
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Would God weep?

Malaysiakini - The mendacity of Hadi Awang by Commander (Rtd) S Thayaparan (extracts):

I consider PAS a religious sect masquerading as a political party and a component party of Barisan National.

Many PAS members who still hold allegiance to Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s pragmatism, if not his religiosity, tell me that Abdul Hadi Awang should just come out of the closet and swear fealty to Umno. This way there would be a modicum of honour in how they conduct themselves in the upcoming elections should Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak have the courage to roll the dice and see where they land.

Hadi’s claim that non-Muslims would embrace syariah law because it showed Islam was fair and just is laughable, not because of the idiocy of the statement but because Malaysians, and this includes Muslims, have very little faith in the current “secular” system in place.

Syariah, as I have argued before, would just be the cherry on top of the fascist cake that the Najib regime and PAS are baking because of the scandals plaguing the former. The funny thing is, Hadi’s conduct would be condemned and judged harshly by the Islamic fanatics he wishes to emulate.

In a speech to various right-wing Malay groups, he said, “When they see that syariah law is better, they (non-Muslims) will automatically choose syariah and this is what is feared by those quarters (who oppose the amendments to the Act).”

This is a blatant lie and Hadi knows this. Hadi knows very well that during Tok Guru’s tenure, the opposition pact was playing hide and seek with hudud - agree to disagree and the various rhetorical permutations gave way to open hostilities that led to the break-up of Pakatan Rakyat after the passing of the PAS spiritual adviser.

He knows very well that most non-Muslims have very little faith in the legal system in this country when it comes to disputes where Malay/Muslim “rights” are questioned or challenged. This covers everything from conversions to marriage, and under the Najib regime where criminal acts are turned into racial issues, the Low Yat fiasco a case in point.

Furthermore, in Malaysia, this question of syariah law has been an impediment to any kind of cohesive opposition alliance. An “Islamic” law the world has proven to be bigoted, unjust, cruel and detrimental to societies that have been dragged into this system by mendacious clerics who ignore the privileged class it creates and subject the rest of the population to its brutal edicts.

In addition, countries shackled by “Islamic” laws are neither functional nor contribute in any way to the development of cordial international relations. Most sane Malaysians - Muslims and non-Muslims - realise this.

Hadi was duplicitous when he claimed that “the syariah court only affects Muslims and has nothing to do with non-Muslims”. Everyone knows that anything to do with Islam in this country has an effect on every Malaysian regardless of his or her professed religion. Everyone has felt the harsh glare of the kind of Islam that was used as a tool by Umno to shore up Malay support and constantly remind non-Muslims that they were interlopers in this country.

The civil service, the security service, the education system, nearly every state apparatus, is a reminder of the influence of Islam on every Malaysian citizen. The Arabisation process favoured by Umno and slavishly followed by PAS is a triumph of form over substance and the rail on which the gravy train runs on.

In other words, Pak Haji has been fibbing on a number of issues regarding syariah laws and non-Muslims attitude towards (and fear of) it. To reiterate what Aneh Thayaparan has written above, Pak Haji fibbed:

(i) when he said, “When they see that syariah law is better, they (non-Muslims) will automatically choose syariah and this is what is feared by those quarters (who oppose the amendments to the Act).”

Remember, he was talking about how non-Muslims, not Muslims, regard syariah. His brazen bullshit is remarkable.

(ii) when he conveniently ignored the Nik Raina's case, how she was both prosecuted and persecuted by JAWI even when it was f**king crystal clear she was innocent.

Oh, those JAWI clerics had the lust to punish a Muslim, kau kau someone, somehow, somewhere, and poor Nik Raina was the convenient Muslim working at Borders which sold a book which JAWI banned 6 days AFTER the sale. For more on Nik Raina's unjust case, please read Why should taxes from non-Muslim sources fund JA-organizations?

And that's what led Aneh to pen "An Islamic law the world has proven to be bigoted, unjust, cruel and detrimental to societies that have been dragged into this system by."

(iii) when he claimed that “the syariah court only affects Muslims and has nothing to do with non-Muslims”.

Aneh wrote: Everyone knows that anything to do with Islam in this country has an effect on every Malaysian regardless of his or her professed religion. Everyone has felt the harsh glare of the kind of Islam that was used as a tool by Umno to shore up Malay support and constantly remind non-Muslims that they were interlopers in this country.

The civil service, the security service, the education system, nearly every state apparatus, is a reminder of the influence of Islam on every Malaysian citizen. The Arabisation process favoured by Umno and slavishly followed by PAS is a triumph of form over substance and the rail on which the gravy train runs on.

(iv) he pretends PAS is an independent political party when it has, under his leadership, effectively become a component party in the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional (BN), a machai for Najib so to speak.

Aneh narrated: I consider PAS a religious sect masquerading as a political party and a component party of Barisan National.

Many PAS members who still hold allegiance to Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s pragmatism, if not his religiosity, tell me that Abdul Hadi Awang should just come out of the closet and swear fealty to Umno. This way there would be a modicum of honour in how they conduct themselves in the upcoming elections.....

I use the word 'fib' to describe the recent actions of Pak Haji because I am a kinder, less stern, wakakaka-ish person than Aneh.

Fib means 'a small or trivial lie; minor falsehood', whereas Aneh's big word 'mendacity' is the noun of the adjective 'mendacious' which means 'telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful' where unlike my fib, there's nothing small nor trivial about his lies, wakakaka.

Of course Aneh has been spot on when he decried Abdul Hadi Awang's mendacity, hypocrisy and buat-ta'tahu in not just coming out of the closet to swear fealty to Umno, as told to Aneh by what his described as many PAS members who still hold allegiance to Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s pragmatism if not his religiosity.

But you know kaytee as a kind-hearted person who still has a bit of respect for Pak Haji, purely due to his age and not his behaviour or politics, wakakaka, thus I have tried to find reasons for his closeted behaviour (not the AI variety, wakakaka, but one of already sucking up to UMNO). Let's start by examining PAS' federal performance over 4 general elections and the likely cause for its good or poor achievements, namely:

1999 - won 27 seats, riding on the back of Barisan Alternatif - DAP's LKS and Karpal lost their federal seats in the election due to Chinese perception of the DAP playing footsie-tootsie with PAS.

2004 - won 7 seats in a solo bid - there was no coalition like in 1999 - DAP went on its solo way after suffering the ouster of LKS and Karpal from parliament in 1999

2008 - won 23 seats (riding on the back of Pakatan Rakyat

2013 - won 21 seats riding on the back of Pakatan but I suspect that because its Kedah MB frightened the nons, it didn't do as well as it did in 2008 - in fact PAS lost the state of Kedah.

Thus PAS only did well when it was in a coalition. Without being in a coalition, and support of non-Malay votes it was nothing more than a provincial political party.

Aneh also wrote: In one of my numerous articles on PAS, I wrote, “The only reason PAS has enjoyed a political resurgence is because of its affiliation with the former Pakatan Rakyat. Their resurgence is not based on any cultural or social shift but rather the compromises made in joining mainstream Malaysian politics.

“And PAS was not the unwanted stepchild that it makes itself out to be, but rather contributed valuable logistical and public relations support to a newly resurgent opposition pact that greatly benefited from its politics of inclusion, somewhat flawed it may have been.”

There are many pragmatic voices within PAS who do not view an alliance with Umno as anything but disastrous to them in the end. This is why there are so many contradictory voices in Hadi’s PAS. This is why PAS fears Amanah. Amanah did not fare as badly as the Umno “advisers” predicted in the last by-elections.

Coincidentally 4 days ago, I had penned my take on why Pak Haji went over to Najib in my post Quo Vadis DAP? in which I stated:

Despite the news that PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man is also keen to form a united opposition against Najib, I believe that PAS president Pak Haji Hadi, having realized his erstwhile dreams of riding on Chinese support to a 60+ federal seats victory is now kaput, being kaput-ized by his own too-eager and thus premature announcement of his hudud-aspirations, has accepted and prepared a more achievable and also more beneficial role for PAS in 2018, that of a spoiler in triangular contests in relevant electorates in covert support of UMNO candidates.

Yes, Pak Haji Hadi and Najib might possibly have done a sub-rosa deal for 2018, one in which Najib has devolved 3rd party demolition tasks to PAS. I actually dread whatever political-legislative quid pro quos both of them might have kowtim-rized a la 'bisa diatur'.

Before we close, allow me to quote another extract of Aneh's article, as follows:

PAS thinks that Najib is weak and that concessions could be extracted from his regime. The problem is that Hadi is in a weak position himself. PAS seems oblivious to the vagaries of dealing with Umno and Umno is every ready - especially now - to use PAS as just another of its outsourced political thugs, or as one Umno insider told me.

“Do you really think that hudud is going to happen here in Malaysia?” She continued, “Hudud and Hadi are convenient fillers to break the news cycle. Nobody takes them seriously. How could anyone take them seriously?”

Pak Haji thinks he's another clever LKY and can ride the wounded UMNO-Najib tiger, but in reality his party is a wounded pussy cat and it won't be long before the UMNO tiger turns around and swallows it as had been done several times before, wakakaka.

But in the end it seems that for all his religiosity, Pak Haji is not above fibbing as Aneh's article has shown. It kinda makes me sad because I have to ask (again), is there no morality and honesty even among so-called men of god?


  1. John Updike’s ‘The Coup’; Leon Uris’s ‘Hajj’; John Laffin’s ‘The Dagger of Islam’; Phillip Caputo’s ‘Horn of Africa’; just to quote a few - the message is brutal clear, that Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. (Peace Be Upon Him) had pretended to be a man of God and that Muhammad was a violent and unscrupulous politician for whom ends justified the means.

    Doesn’t it sound similar with Thayaparan and KT?

    So, don’t you fret Hadi, you shall surpass the nons' hatred and paranoia of the Syariah Laws and Islam with distinction.

    1. Hadi Awang will declare that the "Malaysian Public Official #1" is not guilty until there are 4 Pious Muslims Male witnesses. Women count as 1/2 a witness.
      All these US charges are works of the Zionist Isreal's doings.
      Hadi will "advise" "he who cannot be named" not to worry too much. Just swear on the Koran and all of PAS will back him up.

    2. Wakaka ........... there are certainly more than 4 they can easily find. I can already find 4 over here, Tok guru himself, Hasan, Tanah Melayu & Unknown will need no examination of anything, no need to verify whatever other said, no need to think through and honestly ask their own conscience will "BOLDLY" declare, the MO1 is 100% innocent pure virgin

    3. hello ta.. who is the "malaysian public official #1"? fbi.. doj.. pun tidak berani cakap dan tidak indicate siapa pun? fbi pun pernah buat silap tuduhan on hilary clinton's email.. perhaps kau lebih maha mengetahui dari fbi.. doj.. ha ha

  2. The real question that SHOULD be asked is WHY Islam, & prophet Mohammad, r getting all the bad presses NOWADAYS.

    Recorded atrocities happened around the world, according to a press big data compilations, averaged to be 7 out of 10 have a link to Islam over the period covering Jan2015 till Jun2016!

    So, where is the problem causality?

    Islam? Or those victims of those atrocities?

    Nons' hatred & paranoid of the Syariah Laws & Islam DON'T grow out naturally. It's the same response that every decent human will react, san those Islamic blur-sotong, over the atrocities done in the name of yr religion.

    1. Most Muslims are not terrorist, but most terrorists are Muslims or are they?

    2. Teo Akbar, u r a sensible Muslim, so let me starts a simple dialogue with u.

      1) All Abrahamic faiths r intrinsically cruel in their believes! Case in hand - their an-eye-for-an-eye tribal doctrine of blood-letting. Yes?

      2)Big data gathering indicates that Muslim is the biggest growing faith in the world. All other faiths' propagation is either in decline or stagnant. Why?

      3)Birth rate is not the ONLY binding force for the growth of ummat islam. Prevention of apostasy by killing is the key growth factor in poor muslim countries. Thus, there r many munafik, bcoz ofn their fear of death punishment. No?

      4)In most Europen countries, besides the growth of ummat islam via migrations, most of conversion involves dissatisfaction populace of other faiths. But this rate is very small. So, why the big number in crime committed by the ummat Islam?

      5)In US, mass conversion of the African Americans to Islam has a lot to do with that other faith, especially Christianity, is considered a white-man's suppression tool by the Black Americans. Islam's confrontational outlook to Christianity, supported by the flow of Arab funds, enlisted a lot of Black Americans to her call. It also attracts a lot of psychopaths to enroll, thus creating a big proportion of the atrocities in the name of Islam.

      6) The above 5 could be the reasons u r looking for.

  3. To digress a little, Najib will be busy addressing the revelations emanating from US court filings now.

    His step-son is mentioned, as well as Jho Low. An individual called “Malaysian Official 1” is also mentioned.

  4. Will Malaysia go the way of Pakistan?


    "28. MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 is a high-ranking official in the Malaysian
    government who also held a position of authority with 1MDB. During all times relevant to the Complaint, MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 was a “public official” as that term is used in 18 U.S.C. § 1956(c)(7)(B)(iv) and a “public servant” as that term is used in Section 21 of the Malaysian Penal Code.
    29. Riza Shahriz Bin Abdul AZIZ (“AZIZ”), a Malaysian national, is a
    relative of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 and a friend of LOW. He co-founded Red
    Granite Pictures, a Hollywood movie production and distribution studio, in 2010."

    OFFICIAL 1 "

    1. And they had to sack a DPM for asking the PM about the exact same allegations now brought to a US court. Who is vindicated now?
