
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Son of 12 million bullshits - the conspiracy

Continuing from my previous post 12 million bullshits

Star Online reported on the case of the missing RM12 million ransom money which was supposed to be paid to the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group for the release of four Sarawakian sailors held hostage. The sailors have been released but the police claimed that no ransom was paid.

Note: in Malaysia it is illegal to pay ransom money.

The families of the four released hostages have stated quite unequivocally the RM12 million had been handed over to the Police SB who was handling the hostage issue. So if no ransom money was paid where then is the money?

The Star Online report stated: There is no need to set up an inquiry to look into where the RM12mil raised by the families of the freed Sarawakian hostages went, says Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.

The Inspector-General of Police was speaking to reporters at a press conference on Monday at Bukit Aman after handing out Hari Raya goodies to police personnel.

“I have already explained before that the police had nothing to do it,” he said.

Unfortunately for him, his boss the Home Minister had earlier stated that the ransom money had been donated to certain Filipino charities though was unable to name those recipients.

Nonetheless, the very fact that the Minister had said so is iron-clad acknowledgement the Police SB did receive the RM12 million ransom money, thus pulling the rug from beneath the IGP's denial, which of course we didn't believe in the first place.

Besides, as I wrote in my previous post, the IGP said he did NOT want to know about the missing RM12 million even when the original recipient had been alleged to be the Police SB, thus showing a rather cavalier attitude or a deliberate 'act dunno' to a serious case of RM12 million ransom money gone missing in the hands of the police SB.

dei, I qualify to be IGP lah 

This IGP gives us the impression he is a serious case of sleeping on the job or wanting to sleep on the job, purportedly a Malaysian culture as asserted by Nufam, the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia.

Anyway, FMT reported:

PETALING JAYA: MyWatch chairman Sanjeevan R has called on the police to investigate former police commando Halim Ishak, who was previously reported as being key in the efforts to free the Sarawakian hostages of Abu Sayyaf.

In a police report sighted this evening, Sanjeevan said there was the possibility that Halim Ishak and Malaysian Community Care Foundation, the NGO he chairs, had something to do with the RM12 million raised by the families of the freed Sarawakian hostages.

Mystery surrounds the freeing of kidnapped siblings Wong Teck Kang, 31, and Wong Teck Chii, 29; their cousin, Johnny Lau Jung Hien, 21, and their co-worker Wong Hung Sing, 34,” Sanjeevan had written in his report.

“The victims’ families had admitted to paying RM12 million to the PDRM Special Branch, whereas Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar has denied that, saying that PDRM has not received any money.

“A special team must be established to investigate the case and clear the good name of the PDRM and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar from such wild allegations.”

This comes after four Malaysian sailors were freed after being kidnapped off Sabah’s coast on April 1 by Abu Sayyaf militants.

The four sailors were working on a tugboat returning to Sarawak from the Philippines when they were grabbed.

Halim Ishak, a former commando of the police VAT 69 elite team, was previously reported by Harian Metro as playing the main role in the efforts to free the four Sarawakians.

Yesterday FMT reported on a conspiracy between Malaysian, Filipino officials (police? military?) and Abu Sayyaf. The report stated

MANILA: Abu Sayyaf militants are reported to be angry that some of the money collected from families and friends of four Malaysian sailors abducted in April this year did not reach them.

They are said to be upset because although those handling the ransom money had raised P130 million (RM12 million), only P100 million was given to the kidnappers.

The Manila Times reported that the missing amount raised suspicion that the rebels might be in cahoots with government officials from Malaysia and the Philippines who may have shared the money among themselves.

The report, quoting “two highly placed senior Philippine government officials”, said the payment of ransom was confirmed by Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

The New Straits Times had reported Zahid as saying that the RM12 million raised by the victims’s families had been handed over to the Special Branch and that this money was then channelled to several legal non-governmental organisations in the Philippines. He said the money was not paid as ransom. However, Malaysian police later denied being involved in any ransom payment.

The MACC must investigate the police SB for the missing ransom money, and the Homes Minister or/and a parliament committee must investigate the IGP for his denial that the ransom money had been handed over to his SB.

No one should be above the law.


  1. The Great White Shark of Putrajaya Lake gets away with complete impunity when he Gasak 625 American Pies in Donations. And voters from Kuala Kangsar to Limbang still love him to bits, and will keep him in power "forever".

    Somebody Gasak a the equivalent of a mere 3 American Pies here....these bastards could be forgiven for thinking its just a small matter that they are entitled to.

  2. KT,
    Not many will agree with your conclusion la...... remember we are talking about "the land of endless possibilities......" where anything/everything can happen........

  3. ringgit converted to usd & then to peso, so the shortfall is due to exchange rates.

  4. In actual facts of life,one has to give the IGP the benefit of doubt,and take him by his words.How can he be twittering all the time and know what is happening in his backyards?Go figure.

  5. Nah ambik kau Abu Sayaf........kena pau dgn Along Kawasan

  6. what abu sayyaf terrorists did is wrong. hence the taking of ransom and the giving of any bounty in relation to this kidnapping is wrong. life is so precious and the four sailors and their kins and kindreds should be grateful that they were released with all their limbs and organs attached. hence, it does not matter who gets the ransom and/or donation. the next kidnap don't ever bother to negotiate... just let the terrorists send the hostages' heads back. they will die as heroes and martyrs.

  7. Look at the big picture, will it become like Tian Chua said, terrorist groups from the Philippines will now look at Malaysians as “ATM machines” to obtain cash whenever needed they can just go grab a Malaysian. And this has become some sort of an industry popularised by the Somalis (which are from a failed state, but the Phillipines is not).

    1. Southern Philippines is essentially a failed state, which Manila has little or no day-to-day control over.
      Sort of a Mini Somalia.

      The so-called authorities, local police and military are often in collaborating with Criminal gangs and terrorists.

      Yes, Malaysians are now Potential ATM machines to Southern Phillipines Organised Crime/ Terrorists. There is no clear boundary between the two.

      Either pay the ransom or you will see your loved one's head less the body in some garbage bin in Mindanao.

    2. the Abu SAyyaf and other Mindanao-based terrorist groups have earned the attention of 3 nations, Philippines (how sincere are they?), Indonesia and Malaysia which have agreed to conduct joint military-police operations against them

