
Monday, October 03, 2016

Jumping normal in Sabah (and also Peninsula)

MM Online - PKR president slams Sabah lawmakers for jumping ship

hehehe datin, you pkr is now all screwed up lah


PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has described as unacceptable the actions of Sabah lawmakers who defected despite winning their seats under her party’s banner.

The head of the peninsula-based opposition party expressed regret with Klias assemblyman Datuk Lajim Ukin’s resignation as Sabah PKR chief to set up his own party, as well as that of Moyog assemblyman Terrence Siambun who will join the new party started by former Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.

Penampang MP Darell Leiking quit as PKR vice-president earlier to join Shafie’s party.

“While I try to understand and empathise with him on the need to reflect a more Sabah emphasis in the campaign against BN, the practice of elected MPs or [assemblymen] abandoning the party on whose ticket he was initially elected cannot be condoned,” Dr Wan Azizah said in a statement, referring to Lajim.

where got problem meh
pkr is under pribumi oledy
so a few seats in sabah is moe maan t'ai lah

Aiseh machik, no need to fret lah. it's normal in Sabah and for Sabahans to jump from one party to another, as rapidly as I use tissues, wakakaka. Even the DAP suffers from Sabahan's perennial political habit.

Besides, your hubby has been one of the biggest frog-masters in Malaysia. Don't you recall 916 when your hubby in a desperate bid to seize majority rule by subverting the voter's decision, attempted to lure 30 BN MPs into the fold of Pakatan?

Weren't those alleged 30 MPs voted by Malaysians to be in BN? Why then didn't you put a stop to your hubby's dirty luring of BN MPs as his subversive trick was, in your own words, 'unacceptable', as those alleged 30 were voted into parliament under the BN banner.

you are taking a long time to reach putrajaya lah

And you have the hypocritical nerve to say "... the practice of elected MPs or [assemblymen] abandoning the party on whose ticket he was initially elected cannot be condoned.”

Kamarudin Jaafar
wisely scooted from hudud-obsessed PAS

Ya, think about it while you re-consider Kamarudin Jaafar (Tumpat), who jumped from PAS into your PKR
with his MP-ship. You malulah!

I would dearly love for her to jump over to me



  1. Replies
    1. yes, but out of DAP like that infamous one in Jelapang (plus one bhai in Perak) and now in Sabah. But thank goodness DAP hasn't accept anyone from another party like PKR wakakaka

    2. Hee needed some money to bail out her husband, who was heavily in need of funds. DAP doesn't do bailouts.

      Najib "You Help Me, I help You" was "Always Ready to Help".

      So Hee made a deal, and the rest is History....

    3. dap not only have frog, they r hypo, worst than pkr many times since they always claim as if a party of principles n moral. we always know what pkr is, but only now we know how hypo is dap.

    4. I know, I know I know my dear HY, just how much you hate DAP, wakakaka

    5. Jelapang, she's gone, forevermore, and hardly will be even a footnote in history

  2. simply illegalise katak by amending the appropriate election commission act i.e. status wakil rakyat terbatal.

    1. see:

    2. am aware of the case where article 10 of the constitution was invoked for the judgement. the law must distinguish wakil rakyat from the ordinary citizens. (mentioned this before). and if the article requires amendment, so let it be. it will be a win-win situation for both the voters essentially and the parties fairly.

      one ugly example is the mother fooking son m'sia's ambassador to indonesia, he became the mp of bayan baru becos of the party. dah jadi katak, aibkan pak syeikh utk jawatan. muslim ka dia? and no association ever formed by him.
