
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Compassion or Schadenfreude?

MM Online - Hudud won’t solve all woes, former Perlis mufti says

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 17 — Having hudud laws will not guarantee zero crime, former Perlis mufti Datuk Dr Juanda Jaya said as PAS seeks to table a Bill that critics say will open the door to implementing the strict Islamic penal code in Malaysia.

The Islamic scholar pointed out that Prophet Muhammad also did not manage curb crime during his lifetime, adding that other factors must be addressed for hudud to fully succeed as a mechanism to tackle social problems.

“If a person says if hudud is implemented it will solve all social problems the that person is ignorant. Hudud is merely a mechanism to solve [some of] the people’s problems.

“If they assume implementing Islamic laws will produce an angelic society? Than they are ignorant about Islam,” Juanda said in an interview last week with Projek MMO, Malay Mail Online’s sister publication in Bahasa Malaysia.

“Vice and crime existed within the Madina Islamic society. The prophet was there at the time along with divine revelations, yet theft and adultery took place,” he added. [...]

He also pointed out that Muslim community leaders like the imams appeared more interested in bickering among themselves for positions instead of working towards improving their respective communities.

“What happen to the functions of village head and imams? They seem to be more interested in fighting among themselves for posts,” he said.

Juanda also asserted that forgiveness was paramount in Islam, a quality that gave the religion much of its appeal.

Well, the ulama's of PAS and others, like perhaps in Perak wakakaka and Selangor and FT have already changed the compassionate face of Islam into one of intolerance and ferocity by their mortal feral behaviour and actions, for their self interests.

I assess two reasons for PAS' incessant push for Hudud, these being:

(a) to make the PAS' ulama even more powerful, to an extent that Muslims will not dare to question their mortal edicts, which of course they will claim came from Allah swt, as the son of the late Nik Aziz had said, regarding the drastic flooding in Kelantan as a message from Allah swt - see my post Look in thy mirror; Stop blaming others

(b) to punish and hurt Muslims kau kau because the ulama of PAS like to prohibit, prosecute, persecute and punish - see my post Theocratic 3 P's - prohibit, persecute & punish


  1. Islam is the religion of the sword.
    Much of its spread was through conquest and subjugation.

    Compassion was a very low priority. Those attitudes continue to this day.

  2. 'Hadi to critics: Argue from knowledge, not assumptions'

    What knowledge?

    Quran? Hadiths? Or common human decency?

    The first two ONLY provide Self-negating circularity as described by prof Clive Kessler. While the last had been buried deep under piles of man-made self-righteousness in zombie dream.

    'Sikap Najib dianak-angkat oleh pemimpin parti yang memperjuangkan agenda Islam. Apabila gagal melaksanakan agenda mereka, maka yang disalahkan ialah kurang nya kuasa pada mahkamah syariah.

    Penyelesaian mereka ialah mahu menganugerahkan lebih kuasa kepada mereka dan melakukan konsentrasi kuasa dalam tangan penjaga moral rakyat.

    Kita mesti melihat pembentangan akta 355 sebagai usaha konsentrasi kuasa dalam tangan suatu kumpulan yang bukan dipilih rakyat dan suatu usaha menyalahkan kekurangan kuasa pada institsi yang sedia ada untuk sebetulnya menutup kegagalan sendiri dan kelemahan pendekatan asuhan agama Islam sendiri.' - Dato SakAK47

    Betul tak?

    But would the religious zombies faham this core revelation? GUESS not!!!!!!

  3. ujudnya undeng2 samada syariah atau sibil, pasti ada yg melanggar. even prophet adam a.s. disobeyed god's command, so did nabi yunus a.s.

  4. Oppressive Ulama of

    How can you allege so when you have ignored and/or distorted the content of the primal sources of Islam? You could have had a field day, most justifiably, if only you had your knowledge and facts straight. But since you falsify the sources and the practices of the Muslims, you have no choice but to fall back on a puerile argument about the surrogate secular constitution that has been devoid of any socio-political hope for the subjugated Muslims population who would long to have the Hukum Kanun Melaka constitutionalised.

    Muslims take their inspirations from a literary nonpareil of the Qur'an; and hadith and also the sunnah. However, since
    ideologically you cannot admit and accept the Qur'an, hadith and Sunnah, and their interpretations and practices by Muslims since time immemorial, you have lost the medium to discuss the real questions of Islamic faith vis a vis hudud and thus you turn to abuse. Wakakaka.

  5. Turn to abuse???

    By who???

    ' fall back on a puerile argument about the surrogate secular constitution that has been devoid of any socio-political hope for the subjugated Muslims population who would long to have the Hukum Kanun Melaka constitutionalised.'

    Walau-eh, big words indeed!

    Then, what about the socio-political hope for the subjugated Non-Muslims population in yr contextual (mis)understanding in M'sia?

    'Muslims take their inspirations from a literary nonpareil of the Qur'an; and hadith and also the sunnah.'

    This article from a fellow ummat Islam has provided rebuttals to yr so called islamic inspirations.

    Any more puerile arguments?

    Now, who have lost the medium to discuss the real questions of Islamic faith vis a vis hudud, as applied in a secular & multi-racial M'sia?

    Wakakakaka.. sigh

    1. Your stereotypical notion/argument of Islam/hudud is showing that you are carrying with you a great deal of mental baggage. Sigh! You should drink more alcohol and have yourself buggered by Syed; and perhaps whilst in ecstacy you will receive spiritual illusions, wakakaka.

    2. NOW u r abusive!!!!

      What does yr zombie belief teach u?

      Could it be that u have had that same experience as that current president of Pinoy during yr religious class with yr ustaz when young.

      Now is that time for u to release yr pen-up feeling lehhh.

    3. It is just a risque humor to pander/jibe to your labyrinthine views of Islam/hudud. Wakakaka.

    4. 'Risque humor to pander/jibe to your labyrinthine views of Islam/hudud.'??????

      Keep twisting & spinning lah.

      How authoritative is yr views of Islam/hudud, minus the circulatory argument from a single source?

      There r people reading & making up their minds about what u have written!!

      Wakakakaking would help, after u have been caught!

      Tak masuk akal. Lagi buang maruah - hope it's ONLY yrs.

    5. "There r people reading & making up their minds about what u have written"

      O Ya? I feel deeply honoured! Wakakaka.

    6. Ya loh, deeply honoured about jatuh maruah.

      Talk about zombie....sigh...
