
Thursday, September 01, 2016

Review of Malaysia

Yesterday was Malaysia's Merdeka celebrations. Dirgahayu Malaysia.

(by the way, I learnt of the word 'Dirgahayu' in Indonesia when I was studying there. It means 'Long Live' or 'Viva' or 'Wanwansui'. Indons love Sanskrit derived words in their lingo, and Javanese is made up of a large number of Sanskrit word - it's part of their Hindu-Buddhist culture which they're still very proud of, unlike Malays in Malaysia, most of whom want to be like Arabs or be Arabs)

Talking about Malaysia, I was over at RPK's blog and left a comment there in one of his many posts. I wrote (but expanded here with additional statements):

I was having a chat with a few ex Malaysians in Australia, and our main point of interest was the amazing realization that despite all the financial profligacy (waste, corruption, kleptocracy, etc) in Malaysia, the country is still doing damn bloody fine, financially, commercially, socially and administratively, though not so religiously (maybe a different post on the last soon?).

This means Malaysia is intrinsically damn bloody rich, both in natural assets and people, and we have the additional asset of a decent British-inherited public/social administration.

There are more wealth to be exploited, discovered and harvested. The potential is incredibly enormous. We might not have been the original growers of rubber, palm oil, cocoa, etc, but our agri-based agencies like RRI etc have turned our agri products (in particular 'cash crops') like rubber, palm oil and cocoa, etc into the world's best, where we set the benchmark.

And likewise with tin though this metal is no longer as important as it used to be with the advent of plastic (which requires oil), but one day with oil gradually diminishing, tin may once again resume its global importance especially with the now-near-vital habit of recycling.

As I said then, be thankful you're living in Midas-rich Malaysia (though someone became Mr Minus, wakakaka) instead of pissed-poor Vietnam, Indon, Cambodia, Laos or Philippines, etc. Their current inability to fully harvest/exploit their natural resources can only mean they'll continue to be poor.

And of course if we didn't help the Indons with palm oil, they would be poorer and we would be without smoke haze, wakakaka. That's a dog biting you for feeding it.

We OTOH have inherited a damn good public/social administration from the British which we are doing our damn best to destroy, wakakaka. Despite our several problems with our British-inherited judiciary, which we also try our best to destroy wakakaka, it's still one of the best, admittedly no longer THE best, in the region.

Yes, we desire to replace those Pommie inheritance with Arab systems, like their judicial systems and courts, wakakaka. The late Baroness Margaret Thatcher (former British PM) once said (words to the effect), much as I disliked her arrogance, national justification and complete political insensitivity, countries that were once colonised by the British should be thankful for her (Britain's) systems, and that they were not colonised by other European nations.

She was right in more than one ways, though no one wants to be colonised by anyone, least of all the Yanks* (Philippines, Vietnam), Belgians (Congo), Dutch (Indons), Portuguese (Macau, Malacca, Brazil, Goa, Timur, etc) or Spanish (Philippines, South America).

* only ancient civilisations like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (or China) could withstand Americanizations to a certain extent. Newer nations became victims of Americanizations as in the Philippines and former non-communist South Vietnam

Our Westminster parliamentary democracy, warts and all, is still the envy of many of our more deprived neighbours, though our EC should be re-vamped thoroughly, wakakaka. Our decent and quite good health facilities are still cheaper than many other countries.

And that's why we are having continuous illegal immigration which some of our major employers and politicians are abetting (illegally, wakakaka).

Nonetheless, let's count our blessings instead of our misfortunes.


  1. Very rich for a bunch of Ex-Malaysians, who probably quit these shores for very sound Economic, Social, Political or even Criminal reasons to lecture Malaysians to appreciate how wonderful Malaysia is and shut the fuck up.

    1. they went there initially for jobs, as like me, but ended up staying for eons due to the jobs, so din't be too harsh. They weren't intentional migrants but cari kerja cari makan kakis. And why should they shut up.?

  2. Monsterball, I cannot see why KT need to shutup. Like KT, I also live abroad although I have never given up my M'sian passport. I return to M'sia as often as my work permits me. I am proud to be a M'sian and has no intention of swapping my passport for a British one.

  3. You guys have really lousy English.
    What I wrote "to lecture Malaysians to appreciate how wonderful Malaysia is and shut the fuck up" is criticising Remote Control Malaysians who - lecture Malaysians to appreciate how Wonderful Malaysia is and to shut the fuck up (the local Malaysians criticising Malaysia) - my additional words for clarity.

    Among many Malaysians who actually live here, not mere armchair or keyboard commentators, there is a strong sense that Malaysia is a country whose best years are over, gone, in the past tense.

    From now on it is either long term stagnation or a rapid downhill deterioration, unless drastic changes are made in the way the country is governed.

    There are salutary lessons from other neighbouring countries stuck in a downhill slope, as well as those with a bright future.

    In the 1960's the Philippines was considered by many to have similar or superior future prospects to Malaysia. It too had successfully overcome its internal Communist insurgency. It has fertile soil, and a strong education system.
    The greatest tragedy which struck the Philippines was man-made - the decades-long authoritarian rule by a Kleptocratic couple, together with an economic system where 70% of the entire economy is owned by about 200 families. It didn't help that the Presidents who replaced the Kleptocrat power-couple either came from members of those 200 Master Families, or men beholden to them.

    There are other neighbouring countries which are still poor, but who have excellent and bright future prospects. Vietnam is emerging from devastating wars , followed by rigid Communist ideological rule. Today, it has one of the world's fastest growing economies.

    Intel in Kulim and Penang has lost most of their job positions, including engineering and management positions, to Intel's USD$ 1.2 Billion Ho Chi Minh City facility.
    Don't get complacent talking about low labour costs there.

    Intel would not have moved their operations there if it was not confident of being able to hire or long-term train Vietnamese engineering and management talent equivalent to Malaysians. That is one country moving, climbing, rapidly into the future.
