
Saturday, June 04, 2016

Political snippets (23)

No 1: MM Online - Azmin ‘on the run’ after failing PAS (extracts):

he's hiding in Svartalfheim

The Selangor menteri besar is considered “on the run” as he has not been seen with other coalition leaders during the announcement of the pact’s by-election candidates in Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar.

Azmin’s plan to have a straight fight for both by-elections failed to materialise as the coalition of PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) is fielding its candidates in the two constituencies.

Azmin had wanted a straight fight between only Barisan Nasional (BN) and PAS in the two constituencies, with parties in Pakatan Harapan solidly behind the Islamist party.

A so-called Pakatan leader who wants a non-Pakatan member, in fact an enemy of Pakatan, to have the two by-election seats instead of fellow Pakatan member Amanah, should continue running, as far as possible away from Pakatan.

It's hardly surprising (from MM Online) ... the menteri besar’s plan was seen, or rather interpreted, as “trying to enhance and strengthen” his position.

No 2: MM Online - Disloyalty to PAS is sin, Hadi tells members (extracts):

KOTA BARU, June 3 — PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang declared today that disloyalty to the party is a sin in Islam, likening deserters to those who abandon their faith.

... and if hudud had been implemented, also a 'crime'.

Kassim Ahmad's priesthood caste in all its self-interest self-indulgent fatwa for numero uno.

What! No fire and brimstones?

why am I in a tropical country? wakakaka 

A modern Aesop's tale about Pak Haji's manmanlai strategy, by FMT's reader Ravinder Singh. I wish I had taken a copyright registration on the use of 'camel' in the religious context, wakakaka.

Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes (Beware of Greeks bearing gifts)

But then we know Pak Kadir ain't no Yunani (Greek), thus we know what or rather who his gift of support for Amanah candidates is meant to benefit, wakakaka.

Part of the following series:

The Snippets:
(1) Political snippets (1)
(2) Political snippets (2)
(3) Political snippets (3)
(4) Political snippets (4)
(5) Political snippets (5)
(6) Political snippets (6)
(7) Political snippets (7)
(8) Political snippets (8)
(9) Political snippets (9)
(10) Political snippets (10)
(11) Political snippets (11)
(12) Political snippets (12)
(13) Political snippets (13)
(14) Political snippets (14)
(15) Political snippets (15)
(16) Political snippets (16)
(17) Political snippets (17)
(18) Political snippets (18)
(19) Political snippets (19)
(20) Political snippets (20)
(21) Political snippets (21)
(22) Political snippets (22)

(23) Political pasembur 1

The Quickies:
(1) 3 quickies (1)
(2) 3 quickies (2)
(3) Monday quickies
(4) Monday quickies (2)
(5) Sunday quickies
(6) Sunday quickies (2)

Talking Cock:
(1) Kopitiam Kok-Tok (1)
(2) Kopitiam Kok-Tok (2)

The Whereabouts:
(1) Wonder where they are now?
(2) Wonder where they are now? (2)
(3) Wonder where they are now? (3)


  1. Azmin Ali didn't steal RM 2.6 Billion of public funds.

    So, while I don't like some of his maneuverings, he is not the enemy who must be brought down.

    Support Amanah, Support PKR , heck even support PAS if you wish....Anyone but UMNO...

    1. precisely the same sad ABU mentality that stupidly gotten rid of a good man like Saifuddin Abdullah, and even more stupidly replacing him with a political-social ogre like Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi

      Azmin is treacherous and thus a clear & present danger to Pakatan. And talking about stealing billions, who has allegedly stolen more than allegedly Najib? Why ally yourself to such an allegedly far bigger thief?

    2. so ahjibgor is smaller thief, right?

  2. in this poltical snippets 23.. kt is attacking and abusing pkr, pas and amanah. there's nothing on dap or bn. quoting other snippets, pasembur, quickies, talking cock and other whereabouts are just distractions. it is so clear lah.. haha..

    1. yes, I whack PAS and Azmin of PKR, but pray, do tell/show me where I've attacked Amanah?

      Don't over-tembak lah, wakakaka

    2. kt in your snipetts 23 no. 5 - root is an aussie slang for f*ck.. haha.. so i am not wrong to read it as 'kadir jasin f*ucks for amanah candidates.. haha again..

    3. then you'd have to blame FMT because that's its headlines

      but really, the meaning of 'root' as per teh dictionary is:

      to encourage a team or contestant by cheering or applauding enthusiastically.

      to lend moral support:
      The whole group will be rooting for him.
