
Friday, November 04, 2016

Cooking oil again

MM Online - Cooking oil repackers using recycled containers that raise doubts of halal status (extracts):

IPOH, Nov 3 — A small group of cooking oil repackers in Perak are resorting to used containers with doubtful halal status as a cost-saving measure.

The enforcement head of the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry (KPDNKK) in Perak, Suhaimi Mat Sari said using recycled plastic bottles was in violation of the licensing conditions under the Control of Supplies Act 1961.

He said even though repackers held halal certificates from the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim), using recycled containers was not permitted.

If KPDNKK has said there could be possible sanitary issues in using unauthorized used or recycled containers, I would say syabas, but their halal-ness ...?

Hmmm, of course there could be a possibility of some naughty pigs creeping into the used containers to sleep?

1 comment:

  1. Years ago, the most of the entire soft-drink industry in Malaysia was based on recycled glass bottles. Many of the bottles would have been recycled many times.

    Glass bottles can be subject to multiple rounds of mechanical washing, strong cleaning solutions and even boiling hot water. From a hygiene and safety point of view, it should be possible to ensure compliance.

    The "moral taint" of non-Halal contamination e.g. any pork lard accidentally getting in , I believe is much, much harder to get rid of.
    I bet that system, which was in place up to the 1990's , wouldn't be accepted now due to Halal concerns.

    Plastic containers are not suitable for vigorous cleaning, and most authorities do not allow direct reuse for food of discarded plastic food containers, because you never know what chemical or bacterial contamination they have picked up.
    Even when the plastic is completely shredded and later remoulded, it is usually only suited for other uses, not food-grade containers.

    Its weird how the primary concern in Malaysia does not seem to be food hygiene and safety, but HALAL-ness.

    TALIBAN/ ISIS here we come....
