
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Pakatan pandai ponteng

MM Online - Absent MPs force adjournment of Parliament (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, July 24 — Proceedings in the Dewan Rakyat had to be halted for 10 minutes after lunch as there were not enough lawmakers present to continue.

According to parliamentary rules, at least 26 MPs must be present in order for a sitting to continue.

Speaker Datuk Mohamad Arrif Md Yusof adjourned the proceedings after Kapit MP Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi pointed out the absence.

“I would like to note, is there enough quorum? There are no ministers or deputy ministers in the House,” the MP said when the sitting resumed at 2.30pm after the lunch break.

The Speaker concluded that there was no quorum after Linggi’s observation, and proceeded to ring the bell for two minutes to summon MPs to the hall. [...]

Yesterday, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expressed dissatisfaction over the attendance of his Cabinet members and their deputies in Parliament, but said they have other ministerial duties to attend to as well. [...]

Last week, Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin also questioned the number of empty seats during the motion of thanks on the Royal Address.

“Front beach is empty. Not a single Cabinet minister in the Dewan Rakyat to listen to the Opposition leader’s speech,” he tweeted


  1. We need to publish on the Parliament portal the attendance figures for all MPs, for past and current Parliament.

  2. The Opposition leader's speech was droning and vapid.
    Seriously, listening to a Zahid Hamidi speech is a form of punishment.

    But the MPs get paid to attend the Dewan - so they should.

    Less than 26 MPs were present, so it is obvious the non-Pakatan MPs were guilty as is obvious from the post title where Ktemoc's biased mentality lies.

    1. so much for Pakatan's claimed HIGHER morals and values

    2. Learning curve lah.
      Did you know that under Malaysian laws, even for a new employee, they have a right to 3 months probation period... you cannot condemn someone as lousy straight away...

      Unlike Ktemoc who gave a free pass to the Bijan mob for 10 years.

    3. I wonder how much dedak Pakatan pays you to spin so much unbelievable but pitiful bullshit

    4. Ck.....just expose this aneh la....where is the noose.....lets hang this motherfucker kaytee

    5. time and time again I swore I did not fCk you mum so why do you keep saying to me: motherfucker?

      Thus I can't be your dad considering your mum was so beautiful yet you are so repulsively ugly - probably your sire is Ku Nan, wakakaka

  3. Wakakakakakakaka

    Methink PH MPs are different. When comes question time, instead of listening to BN MPs telling bull stories, twisting and turning things to become issues of Ketuanan Melayus, they prefer to stay outside than staying inside listening with utter despair how such goons were elected by their constituency.

    If I recall, during BN's time, it was worst. So many umpteen times when Parliament was in session the Bell has to be rung due to lack of quorum. It was so often that it became a routine matter and the Speaker close one eye when nobody raises the matter.


  4. A Minister has to balance between their Ministerial responsibilities, their Constituency work, political work (they are politicians, after all), and personal commitments (they are human beings with family and friends after all).
    I will give them a chance to learn how to balance this , almost all Pakatan Ministers and MPs are new, but it is worth reading them the rules, so they understand.

    Funny, I can't find any article showing Ktemoc having any interest in this subject all those long years when Ktemoc's beloved UMNO was in power.

    Must be climate change at work.


    Billion-Ringgit in-the-house Drug Lord Bijan joins Sg. Kandis election campaign...

    In most democratic countries, such a Drug Lord character would be avoided like the plague...but UMNO is in a class of its own...

    1. Have you got nothing better to do but casting aspersions, huh Monsterball?

    2. A Billion Ringgit is the valuation published by the Police, not a Pakatan politician.

      Amar Singh was promoted and appointed by the previous administration, so there is no reason to complain he is just doing Pakatan's dirty work.

      Drug Lord is an Americanised terminology, arising from the fact that most of the people there caught having extreme Eye-Watering amounts of cash and valuables in a residence have been Drug Lords or leaders of other Criminal organisations.

      Objectively, the main reason these people keep huge amounts of assets in cash is to avoid using the formal Banking system, to prevent detection by law enforcement authorities.
      Either the money came from illegal activities, or were meant to be spent on illegal activities or both.

      Wang dan barang kemas
      Berasal dari sumber pendapatan haram
      Tujuan perbelanjaan untuk activity haram.

      Except in this case it was the former Prime Minister of Malaysia.

      Memalukan !

  6. Wakil rakyat kena hadir ke dewan rakyat which is one of their jobs.

  7. Maybe BN can do a "Night Raid" to ambush Pakatan.

    Pick a time when so few Pakatan MPs are in attendance that BN is actually the majority in the House.

    Then pass an "Ambush" resolution, one that will embarrass Pakatan.
    They can't pass any law, because that requires advanced notice, but administrative resolutions can still be deeply embarrassing....wakakaka...

  8. "Did you know that under Malaysian laws, even for a new employee, they have a right to 3 months probation period... you cannot condemn someone as lousy straight away."

    Maybe not but if an employee under probation is absent from work or late even once, they can also be fired on the spot without any required warning letter nor any notice of termination period.

