet kaytee guilty of the proposed Religious and Racial Hatred Act (Akta Kebencian Agama dan Kaum), wakakaka - see my post
Respect gods but keep them at a distance.

I luv to screw around ... more ... if wifey Hera wasn't around, wakakaka 


  1. A lot of UEC opponents mix up the related but separate matter of Chinese Independent Schools and the UEC examinations.

    The Chinese Independent Schools existed long before Merdeka. UEC was the unified exam the Chinese Independent Schools introduced in 1975.
    I'm not sure what they had for Form 5 MCE equivalent before that.

    MCA failed to get the Chinese Independent Schools recognised by the Federal Government all these 61 years. When the UEC was introduced in 1975 , until now, they also failed to get it recognised.

    So...Wee Ka Siong's attack on Pakatan for not getting this solved within 100 days is a bit silly. He forgot about the previous 6 decades.

    I'm personally not a fan of Chinese Independent Secondary Schools, and do not think they should be expanded.
    However, the existing ones should be continued, and the UEC exams recognised for Public University entrance and Government jobs , as equivalent to SPM, with a credit in Bahasa Malaysia.

    The rest of the Hot Air is just Race-Religion bullshit.

  2. What language is used in the Islamic religious schools?

  3. Malaysia should then not protest Israel’s new Jewish State law stating that the only official language is Hebrew and Arabic is relegated to lower importance.

  4. What sort of Mufti goes around making bigotry and racists statements and expect to get away with it because of his position after so many years?

    After so many nonsense inflammatory statements and actions by this Mufti, why is he still not Pecat by the Perak Royalty?

    Since when an examination certificate can endanger National Unity is just too nonsensical and belies his deep racist attitude.

    He should stick to religious matters and not be a politician part time.

    1. There's nothing subtle about the inclinations of perak royalty, including Raja nazrin. No need to read between the lines folks, its plain as daylight.

    2. Monsie, u DONT need to be a fan of Chinese Independent Secondary Schools.

      U just need to know where yr root IS! - The Future from the Ground Up, from Inside Out

      (Shuzheng r a group of sino extremist. But, many a time their writes make MORE senses than many bleeding hearts, cinapek apologists, zombies, ketuanan freaks etc)

      W/O a deep root, there is not widespread canopy!

  5. i think he meant against chinese to become official language. as usual many dun know much abt uec.

    though my kids r in cis, personally i still have reservation on uec recognition.
