
Saturday, February 04, 2017

Missing for 7 days?

Star Online - Hiker claims was protected by ‘someone’ on Bukit Broga (extracts):

Azarul found 7 days after being 'lost' on Bukit Broga
(Star Online pic)

KAJANG: The hiker who went missing for seven days on Bukit Broga claims that he was protected by “someone” when he was lost.

Mohd Azarul Mukhriz Abd Rahman, 20, went missing on Jan 22 after going for a hike up Bukit Broga.

His uncle, Ahmad Saad, 59, said that Mohd Azarul Mukhriz, who was found safe on Saturday, is on his way to a quick recovery.

“He doesn’t want to say much about what happened, but he did tell us that he was protected by someone when he was lost.

“He just won’t explain who or how he was protected. He did tell us that he ate fruits and drank from a waterfall while he was missing.

Azarul hiked up Bukit Broga on 22 Jan recently with his friends, disappeared (lost?) and was discovered 7 (seven) days later.

Bukit Broga is also known as Bukit Lalang because of the proliferation of weeds growing there.

But what happened to Azarul, and why has he been unusually reticent about his protector on the hill?

Could it be that Azarul met an orang bunian and stayed with that "hidden" being?

Imagine if Azarul's protector was indeed an orang bunian, and he had stayed with her for a while (I am being romantic, wakakaka) but subsequently decided to return home, he may find himself suddenly more than 50 years in the future (say, 2069), meaning time had passed by swiftly in the world of the orang bunian without him even realising it.

By then, he will find 82-year old former PM Tun Dr Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud launching her 16th book 'Democratic Action Party: 100 years serving Malaysians', wakakaka.

another former Malaysian politician
he lost his teeth biting a policeman



  1. Replies
    1. hardly likely that Raja Chong would have roughed it out on Bukit Broga or would have been the helpful samaritan type

  2. The Bermuda triangle mystery - solved by Raja Bomoh soon. Wakakaka..

  3. he oso find that lge is still the penang cm, his 12th term, n busily launching the penang 10th islamic hospital, the penang 4th islamic universities, and of course the penang 99th islamic public toilet, plus a islamic penang hill.

    1. and you will be pushing guan eng's wheelchair as he will be 108 by then, as old then as your mahathir will be in a decade from now, wakakaka

  4. Heheh. Just couldn't resist that last part, could you? By then he would probably be a PAS man.

    1. I love to see him 'potong' or alternatively, I'll volunteer to potong for him, wakakaka

  5. No need to protracting the future for today.

    Here is an article that deserves to be read & propagated today.

    It's originally written by outsyedthebox, who had a tendency to remove his writings frequently.

    Here is the link to the video :

    Think what you will of Bill Maher or Sam Harris. Harris is an atheist. So is Bill Maher. Harris is very level headed. Could it be because he is an atheist? What about Bill Maher?

    Ok back to Malaysia. There are still so many subsidies in this country. And since subsidies are often identified with race, it is also "protectionism". And for the past 20 years or so, it has become less of 'affirmative action' and more of "give me your wallet so that I may continue living in my semi-D or my bungalow". Without the subsidies, it could be back to 'going commando'.

    There is even a thought subsidy called the 3,5,6 Laws. Three years jail, RM5000 fine and six strokes of the rotan. Now they want to raise it to 30,100,100 (30 years jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the rotan). This is for Muslims who commit religious offences - like a boy and a girl riding on a motorbike, smoking in Selangor (yes that fatwa has been gazetted and is still there), or saying things about religion that is not kosher with the auta-rities.

    This "thought subsidy" achieves TWO THINGS. First it makes slaves of Malay intellectual development, especially when it comes to discussing religion. Since anything Malay is so intertwined with "religion" it does make religion a "plethora" and it does reach across the whole "plethora" of the Malay intellect. (Hari ini kena refer dictionary lebih sikit lah)

    (Note carefully that I do not say "I___m". Why? Because they are not the same things. Religion and I___m are two different things. One is true while the other is fake.)


  6. Part2

    The SECOND THING is that it makes cretins out of Malay 'religious intellectuals'. How can you claim to be an intellectual (especially a religious intellectual) when your thinking processes are protected by a law that can send your critics to three years jail, RM5000 fine and/or get six strokes of the rotan?

    If you want to express your Shia views you will be arrested, charged and sent to jail under the 3,5,6 Laws. Being Shia is a crime under the 3,5,6 'thought protection' Laws.

    If you are an Ahmadiyah and you wish to pray in your mosque or speak about your beliefs, you will be arrested, charged and sent to jail under the 3,5,6 'thought protection' Laws. Being Ahmadiyah is a crime under the 3,5,6 Laws.

    If you are a writer and you wish to write something that is not kosher with the auta-rities, you will be arrested, charged and sent to jail under the 3,5,6 'thought protection' Laws. Being different is a crime under the 3,5,6 Laws.

    If you are a writer (like Kassim Ahmad) and you wish to write something that is not kosher with the auta-rities, you will be arrested, charged and sent to jail under the 3,5,6 'thought protection' Laws. Being different is a crime under the 3,5,6 Laws.

    If you are Al Arqam, Ayah Pin, etc and you wish to believe something that is not kosher with the auta-rities, you will be arrested, charged and sent to jail under the 3,5,6 'thought protection' Laws. Being different is a crime under the 3,5,6 Laws.

    Many of you are unaware that there is a Malay man who was imprisoned for 10 years just for having a different set of thoughts. I classify him as a 'prisoner of conscience'. His name is Abdul Kahar Ahmad. Here is some old news from 2009 :

    'Malay prophet' gets 10 years jail and six strokes of rotan

    SHAH ALAM (Oct 21, 2009) : The leader of a deviationist Muslim sect, Abdul Kahar Ahmad, who had proclaimed himself a 'Rasul Melayu' (Malay prophet) was today sentenced to 10 years in jail, fined RM16,500 and ordered to be caned six times by the Syariah High Court here after pleading guilty to five amended charges under the Selangor Syariah Criminal Enactment 1995.

    10 years in jail !! Just for calling himself a 'Malay prophet'? Just send him for half hour counselling cukup lah. If he wants to call himself a prophet or whatever, who cares? Leave him to his ideas. If it is a great sin, then let him answer to Allah. Why send him to jail for 10 years?

    So the question is what are the so called 'modern, progressive' Malay liberals doing about this?

    Ok LGBT is cool. It makes the Press.
    Malays petting non-halal puppies and dogs is cool. It gets coverage too.
    (Since when did cats become halal?)
    Feeding and clothing the "fringe fallouts" is cool too. Please do more.

    But what about speaking up for those people who have a different view about religion than what "ayah dan ibu" taught you?

    How about organising a take down of the 3,5,6 Laws? Because that is what is keeping the folks 'barefooted and dumb'. You maybe in this category.

    How about speaking up for the rights of the Shias, the Ahmadiyahs, the Ayah Pins, the Arqams, the Abdul Kahars etc to believe the "religion" how they see it?

    You dont have to agree with them.
    Who asked you to agree with them?
    No one asked you to agree with them.

    You cannot call yourself a progressive Malay, a "liberal" Malay or even an educated Malay if you dont agree with what I am saying here - about this particular topic, especially the 3,5,6 'thought protection' laws. It is a "legal subsidy" that dampens your intellect.

    The Chinese, Indians and the Lain-Lain who are reading this are probably yawning by now. They are probably saying 'It must be a really slow day for Syed Akbar today. He is stating the obvious again. Wasting my time reading this."

    Well obviously those things that are obvious to so many are not as obvious to others.
