
Monday, September 05, 2016

Bangsa Johor schools - Devil's in the details

Malaysiakini - Johor crown prince scoffs at '1Malaysia', moots 'Bangsa Johor' schools

remember him? 

Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has criticised Putrajaya's "1Malaysia" slogan, questioning whether it really promotes unity as claimed.

"I hope in the near future... the Johor government will introduce an education module for Johoreans. We'll make Bangsa Johor.

"Malaysia has it too - 1Malaysia. But answer me, where is 1Malaysia?

"You have Indian schools, you have Chinese schools, you have Malay schools. From young, you tell them not to be united.

"Then when they grow up, you tell them to be united?" he said in a dialogue session which was later uploaded on the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page.

Tunku Ismail said he envisioned a different direction for Johor's education system.

"In future, there will not be Indian, Chinese or Malay schools in Johor... There will only be Bangsa Johor schools.

"From a young age, we'll teach them how to be united, how to respect each other's religion and how to respect to respect other races," he said.

However, he said religious schools would be retained for the purposes of the religion.

The devil is in the details of HRH's Bangsa Johor schools. He hasn't explained exactly what he has in mind, nor what will be taught by his schools.

And then he straightaway contradicted himself by saying religious schools would be retained for the purposes of the religion. Won't that divide this Johoreans into Johorean Muslims and Johorean non Muslims? 

Aren't many of our national problems related to religious divisions and the aggressive intrusive antics of clerics?

Just what then will his Bangsa Johor schools of the religious and non-religious type educate?

'We and them' in religion?

Basically no difference to the current school types he criticized.

And I definitely do not support his wish to make Johor more assertive against the Federal government because we had witnessed what had happened in Johor under his grandfather and kerabats - ask hockey coach Douglas Gomez, and a former Perak goalkeeper, and the family of a late golf caddy, etc etc etc.

Gomez in middle 

Blogger steadyaku47 wrote the following just 6 months ago:

I will not forget what other Johor sultans and their kerabats have been up to in Johor, in other parts of Malaysia and in Singapore.....not until a few generations of Johor Sultans have proven themselves worthy of our respect.

For more on steakyaku47's comments on the Johor royalty, please read here.


  1. "You have Indian schools, you have Chinese schools, you have Malay schools. From young, you tell them not to be united."

    yes patek agree absolutely.

    then you have umno, mca, mic and pribumi bersatu and etc etc.. hence from young until we die we will never be united.

    will johor have a united malaysians democratic party in the near future?

  2. Chinese Schools and Tamil schools detract from nation building. The sooner Malaysia faces up to the fact and takes action on it the better.

  3. Sekolah kebangsaan & madrasah r bigoted ketuanan & religious zombie incubators.

    They r not only a detract from national building, r also bringing M'sia closer to the club of doom.

    The sooner M'sia faces up to the fact & takes action on it the better.

