
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Why SJKC is growing

Why are the standards of Chinese primary schools (SJKCs) attracting non-Chinese parents to enrol their non-Chinese children there to the extent that has led Professor Dr Teo Kok Seong to daringly say a two-year study by the National Education Advisory Council had showed that Chinese-medium schools would be increasingly multiracial, with Malay pupil enrolment now at 18%.

There is now undeniably a clear and present danger for national-type schooling.

Prof Dr Teo stated to FMT: These numbers are expected to go up each year. Our research shows these vernacular schools, within 10 years, are likely to become the mainstream schools as more non-Chinese parents are refusing to sign up their children in national schools.”

Goodness, going up from the current 18% Malay enrolment at SJKCs?

It has also been reported that it's understandable SKJCs are result-driven, with their teachers strongly motivated to push their pupils to better performances, maybe just for their (teachers) own survival?

SJKCs are thus producing more competitive pupils and better overall results in public examinations.

But some have asked whether SJKCs are setting the standard too high? Their homework are just too excessive - maybe 'excessive' only in Malay educationists' eyes?

All these worryings, about the ridiculousness of SJKCs replacing the National-type school in a decade or so, has led Ultra Kiasu Ridhuan Tee Abdullah (RTA) to investigate and also comment on the supposed superiority of Chinese medium schools (SJKCs), pointing to the strength of those bloody sneaky Chinese as follows:

(i) Chinese students are hard working. What? Surely not!

But Ridhuan Tee Abdullah admitted that the Chinese were synonymous with hard work and the struggle for survival, especially those in the Chinese Diaspora, meaning overseas Chinese living in SE Asia like Malaysia. But in my days, my dear sweet Ms Goh told me I was too far laid-back (f**king idle lah), wakakaka.

(ii) RTA also said the f**king Chinese did not believe in depending on the government alone when it came to acquiring teaching and learning resources - no sir, not when our racist education officers are notorious for their lepak-ness and kedut-ness.

RTA said Chinese parents who sent their children to Chinese schools would not hesitate to fork out money for fees related to extra classes and facilities. What to do when gomen doesn't bagi duit?

(iii) RTA noted the credible fund raising activities of Chinese schools, which held annual fund-raising drives to raise funds that went towards better infrastructure, especially when 'kami' (wakakaka) ta'bolih harap kerajaan, wakakaka.

(iv) RTA acknowledged the quality of teaching and learning of Mathematics in SJKCs, which perhaps has been why Mahathir had wanted the teaching of Maths to be in English - in this the Malay and Chinese teachers were coincidentally and happily together, or Maths (instead of History, Literature or Social Science) would have been taught in English.

(v) RTA observed the willingness of the Chinese to have extra classes on Saturdays, especially for “killer subjects” such as Bahasa Malaysia and English (in Maths? wakakaka, wah Mahathir, lu kotor ler).

(vi) RTA said the Chinese school management boards association, known as Dong Jiao Zong – which combined the management boards of schools, headmasters, teachers and parent-teacher associations – was another strength of Chinese schools.

Mahathir hated them. Wikipedia said: In 1975, Chinese educationalist Dr Kua Kia Soong mentions the introduction of the UEC in his book Protean Saga: The Chinese Schools of Malaysia. According to the book, the introduction of the UEC led to Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the then Minister of Education and later the Prime Minister of Malaysia, summoning the Chinese educationalists to parliament. To quote the book, "The latter (Mahathir) did not mince his words but told the Dong Jiao Zong leaders that UEC had better not be held or else ... He did not ask for any response and dismissed the Chinese educationalists with a curt ... 'that is all'."

(vii) RTA also attributed another SJKCs' strength to the frequent meet-the-parents sessions that were held no less than three times a year. He moaned: “In national schools, if a meet-the-parents session happens once a year, it is considered good".

Amazingly, RTA admitted that for the Malays, Other meetings in national schools are geared towards solat hajat (prayers), air yasin, buka puasa and raya receptions” ...

... which has been precisely why my FB matey, MCA Ti Lian Ker said to FMT,
Parents want education, not religion, in schools and that 'crowds will return' with proper focus, but local politicians like Anwar [Ibrahim] tampered with a working education system after independence to leave their mark, wakakaka.

You know something? Actually, you can sum every Chinese educational strength into just two word, which is coincidentally common for the Chinese (including Taiwanese, Hongkies, Macanese), Koreans, Japanese, Sings and the Vietnamese, to wit: Confucian ethics.

BTW, Confucian ethics is not what Dr Bakri Musa would have you believe, supposedly about Chinese dog-eat-dog ethics (or lack of, wakakaka), which he believed did not have the willingness or capacity to nurture its lagging minority (meaning the Malays). […]

Confucian ethics is correctly about cultivating, practicing and promoting the 8 virtues of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, fidelity, loyalty, filial piety and service to elders.

why Chinese are the best monarchists 

Hmmm, that the general Chinese Singaporeans or mainland Chinese don't practise them doesn't mean their alleged 'dog-eat-dog' mentality (as supposedly witnessed by Dr Bakri Musa) has been an outcome of Confucian ethics.

In short, Confucian ethics on education lay down 12 points, as follows:

1. "Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places? If one remains not annoyed when he is not understood by people around him, isn't he a sage?" 
2. "At home, a young man should be a good son, when outside he should treat others like his brothers, his behaviour should be one of trustworthy and proper, and should love the multitude at large and keep himself close to people of benevolence and morality. If after all these activities, he has any energy to spare, he should read widely to stay cultivated." 
3. "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
4. "He who excels in study can follow an official career.” 
5. “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” 
6. "A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake." 
7. "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." 
8. "It is not possible for one to teach others who cannot teach his own family." 
9. "When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self." 
10. "The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance."
11. "Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others." 
12. "When I walk along with two others, from at least one I will be able to learn."

Confucius also said: A picture is worth a thousand words and The journey of a thousand li (about less than a mile) has to begin with the first step.

Conspiracy among private institutions of higher learning


  1. A little bit of digress from yr SJKC write-up, but still relevant!

    Confucius is a great thinker of ancient China, BUT not all his thinking is faultless.

    He promotes feudalism, anchored that concept upon a ‘wise’ leader, who claims mandate from heaven to govern his/her people.

    He further divides the populace into 4 castes of 士农工商 – learner, farmer, labourer & trader, with descending order of honorary receptivity within the society.

    The Chinese, being a practical people with thousands of year’s civilization holding forge, have been disputed, refined & adapted Confucian teachings through many other sages along the way, to suit the symbiotic growth of the Han culture within the understanding of their civilisation.

    An example of mis-interpretation of the Confucian concept, (my apology to non Chinese-ed readers)






    为 - 修炼
    天 - 上天
    诛 - 谴责,责备
    地 - 个人的见地、心地、境地
    灭 - 闭塞、不通



    Now, back to SJKC issue. There r many goods within this educational setup, however, there r many bad things too happening insides the M'sian context. Typically bads r the infighting within the various groups, to claim prestige, show-offs & personal gains of various forms.

    The ONLY thing that prevent such infighting from degenerating into chaos IS that un-shaking understanding among the Chinese M'sians THAT Chinese education is the business of the Chinese M’sians, period.

    NO single man/woman & issue SHALL disrupt its progression for the benefit of the younger generation, non-Chinese M’sians included!

    There r many changes happening in the Chinese vernacular education system within M’sia. Good &/or bad, the Chinese M’sians will have to soldier on – for its goal is more than just RACE!

    Unfortunately, for the ignoramus, blur-sotong & the ketuanan freaks, with the help of the racists playing with political agendas, this has been twisted into a chauvinistic subject. More so with the shameless rants of the anglophiles. For those WHO claim such, lest they should show a mirror & pondering the reflection he/she sees before crying for that patriotism without realizing who’s that scoundrel implied!

  2. hello CK,

    just one thing. can you please clarify about "shameless rants of the anglophiles" ? are you saying those from other schools are any less patriotic ?

    imho, the education system in Malaysia is highly politicised from the start. its a legacy of the British divide-and-rule policy that spawned vernacular schools for the Malays, Chinese and Indians, as well as English schools since the 19th century.

    unfortunately, since 1957, the umno gomen has continued to exploit and play experiments with the various vernacular education systems in the country. lets start with the standardisation of BM for all subjects. then the increasing Malay-isation and Islam-isation of SK schools. later the flip-flop regarding the teaching of Science and Maths in English. and UEC ?

    meanwhile, lets look at our southern neighbour. how, in 51 years, Singaporeans have structured their education system so that the main medium of instruction is English and simultaneously promote bilingualism.

    lets not even go to how far their education system has advanced, yes ? not to mention the lack of divisive racial and religious incidents in the tiny red dot that puts 'Malaysia Truly Asia' to shame !

    yes, you may claim that Chinese education has its merits in promoting 'patriotism'. then how about the huge number of Chinese educated students who cannot any other language than Mandarin ? even basic BM or English also cannot ? if one really believes in his/her greatness, then step up to the challenge !

    1. Hello anti-fascist league,

      By yr response, though intertwined with YOUR re-interpretation of patriotism, u could very well be one of those shameless anglophiles I implied.

      Then, again, I MIGHT be wrong, as yr line of thought in writing this response IS a silo view of a BIG picture – interpreting those happenstances that r closest to yr view at the time of writing.

      No good - that has clouded yr fair judgement in giving clear comments!

      About yr claimed of my saying that those from other schools are any less patriotic, pls do re-read my previous writing – suffice to say that THIS has confirmed my review about u in the 2nd paragraph above!

      I’m NOT going to wrestling with u about the evolutionary history of the M’sian educational system.

      Again, suffice to say that the official system has been tweaked into a greenhouse camp with selected & favoured ‘young shoots’ been given all sorts of undeserved opportunities, including academic results massaging & performance manipulation at great expenses to the nation, to achieve jaguh kampung status in international arena within the chosen class. Meanwhile, the majority lesser-classes r been turned into religious zombies & ketuanan freaks, just so the blood-sucking process of the minority elite via blur-sotongness indoctrination of BTN can continue.

      Now - ‘yes, you may claim that Chinese education has its merits in promoting 'patriotism'. then how about the huge number of Chinese educated students who cannot any other language than Mandarin ? even basic BM or English also cannot ? if one really believes in his/her greatness, then step up to the challenge !’

      1st, how sure r u about the ability of the Chinese educated students who cannot master any other languages than Mandarin?

      Personal observation within yr immediate circle of contacts?

      Any BIG data to support yr inferred claim?

      Let me dispute this shallowed & often quoted mis-conception about the spoken language ability of the Chinese educated students.

      All Chinese educated students r REQUIRED to learn at least 3 languages in the school – solid FACT.

      Whether they can excel & master all 3 languages that’s another story. But judging from the par-excellent performances of these Chinese educated students, they SHOULD be able to handle daily rudimentary conversation & understanding. Otherwise, the Chinese education would not be able to produce excellent academic students, within & without bolihland. Again, solid big data statistic, Yes?

      Granted, majority of the Chinese educated students r timid in presenting themselves, especially during conversation with unfamiliar people. That doesn’t means THEY don’t understand the spoken language in used!

      In written form, many Chinese educated students can outshine any other medium-ed students in both Bahasa & English!

      So, oral timidity in outlook IS yr judge of – ‘who cannot any other language than Mandarin ? even basic BM or English also cannot ?’

      Tsk…tsk!!! What a failure in character judgement - that’s purely depending on superficial performance! U put ‘先敬罗衣后敬人’ to the top of yr HR! Wondering how u ever getting a trustful lieutenant to help out in yr endeavour?

      ‘if one really believes in his/her greatness, then step up to the challenge !’???????

      Look no further than the recent M’sian Olympians!

      Then dig deeper into the WHO’S WHO in the world recognised achievements, & see HOW many of them M’sians r Chinese-ed. Then u rant lah, comprehendi???

      BTW, from where DO u learn to associate M’sian MUST be able to speak impeccable Bahasa in order to be a patriot? Out of yr ‘先敬罗衣后敬人’mentality?

      If one can farts around with good various dialectic Bahasa with zilch content, then one is considered a M’sian patriot?

      No wonder, bolihland is where she is today, inundated with scoundrel pests THAT know no maruah!

    2. ha-ha ! yet another one of those Cina-educated supremacist who thinks his culture is ubermensch.

      "No good - that has clouded yr fair judgement in giving clear comments!

      About yr claimed of my saying that those from other schools are any less patriotic, pls do re-read my previous writing – suffice to say that THIS has confirmed my review about u in the 2nd paragraph above!"

      may I propose you look into your own mirror ?

      "In written form, many Chinese educated students can outshine any other medium-ed students in both Bahasa & English!"

      "Look no further than the recent M’sian Olympians!

      Then dig deeper into the WHO’S WHO in the world recognised achievements, & see HOW many of them M’sians r Chinese-ed. Then u rant lah, comprehendi???"

      oh, how I love that last bit ! why, when I mentioned about language proficiency, you talk about Olympics and who's who ? does the type of school solely determine your achievements ?

      if what you perceive is true, tell me which school Wu Lien Teh came from ? Tan Cheng Lock ? Lim Kit Siang ? or even Lee Kuan Yew ?

      I never dispute the fact that there are BM and English classes in Chinese schools. I am only stating the reality that most Chinese-educated students cant master either BM or English. case in point :

      also please tune in to certain Mandarin radio stations every morning, when they have 'Belajar Bahasa Malaysia' and 'Learn English' sessions. if Chinese-educated schools are as effective as you claim, why the need for all these programs at all ???

      is there any surprise when these days, all we hear from racists are 'balik Cina' and 'Cina babi' ? why those racists claim that the Chinese has failed to assimilate to the country's so-called culture, no matter how rotten it may be ? if Chinese school students are proficient in BM, wont these assholes have nothing else to say ? and most Chinese are educated in Chinese schools, mind you.

      so does being educated in a Chinese school and having a Chinese-centric attitude make you any better than those red-shirt racists ? go on !

      meanwhile, you cant deny that Singapore has moved ahead with its bilingual policy and rightly label Malaysians as lacking proficiency in English !

      oh, btw, I suggest you brush up your Englush too. I struggle to comprehend your sometimes spotty grammar and rojak sentences.

    3. Yes, I’m a Chinese-ed übermensch, no shame about it.

      Supremacist said u, not me. Ever wonder what a wet in the ear young ciku know anything about this term as defined by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Read anything from him yet, besides Engel for yr chosen call sign?

      So, why double quoted me, vis-à-vis mirror, when u cant argue sensibly? Running out of words, just to hide yr thinking in-coherency? Show something lah, if u have the beef up yr sleeve! Playing with words ISNT yr specialty, I’m very sure.

      Indeed, I’m laughing with this twist of words – ‘oh, how I love that last bit ! why, when I mentioned about language proficiency, you talk about Olympics and who's who ? does the type of school solely determine your achievements ?’

      Try juxtaposed the above with yrs – ‘yes, you may claim that Chinese education has its merits in promoting 'patriotism'. then how about the huge number of Chinese educated students who cannot (master) any other language than Mandarin ? even basic BM or English also cannot ? if one really believes in his/her greatness, then step up to the challenge !’

      Didnt u ask for the challenge to prove the Chinese-ed for the believes in his/her greatness?

      Not yr written words, or a phrase from one of u, within that league of anti-fascist?

      I’m not the one that raised that question about the type of school solely determine your achievements. Left hand doesn’t know what right hand is doing? Try to be a little bit more coordinated in thought lah, even though u might be a groupie!

      Mark my words – I didn’t denial the poor oral language of Bahasa & English of the Chinese-ed. I attributed the fact to timidity in talking to strangers. I further emphasized the fact of good written language capability of the Bahasa & English with the Chinese-ed.

      All u can quoted is a general statement from a blueblood about the poor commands of English among the young. Ignoring the target group & the level of the required competency!

      Chinese-ed youth ONLY & queen English as u wish it to be? What level of comprehension capability, u have! Or more likely, selective targeting with general statement – then, u r paying lip-service to yr call sign namesake, again!

      Why read so much into the 'Belajar Bahasa Malaysia' and 'Learn English' sessions of the Mandarin(???) radio stations (most r just Cantonese stations).

      cont 1of2

    4. 2of2

      Cant it be just like those programs targeting to IMPROVE Bahasa pasar & Manglish? So, still trying to tie-in with yr childish rant of ‘if Chinese-educated schools are as effective as you claim, why the need for all these programs at all ???’

      BTW, there is nothing wrong with Bahasa pasar/Manglish, as long as the message is getting through & understood. Only a ketuanan freak & a pommie would insist on GOOD & IMPECABLE Bahasa & English usage & intonation! No?

      What’s yr logic of comparing being educated in a Chinese school and having a Chinese-centric attitude WITH those red-shirt racists?

      The red-shirt racists r paid blur-sotong, aiming ONLY for dedak, playing with siege-mentality infested ketuanan chants!

      Anything wrong with been a Chinese Malaysian learning Chinese?

      Anything wrong with been Chinese-centric for a Chinese Malaysian?

      R u implying been Chinese CANNOT be a Malaysian? & his/her loyalty to M’sia is questionable?

      R u asking for forced assimilation? R all M’sian MUST be Melayu-centric?

      What a brain death ketuanan thinking (oxymoron, right?) going again yr anti-fascist namesake (thrice!!!)!

      Ooop… forgetting that - it’s ONLY for show – small man playing with big idea.

      I used to like Harry’s S’pore on her growing years. But in her current mature stage, she is TOO obnoxious in almost all facade of living – totally out of Harry’s intended stage of nation development. Perhaps, that’s the way it’s to be, just like Singlish is no queen English. Neither is Ozzie nor kiwi, too, if u can get that drill through yr thick skull.

      So, my English is my England – not queen’s! U understand? Good. If not, too bad & don’t read further. I sincerely hope that u r just NOT make out to be like any other M’sian. Maybe a yellow-coated pommie with a small head wearing a big hat?

      A pommie is worse than a anglophile, btw.

      A piece of advice, try not to be personal in yr argument. & be cohesive in thought. Make very sure u know the subject well & deep, otherwise, here is what u r getting!!!!!!!!

    5. wakakaka ! "try not to be personal in yr argument. & be cohesive in thought". you should really look at yourself in the mirror, you Cina-ubermensch/chauvinist ! or are you too blind ?

      "Maybe a yellow-coated pommie with a small head wearing a big hat?

      A pommie is worse than a anglophile, btw."

      omg ! I cant stop laughing at all your prejudicial references against "pommies" and "yellow-coated pommie" ! wakakaka... so much for preaching "not to be personal in yr argument" ! showing off your 'ubermensch' superiority again, Cina pek ?

      oh, and speaking about Nietzche's theory, didnt you know that 'ideals are peaceful, but history is violent' ? so what did Hitler say about ubermensch ?if anything, this is the raison d'etre of the anti fascists, who are against racial superiority of any kind ! wakakaka !

      oh, what did you mean by "I’m not the one that raised that question about the type of school solely determine your achievements" ? are you, the ubermensch, too blind to look into the mirror ? "see HOW many of them M’sians r Chinese-ed. Then u rant lah, comprehendi???" my dear ubermensch, why the counting ? please enlighten this poor soul, clown ! ha-ha-effing-ha !

      "Playing with words" ? looks like you have been putting words into my mouth at your own convenience instead ! did I say rise up to the challenge in Olympics ?yet, this clown here, dahlah kepala pusing sana pusing sini, sampaikan masuk Olimpik pulak tu !

      and did I say learning mandarin is wrong ? what I am espousing is multi-lingualism, something apparently many Cina bluebirds (and balls) like you wont comprehend, given your Cina-centric attitude. now dont beg me for stats. step out of your own timidity, go outside and talk with any Chinese-ed in PASSABLE BM/English !

      better still, please ask HRH Sultan of Johor for clarification about what he said ! make sure you use proper, polite BM yea ! wakakaka...

      apparently, these Cina-bluebirds (and balls) are so "timid", that Dong Zong even opposed the teaching of Science and Maths in English ! too comfy in your blue ball cage ? thats what I meant about stepping up to the challenge !

      "Only a ketuanan freak & a pommie would insist on GOOD & IMPECABLE Bahasa & English usage & intonation! No?"

      oh, sure ! go ahead with your bahasa pasar/rojak/tak tau nak cakap ape ! see how many people out of 7 bilion can understand you !

      oh, one more thing. I never said "forced assimilation". once again, its you, the Cina-ubermensch, putting words into my mouth. if you want "forced assimilation", look no further than Indon !

      if there is one thing this Cina-ubermensch continues to baffle this poor soul here, its how the Chinese-centric attitude and speaking Mandarin can lead to patriotism. how ? when the M'sian constitution clearly states the national language is BM ? why SKC are still using a lower standard of BM exam papers then ? rise up to the challenge lah, or else end up a "timid" blue-ball like this Cina-ubermensch here.

      oh yes, I believe you should stop replacing my recommendation for English with 'Singlish' and open your minds to what Singapore has done too ! please read Harry Lee's biographies and see how he fought against Chinese chauvinists who initially wanted a Chinese education system in SG after 1965. if he was so dumb to follow those chauvinists, would SG end up what it is now ? a population where almost everyone has commmand of English and able to laugh at their former countrymen like you for your poor Manglish/rojak ?

    6. oh, btw, let me repeat what a typical Singaporean would tell an 'ah beng' Malaysian for his poor Manglish.

      please brush up on your English !

      I can even start writing a book on ALL your grammatical errors ! you dont need me to expose every single one of your grammar/spelling error, right ? wakakaka...

      kalau awak nak debat dgn aku dlm BM, silakan ! jgn awak lari spt menteri2 umno !

    7. Getting personal??

      I call it calling a spade spade - a yellowed coated pommie u r.

      & don’t EVER get too wakakaking about getting a mirror, it’s in short supply due to yr monopolization!

      'ideals are peaceful, but history is violent'???

      Shows u either google for quote or u read BUT don’t understand what lies underneath Nietzsche’s concept of übermensch vis-à-vis supremacist. Let this CinaBeng remains u that both Nietszche & Hitler have got it wrong for übermensch, which transcends race, unlike supremacist. So what 'ubermensch' superiority again, pommie?

      WRT who raised that question about the type of school solely determine your achievements (yr words), do reflect on yr continuous rants about Chinese-ed M’sian. So poor soul, clown – from where these Chinese-ed got educated? Sekolah kebangsaan? Yr school?

      Enlighten NOW?

      "Playing with words" ? ‘rise up to the challenge in Olympics ?’ – re-read what u had written lah that lead to this logical interpretation. If that’s twisting words, then u r REALLY a groupie, with whom coordination of thoughts among yr writers is non-existence.

      Jadi memang dahlah kepala pusing sana pusing sini, baca tulisan tu!

      Memang bodoh sombong pula, ‘step out of your own timidity, go outside and talk with any Chinese-ed in PASSABLE BM/English !’???? Hello, there, why should I talk to my peers of similar schooling using a secondary language? Only a show-off WOULD do that. & show-off we r not!

      Then again why should I seek clarification in a public statement from a blueblood? Isnt it all stated in that statement CLEARLY? Or r u implying he singularly singled out the Chinese-ed?

      Crownish cur – this again go again yr call sign namesake!!!! BTW, a pommie should be VERY familiar with blueblood potency.

      Yes, u didn’t said forced assimilation. Neither did I attribute that phrase as a saying by u. Re-read that sentence lah, so as to improve yr England comprehension, OK?

      Ohhh… I have been using, yr so called my bahasa pasar/rojak/tak tau nak cakap ape to travel the world! I’m doing VERY fine, thus my shameless claim of übermensch.

      cont 1of2

    8. 2of2
      ‘to baffle this poor soul here, its how the Chinese-centric attitude and speaking Mandarin can lead to patriotism’ – so u r questioning the royalty of the Chinese M’sians, who fall within yr definition. Say so lah. Why the big loopie?

      The answer lies with the type of education u got – Chinese education emphasizes ‘大义灭亲’ – meaning righteous is the upmost consideration in all decision making. When 大我 is in conflict with 小我, then 小我 has to give way. Sort of when the state legislation is in conflict with the Federal laws, then the state legislation is void.

      This concept is alien & deep-rooted with the thinking of the ummat Islam Melayu. All deeds done, within the (1) bangsa, then (2) ummat CAN be tolerated, regardless of whether the deed is good or evil when it’s done towards the ‘outsiders’. Sort of like a stranger can sleeps with yr wife or daughter as long as he is one of yr kindred thinking.

      Thus, the ridiculous statutory rape judgement & 1MDB debacle. This weird concept of kindred royalty lies deep in the consistent questioning of the Non’s royalty for M’sia by the ketuanan freaks & the general Melayu at large.

      So for a Chinese-centric Chinese M’sian, there IS NO conflict of interest, when the chits r down. The royalty is with M’sia, PERIOD.

      Talk about putting words into someone else mouth, I didnt recommend replacing English with Singlish! Re-read my take pls. What a level of England comprehension skill, or did I confused u?

      WRT to yr interpretation of Harry’s fight against Chinese chauvinists who initially wanted a Chinese education system in SG after 1965 – again u read wrong, perhaps due to yr level of analytical deficiency. Chinese education system was targeted BCOZ Harry considered these schools were communist infested. It’s just unfortunate for that political link – if there were Russian schools in S’pore then, he would no doubt closed them too, simply bcoz Soviet Union was communist! So brush up yr reading skills & think – if u ever believe everything u read in a book then u r lost!

      Finally, I would like to quote Phua Chu Kang to end yr ridiculous rants about language usage of the Chinese-ed – "Don't play play". U r REALLY making a fool out of yrself.

      Let the WWW judges who’s English is better, yr queen English or my Manglish of poor grammar/spelling error. & don’t forget u r parading yr words in WWW, so whose doing & saying what – the judgement is out there!

      I would debat dgn kau dlm BM, kalua u buat sama saya dalam Mandarin. Jangan guna excuse BM adalah Bahasa M’sia. OK?

    9. wakakaka ! are you suddenly the master of the 'pusing' game now ? anyhow put words into my mouth ? tembak sebelum semak ? is that what they taught ubermenschen like you in SKC ?

      "I call it calling a spade spade - a yellowed coated pommie u r." so I will call a spade a spade as well ! is your "England comprehension" so bad you dont understand the meaning of "getting personal" ? "getting personal" is what it is ! nothing more, nothing less, especially for the ubermensch who 'preaches' trying "not to be personal in yr argument" ! master of hypocrisy indeed ! ha-ha-ha !

      funny how this ubermensch can call someone "a yellowed coated pommie" when you never even saw that person ! the power of imagination ? ha-ha-effing-ha !

      it also shows the inability to look into any mirror, because apparently you ran out of mirrors due to the "yellowed coated pommie"'s "monopolisation" of mirrors ! wow, thanks for educating me on the shortage of mirrors in this country ! should salute you on that !

      hello, who created the ubermenschen concept in the first place ? now you are saying he is "wong" ? havent I said 'ideals are peaceful, but history is violent' ? are you one of those who loves history to repeat itself ? none of my business, because if you do, its your responsibility !

      ohh, how I love you twisting more of your words. wakakaka ! "who raised that question about the type of school solely determine your achievements (yr words), do reflect on yr continuous rants about Chinese-ed M’sian. So poor soul, clown – from where these Chinese-ed got educated? Sekolah kebangsaan? Yr school?" if you really feel you are a citizen, does it even matter what school that fella is from ? again, does the type of school solely determine your achievements ? you with your parochialist attitude have NOT answered my question satisfactorily !

      instead you chose to go to Olympics ! wakakaka! this ubermensch loves feeding words into my mouth, dont you ? then again, I wonder if you were taught how to read in context, because its obvious your context boleh terbang sampai Rio ! is that what you had learnt in SKC ? shame on you !

      so only you are right and everyone else is "wong", including HRH Sultan of Johor ? with all due respect, every rational minded person knows he is not as blind as you, who apparently ran out of "mirrors" just because some "yellowed coated pommie" is monopolising the supply of mirrors ! ha-ha-ha-ha ! thanks for giving me a good 5 minute laugh on a Friday morning !

      yes, which school would not preach patriotism ? but would thinking only in the interests of your own race benefit your "royalty" ? would learning Mandarin in the expense of ALL other languages be of any use ? maybe for someone like you, who obviously has never spoken a perfect sentence of BM or English his entire pathetic life !

      unfortunately, are these not the reasons why in every university you go, the Chinese would stick to one another and not mixing around enough ? is "timidity" your only excuse ? when opportunities are there to learn the various cultures on offer, you shy away ? oh sure, lets "see HOW many of them M’sians r Chinese-ed. Then u rant lah, comprehendi???". thinking as a Chinese now, ubermensch ?

      ohh... and I dont need to improve my "England comprehension" ! "Let the WWW judges who’s English is better, yr queen English or my Manglish of poor grammar/spelling error. & don’t forget u r parading yr words in WWW, so whose doing & saying what – the judgement is out there!" sure ! let Ktemoc and the rest read your pathetic "England" indeed. my advice : you should type less, because the more you type, the more pathetic and lame your "England" sounds.

      as a Singaporean would tell this 'ah beng' Malaysian who speaks in rojak and merely translates his sentences via Google, PLEASE BRUSH UP ON YOUR ENGLISH !!!

    10. so I read "wong" WRT Harry Lee's objection towards a Chinese education system in SG ? oh, how surprising the shallow mind this ubermensch have ! did you not know that Singapore's policies have all been rooted in pragmatism ? to remain as an important centre of world trade and to ensure racial harmony "regardless or race, language or religion", English was deemed necessary as a lingua franca. its a neutral language, something either Malay, Mandarin or Tamil cant serve as. at a time when racial violence was threatening the new republic, pandering to one race meant suicide. "If we were monolingual in our mother tongues, we would not make a living", so said LKY.

      you really should look into the mirror and open your minds, ubermensch. dont be stuck in your cocoon, or tempurung. look at Indon and Thailand as well !

      yes, you may say Indon practised 'forced assimilation'. but have the Chinese there adapted ? who is the Mayor of Jakarta now ? ditto for the number of Thai Chinese Prime Ministers. if they had not mastered their national languages, would they be this successful ?

      have you met Chinese Indonesians in your pathetic life, chauvinist ? or are you stuck in your cocoon ? how many times have you heard them talking in fluent Bahasa Indonesia ? anyone would struggle to tell them apart by race anymore !

      you see, one great strength the ethnic Chinese diaspora have in SEA is their adaptability. if the Chinese in Thailand and Indon didnt adapt to the local customs and tongues, would they be this successful ? would Singapore be this successful ? English is not even an Asian mother tongue, for God's sake !

      "Memang bodoh sombong pula, ‘step out of your own timidity, go outside and talk with any Chinese-ed in PASSABLE BM/English !’???? Hello, there, why should I talk to my peers of similar schooling using a secondary language? Only a show-off WOULD do that. & show-off we r not!"

      so is speaking in another language showing off ? is this a question of showing off anymore ? its precisely because of this ubermensch mentality that people like you wont master any other language than Mandarin or mix around with other races ! you wanna prove me "wong" ? STEP UP TO THE CHALLENGE ! then we talk !!

      you still havent answered me why Dong Zong opposed the teaching of Science and Maths in English. you still havent answered me why SKC uses a lower standard of BM exam papers. or are you afraid of "making a fool out of yrself" ?

      now dont anyhow copy-cat ! I challenged you first utk debat dlm BM ! sebab awaklah yg panggil saya "yellow-coated pommie" dulu kan ? kalau nak debat yg adil, baik debat dlm BM lah. neutral ground, kan ? ataupun awak takut sangat ?

      leaders like Harry Lee, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng have proven they can stand up and fight regardless of language. can you ?

    11. now, other than stuffing words in my mouth and "getting personal", lets now engage in... "'England' Class 101" ! ha-ha-ha !

      1. "Let this CinaBeng REMAINS u that both Nietszche & Hitler have got it wrong..."

      2. "... do reflect on yr continuous rants about Chinese-ed M’SIAN". yes, there is only ONE, I repeat, ONE Chinese-ed M'sian - you, the Cina-chauvinist.

      3. "... from where these Chinese-ed got educated?" shouldn't the word 'got' be replaced with 'were' ? then again, the sentence "educated got educated" sounds repetitive, don't you think ?

      4. "ENLIGHTEN now?" yes, I want to be 'enlightened', my dear Cina-ubermensch. go on ! ha-ha-ha !

      5. "... coordination of thoughts among yr writers is non-existence" I am assuming your adjectives and nouns are one and the same.

      6. "why should I talk to my peers of similar schooling..." the sentence seems to be hanging w/o 'experience' or 'background'. surely you are not referring to Joe Schooling, are you ?

      7. "Crownish" Crownish ? what is that ? do you speak 'Crownish' ?

      8. "blueblood potency" potency of what ???

      9. "u didn’t said..." have you read the rule on past tense ?

      10. here's my favorite... "yr England comprehension" ! wakakaka...

      11. "I have been using, yr so called my bahasa pasar..." what's with the extra 'my' ?

      just an aside : it does beg the question though - how to verify your claims of travelling the world ? mind showing me your plane tickets or souvenirs ?

      12. another favorite of mine... "questioning the ROYALTY of the Chinese M’sians" ! wakakaka... oh pardon me, Your Highness. Truly thou is the greatest !

      another aside : are you speaking for ALL Chinese M'sians ? do ALL Chinese M'sians attend SJK ?

      13. "righteous is the upmost consideration..." are you confusing nouns and adjectives there ?

      14. "This concept is alien & deep-rooted" if you are referring to your earlier concept within the Chinese education, how does that 'alien' concept somehow become 'deep-rooted' ? or rather, what concept are you talking about in the first place ?

      15. "a stranger can sleeps..." the rule of present tense after verbs, anyone ?

      16. "Talk about putting words into someone else mouth, " shouldn't it be "talking" ?

      17. "did I confused u?" yet another past tense mistake ?

      18. "Let the WWW judges" singular noun mistake ? sure, lets see whether your 'England' is better !

      19. "... who’s English is better ..." sure. who's ?

      20. "... yr queen English... " yes, yes, my Queen is English. happy ?

      will this Cina-chauvinist/ubermensch have the 'analytical sufficiency' to look into the mirror and be ashamed of his own arrogance ? I doubt so. nonetheless, my advise : write less. you are making a fool of yourself. full stop.

    12. aunty fat-ass aka grammar n spelling checker aka engrish teacher, let me answer yr question, though anyone who r familiar with srjk know how stupid to raise such questions, I rather pity yr ignorance than to see u unnecessarily exposing yr stupidity. i will keep my writes short, not many like long rant.

      the reasons y djz opposed the teaching of m&s in eng is bec (1) we believe the approach to improve eng is via the eng subject (2) srjk lack resources ie teachers to teach m&s in eng (3) we believe mother tongue is the best medium for children at primary level, anglo like u whose mt is eng can always choose srk, no one stop u (4) srjk is essentially a chinese medium school, chinese language is our language, not merely another language subject.

      yr second question, we believe the current bm standard in srjk is good enough to allow our kids a smooth transition to secondary level, our objective is to strike a balance among all the subjects, we r not here to compete whose bm is better, again if u dun like it, u can always pick srk.

      i hope i answered yr question, now let me share my view on some of yr comments.

      1. do u have any factual evidence that the bm of srjk educated is inferior if compare against those from srk? my experience tell me the bm of one from srk is not any better than one from srjk, most of u people speak equally poor bahasa, the reason is obvious, msia emphasize more on eng than bahasa in almost every sector except perhaps the govt, so if cant speak good bahasa is good justification to insult us, it apply to yr type as well. at least the host choose to balik australia, when is yr turn?

      2. not one malay leaders wish to emulate the singapore anglicized model, so please spare us yr singapore this n singapore that, eng is a no no here from a nationalistic context, so dun masturbate too hard on yr anglo dream.

      3. lks n lge, yr same kind, never openly say a word abt chinese school the way u said it, I dare both of them to declare they agree with yr view, or r they too coward to do this? being honest n stand firm on the anglo principle like u did?

      4. harry know well his political foes r the chinese educated chinese, he did everything to make sure their pillar demolished, this include chinese school n nantah. (if I am not wrong, ck agree to what the anglo lee did, citing pragmatism like u did)

      that's all for now.

      ps/ if u have time, pls continue with yr grammar n spelling chk, i really appreciate yr effort.

    13. oh hello there, HY. where is CK ? a 2-in-1 groupie act now ?

      it would be my 'preasure' to be your 'Engrish' teacher. but alas, your condescending Cina-chauvinist attitude is not a good reason to teach you anything. obviously you think your ilk are too good to learn anything else !

      thanks for answering me about djz. and now here lies the reason why, when most scientific materials are in English, people like you struggle... well, like you said, "no one stop u". so I will leave it at that.

      sure ! your SRK and SMKC BM standards are uber gut ! SPM BM papers for SMKC are of the same 'standard' as the normal SMK ones indeed ! so why the distinction, matey ?

      dont ask me for stats. it only shows your "timidity", or maybe you ran out of mirrors due to some 'yellow-coated pommie's monopolisation of mirrors'. with all due respect, I dont think HRH Sultan of Johor is blinder than you.

      one wonders whether this HY and CK are in fact the same person masquerading as a gangledopper ! putting more words into my mouth now ? I merely said "leaders like Harry Lee, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng have proven they can stand up and fight regardless of language", NOT "openly say a word abt chinese school" ! my dear chauvinist, is this what SKC taught you ? read out of your context ? shame on you !

      you said "my experience tell me the bm of one from srk is not any better than one from srjk, most of u people speak equally poor bahasa". any proof ? you preach about 'factual evidence', and here you are, preaching 'holier than thou' that your experience counts more !

      oh, and speaking of Harry Lee's opposition against the Chinese commies, I never denied this. but in fact, your matey (or perhaps you CK) didnt look at the other side of the coin, which was pragmatism. "ck agree to what the anglo lee did" ? enlighten this poor soul here, you ubermensch. or else, I rest my case.

      btw, these dopplegangers have the habit of replying one reply per day ! wow. lets see how long we can keep this up ! my advice to you still stands : write less. youe 'Engrish' is pathetic enough as it is.

      if you have any face, please also debate against me in BM ! ok, mai lah debat ! jgn awak lari spt menteri2 umno ! biar semua lihat sape yg paling meyakinkan !

    14. 'Chinese undergraduates, especially those from Chinese medium schools, tend to
      speak only in Chinese (Mandarin and dialects). Their lack of fluency in Malay (Bahasa
      Malaysia) could have impeded this communication. It cannot be denied that a poor command of
      the language could hinder interactions as well create misunderstandings. Moreover, a lack of
      fluency can occasionally cause embarrassment when speakers are unable to use appropriate
      vocabulary. Generally, there has been a concern among educationists that the existence of
      vernacular schools has a tendency to limit its respective students from interacting with those of
      other races.'

      so says this Universiti Malaya study !

      please ask Google on "factual evidence that the bm of srjk educated is inferior if compare against those from srk". there are tons of studies and even news reports out there.

      dont just tembak sebelum semak, pal. you are making a fool of yourself.

    15. before I forget, let me remind you, 'the Singaporean style' : PLEASE BRUSH UP ON YOUR ENGLISH !

    16. hello, you doppelgangers ! where are you ?

      taking 1 whole day to reply again ? still looking for your dictionaries ? ha-ha-ha !

      why are we waiting ? why are we waiting ?...

    17. dear aunty, here is my reply.

      “your condescending Cina-chauvinist attitude” – hmm did I ever correct yr chinese or bahasa? did i criticize srk, english or yr rights to learn english? my point is abt the co-existence of various languages including our mother tongue, n to level the playing field to prevent any other language from replacing our mother tongue, if u do have one.

      “when most scientific materials are in English” – it seem the non eng speaking countries like china japan n korea have more patent registered as compare to eng speaking countries like us n uk lately, but that is a topic for another day. pray tell where in my writes did i claim eng is not important? i said we believe mother tongue is the best medium for children at primary level, this imply the parent could choose what language is best for their kids at secondary n tertiary level, do u know chinese independent school under djz learn m&s in eng. it seem u r not only ignorant, o oso have problem to understand simple eng.

      “your SRK and SMKC BM standards are uber gut ! blab la bla” – lost in translation i guess, i have no idea what u talking abt. pls rephrase it in a comprehensible manner.

      “dont ask me for stats.” – i have to ask u since u r one that claim we are inferior as compare to yr type, the onus is on u to prove, this is common sense.

      “Sultan of Johor” – not sure what is yr point, even a kid know many cant grasp eng nowadays, what u propose sultan johor to do? start a eng school? i thought that is under the jurisdiction of education ministry n lawmakers ie umno? ko ada paham how the msia govt function n our politics reality kah?

      "leaders like Harry Lee, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng have proven they can stand up and fight regardless of language” – lks n lge fight for what? r we not debate language n school? i am asking u if lks n lge agree with my stand, whats the point u bring them into this topic? r u bodoh or what?

      “any proof ?” – i said it clearly I am basing on my experience, it mean anecdote, i am not one that claim srjk this n that.

      “Pragmatism” – I debated ck many time in the past wrt lky n spore. I dun agree being pragmatic mean lky can have the freedom to act as he wish to, but i am perfectly fine if u dun know what i am talking abt.

      “please also debate against me in BM” – i am fine with yr suggestion. reply me next in bm n i will reply in kind.

      “ youe 'Engrish' is pathetic enough as it is.” - that's a fair comment, I can agree with u on this. If u have problem to understand my english, please ask.

      “so says this Universiti Malaya study !” – u mean the university where the pseudo historian khoo kay kim is teaching? y not u cite study from umno, better still one from jamal ikan bakar?

      “please ask Google” - i am asking u for factual evidence to support yr claim, if that is all u could present, perhaps we shd stick to topic that deserve carry on n skip this one, bec i dun know google that well.

      “PLEASE BRUSH UP” – yeah i blush whenever people point out my ignorance.

    18. HY, thanks & u don’t have to take those illogical rants. Just for the fun, HY, this write-up reminds me of the story of 佛印与苏东坡的论佛之道. Of course, this is not saying this wannabe can be equal in anyway to 苏东坡!

      I hereby declare HY is not CK.

      Aunty fat-ass aka grammar n spelling checker aka engrish teacher (u know her???) & a yellowe coated pommie is just looking for a fight to vent her/his penned up frustration!

      1st, no apology for my usage of Manglish. It’s ONLY a response in jerk to a shameless yellowed coated pommie. Pariah, doesn’t she/he know even Tolkien’s works had to be corrected for spelling/grammer errors before it went into press.

      Hypocrisy? Get real with what’s getting personal & calling a spade spade lah, if yr England is so masterly. One is accused while the other is as real as proven here!

      Oohh… a yellowed coated pommie MUST be identified by face, talk about England again! Aint their written words enough as proof? Mirror is indeed in short supply!

      DON’T go into the question of "who raised that question about the type of school solely determine your achievements (yr words), do reflect on yr continuous rants about Chinese-ed M’sian.” U might want to denial, but yr written words were there for the WWW to judge. Furthermore, aint u the one that question the language proficiency of the Chinese-ed> & how’s that going with yr current rant of ‘if you really feel you are a citizen, does it even matter what school that fella is from ? again, does the type of school solely determine your achievements ?’ Twisting words OR eating words?

      Talk about mixing around in university campuses, tsk…tsk.. obviously u don’t know anything about the mini kampong setups of those u know who! What u had mentioned is the NORM, so what’s yr point? M’sianised export?

      About forced assimilation, let WWW judge yr claims about the Chinese Thai & Chinese Indonesian. 望文生義,曲解了現代人的意思 u dat man! BTW, what’s the difference between Thai Chinese & Chinese Thai!

      ‘if the Chinese in Thailand and Indon didnt adapt to the local customs and tongues, would they be this successful ?’ Look no further than the good old M’sia lah. Ooop…No?

      So, u speak English every where u go errh! If this izznt show off, then WHY talk foreign among yr schooling peers? Such a mind – maybe deep down u WISH to be born quilow too, tsk..tsk.

      What copy-cat? Unlike u, I like my Chinese M’sian status through & through. Apa logic ke u nak debat saya dalam Bahasa kerana I panggil u "yellow-coated pommie" dulu? U buat challenge, I counter-offer, apa salah tu? Kalau, tak bolih cakap Bahasa Cina, say so lah. Memang buang muka pada yr claim of supporting multilingualism, betul tak?

      ‘oh, and speaking of Harry Lee's opposition against the Chinese commies, I never denied this.’ U NEVER said so, admit it. To quote Harry as a pragmatist, shows how shallow u read into his words. But then, just as well with the words of Nietzsche! Googling for quote ONLY gives u a minute of fame, but it stupefies u forever!

      BTW, whatsoever, u mentioned with that Universiti Malaya study, have u take a look at yr own kindred? Macam I mention dengan kindred loyalty ke, so act blind?

      ‘why are we waiting ?’ Oooohh… confirm that u r a groupie! BTW, that's an official Ozzie slang, just like crownish cur a Sinn Fein term for pommie!

      Unlike u people, there r people who need to prioritize their responsibilities. Arguing with a bunch of wet in the ear yellowed coated pommies lies VERY low in that rank.

      BTW, after all these written words, aint u a group of chauvinists, besides being a bunch of yellowed coated pommies, living off yr granddaddy wakakakakaka..sigh.

    19. wakakaka... 2-in-1 coffee premix ? groupie ? gangbang ?

      lets start with HY.

      "co-existence of various languages including our mother tongue". explain to me why Chinese-ed folks like this Cina-chauvinist here cannot speak decent BM !

      inilah produk SKC ! ha-ha-ha !

      "non eng speaking countries like china japan n korea have more patent registered" oh yes, where did Apple come from ? Microsoft ? Facebook ? Instagram ? how many reference books out there are in 'Engrand' and Mandarin ? are you aware of the normal practice among Japanese professors to publish their thesis in English for international readers ? or are you just another katak di bawah tempurung ? inilah produk SKC ! ha-ha-effing-ha !

      you, the Cina ubermensch, think your BM is that great ? SPM BM papers are of the same 'standard' as in SMK ? why the distinction ? you havent answered me because you are too ashamed, dungu ? inilah produk SKC ! wakakaka...

      "lks n lge fight for what? r we not debate language n school?" yes, I AM debating your command of non mother tongue languages, specifically BM and 'Engrand' ! have you not listen to these leaders speak in different languages, or are you just another Cina-pek bodoh di bawah tempurung ? did SKC teach you to read out of the context ? inilah produk SKC ! ha-ha-effing-ha !

      oh, and speaking about LKY, its undeniable his pragmatic decision to choose 'Engrand' over Mandarin has helped SG ! or are you saying he as the PM cannot act as his executive office allowed ? are you saying your PM is any better ? look at your mirror lah, bodoh, before some 'yellow-coated pommie' stole all the mirrors ! wakakaka...

      (to be continued)

    20. (part 2)
      awak suka mengemis utk fakta kan, bodoh ? contoh yg aku berikan adalah dari UNIVERSITI MALAYA, yg paling terkemuka di negara awak ! dan ini bukannye satu-satu kajian yg memperoleh hasil yg sama.

      takut sama PROF. Khoo Kay Kim yg 'khianati' SKC ? ha-ha-ha... alasan, alasan...

      "The multiethnic culture is suitable to increase the social interaction pattern among ethnics (Najemaah Mohd Yussof, 2006). In the meantime, SJKC and SJKT schools are more to the monoethnic pattern dominated by the Chinese and the Indians according to respective schools." - USM

      "More than 30% of the students from vernacular schools fail to obtain a minimum level of proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia after six years of primary education" - Centre of Public Policy Studies, KL

      "A total of 78.5% of the Chinese education system students considered Mandarin to be more important than BM, while 95% believed that the constant usage of Mandarin guaranteed its survival and its importance would not diminish, and 99% of them preferred to use Mandarin more than BM for various purposes. In contrast, where BM is concerned, 13% chose to communicate in BM... Moreover, 65% showed a less than desired attitude towards the national language, where 24% confessed having relatively low proficiency in BM" - UKM

      apa kata awak ye ? UKM dan USM alatan umno ? Centre of Public Policy Studies adalah bias ?

      tak ade 'kemaluan' ke ? org spt awak panggil diri sendiri rakyat M'sia, tapi enggan gunakan BM !

      tapi kalau ikutkan, rasanye tak perlulah aku suapkan fakta2 dlm buntut awak yg bodoh tu. "dun know google that well" ? aduhai... ketinggalan zaman lah, apek ni... di bawah syarikat sape ya ?

      one of the strengths of the Chinese in SEA is adaptability. look at Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore, and compare them with yourselves ! call yourselves great and almighty and M'sian, but unable to speak a decent sentence in BM like Ah Niu ? inilah produk SKC, kan ? ha-ha-effing ha !

      if you cannot speak better than them, then at least take more effort to equal them ! all you do is to 'comprain' 'comprain' 'comprain' : oh, umno funded your schools too little, oh umno forced you to study Maths and Sci in 'Engrand'... was this what SKC taught you ? shame on you ! produk SKC indeed !


    21. welcome back, CK 2-in-1 doppelganger coffee premix !

      let me call a spade a spade too, rotten banana ! yes, why rotten banana ? because this Cina-chauvinist here is yellow on the outside, but trying too hard to sound 'Engrand' inside ! the ROTTEN BANANA comes with better 'lotten Engrand' too ! so hello, ROTTEN BANANA, a product of SKC !! ha-ha-effing-ha !

      oh yes, mirror is in short supply in M'sia, says the CK Daily ! wakakakaka... the ROTTEN BANANA comes with an immense power of imagination as well ! a product of SKC indeed ! wakakakaka...

      yes, my dear chauvinist, I AM questioning the language proficiency of Chinese school students, especially in non-mother tongue languages like BM and 'Engrand'. is your 'Engrand complehension' so bad you need to ask me twice ? tsk tsk... there you go, WWW ! here is your answer, given by none other than this product of SKC ! ha-ha-ha-ha !

      sure, "Look no further than the good old M’sia lah" ! perhaps if the successes include being treated like 'pendatang' and being called 'worse than Banglas'... amboi ! how 'admirable' ! ha-ha-ha-ha !

      awak tak berani berbahas dlm BM ? cakaplah awal2 ! sai hei only ! takkanlah awak tak reti maksud 'neutral ground' ! bukankah BM bukan bahasa ibunda "yellow-coated pommie" dan "rotten banana" ? mai lah debat dgn adil ! biar Ktemoc lihat sape yg paling meyakinkan !

      I never admit what ? to having your level of stupidity ? are you saying LKY was a commie blood spiller too ? be grateful that chauvinists like you were not executed, for if LKY was as stupid as you, SG would not prosper as it is now ! this you cannot deny. period.

      yes, yes, just like your doppelganger, you seem to not "know google that well" too ! "both Nietszche & Hitler have got it wrong for übermensch" ? please ask Google. you ah pek dont need me to teach you how to use Google, right ? produk SKC konon !

      "have u take a look at yr own kindred?" what kindred ? SKC mentality of thinking along racial lines ? comparing which Olympian and who's who studied in which Cina school ? and you call yourself a Malaysian ? this is a product of SKC ! ha-ha-ha !

      I dont need to double my work for this dungu here, as I have already answered your equally bodoh doppelganger.

      lagipun, 'karangan' awak ni seolah-olah spt suara org yg telah menyerah kalah ! banyak 'personal attack' dan 'retorik' yg dikitar semula pulak tu ! aduhai... inilah produk SKC ! wakakakaka...

      PLEASE BRUSH UP ON YOUR 'ENGRAND' / BM ! podah ! ha-ha-ha !

    22. 秀才遇着兵,有理说不清,

    23. lets start, shall we?

      “” - thanks for the link, this is how normally one substantiate his claim, by providing ‘fact’ or reports or whatever. having said that, did u read the article u cited? n to find out the background of the speaker or commenter? let me enlighten u a bit 1)the article didn’t mention that all trainees r from srjkc 2) the article oso never tell us how the assessment is done when this prof teo claimed the trainees could only speak a smattering of bm, any written n oral test being held? if that is only his opinion, i oso can say most trainee speak acceptable level of bm. 3) moreover to cite the view of this prof teo is no diff like seeking ridhuan tee view on whether we chinese r grateful people or not. i hope u wont blame sk school for yr lack of sophistication to analyse news reporting ok?

      “where did Apple come from ? Microsoft ? Facebook ? Instagram ?” – have u heard of baidu, renren, weibo, qq, wechat, taobao, alibaba?

      “how many reference books out there are in 'Engrand' and Mandarin ?” – i dun know, y not u tell me?, i suppose eng is much more than chinese at this point of time, but hard to predict in the next 20 years.

      “are you aware of the normal practice among Japanese professors to publish their thesis in English for international readers ?” – i am aware, but that is to “publish”, japanese chinese korean still write their thesis using their own language, their thought process is definitely not eng.

      “SPM BM papers are of the same 'standard' as in SMK ? why the distinction ? you havent answered me because you are too ashamed” – i still dun understand what u talking abt. as far as i know, the std is diff between srk n srjkc, however there is no diff on secondary level among all school. the only diff is cis uec, their bm is easier than spm, they r given the choice to take spm, or not to.

      “have you not listen to these leaders speak in different languages” - lks eng n hokkian r good, bahasa n mandarin r poor. lge eng is okay, bahasa is quite okay, mandarin is poor, both father n son mandarin r at primary level. u must learn how to elaborate more, and clearly, wrt what u wrote.

      “LKY, its undeniable his pragmatic decision to choose 'Engrand' over Mandarin has helped SG !” – i dun know, again pls show me the evidence. hk taiwan korea n japan never choose eng, philippine n some other commonwealth countries pick eng, result varying.

      “UNIVERSITI MALAYA, yg paling terkemuka … Khoo Kay Kim” – kamu rasa um bolih bertanding dengan mana mana satu uni di singapore? khoo kay kim mengulas bahawa srjkc menghasilkan “copycat” seolah-olah srk mewujudkan ramai pencipta dan ahli sains, dapatkah anda menyenaraikan nama nama pencipta dan ahli sains yang terkemuka dari srk, mahupun di malaysia? tidak kah kamu meragui kualiti uni dimana prof nya berhurai tak guna otak?

      “UKM dan USM alatan umno ? Centre of Public Policy Studies adalah bias ?” – sila beritahu mana satu institusi yang kamu sebut ini mengambil intelek yang cenderung kepada dap? kamu rasa pengaji instituti yg dibiayai kerajaan umno berani menbuat kesimpulan yang bertentangan dengan dasar umno?

      “tapi enggan gunakan BM !” – tuduhan yang tanpa bukti dan asas. terlalu bodoh bagi i jawab

      “one of the strengths of the Chinese in SEA is adaptability. look at Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore” – the former 2 r obviously force assimilation, n no restriction on religion, while our constitution state clearly who is a malay. u expect a constitution n policy that divide the citizen base on race could lead the people into similar feature, culture n belief system? without the identity of chinese, indian n dll, where will be the “malay” and their rights n privilege? i am now getting very curious, how old r u?

      “umno funded your schools too little” – this is a fact, we pay tax, do u?

      “PLEASE BRUSH UP ON YOUR 'ENGRAND' / BM ! podah !” – i think u never blush, yr face is as thick as mo1.

    24. peter/ck, 就是要挫挫小子的优越感,况且华教事业也不能让人随意诬赖。虽然俺对董总也有诸多不满,那是另一回事。

    25. eh HY, 你的朋友说算了吧 ! you still want to show your ignorance ?

      about those NS trainees who cant speak BM, who else wouldnt be able to speak BM ? Malays themselves ? does it even matter that the speaker is biased against a particular race ? if we are talking about language proficiency, he has got it, no doubt. what have you got ?

      also the news was released earlier in 2010 and verified by the MOE. bak kata pepatah, kalau tiada api, mana asapnye ?

      "baidu, renren, weibo, qq, wechat, taobao, alibaba?" with the possible exception of alibaba, which of these brands have a more global reach when compared to Facebook, Instagram, Whasapp or even Google ?

      "i am aware, but that is to “publish”" but to publish, one has to have a good command of 'Engrand', no ? Japanese professors are moving to that trend : more publications in 'Engrand'.

      ok, fine. the difference is in SKC and SK, so why the distinction ? learning should be best done at an earlier age, yes, but by giving SKC students an easier paper ?

      wrt LKS and LGE, surely they are way better than Leow Tiong Lai or Wee Ka Siong ? at least they can converse and win supporters in multiple languages ? how did these two Lims and LKY hold off their umno opponents ? if these 'Chinese' can do that, why cant you ? that is my point.

      "i dun know, again pls show me the evidence". you want evidence ? "If we were monolingual in our mother tongues, we would not make a living" said LKY. have you ever been to SG and notice how few racial incidents there are ? or the fact that it is a world port ? come on, dont be shy. learn to use Google if you havent already !

      as for Korea, Taiwan, etc., why are they attracting foreign students then if they are so adamant about their national languages ? how about masters degrees in Korea taught in English ?

      "khoo kay kim mengulas bahawa srjkc menghasilkan “copycat” seolah-olah srk mewujudkan ramai pencipta dan ahli sains" ? helo, back to the discussion please, which is about language proficiency ! or did SKC teach you to read out of the context ?

      does UM consist of one PROF. Khoo Kay Kim alone ? is his name mentioned in the study ? since you want to talk about M'sia's case and not SG, apa lagi awak nak ?

      oh, ini alasan awak ? "mengambil intelek yang cenderung kepada dap?" mestikah universiti2 mengambil intelek dari mana2 parti politik ? universiti sepatutnya adalah tempat yg neutral/impartial, no ? adakah kajian2 ni menyentuh pasal politik ?

      have you read the Centre of Public Policy Studies document yet ? how many djz members were involved ? dont anyhow tembak sebelum semak, mate.

      also, are you saying those who support DAP MUST speak Mandarin only ? poor Dyana Sofia and Zairil Khir Johari...

      "former 2 r obviously force assimilation". yes indeed. but hadnt Zhou Enlai said this ? China "was willing to urge the Overseas Chinese to respect the laws of the local government and local social customs". and have the Chinese there adapted ? that is the question. if they cant, why cant you ? simple as that !

      so, is the M'sian constitution, no matter how flawed, the excuse for you to think along racial lines too ?

      "i think u never blush, yr face is as thick as mo1" wow, any evidence ? you wanna come here and prick my skin so as to see how thick skinned I am ? wakakaka...

    26. correction : if they can, why cant you ?

      anyway please face the facts and reality la. since you claim SKC students are good, fine, but have they got the proficiency to speak anything else than Mandarin ? BM tak boleh, 'Engrand' tak boleh... if you claim otherwise, tell me whats your 'reality' ! or is your 'reality' a different world altogether ?

      all I am asking is for Chinese-ed folks to buck up on these other languages. is there any harm ? if other diaspora Chinese can do that, if your DAP leaders can do that, why cant you ? full stop.

    27. brader,

      “you still want to…” - yes I still wan to expose yr argument for the stupidity they represent wakaka

      “Malays themselves ?”, - sampai sekarang ko masih tak reti apa yg mencetus perbahasan antara kami? sila baca p-e-r-l-a-h-a-n—l-a-h-a-n, aku mengata daripada pengalaman diri, aku berpendapat bahasa ko dari srk tidak semestinya lebih fasih daripada kami yg dari srjkc, cina vs cina, ada paham? all the so called cut n paste evidence from u didn't prove srk chinese grasp of bahasa is better than srjkc chinese,

      if google can be a form of reply, I suggest u google kua kia soong + mother tongue education, or helan ang (ori version not the current one wakaka), their writes answer many questions u raised.

      i repeat again, msia mana ada institusi yg impartial? hamper semua adalah dedak eaters. the proven facts is in the article of this thread, 18% non chinese in srjkc, n less than 5% non malay in srk, kalau interpret dari konteks nisbah, srjkc is lebih inclusive n better quality, at least the parents think so, all yr cut n paste hanya untuk syok sendiri or outdated.

      wrt the bm std, yr logical sequence is very interesting, or shall I say unique? as long as spm is sama std, n we chinese never escape the stpm via metrikulasi, n we start slow but catch up in spm, stpm n uni, apa shame ada? y yr logic terbalik one ah? no wonder the more I read the more confuse i become.

      my stance is, I think eng is very important, i have no intention to debate u on this, my retort is merely to tell u china is catching up, chinese is now more common, facebook or whatever social network app, or window or office, the language used is not necessarily eng. i ask my son y he use baidu, i told him google is much precise, he ‘educate’ me that anything relate to hanzi, hanyu, chinese, china, baidu anytime perform better than google. the point i wanna say is, we have a choice, we appreciate choices, mt education is about the choice, n diversity.

      finally, “i think” no need evidence one la, ini common sense juga, no need see oso can guess how thick is yr skin.

      having write all this, i fully agree with u srjkc need to find ways to improve bahasa n eng. sk is the key, but this topic for another day.

      i/we stop here. take a good rest.

    28. of course, your stupidity is laughable !

      "aku berpendapat bahasa ko dari srk tidak semestinya lebih fasih daripada kami yg dari srjkc" amboi ! siapakah awak ye ? seorang professor ? tolong berikan bukti yg 'pendapat' awak tu betul. silakan !

      "srk chinese grasp of bahasa is better than srjkc chinese"... no proof ?

      please corroborate (READ) the other sources too ! dont anyhow tembak sebelum semak, as it shows your stupidity. plain simple English, I believe. shouldnt be too hard for you to understand.

      jadi ? 18% non chinese buktikan ape ye ? yg org Melayu sendiri boleh mencabar diri sendiri utk belajar Mandarin, tapi pelajar2 SKC masih tak boleh menguasai BM ?

      "spm is sama std, n we chinese never escape the stpm via metrikulasi, n we start slow but catch up in spm, stpm n uni, apa shame ada?" proving to everyone here that you never read ? aduhai... you have my sympathies. if indeed SKC students' BM level is not 'shameful' enough, why do we keep getting all these news and articles in the first place ? logik anda kat mana ye ?

      obviously there is alot of room for improvement in SKC regarding BM or English proficiency. dont just hide and pretend there is no problem, if you still have any face left.

  3. correction : huge number of Chinese educated students who cannot MASTER any other language than Mandarin

    1. language learning is best at a young age, thus the Chinese kids have been either keeping to/among themselves (among Chinese only) or they have been marginalized by other races

    2. indeed leaning a new language is best done at a younger age. but as Confucius preaches, learning is lifelong. if one makes the effort to practise, learning a new language is not a problem.

      not to mention the benefits that come from bilingualism or multilingualism. and in practical sense, a Chinese in Malaysia still needs BM or English to expand his/her reach and vice-versa.

  4. Question for Ktemoc and his Facebook matey Ti Lian Ker - why only mention Anwar Ibrahim ?
    There have been 18 other Ministers of Education for Malaya/ Malaysia and 7 seven other Ministers of Education after Anwar Ibrahim left the office.

    For Ti Lian Ker the reason is obvious - he is just another MCA idiot who lacks the male gonads to mention the 18 other Ministers of Education who were similarly responsible for the decline in educational standards, certainly 7 of which came after Anwar.
    Were they just warming their seats, including a certain Najib back in the 1990's , who is Ti Lian Ker's current Boss ?
    Oh...MCA idiots only now dare criticise Mahathir and Muhyiddin , because they are no longer in UMNO...

    1. wasn't he the 'Melayu baku' person and the bloke who started the issue of non-Mandarin trained headmasters in SJKCs leading to Ops Lalang?

  5. friends, chill a wee bit lah, OK? Let' return to civil courteous conversation, wakakaka

    1. Ktemoc,

      my only intention is to tear these Cina-chauvinists a new asshole and stuff reality into them. for crying out loud, these outdated retards "dun know google that well", when its Google that owns !

      at an age when Shila can sing in Mandarin and Lee Hsien Loong can speak in Malay, these Cina ah peks calling themselves Malaysians cant even speak decent BM ! they love to think along racial lines ? then how about this, the Malays are now stepping up to the challenge and they dont ?

      so much for calling themselves Malaysian, when they keep harping on in Mandarin in their daily life !

    2. kid, dun know google mean thats not my problem, ada paham? u read every sentence litreally ka? no wonder.

      i know where u r coming from, in fact i agree with many of yr observation. however u must take note that anything touched by umno/bn will turn into shit, look at our once reputable university n eng school. chinese school is our last bastion to allow our kids to have some decent education, its not perfect n need much improvements. we expect people like u could support n propose how we could work on it. dun sound like the red communist n try to turn our chinese school into a anglo school, u must recognised the fact that we r not spore.

    3. I sound like a commie ?? oh wow ! what a loop !

      I never said "turn our chinese school into a anglo school", did I ? read out of the context again ? is this what SKC preaches ?

      yes, this may not be S'pore, but surely there is more you can do other than 'compraining' ? like I said, "if you cannot speak better than them, then at least take more effort to equal them". stand up to the challenge ! the reality is BM is the national language, and sadly, how many times we hear Chinese-ed folks not being able to speak in decent BM ?

      oh so what if I read literally ? that was the sentence you wrote ! dont tell me if its 'literal' or 'implicit' or whatever, because only products of SKC can pusing sana sini. I prefer looking at facts and reality as it is. full stop.

    4. yes u sound like a commie, most commie have the inclination to dictate what language I use n speak in order to be a citizen, for instance, read shit from red communist like jamal ikan n ali tinju.

      when most subject r taught in language other than chinese, the chinese school character will change, see what happen to sekolah menengah jenis kebangsaan, or as usual u r ignorant of this part of history?

      there r many reason y non malay cant speak fluent malay, for example some indian from the estate, and some chinese from the rural, it is easy to said challenge when the environment and reality doesn't require fluent bm to survive. u see many expatriate could speak thai chinese japan korean n b.indon when they stay in those countries but rarely we meet one in msia that could speak bm except terima kasih, apa khabar n msia bolih. the environment have major impact, it seem most msian can speak some eng, albeit manglish.

      u can read whatever way, not of my concern, it is a bit funny (a less harsh word) to ask me to google myself on something u claim to be truth n fact.

      the rest i reply u when i ada masa lapang, I dun sit 7/24 in front of my pc. but if u r that free, check my spelling n grammar, thats a good hobby, sesuatu tugas yang berfaedah di masa lapang.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. commie ? what is communism ? pray tell me you have found your dictionary.

    arent those in rural areas better in BM ? mostly Malays would stay at rural areas, no ? have you seen Kelantan Chinese who can speak Kelantan BM as well as their Malay brethren ?

    funny ? facts are facts. and the fact is Chinese-ed folks are weaker in BM or English. Google or no Google, the fact is there.

    sure, preach about the history of SMJK all you want. aint gonna debate on that. the fact is, SKCs still use lower standard of BM papers. as for independent schools under dz, no need to say more lah. in the end, who loses out in BM/English proficiency ?

    1. From Star Online -

      The UEC is a standardised examination conducted by leading Chinese education group Dong Zong (United School Committees Associations of Malaysia) in the country’s 60 Chinese secondary schools. In the 1960s, these schools were privatised after they chose to retain Mandarin as their medium of instruction.

      Largely funded by donations from the Chinese community, these 60 schools have been providing affordable education to students, charging them monthly fees ranging from RM60 to RM300.

      To ensure students can enter local public universities if they want to, many schools compel students to sit for both the national SPM examination and the UEC exam. Some even hold STPM classes. Among those known for academic excellence are Foon Yew High School, Chung Hwa High School and Kuan Cheng High School.

      Putrajaya has said it does not recognise the UEC as Chinese secondary schools do not follow the national education curriculum and students lack proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia. But many Chinese educationists see this denial as a political strategy to discourage Chinese education in Malaysia.

      With Sarawak’s endorsement of the UEC, the urge to get Federal recognition is ignited again, particularly after Sabah, Selangor, and Penang state governments have said they will follow suit.

      Adenan, who is leading Barisan Nasional in Sarawak to contest in the up-coming state election, went a step further when he directed the state-owned Yayasan Sarawak to provide education loans or scholarships to UEC holders.

      “I don’t care what the Federal Government does but I think it’s stupid. I’m prepared to stand up for it,” Adenan was quoted as saying. “Other countries would pinch them. What a waste. How could we deny these people opportunities (in Malaysia)?”

      He noted that Sarawak would lose talent to countries such as Singapore and Taiwan, which recognise the UEC.

      Taiwan has an official policy of allocating a certain quota for Chinese students from Malaysia, and Singapore has been aggressively recruiting top UEC holders into its public universities, including the world-class National University of Singapore. Officials from Singapore visit the large Chinese secondary schools here after the UEC results are out to offer scholarships to outstanding students and place them under a bond.

      National Taiwan University, a leading state-owned institution of Taiwan, has accepted 26 Malaysians this year, says its local alumni association.

      Indeed, foreign recognition goes beyond Taiwan and Singapore. The other countries with universities that endorse this qualification include Australia, Britain, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand and the United States.

    2. doesn't bove imply good BM and good Engrangisch

    3. surprise, surprise... even Ktemoc has gone off topic, which is about BM/English proficiency. I am not here to debate about the 'might' of Chinese schools and yada yada...

      ok, fine, but let me remind you that the UEC is just ONE of the qualifications necessary for studying abroad. heard of TOEFL and IELTS ? SAT in the US ?

      in the end, dont you still need 'Engrangisch' ?

      having resided in Aussie-land, you should know better.
