
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Rafizi's claptrap?

An extract from Malaysiakini's Rafizi, 'system change' isn't replacing one devil with another by MKINI reader-commentator Proarte:

Proarte: "Rafizi stressed that PKR always advocated a system, and not personality change." 

Really, Rafizi? Why then has PKR been essentially about one man, Anwar Ibrahim? What real 'reforms' has the bogus 'Reformasi' icon instituted or advocated? What systemic change did Anwar advocate for the past 18 years other than presenting himself as the candidate for PM?

In reality, Anwar and PKR have been so careful not to rock the 'ketuanan Melayu' and 'ketuanan Islam' boat and essentially have been advocating 'business as usual' Umno-style politics but in better packaging. Anwar Ibrahim has defrauded the Malaysian public with his empty talk of 'reformasi' which has no real substance.

Will Rafizi be advocating equal rights for each citizen with a rejection of the notion of 'special privileges' for Malays?

Will Rafizi be urging reforms in the state constitutions which deny non-Malays and non-Muslim the right to be CM despite commanding an overwhelming majority in the state assembly? Surely Rafizi will agree that racism and religious bigotry should not be tolerated.

Rafizi should not give us claptrap like 'system change' without defining exactly what he means. We are sick and tired of sound bites and 'all things to all men' politicians like Rafizi's mentor Anwar Ibrahim.

Bravo Proarte, you've brilliantly exposed Rafizi's (or PKR's) "reformasi" for what it was/has been worth, wakakaka.

Those PKR so-called "reformers" - what a lot of crap they've been piling on us.

Related: Selangor saga shows PKR's ketuanan mentality? (extracts only to politically titillate you)

While Nathaniel Tan’s ‘only link’ twisted itself into an unhappy, avaricious and treacherous knot of Gordian proportion, PAS and DAP with a combined 30 assemblypersons nominated Khalid Ibrahim as their preferred candidate for the MB position.

Their preference was further endorsed by Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, the party president of PKR, a fortuitous endorsement for some in PKR because it eventually and unwittingly provided a face-saving way out for those against Khalid Ibrahim becoming MB.

But what occurred next ripped the breath of many away as PKR Wanita chief, Zuraida Kamaruddin, unbelievably told DAP and PAS pointedly to stay out on the Selangor MB appointment because, now get this, the post belonged to PKR and it was for the party alone to decide which of its assemblypersons should be MB.

If that was not of ketuanan magnitude, I don’t know what would then be.

In a media interview she exclaimed whether the PAS and DAP state assemblypersons were gila kuasa (power crazy), without even recognising the irony of her accusations.

Mind you, those PAS and DAP assemnblypersons had nominated a PKR person to be MB, not one of their own party members.

If I may, I would like to paraphrase one of Anwar Ibrahim’s recent quotes to address Zuraida Kamaruddin for her belief that the Selangor MB post belonged to PKR, 
“So you think this is your father’s state?”

The sheer preposterousness of her proprietary claim on the MB position would have been a great joke if not for the disturbing cardinal belief by some in PKR that they possess supreme birthrights above their political allies, an indisputable ketuanan mindset. 

Thus, it indicated Nathaniel Tan’s ‘only link’ has in fact been Pakatan’s ‘only link’ to the ultimate ketuanan party, Umno, incidentally the progenitor of PKR.

Zuraida Kamaruddin has not been the only PKR member who has entertained such arbitrary aggressive and arrogant claim on being the automatic primus inter pares (first among equals) in Pakatan, with a first stake claim on the choicest cut of all Pakatan’s political rights in governments.

For example, the greedy grab of 49 (initially 52) out of 71 seats in the last Sarawak state election was a dismal example of its sad avaricious mentality and arrogant disdain for its Pakatan allies. It was pure grade ketuanan mentality at its worst. The buah langsat certainly hasn't fallen far from the langsat tree.


  1. Reading the articles in Mkini and FMT, Rafizi spoke about the "system as constituted today allowed the prime minister to 'do what he did and get away with it'.”

    This system was bequeathed by Mahathir, so Rafizi was speaking in the context of Mahathir's purported attempt to enlist others to his quest to unseat Najib. What Rafizi meant is Mahathir's destruction of the check and balances that was built in during Malaysia's formation, and these should be at least restored. So Rafizi is not wrong in this context to keep Mahathir's proposal at arm's length.

    If comments about other things are brought in to muddle this point, then the purpose of all this will be moot.

    1. THis was what had been reported: Commenting on this, Rafizi stressed that PKR always advocated a system, and not personality change.

      and that's precisely what Proarte commented on, which I reiterate here by reproducing what he said (only extracts of above extracts):

      Really, Rafizi? Why then has PKR been essentially about one man, Anwar Ibrahim? What real 'reforms' has the bogus 'Reformasi' icon instituted or advocated? What systemic change did Anwar advocate for the past 18 years other than presenting himself as the candidate for PM?

      In reality, Anwar and PKR have been so careful not to rock the 'ketuanan Melayu' and 'ketuanan Islam' boat and essentially have been advocating 'business as usual' Umno-style politics but in better packaging. Anwar Ibrahim has defrauded the Malaysian public with his empty talk of 'reformasi' which has no real substance.

      Will Rafizi be advocating equal rights for each citizen with a rejection of the notion of 'special privileges' for Malays?

    2. Ok, so Proarte's (and your) understanding of 'system change' includes also the abolishment of the ketuanan and special rights thing.

      You know that, unlike in the land of Oz, these things are not only institutionalised, not only are they built-into the SOP of the government, they are also ingrained in 60% of the people against the remaining 40% (roughly). Sort of majority overwhelms minority.

      How would any serving Malay politician announce that he will do away with something that is perceived as a natural right? The closest that anyone came to this was Mahathir who, during the height of his powers, told the Malays off very bluntly in an Utusan interview.

      So now Rafizi's remarks about Mahathir's call to join forces have been extrapolated to a ketuanan issue. At least Rafizi is more level headed in rejecting Mahathir, unlike Lim K S and his 1MDB RCI thing.

    3. Proarte wrote a long note, and like anybody else (including Ktemoc) what he is accountable for what he wrote its entirety, not just one sentence.

      "Will Rafizi be advocating equal rights for each citizen with a rejection of the notion of 'special privileges' for Malays?"

      What Proarte wrote is NOT Pakatan policy (that includes DAP). Constitution say "special position of the Malays" and That is what Anwar has said before will continue, but requires systemic changes to prevent the abuse that is currently occurring.

      "Will Rafizi be urging reforms in the state constitutions which deny non-Malays and non-Muslim the right to be CM despite commanding an overwhelming majority in the state assembly?"

      Again That is NOT Pakatan policy (including DAP).

  2. “Will Rafizi be advocating equal rights for each citizen with a rejection of the notion of 'special privileges' for Malays?”

    since when dap reject malay "special privileges"? show me.

    1. we're querying Rafizi on his BOAST

    2. show me then rafizi boast. which part? can I post the same question what dap "changes" is abt? kick out the 2 ketuanan? if lks n lge dare to said that, i from now onwards stop my criticism against dap. otherwise u dap supporter r merely hypocrite. no difference with bn.

    3. you're barking desperately, as usual for a PKR person. I've already posted that above in response to Al Bert - tolong lah, red it, it's in English

      It's not DAP boasting but your Rafizi, who if we recall had been the mastermind of the useless PKR-centric selfish bullshit Kajang Move

    4. is changing the system equivalent to changing the laws and policies? there are so many sistem-sistem pentadbiran negeri dan negara that perhaps need changes and betterment... rafizi is a malay.. obviously he cannot turn his back against his own race la. that is suicide. just curious - will dap ever appoint a malay chief minister in penang? we can go on and on lah. the bedrock is.. this is a malay sultanate and perhaps a muslim country... and you have to and must acknowledge it.

    5. Why have to bring race into every discussion ?
      In the context of Rafizi's retort to Mahathir the "system" is the current process where the Prime Minister, through his powers of appointment, is able to subvert the working of the law enforcement , prosecution and judicial process. The guilty can be made innocent, the innocent can be made guilty.
      Mahathir was fundamentally guilty of creating this system, but the PM currently in power, whom we have to oppose is Najib.
      The other system is the system of patronage , cloaked under the "Special Position of the Malays", but in reality used to reward and punish political support or non-support for the PM and UMNO.

      In most cases laws do not need to be changed, but the application of the policies need to be placed on a transparent and accountable footing.

    6. rafizi didnt comment in chinese, so what ketuanan u n proarte r talking abt? i read proarte in the earlier mt days when the turncoat still can write some sensible articles. i think proarte is from the old school. by looking at yr stance in the god name issue, i guess u might be diff. however when come to pkr n anwar, u 2 share the same bias. go bark at dap, ask lks y his 50 years writes dun talk abt ketuanan?

  3. If Rafizi Ramli is challanged to clarify his 'brilliant statement' he would in all probability, respond as he did in an affidavit when he was sued for defamation 'I WAS JOKING'.
    Vote for Rafuzi Ramli to be the Finance Minister of Malaysia. Way to go!

  4. The buah langsat will finally fall off the langsat trees,when Umno/BN wrest back Selangor from the useless sleeping opposition.Selangor falling back to the hands of Umno/BN is a possibility.

  5. Rafizi will be a one term MP.Not only him,but many others too.Penang sacks two PKR reps from directorships in Penang GLC.Would Azmin got the marbles to retaliate in Selangor.

    Soon,PKR and DAP will be screwing each other's backsides,that the opposition pact will eventually self implode.Then,Najib will lead his troops and walk all over them.You guys better believe it.

  6. Hahaha, wakaka wakaka ......KTemoc is lacing his signature dish subconciously with actually UMNO seasoning powder

  7. The 100% real 24-carat claptrap is coming from Ktemoc's beloved Najib.
    Claiming RM 2.6 Billion donations from some Arab who clearly doesn't have that kind of money to give away.
    To add to the insult, claiming to have returned Rm 2.06 Billion of it due to his "honesty".

    But Ktemoc's line with his beloved Najib is "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Say No Evil".
    Well, its the Monkey Year, I suppose.

    1. you need two types of management, (a) anger management and (b) responsibility-accountability management to curb your syiok-sendiri reckless accusations of poor kaytee, wakakaka

  8. Lim Guan Eng said that the two sacked PKR reps from Penang GLC's are back stabbers.So he had no place for them,and gave the duo the broomstick instead.He also added that back stabbers have no value.

    How come,Azmin back stabbed Khalid and he got rewarded with the Selangor MB'ship?Back stabbers in PKR sure got value?No wonder,Azmin is defending the two sacked duo.

    1. thats the diff btw dictatorship n democracy.

  9. Lim Guan Eng told Azmin to fuck off on Penang state matters.Let us see what will be the "dwarf's" respond.It is just a matter of time before the rats flee the sinking ship.

    1. The Selangor Menteri Besar would have no say in any Penang appointments.

      However, the PKR Deputy President certainly had a right to state the party's stand on the removal of two political appointees in Penang.
      I'm not sure if Lim Guan Eng consulted the PKR leadership or took the line "Its My Way or The Highway".

      When the PAS appointees were fired by Lim Guan Eng last year, it was ugly but it had to be conceded that if PAS was no longer in the Pakatan coalition, the political appointees had to removed as well.

      In the latest case PKR is very much still on board the coalition (unless perhaps Lim Guan Eng now considers it a pure DAP Penang State Government, with him having the sole say on the appointments).

      The status of the PKR appointees should have been discussed "behind closed doors" to use Lim Guan Eng's own phrase.

      I think Azmin went public, because Lim Guan Eng didn't give him face in the first place, with Lim calling it an "administrative matter". Basically means PKR was not consulted.

  10. dictatorism is a state where there is an absence of consultation and consensus process

  11. Reforms in the states constitution is meaningless because the head of state derived his/her power from the federal constitution to ignore any provision in the state constitution that may limit his choice of MB to comply with the provision in the federal constitution
