
Wednesday, November 02, 2016

FBI playing politics?

From the BBC:

The FBI has unexpectedly released 129 pages of documents related to a 2001 investigation into then-President Bill Clinton's controversial pardon of Democratic donor and financier Marc Rich.

The release reportedly comes in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) submitted to the FBI, NBC News reports. The investigation was closed in 2005.

Hillary Clinton's campaign questioned the timing of the release.

The dump comes after FBI Director James Comey was accused of attempting to influence the election with his announcement that the bureau found more emails that could be connected to its investigation into Clinton's private server.

The FBI did not respond to the BBC's request for a comment on the latest dump.


  1. Whether it is Comey,Jason Chavetz or Donald Trump each sucking one another's dicks,is not going to help Donald (child rapist)win the presidential elections.Would Jason Chavetz let Donald Trump babysit his daughters for just a night at the Donald's home?I guessed not.

  2. Hillary Clinton is losing ground. Even if she wins there would be a criminal trial for a sitting president? A strong possibility of constitutional crisis? Donald Trump is going to win this election? He is leading the polls now.

    1. Comey better hopes that The Grouper wins or he'll be toast
