
Thursday, June 09, 2016

Blasphemy, Bullshit & Bull-headedness

Star Online - Sungai Besar polls: PAS sings 'old tune' - vote for reward in afterlife

SUNGAI BESAR: Those who vote for PAS will be rewarded in the afterlife as they will help expand the jurisdiction of the Syariah court, a local PAS leader said.

“As a Muslim, if we bring PAS to the road of victory, we will all be rewarded,” said Sungai Besar PAS information chief Salihudin Baharum at Parit 16 here, Wednesday night.

I wonder whether JAIS or JAKIM can charge him for blasphemy, for arrogantly usurping the divine prerogative of Allah swt?

But if JAIS aor JAKIM can, then that means almost every leader in PAS will be charged.

Perhaps I better not raise this or JAIS and JAKIM, always so eager to punish punish punish kau kau, even of PAS members, will initiate its pursuit of Salihudin Baharum in the same way it did to Nik Raina, a manager at Border, who though innocent of any wrong doing or alleged Islamic offence was nonetheless pursued horrendously.

Instead let's examine another piece of reporting contained in the same news article, as follows:

The ceramah was organised by Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia (Ikatan) which is campaigning for its ally for the first time. [...]

Kadir, a former Cabinet minister and Umno leader, said that PAS has “returned to the right path” when several of its DAP-friendly leaders left after being voted out in the PAS election.

“Then they went to set up Amanah which is close to DAP, but PAS chose to be on its own.

“I am relieved to know that there is still a party besides Umno that champions the rights of the race and the religion.

“PAS is now free from disease as it holds on to its Islamic principles and takes care of everyone regardless of race,” he said.

Before I come to my point about above news article extract from the Star Online, there's one thing about Kadir Sheikh Fadzir that has bothered me for a long while but I have to confess it's a silly worry because I have been influenced by an Aussie sweetie who told me this:

“Never trust a man who wears a bow tie.”


“Because,” she explained in a very philosophical tone, “he marches to the beat of his own drummer. You can never predict what he’s going to do. He might flip a switch one day and become a completely different person. That’s dangerous."

"No. Men who wear bow ties are bad. Don’t trust them."


OK, I confess I copied the above quotes from the web and pasted it here, but the sweetie's message was more or less the same. Sweetie of course allowed for an exception, that a bow tie is okay when the bloke is in tux or DJ, wakakaka.

Anyway, let's leave the bow tie issue aside and review what Kadir Sheikh Fadzir was reported to have said, and which I have copied and pasted below for your easy perusal and comparison, wakakaka:

(a) “I am relieved to know that there is still a party besides Umno that champions the rights of the race and the religion"

(b) “PAS is now free from disease as it holds on to its Islamic principles and takes care of everyone regardless of race

It seems our dear bow tie-d Kadir Sheikh Fadzir couldn't make up his mind about PAS' attitude towards 'race' within the short space of two continuous sentence.

Apart from quite a few of the commentators over at Malaysia-Today blog, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir is making the MP for Langkawi, Nawawi Ahmad, looks good, wakakaka.

Incidentally, in case you still aren't aware of what notoriety Nawawi Ahmad has earned, please read FMT's Fuss over Langkawi MP’s comments on who pays his salary.

He's not only ignorant but stubborn as well, refusing to apologize and withdraw his ill-informed views on who pays his MP salary.

His idiotic statement coupled with his mule-like stubbornness even earned him opprobrium from Ibrahim Ali, President of Perkasa, who asked Which school did the Langkawi MP go to?


  1. Save your breath and brain, and don't be overly concerned. All muslims (but perhaps not all malays) are totally united AGAINST blasphemy, bull-shit & bull-headedness in compromising the tenets of Islam as found in the Al-Qur'an, IF there is any. Let's see how they vote.

  2. Wakakaka....sigh...some fact this Melayu palsu terlampau Melayu;

    'All Muslims (but perhaps not all Malays) are totally united AGAINST blasphemy, bull-shit & bull-headedness in compromising the tenents of Islam as found in the Al-Qu'ran IF there is any.

    See the circurality in this statement?

    Or, BTW, the Melayu tulin SHOULD thank u for that patronizing praise(???)

    1. correct wat? not all malays r muslims eh meh?

    2. Read again, bird brain!

      There r more to readings than metro.

      Don't understand? Google lah!

      BTW, so the big abang over at the other 'nusantara' ain't no Melayu, bcoz there r non Mahammedan there, yes?

    3. yes..i agree absolutely with mark twain as above.."never argue with stupid people...."

    4. Wakakaka ...... that's true, all muslims (but perhaps not all malays) are totally united AGAINST blasphemy, bull-shit & bull-headedness in compromising the tenets of Islam. The PM were just telling difference 'stories' to suite different IQ audience wakakaka ...... to low IQ it was donation to support UMNO to win GE against DAP, to lower IQ it was Arab donation, to lower still IQ he didn't use the money for his own benefit, to the no IQ 'I' beleieve PM must have a good reason, 'I' will support him no matter what...... wakakaka ......the tenents of Islam

    5. ah yes.. mark twain also said "never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."

    6. Hi-ya, why u need to spoonfeed him?

      Google exists for a reason. & it needs a little bit of finger typing on an alphabet pad!

      For a perpetual tongkat-spoon-pick brac, perhaps that's a no no.

      Hence the easiler way of delegating deeper mental acrobat to hp6 ulamas to lead them eventually to the river of death.

      Keep quoting MT lah. It only shows how shallow u understand his words in a contextual basic.

      Small mind for small people, zilch mind for tongkat-feeder?

      But, then it's simpler for a mind that's bodoh sombong, & sits in between the two!
