
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Toilet halal-certificated?

FMT - Now everyone can take a leak (extracts):

halal certification required?

PETALING JAYA: The public can rest easy because the male toilets at the Bukit Besi R&R are open to people of all faiths and not just a select few as the sign read earlier.

East Coast Expressway concessionaire LPT2 Sdn Bhd (LPT2) today apologised to the public for any confusion that arose after a photograph went viral of a sign installed at the rest and relax area that mistakenly read “Tandas Muslimin” to indicate that the toilet was reserved for Muslim males only.

In a statement to FMT, LPT2 explained that the now infamous sign was used to replace a damaged one.

However, the contractor hired to fix the sign, they said, did not consult them before putting up the “Tandas Muslimin” marker.

OK, but the very fact that such a sign exists (as seen above and at the Bukit Besi R&R toilet) would mean it has been manufactured and made available to contractors.

That makes me wonder, to wit, that some places require such a exclusive peeing notice?

Another aspect of halal-certification that we have not been aware of?

Say, at a place which displays it, does a non-Muslim pee-er require his ding-a-ling to be circumcised or halal-certificated or be forced to run to behind a coconut tree?


  1. Its true....excreta can be Halal and Non-Halal...

  2. "OK, but the very fact that such a sign exists (as seen above and at the Bukit Besi R&R toilet) would mean it has been manufactured and made available to contractors."

    Such signages are manufactured for mosques lah..

    BTW.. there will be no excreta and toilets in heaven.

    1. in mosques? wouldn't that be a bit redundant?

    2. Zombies have brain that DON'T function!

      Everything MUST be clearly indicated & explained. Otherwise confusions will cause more confusions.

      That's the beginning of that catched phrase of how zombies can be easily confused!

  3. actually the sign is just an indication placed outside washrooms in the surau/mosques, not meant for public places. the sign doesn't certify the halal/haram requirement as you assume it may. mcD for eg is just a business entity that has a halal cert. so as muslim can patronize the place. It now tells the muslim that the cake they buy has to be halal before permitted in their premise. that's an irony. a company that has halal certification - BUT which we accept JUST because of the letter from jakim - telling muslim food they consume may not be halal.

  4. tandas muslimin - satu melayu satu arab, caca merba. tandas is mirhad in arabic. tulis tandas lelaki tak boleh ka?

  5. If such signage are manufactured for mosques, can I then safely assume there will be other toilets displaying 'Non-Muslim Male Usage Only' signs for non-Muslim visitors? Otherwise, like KT said, it is a rather reduncdant sign.

    1. It is NOT the SOP to put that toilet signage at R&R. It is the stupidity of the staff of the contractor or the subcontractor who is probably a Bangla or Nepalese etc etc who order it from the shop samples.

  6. Is Viagra halal?The last I heard from people working in pharmaceuticals,is that it is not.Now,are the horn dogs worried that the diamond shaped pills are not halal?Not by a baker's mile.Halal or no halal,horny dirty habits comes first.

  7. i saw a muslim hotel the other day while drove from lumut to ipoh. i am not sure if it is just a name, or only for muslim? life here is getting pretty interesting.

    1. HY.. try staying at Adya Hotel with total Islamic concept of hospitality and service. I stayed there for two nights when I was in Langkawi last week. Fully booked. More Nons than Muslims patrons. Yea, life here is getting pretty interesting indeed.

    2. Interesting??? Hmmm...

      Do these so called Hotels with total Islamic concept of hospitality and service comply with jakim's halal certification that extends the requirement to premises as in the case of maccan?

      Or they r just hanging the cow head but selling sow meat!

      Munafik defined in zombie style, walau-eh!!!!

      Indeed, interesting time in bolihland.
