
Thursday, November 10, 2016


From the MM Online, again on cooking oil:

MIRI, Nov 10 — The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) today refuted allegations there is shortage of cooking oil sold in the 1kg plastic packs in Sarawak.

Its Sarawak director Datuk Stanley Tan said checks revealed that stocks of cooking oil sold in the 1kg pack at a subsidised price of RM2.50 was sufficient in Sarawak.

“Sarawak’s quota for the 1kg cooking oil is 2,505 metric tons monthly with each person estimated to consume 1.5kg per month,” he told reporters after inspecting stocks of cooking oil supply at a supermarket here today.

Here we go again, same bullshit stuff, in the land of plentiful palm oil estates, the second biggest producer of palm oil in the world and once the biggest, until our palm oil magnates transferred their plantation business over to Indonesia.

I remember my old teacher telling us to grow a rubber tree at home so that we could have our own limitless supply of erasers, thus I wonder whether the Malaysian government will advise every Malaysian to each grow a palm oil tree in each's own garden?

BTW, I am just waiting for the day when KPDNKK tells us that condoms are control items and each non-Muslim male citizen is only entitled to one per day, wakakaka, while Muslim males are not permitted the use of condoms, in the same way the Catholic Church has prohibit Catholic males from using one, and to adhere to the rhythmic method or exercise control, wakakaka.

Alternatively, my old teacher's advice, to grow a rubber tree in our own garden, may once again be a wise proposal.

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