
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Kedudukan Anwar sebagai PM selepas Mahathir dicapati juga

Malaysiakini - Dr M: Like it or not, I have to trust Anwar (extracts):

Prior to the 14th general election, the pair did the unthinkable – shook hands and forged an alliance.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad was slated to pass the leadership baton to Anwar Ibrahim within two years of becoming prime minister. This timeframe, however, has been subjected to constant tweaks since then.

Anwar, 70, has repeatedly mentioned that he is not in a rush. The last time he was said to be impatient to succeed Mahathir, he landed behind bars with a black-eye.

Speculation has been making the rounds that Anwar's future as prime minister is not exactly cast in stone and there are those within Mahathir's circles who do not trust him.

It appears that Mahathir himself has an issue of trust concerning his heir-apparent-turned-nemesis-turned-heir-apparent.

In an interview with CNN, the 93-year-old leader said: "I have to trust him – whether I like it or not. I can't be here all the time.”

Questioned on the time-frame with regard to Anwar succeeding him, he replied: "If the condition for us (Anwar and him) working together is my serving as prime minister for two years or three years, for me that is not important.”

"I will abide by the wishes of the people," he added.

However, Mahathir also said if Malaysians wanted him to serve beyond the period agreed with his Pakatan Harapan partners, he would do so.


"Saya lebih suka kerabu-kan Anwar"

add slices of Anwar followed by sambal cabai rawit and squeezed lime juice would be mucho sedap, wakakaka


  1. sincere n sneaky talk, which one better?

    1. It does not matter as long as you are not being fooled by either talk.

    2. umno n pas leave us no choice but to listen to mahathir hiss.

  2. I just wanna see the beheading of Najib and Rosmah. And also seeing the total destruction of motherfucker cheebye kaytee. That's more important

    1. time and time again I swore I did not fCk you mum so why do you keep saying to me: motherfucker?

      Thus I can't be your dad considering your mum was so beautiful yet you are so repulsively ugly - probably your sire is Ku Nan, wakakaka

  3. Contrary to what many think esp BN cybertroopers, TDM and AI seems to be honoring their agreements to the letter and there will be a smooth transition with PH at the helm at least for the next 10-20 years.

    The only difference will be AI may be even more aggressive in doing reforms compared to TDM.

    Unlike TDM who seems unsure about reforms at times to lead the Nation forward, AI may turn out to be the Father of modern Malaysia in future.

    That at least is giving hope after the country has been bankrupted, abused, stagnated, uncompetetive, lack of meritocracy etc under the previous BN regime.

  4. Hohohoho! Anwar is making his moves in the shadows, gathering his men while Mahathir and Azmin are overtly subverting his party. Anwar might just be the 1st party leader in the world without a party! Perhaps DAP might give him a shoulder to cry on later, but in reality they don't trust him ever since he left UMNO. It was by the thankless support of PAS, that helped build his fiefdom.

    1. pas long march to success over as soon as hadi reign. get him out, pls.

    2. Huh? Bunch of Pedos..? Certainly, not in the eyes of Allah.

    3. Pedos? The latest we heard was Aussie priest doing the deed with his now-no-more-virgin choirboys. Perhaps Monsterball was one of them? Hohohoho!

    4. Wakakakakaka……

      R u SURE it's in the eyes of Allah?

      More likely, the eyes of that fallen Abrahamic angel!

  5. but for now AI is the reason why the country is in such a mess. If he was patient enough, he would have been PEE MMM.

    1. badawi n najib was patient.

    2. Who knows how long will Anwar have to wait? Mahathir could still be ruling until now ,no?

  6. Everyday there are strong Batu Api efforts from various mala fide operatives.

    Ktemoc & Co. are promoting anti-Mahathir shit-stirring.

    From the other side, Side Kotak and mostly junior level PPBM operatives seeking to sabotage PKR are promoting anti-Anwar Ibrahim agendas. He calls Anwar "Brader" with a sneer and a snarl.

    In Actuality the Mahathir and Anwar cooperation seems to be holding up well. Mahathir does have a soft spot for some of his past policies, but there is plenty of check and balance in Pakatan.
    Both from current Financial realities and Pakatan's political structure.

    Anwar is the one who is more likely to push for reforms, but some of his detractors are trying to paint him as playing to Royalty, for example. Anwar understands the reality of keeping the Royalty on board or at bay to ensure Pakatan gets to carry out its agenda.

    A good example is how Anwar defused the impasse over the Attorney General's appointment, due to Royalty dragging its feet over the unprecedented appointment of a Aneh Christian as AG.

    1. Meanwhile monster.....I am wondering is that kaytee........

      "A convicted serial killer was found dead after accidentally electrocuting himself while masturbating ......"

      Must be Kaytee Mock.......hahahahaha

    2. Hahahahahaha...thanks looes, I had a good LOL, made my day, hihi
