
Sunday, November 06, 2016

Malaysia sold to China?

FMT - Noh laments opposition’s politicising of China investments

PETALING JAYA: Federal minister Noh Omar says the opposition’s claims that the government was “selling” the country to China is “nonsensical”.

According to a Berita Harian report, the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government minister said the opposition should refrain from politicising everything and inciting hatred among the people towards the government.

Noh, who is also an Umno Supreme Council member said China’s willingness to invest in Malaysia reflected their confidence in Malaysia’s economy and political stability.

“When we succeed in drawing investors, the opposition says the government is trying to sell the country,” he said after an event in Sepang today.

“However, when investors leave to go and invest elsewhere, the opposition claims that investors have no confidence in Malaysia.”

Noh questioned if it was wrong for the country to receive foreign investments and urged the opposition to refrain from excessive politicking and fault finding when the focus should be on boosting the nation’s economy.

It was recently reported that Malaysian and Chinese companies signed 14 agreements worth RM144 billion, in conjunction with Prime Minister Najib Razak’s week-long visit to China.

Since 2010, China has invested some RM15 billion in 142 projects in Malaysia generating 28,598 jobs.

DAP lawmaker Charles Santiago however recently voiced concern that an over dependence on China may put Malaysia at risk.

He warned that while Najib’s efforts to woo the Chinese have brought in a number of investments, the move was also part of China’s ongoing effort to use its economic might as a leverage to continue wooing countries in Southeast Asia.

Aiyoyo, Najib has been accused of selling our nation to China, or to put it in crude obscene terms for some (a few) of my visitors, wakakaka, sucking Chinese China's cock.

But let's look at a report by a foreign Japan-based newspaper The Diplomat (extracts):

China has become Malaysia’s largest foreign investor following its recent acquisition of the assets of the country’s debt-ridden state-owned investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), South China Morning Post reported Tuesday.

While China has been Malaysia’s largest trading partner since 2009, as in several other Southeast Asian states Beijing has been lagging behind when it comes to foreign investment relative to major players like the United States, Japan, and the European Union

In Malaysia’s case, according to data from the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), China still ranked below Japan, Singapore, and the United States in terms of newly approved foreign investment in the first nine months of 2015.

Omigosh gasp gulp before our nation turns to sucking China's cock now, we were (in 2015) sucking Japanese, Singaporean and American cocks.

Sucking Singaporean cock was probably the worst experience for someone who hates that lil red dot, wakakaka. But overall, we have been behaving like a slut, and worse, we did what Monica Lewinsky was alleged to have done, wakakaka.

And China has been short-changed (cheated) because we had already sold our country last year (2015) to banzai Japan, kiasu Singapore and rambo USA.

Wait, in fact we had long ago (1982) sold our ass to Japan in the fantastic 'Look East' policy. 

Maybe Malaysia should now bend down to give China our already-used behind as compensation, wakakaka.


  1. 'Sucking Singaporean cock was probably the worst experience for someone who hates that lil red dot, wakakaka. But overall, we have been behaving like a slut, and worse, we did what Monica Lewinsky was alleged to have done, wakakaka.'

    KT, wakakaka also.. Yea perhaps Penangites should stop sucking Singaporean cock, and if Hillary Clinton becomes the president, perhaps she should change the name of the'Oval Office' to the 'Oral Office'. Wakakaka.

    "That is the spirit of Israel, and Singapore looks to you and admires you, and we count our similarities. First, we are both young nations. Israel is less than 70 years old, and Singapore has just turned 50. Second, we have both had to integrate diverse groups to create a common sense of nationhood. In the case of Singapore, we are a Chinese majority society, but with significant Malay, Indian, and other races as minority communities". ~ Lee Hsien Loong - at Hebrew University, 18 April 2016

  2. cant tell sold or not sold for the time being, but one thing is sure, the biggest thief in msia is working closely with the biggest crook n authoritarian cum corrupted party in the world. no surprise i guess, communist always kiss each other ass, just curious y the thief dun bring along his red troop aka red thug.

  3. Hey....congrats to Ktemoc , too, for a world-class Limbo-rock championship performance.

    Reduced to promoting the thoughts of such paragons of virtue such as Noh Omar and Salleh Keruak.....really dredging the bottom of the UMNO sewage tank...
