
Saturday, October 15, 2016


From MKINI (extracts):

I quite like him because he can bite a policeman
and he would have made a better Pribumi sec-gen than Shahruddin Salleh but alas, he's a Chinaman, not a pribumi
  like Mahathir and  Mukhriz

Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) president Muhyiddin Yassin stands a better chance than PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim to be the prime minister if the opposition wins the next general election.

This is according to newly minted Bersatu secretary-general Shahruddin Salleh, who had served as Muhyuddin's political secretary for 12 years.

"Muhyiddin is prime minister material, he has wide experience in running the state, managing a party and ministry.

"He has the ability and criteria to be a prime minister. I am of the view that no other person in any other party has such leadership qualities," he said in an interview with Malaysiakini on Wednesday.

Do you remember Shahruddin Salleh? If not, read my earlier post Was Pribumi sec-gen a racist?

I wonder how's Mukhriz and Azmin Ali doing?

I wonder whether Nika Gee will ever be Malaysia's 1st (political) Lady?

hot and good looking 

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