
Saturday, April 02, 2016

Government's anti UEC policy began with Mahathir

Sarawak CM Adenan Satem has recently said Sarawak recognizes the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) and called upon Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) to accept the UEC.

The UEC is for passing a standardised test for Chinese independent high school students organised by the UCSCAM (United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia) since 1975. Wikipedia informs us that the UEC is available in three levels: Junior Middle (UEC-JML), Vocational (UEC-V), and Senior Middle (UEC-SML).

This Malaysian Chinese educational Certificate is accepted by overseas countries such as the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc on top of Chinese speaking nations like China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

It seems that the only country not accepting the UEC is Malaysia, thus it hasn't been at all surprising that we just heard Putrajaya has jerked the rug off from beneath Adenan's feet.

Unimas vice-chancellor Mohammad Kadim Suadi informs us:

“Unimas, being a public university under the jurisdiction of the Higher Education Ministry, is obliged to follow directives from the ministry regarding the national education policy towards UEC and also the current admission requirements to public universities set by the ministry" ...

... which essentially means no entry to UEC holders.

And why has the Malaysian government been so against the UEC?

According to deputy education minister P Kamalanathan, he of the kissy-hand-some bloke, wakakaka, the government’s refusal to recognise the UEC was due to issues of 'national sovereignty'.

where's my uncle?
I kissed his hand but now he has disappeared when I need him most 

'National sovereignty', wow, and that's even when our country now have so many international schools using English (or other foreign languages) as its medium of instruction and foreign-run universities, colleges and schools.

But MCA president Liow Tiong Lai told off Kissy-Hand-some Kamala, saying the issue of 'national sovereignty' was not even mentioned in the cabinet so how could a deputy minister announced that in parliament as if it was a government's policy stand when a full minister hasn't heard of it?

The Sabah Minister Sabah minister in charge of special tasks, Teo Chee Kang (Liberal Democratic Party). Teo said:

“I wonder whether he 
[Kissy-Hand-some, wakakaka] knew what he was talking about. While it is acceptable that for now, the government does not recognise UEC because it does not fall squarely within the national curriculum and education policy, I cannot understand how is it related to national sovereignty."

“It was said that the government’s stand was based on a cabinet decision on November 6, 2015"

... but as we know, Liow Tiong Lai has said there wasn't such a cabinet discussion.

It seems the Malay-dominated government is determined, whatever, however, as ever*, to not recognize a Unified Chinese educational certificate which has already been recognize by 400 foreign tertiary educational institutions throughout the world, including universities in France, Germany and Russia, let alone the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ and Chinese speaking nations like China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

* Yes, as ever, because it all started back in 1975 with Mahathir, when he was Education Minister, He threatened the Chinese educationists about issuing the UEC.

Dr Kua Kia Soong enlightened us on the UEC via the FMT:

The litany of reasons given by the government for not recognising the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) through the years gets more and more bizarre.

They used to say that the UEC’s curriculum was not up to mark. The latest reason is the answer given by Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan in the Dewan Rakyat that the Cabinet, in a meeting on Nov 6 last year, had decided not to recognise the certificate.
Dr Kua quoted Kissy-Hand-some Kamala saying:

“For now, the government can’t recognise UEC as it is not based on the national curriculum and education philosophy. This is a reality that needs to be accepted as it’s related to the nation’s interests and sovereignty.”

Dr Kua also went back into history to inform us that Mahathir was the man who first threatened the Chinese schools on the UEC and warned them not start this private line of educational accreditation.

Dr Kia said via FMT:

At independence in 1957, there were 86 Chinese secondary schools in Malaya.

It was only after the 1961 Education Act that many of these schools were forced to become English-medium (yes, not Malay-medium) at the time. Only 14 Chinese secondary schools remained as “independent” schools.

It was after the “Independent Schools’ Revival Movement” in the 1970s that the number of MICSS climbed to 60 schools.

In 1975, when the MICSS decided to hold its first Unified Examination, the Chinese education leaders were summoned to Parliament by then Education Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and were told in no uncertain terms to cancel the examination “or else…!”

The Chinese education leaders carried on regardless of the consequences and the UEC has been held every year since. To date, there has never been a leak in any UEC examinations and the curriculum and marking of exam scripts are carried out every year with professional precision.

Finally, Dr Kua gave a flying kick into the face of our so-called Education Ministry by telling us:

Malaysians should also know that there are hundreds of non-Chinese students in the MICSS and more than 80,000 non-Chinese students in Chinese-medium primary schools of Malaysia.

This is in sharp contrast to Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) that does not admit ANY “non-Bumiputeras” into this public institution even though “non-Bumiputera” taxpayers have also paid for this institution.

Does UiTM violate national sovereignty? This Bumiputeras-only policy definitely violates the International Convention for the Eradication of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).

Strangely thus far, the DAP has been unusually quiet on Putrajaya's rejection of Adenan's recognition of the UEC, though just last month Lim Guan Eng has urged Adenan to hire Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) holders for the state civil service. We'll have to see how sincere Adenan is.

But to recapitulate, it started with Mahathir's very very strong and fierce opposition against the UEC, and which now is still perpetuated by his 'UMNO-descendants', with Kissy-Hand-some Kamala being the front spokesman for the government's anti-UEC stand.

Maybe UMNO is just jealous of the performance, standing and credibility of the UEC.


  1. "It seems the Malay-dominated government is determined, whatever, however, as ever*, to not recognize a Unified Chinese educational certificate which has already been recognize by 400 foreign tertiary educational institutions throughout the world, including universities in France, Germany and Russia, let alone the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ and Chinese speaking nations like China, Hong Kong and Taiwan."

    OOOooo Malay dominated izzit...then hard is it for Cina to understand...the Dalai Lama is the Dalai Lama of Tibetan Buddhists all over the world except those in "China". The Pope is the head of all Catholic Churches in the world except those in China. Muslims can puasa all over the world except those in "China".

    Melayu "jealous", then Cina apa? Feng Shui? No swimming pool?

    1. ‘OOOooo Malay dominated izzit...then hard is it for Cina to understand..’

      Nothing is so difficult to faham… all Cina M’sians know deep in their hearts that such was/is the case when the govt is dominated by Melayu like u.

      Aiya…katak dibawah tempurung, like u, most likely don’t know that China is a secular state, dictates by Communist doctrine, where ALL religions play no part.


      So this ignorant factual rubbish – ‘the Dalai Lama is the Dalai Lama of Tibetan Buddhists all over the world except those in "China". The Pope is the head of all Catholic Churches in the world except those in China. Muslims can puasa all over the world except those in "China"’ remains what it’s – at the heart of a blur-sotong racist!

      Melayu "jealous", then Cina apa?’

      Cina taka apa! They continuously work hard to strike on their own terms & ways, just like managing Unified Chinese educational certificate to be a world class recognized certificate.

      Unlike some markah buta certifications manufactured by u-know-who to produce unemployable hp6 graduates.

      Yr jealousy HAS only leading many of u to become a tongkat OKU, no?

      BTW, what is yr religion &/or adat says about such thing????

      Perhaps, like this..

      "when the fellows enter our houses and sleep with our wives and daughters or sons, we will excuse their trespass because they are of the same race and religion."

      Wakakakaka… about maruah…when siege mentality set in then maruah suddenly worths zilch for people like u, YES?

    2. "Aiya…katak dibawah tempurung, like u, most likely don’t know that China is a secular state, dictates by Communist doctrine, where ALL religions play no part."

      Using the same argument, South Africa can justify what it did just by saying it is dictated by apartheid doctrine lah?

      You the one who bawah tempurung!


      Then Malaysia becomes Islamic state, then hudud OK iizzit? Because a country is communist there are things it is alright to do,. Then the same when it because Islamic, the same applies . Bagus! Aiyo your tempurung...

      Like the Tibetans and Uighurs have no say in being under communist rule, then Cina should have no say being under Ketuanan Melayu rule. Bagus! Bodoh punya Cina!

    3. FYI, the White Afrikaners did justify what it did just by saying it is dictated by apartheid doctrine!

      So r the secular nature of the Communist doctrine toward ALL religions.

      But, then ANYWHERE within my writings did I condone these policies/doctrines? Show lah. Tau baca ke, tak?

      Didn’t I call them pariah practices? Ooop… thousandth apology, mungkin katak cant read human writings.

      WRT Islamic state, then hudud OK izzit – do take a page from yr big brother across the Java sea, the largest Muslim populated country yet with secular state constitutions! So why NO hudud? Or r they munāfiq? Should tell that to yr Indonesian brother & see how he re-decorates yr face lah.

      The Cina Muslim naik Islam LOoong long time before the founding of the waterly hole of Malacca sultanate, do they WANT hudud?

      BTW, just for yr reference; ummat Muslim Cina composes of Han, Mongolian, Uighurs etc. There r more of them than the whole of me-layu Melayu in M’sia. One more thingy, most of them r living under their own autonomous states. Know what autonomous state means – quick, find a dictionary, no matter how old the publication WILL do, wakakakaka.

      Oh… BTW, there is such a brotherhood knows as the Club of Doom. Majority of the members r the failed states, practicing sharia principles - hudud inclusive. Wondering WHY?????

      Ooop.. they failed bcoz they've deviated from the TRUE Islamic principles. Then, based on what u have written so far, aint u????

      Just a question, WHY hudud so important to u, while the other noble sharia principles r sidelined? Could it be bcoz blood-letting is inherent in yr animistic nature, Islam or no Islam. Yes?

      I agree Cina has no say in M’sia’s affair. But ALL M’sians have their constitutional right to OBJECT to Ketuanan Melayu rule, OK? Should I re-read Animal Farm to dissect u?

      It’s puzzling for someone who keep mentioning about the plights of Tibetans and Uighurs & yet keep promoting the ketuanan craps. Yr line of thought MUST have been twisted kau-kau, perhaps by the BTN classes & yr inferiority complex. No?

      Jadi, siapa yang Bodoh Sombong????

      Has yr ego being busted AGAIN????? Now, go back underneath the tempurung. It’s a cruel world out there for u to survive, if the tongkat is not present. Save the cockeroo talk!

  2. "This is in sharp contrast to Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) that does not admit ANY “non-Bumiputeras” into this public institution even though “non-Bumiputera” taxpayers have also paid for this institution."

    If Malay control then Malay decide. If Cina control then Cina decide. The Communist Party Chief of Tibet is always a Han Chinese. The PM of Singapore cannot be Indian - this is directly from the mouth of the Original Tokong. You expect other races to behave better than you?

    1. ‘If Malay control then Malay decide.’

      Fine…. Then along the way DON’T blame others for yr short-falls. Take responsibility lah! Have some maruah lah, if such term still exist within yr daily understanding.

      Always like to compare with pariah practices. No wonder, M’sia is going down the drain as if yr father built it in the first place.

      How about looking for a top class practice, such as Canada. Harjit Sajjan is an Indian immigrant holding the post of Minister of defense for Canada.

      Australia also has an exM’sian as a minister, too.

      ‘You expect other races to behave better than you?’

      No one expects anything better except for the betterment of M’sia. Bird brain!!!

      So, do reflect the last quote about that stranger in yr house if u can spare a second from yr racial chanting.

      But then, what can one say about a katak dibawah tempurung, who also happens to wear colour glasses?

  3. Another "everywhere except China" story:

    When DAP gain power then UEC can be recognized. As for what happens to non-Cina when Cina are in power, ask Tibetans and Uighurs.

    So when a Cina complains about a a country where Cina are not in power, don't be sympathetic, just thank your lucky stars he is not in power!

    1. ‘So when a Cina complains about a a country where Cina are not in power, don't be sympathetic, just thank your lucky stars he is not in power!’

      What rubbish is that lump of grey matter between yr ears?

      No Cina is complaining about M’sia. ONLY M’sian is complaining about M’sia!

      Get that into that shrinking meatball in yr head, before it turns sclerosis.

  4. Mahathir certainly has much to be accountable for the misdeeds during his long tenure. His basic hostility against Chinese education was well known.
    However, it has become fashionable lately to blame Mahathir if the pet dog gets sick or the car breaks down. I suppose if the car is a Potong , there is some objective connection.

    However, the Malaysian Government's baleful attitude towards Chinese Independent Schools long predated Mahathir's power, and continued long after he left the Education Ministry as well as the Prime Ministership. The UEC exam recognition is just one aspect, of course a very important aspect of the issue.

    Back in the 1950's and 1960's Tunku's administration regarded the Chinese Educationist movement as a hotbed of Communist sympathisers, as such a potential threat to national security. The "National sovereignty" angle mentioned today is a hangover from such attitudes.

    Don't blame arse-kisser Kamlan. He was just acting as a peon, befitting his lowly status in the Cabinet pecking-order.

    I find it odd that Ktemoc never holds his Chai Shen Yeh Na'aji accountable for anything.

    What the fuck is Na'aji doing jetting around in a luxury A319 executive plane at taxpayer expense, if he is not accountable for anything ?

    1. this post is about Malaysian govt's recognition of the UEC. The UEC started in 1975 - why drag Tunku in when we know who was the Education Minister in 1975?

    2. History, Context and Big Picture.

      The Malaysian Government's refusal to recognise the UEC is not a standalone issue. It does not exist in a vacuum.

      Mahathir's opposition to the UEC in 1975 also did not arise in a vacuum. He did not simply do it out of personal spite, though he is certainly accountable for his actions.

      The context is the Malaysian government's hostility towards the Chinese Independent School system predates Mahathir, and continues long after his involvement ended.
      It also explains why no progress is possible on UEC recognition, even in 2016, though in education terms, the UEC exam is widely recognised throughout the world.

      The 3 NO's policy continues in perpetuity -
      No New Chinese Independent Schools from the Merdeka baseline.
      No Recognition of the UEC for Government positions,
      No Recognition of the UEC for Malaysian University entry.
