
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Guan Eng admits GST more transparent

MM Online - Guan Eng: GST ‘definitely’ more transparent, efficient, but SST less burden on consumers (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 — The goods and services tax (GST) introduced by the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government is a more transparent taxation system, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng admitted today.

However, the Bagan MP told Parliament that the new Pakatan Harapan (PH) government’s revival of the sales and services tax (SST) will be less of a burden than the GST on end consumers.

“On transparency, we don’t deny the truth. When asked what is more transparent, definitely GST is more transparent. But if we say GST is more transparent, it can collect more tax widely, which will impact the people.

“SST meanwhile, though not as transparent, as efficient as GST, but the impact on people, especially end consumers, the people who are focusing on, they are the ones who are affected less,” Lim said

How would Guan Eng know SST is more beneficial to the rakyat when it's not as transparent as GST? In fact, under Mahathir's 4th Reich, it was known as a very opaque tax system when business scoundrels cheated the nation of proper tax revenue.

That's legitimate tax revenue which would have benefited the rakyat but which went into the pockets of scoundrels and crooked officials.

Guan Eng now has to live with his manifesto lies, that removing a superior and transparent GST tax system would be good, just to avoid the anger of the rakyat who have been duped into believing Pakatan lies.

Around the world, more than 160 nations have adopted the superior transparent GST system. In SE Asia alone, only Midas-rich no-tax Brunei and bloody backward Myanmar have no GST.

Malaysia has now joined the ranks of the Midas-rich outer's, nations which are so rich they do not have GST, like Brunei, Bahamas, Andorra, the Arab Gulf nations, or very poor nations which are so backward in tax systems like Myanmar, Afghanistan, North Korea, Yemen etc.

Which group, Midas-rich or Bloody-backward, do we belong to? Wakakaka.



north korea 

malaysian parliament - wagyu luncheon for 7th pm 


  1. Included in countries with GST are economic basket cases such as Zimbabwe, Venezuela, as well as failed previously advanced economies such as Greece , Portugal , Spain and Brazil.

    So one thing (GST) has no correlation with the other (advanced economy).

  2. But then cheebye motherfucker kaytee doesnt pay a single cent malaysia gst.

    Fuck kaytee

  3. U got pies in the face for

    1) TBH reinvestigation

    2) TowerM fitnah

    3) mamak 2.0 vs mamak 1.0

    Now u r aiming for a bigger one for gst vs sst as in advanced/third world taxation benefits to the citizen!

    Yr foolishness knows no bound.


    Delayed GST refunds further hiked prices - Guan Eng promises exposé

    I have direct experience of it. My company was basically funding the Government for Input GST 6%.

    It has no impact on accounting balance sheet because it actually appears as an asset - Claimable Input GST.
    But Cash flow , which is the real world , is negative. Unless your nett margin is more than 6% , which in many thin-margin businesses, it is not, you will run out of cash to continue your business. The more business $ volume you conduct, the more your cash gap grows.
    Kastam demanded a full GST Tax audit before they could process the GST Input tax clam. I think they were also just "Cari Makan"

    Fortunately we were financially healthy enough to withstand it, but many companies were not. The choice is either raise prices or go out of business.

    This is the truth about the GST ala' Bijan - which you will not hear from Ktemoc's Ivory Tower -

  5. Lim Guan Eng, who is now the Finance Minister should warn the Kastam Director General - you try this kind of BullShit again, not only you will be thrown out on the street, you will be facing criminal charges.

  6. No need making a mountain out of a small hill.

    I don't see any points to score on such an obvious statement.

    GST is more transparent because to the enforcers, everything Sapu first, claim later for those in the middle chain. No need to also look extensively for real business data.

    SST have to provide real data, bills, invoices etc before being taxed. If miss by the enforcers, the tax payor Untung.
    More work for enforcers and thus less transparent.


  7. Replies
    1. 哈哈哈,他输不起 ler .......... wakakakaka

  8. GST in this country stands for:

    Gimme your money
    Swamp you with paperwork
    Take our time to pay back (one day)(if any!)

    Now repeat and rinse for every step of the production chain from producer to consumer!
