
Friday, October 21, 2016

PAS refuses to topple Najib?

From FMT:

PAS: We will not work with others to topple Najib

KOTA BARU: New PAS spiritual leader Hashim Jasin has made it clear that the Islamist party will not collaborate with anyone aiming to topple Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government.

In his maiden speech in Kota Baru last night, Hashim pointed out that such attempts in the past have failed.

“There is a new party who recently invited us to unite and ensure straight fights with the Barisan Nasional ” he said, alluding to overtures by Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) president Muhyiddin Yassin.

At a function in Shah Alam last week, PPBM chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that the only way to defeat the ruling coalition was to contest under “one symbol, one manifesto and one candidate”.

Hashim stressed PAS would not cooperate with others just to topple a government or to replace a prime minister as this would not benefit him or the party.

Ya, yang amat alim, terima kasih, wakakaka.

As for Pribumi:

aiyah Tun, jangan sedih

PAS is just getting back at you


  1. yeah, u always thankful to one that support najib, even if hudud is on the agenda. btw, yet see u berucap terimakasih pada hadi?

    1. I am reassured HY is keeping to form, taking words at face value without understanding sarcasm - PKR morons, wakakaka

    2. name calling is typical nature of dap fanboy.

  2. Aisehman.. DAP/PKR/PAN stage a walkout during budget 2017 presentation? Itu baru budget.. belum lagi presentation by Hadi! Wakakaka..

    1. And the people bowed and prayed
      To the neon god they made
      And the sign flashed out its warning
      In the words that it was forming
      And the signs said
      "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
      And tenement halls
      And whisper'd in the sounds of silence

      hadi, n pas? wakakaa

    2. HY, actually it should be "The words of the profits..." and NOT "prophets". That's the original intention.

      For our musical interlude:

  3. "Hashim stressed PAS would not cooperate with others just to topple a government or to replace a prime minister as this would not benefit him or the party."
    this statement alone speaks volumes what he and pas represents
    1) that pas only look after their own interest, the country can burn for all they care
    2) corruption and abuse of power of leaders is not their concern because they were given an opportunity to table hadi's private bill in parliament
    3) that pas is so full of spite, they just want to get even with dap and pan
