
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Brother of Father Coconuts?

From the MM Online:

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 — An Islamic healing centre in Malacca has been absolved of any wrongdoing despite claiming payment amounting to RM32,800 for various treatments including “exorcising” a doll.

specializes in exorcising dolls

extra RM8,888 for Barbie dolls

The centre came under investigation by the Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Ministry (KPDNKK), Malacca religious authorities, and the police after a complaint over its charges spread online earlier this week.

These included RM2,600 for the “exorcism” and RM10,000 to “cure swollen kidneys”.

“Our initial investigation had involved pricing and based on that, the healing premise was registered as a company and had not committed any offence. In addition, the pricing was also displayed for customers to refer to.

“We have investigated and the premise owner has cooperated well when explaining what happened,” state KPDNKK deputy director Hamzah Mahadi told Malay daily Metro Ahad.

Separately, Malacca Islamic Religious Department’s (MAIM) assistant director of research Ameil Firdaus Razali told Malay daily Kosmo! that the centre’s methods were not against Islamic teachings.

A receipt from the Islamic healing centre in Merlimau, Malacca went viral on social media this week after the son of a patient complained that his mother was charged RM32,800 for several religious “treatments”.

Besides the “exorcism” and kidney “treatment”, the centre also charged RM10,000 for “treating nerve problems”, RM4,300 for correcting a “misaligned womb”, RM5,000 for diabetes, and RM900 for an “Islamic bath”.

for correcting misaligned womb

The receipt showed that the patient had paid RM5,100 in total, with RM300 in cash and RM4,800 raised from pawning her gold bracelet.

Metro Ahad reported that the couple who operates the centre will be summoned by the Malacca state fatwa committee and MAIM to prove that their treatments adhere to Islamic teachings.

“In Islamic treatment, the charge for the patients must not involve a high amount that is burdensome to the patients. For now, their practice has no problems but they must prove it in front of the state fatwa committee,” Ameil was quoted saying.

The centre was also criticised by fellow Islamic healers, who told Kosmo! that the price was unacceptable, as they usually charge between RM200 and RM300 for such services.

Defending himself, the owner in his 40s told Metrothat the amount was only what was invoiced, and he was ready to negotiate the final payment with any dissatisfied customers.

He also said that his customers could refuse treatments if they wished to.

The unnamed Islamic healer said he learned the practice from a religious teacher from Riau, Indonesia while in Sarawak at 1997, and only relied on Quranic verses rather than spells and charms.


  1. Frankly, quite a number of Malay/Muslim businessmen are using labels such as "Islamic", "Halal", "Tanpa Waswas" to scam their fellow Muslims.

  2. Datuk Bomoh and his flying carpet crew,only charged their their clients amounting to two coconuts.What a sham.
