
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Political demise in Malaysia

"I am Malay first" Moody has finally got the axe from UMNO. I shed no tears for him as I've never like this bloke who by his utterance as the (former, wakakaka) DPM of our nation had deliberately or unwittingly advocated a most lamentable ethno-centric mentality.

And he being 'Malay first' has not saved his arse from being singed, seared and scorched by the No 1 Malay party in Malaysia, which I'd call sweet justice, yea, bloody sweet, wakakaka.

Many might have forgotten that Moody's "I am a Malay first" was an open declaration in direct contradiction to his boss' policy of 1Malaysia, regardless of whether Najib had been sincere or not. I wonder whether that had been the first occasion Moody had openly undermined Najib? Pulling the policy rug from under the boss' feet can prove to be a most perilous act, wakakaka.

But such has been the hatred for Najib that the people who flooded his (Najib's) Facebook with 10,000 angry emojis against the suspension of Moody have been, surprise surprise (or maybe not, wakakaka), mainly Chinese, as if they (by logical argument) support "I am Malay first" Moody, wakakaka again.

If those Chinese do, that is, love or/and support Muhyiddin, then they're the most moronic mentality-muddled mafulat-ish Chinese ever. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they exploited an opportunity to wallop Najib, rather than support Moody, wakakaka

But has the press run away with the show of anti-Najib emojis, as to be read in Malaysiakini's Najib's FB page awash in flood of ‘angry’ emoji?

Since the anti-Najib interactions on Najib's FB page appear in conjunction with UMNO's suspension of "I am Malay first" Moody, can we then read them as evidence of mainly Chinese support for Moody?

Perhaps no, as Malaysiakini explains:

Malaysians have long taken to social media to express their frustrations with the government and dissatisfaction with the lack of explanation on a number of mega scandals.

Many have been using creative ways to express their disdain for the powers-that-be, either through posts, artwork, and internet memes.

Najib’s Facebook posts often garner thousands of ‘likes’, though critics have also used the platform to publicly show their unhappiness with his leadership.

However, I doubt Najib gives two figs about Chinese's emojis as he knows he has already lost their votes, and that they don't have a say in UMNO affairs. But sometimes, indeed I have to say this, I do wonder why young Chinese feel a need to interfere in UMNO internal affairs when they could and should have stood aside quietly to watch those UMNO-ites kill themselves. Must be the f* vitamins or lack of they have been fed on by their mums, wakakaka.

Okay, "I am Malay first" Moody has been suspended which many have equated to his political death. Would it be also equated to 'pending' expulsion or a vegetative political life?

As I mentioned I have no love for "I am Malay first" Muhyiddin Yassin, sweet justice and all that, but I would also say when a party member (of any party) keeps talking against his own boss or bad mouthing him continuously/regularly, he should plan for or anticipate the political demise of his boss, for an otherwise outcome (that is, if he fails to finish off his boss, wakakaka) would guarantee his own adverse ending.

Well, obviously Moody hadn't which is why he has been suspended and dropped as UMNO No 2. It cements my earlier impression of him as low-brow or that he had been unrealistically fantasizing his other 'boss', wakakaka, would charge in with the 7th Calvary?

His political demise (at least in UMNO - he may yet join his other boss, wakakaka, to form UMNO Baru Mark II, wakakaka again) is not unique in the political world, whether in Malaysia or elsewhere. Let's review some interesting party expulsions, wakakaka.

The most famous political party expulsion, not just suspension, was that of Mahathir in 1969, wakakaka. He badmouthed his No 1 in UMNO, Tunku Abdul Rahman and as to be expected, he was kicked out of the party. Tunku had also wanted to jail him for presumably some seditious utterances but was persuaded not to. Pity, wakakaka!

Hey, Mahathir as PM and Boss of UMNO did a bit of expelling too, one of which still traumatizes many until today. It was the expulsion of Anwar Ibrahim from UMNO. Anwar supporters took to the streets in protest (a favourite action of theirs), an event which frightened many yellow-skin pelandoks, wakakaka.

Why pelandoks you may ask? You know, when Gajah berjuang sama gajah, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah. Wakakaka.

The immense hatred for Mahathir resulting from his expulsion of Anwar has recently been ameliorated by an increased quantum of hatred switching over to Najib, wakakaka, because Najib is now the new Nemesis for Anwar, especially with the latter's conviction in Sodomy II. Hmmm, maybe Mahathir ought to thank Najib for becoming the new principal figure for hatred, wakakaka.

Anyway, since that day, when Mahathir kicked Anwar out from UMNO, Malaysian politics has never been the same, becoming not just highly divisive but utterly poisonous. Anwar with his manmnalai skills, coupled with his alliance with the DAP, assumed the perfect conduit for venting decades of nons' frustrations, thus I would dare say the anti-Najib grievances far exceed the anti-Mahathir hatred, especially with information, true or otherwise, transmitted freely via the Internet.

And it's likely that Badrul Hisham Shaharin, better known as Chegubard, may be expelled from Anwar Ibrahim's party PKR. Chegubard has been near relentless in his campaign against alleged corruption in PKR. Though his target today is Azmin Ali, I believe he had once accused Anwar of attempting to influence party polls which adversely affected his candidacy.

The MCA too wasn't exempt from cases of party expulsion. Years back Tan Siew Sin as MCA president couldn't tolerate his Young Turks from attempting to 'reform' his party. He expelled a group of them, among whom was a man by the name of Lim Keng Yaik, wakakaka. Lim went over to the Gerakan and within a relatively short period became president of his new party. He was to led the Gerakan to punish not so much the DAP but his old party MCA, wakakaka.

Anwar might have wanted to 'reform' UMNO from inside
but I'll 'reform' MCA from outside


Yes, 'twas another touch of sweet justice. But Lim KY and his Gerakan became the perfect tool for UMNO to apply its British-inherited 'divide & rule' strategy to split the Chinese voice between Gerakan and MCA, effectively enervating both as representatives of Chinese Malaysians, to the benefit of both UMNO and the DAP. Another hmmm, maybe the DAP ought to thank Mahathir, wakakaka.

One success of that UMNO 'divide & rule' strategy was the near-eunuch-like capability of Gerakan in Penang, where Koh Tsu Koon might have been the de jure CM but the state UMNO effectively had the powers of a de facto state boss.

Malaysiakini reported in 2001:

Nanyang Siang Pau chief leader writer Teoh Kian Hoon pointed out that Koh's weakness is a "product of the BN's consensus spirit". He added that "Gerakan's fair and democratic spirit of a Malaysian Malaysia" as mentioned by Lim Ee Heong, has now been replaced by BN's politics of consensus, which could be interpreted as capitulation on the part of the party.

A senior journalist, who asked not to be named, said that Umno's influence in Penang could not be underestimated. Umno, he said, has been using the "Chinese to balance Chinese" tactic to create conflicts between the two major Chinese parties in the state, MCA and Gerakan.

"It is in the interest of Umno to pit Gerakan against MCA. It is the usual divide-and-rule method of BN."

In 2001 Gerakan in turn expelled Tan Ghim Hwa, one of its founding fathers and former chairman of Gerakan Penang. Tan was virtually groomed by Dr Lim Chong Eu as 'Mr Clean' for his United Democratic Party (UDP). Dr Lim's UDP was one of the component parties which eventually merged with others to form Gerakan.

Tan in his virgin venture into politics, in a by-election in Ayer Itam Penang, was beaten by the late Labor Party's Lim Kean Siew (brother of PG Lim). Lim Kean Siew's fiery personality, reputation and oratory prowess proved too much for a new politician like Tan.

However, Tan was much hated by Lim Kit Siang. Lim KS had in 1991 described Tan Ghim Hwa as a political vulture in a matter where phone threats were made against Lim, allegedly by some Gerakan Party members.

Sadly, Tan passed away in 2014. Gerakan in an effort to reconcile with Tan had in 2013 invited him to rejoin the party but Tan who was already suffering from ill health did not pick up that invitation.

There was another Gerakan bloke by the moniker of Khor Gark Kim, my Ayer Itam village lang. He too had a falling out with his party leadership and faded away. I wonder whether he was expelled or just quitted the party on his own accord. At one time Khor was reputed to be Dr Lim Chong Eu's successor as CM Penang. I saw him in a news report in which he was giving advice(?) to the DAP, wakakaka.

Khor Gaik Kim giving advice to visiting DAP
Jeff Ooi on left of photo

The DAP was not without its internal party problems. One example - The party expelled Wee Choo Keong in 1998 for allegedly damaging the party's image. I'll come to the rumours I've heard on what made Wee damn mad with the party leaders. This was after he had been removed in 1995 from his position as MP for the Kuala Lumpur Bandar seat (Lee Lam Thye's old fortress) after a court case which nullified his election win due to the fine he had received for allegedly badmouthing MBf.

The case against the MBf injunction was successfully appealed in which the Court of Appeal ruled "The injunction was too wide in its terms and almost oppressive". 

Wow, 'almost oppressive' but alas for Wee, shit had already happened.

By the by, the earlier court which had nullified his election win because of the fines, was reported by Terence Netto in Malaysiakini as follows:

[Judge] Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim ... in August 1995, sitting as election judge, nullified Wee’s election to the Bukit Bintang parliamentary seat in the April 1995 general election and handed victory on a silver platter to his defeated MCA opponent - a bizarre decision based on the RM7,000 fine imposed on Wee a day before nomination day in April.

The judge had obviously decided not to call for a by-election which would have allowed the voters in KL Bandar to decide for themselves who they really wanted as their representative if Wee who they had chosen was disqualified.

This was why his ruling was deemed controversial as he had virtually decided on behalf of the voters as if they had voted in MCA in KL Bandar, wakakaka, which was like saying those voters wanted to eat shit. I would say that in any language such a ruling for an election case was unprecedented. Indeed, one could argue the court had usurped the rights of the voters in KL Bandar constituency to decide who they wanted as their representative.

Anyway, back to the rumours I've heard on why Wee was pissed off with the DAP leadership leading him to say stuff which saw him expelled from the party. You can decide for yourself whether it's true.

Wee was angry apparently because he felt the party didn't support him as well as they had supported Lim GE when the latter was being trialed for a case in which Lim had spoken out for an underage Malay girl who was statutorily raped by a political slimy sleazy slug. Today Wee is Chairperson of Tourism Malaysia.

As for the MIC, wakakaka, well the MIC has always been the MIC, the unending joke of Malaysian politics, replete not only with suspensions galore but also with fights and flying chairs. Yessirree, the MIC sure as hell takes the cake, wakakaka.

Thus in conclusion, if one wants to badmouth one's party boss, well, bloody well make sure one can finish off that boss or one will be the one to be finished off, "I am Malay first" or not, wakakaka.

Yes sir, bosses can be such pricks, wakakaka.


  1. Lim Guan Eng screamed through his lungs loud and clear that backstabbers have no value.So,Mr Moo deserves what he got from Umno.Backstab the president of Umno and the party will ship you to Zimbabwe,the land of no economy.

    And there were no reaction to Mr Moo's suspension,at least not from his supporters,a precursor to his expulsion.Good riddance to bad garbage.

  2. I left my thumbs down as well on Najib's blog today, like many others.
    Not that I cared much about Muhyiddin personally. His newly discovered esteem for ethical government and rule of law, whether sincere or not, was too late to save his skin. He was just another sleazy UMNO operator.

    However, I see the Muhyiddin sacking as related to all the other events. The blocking of the Malaysian Insider, the enforced shutdown of the MACC investigation into RM 2.6 Billion "donations" into Najib's personal bank account, the firing of the previous AG (no saint himself) , the 24-hour transfers and sackings of officials involved in investigating the case, the evisceration of the PAC, etc. etc. all add up to a pattern of the brute-force use of power to prevent Datuk Seri Mohammad Najib bin Tun Razak from being brought to face justice.

    For that I stand up and speak up, not because I care about Muhyiddin.

    One of your previous commentators wrote that once upon a time, Malaysia's strong Rule of Law based on the British legal system was a competitive advantage for the country. That is no longer true, eroded over many years, Mahathir himself guilty of dismantling it. But the Rule of Law finally died in Malaysia in 2015-2016, replaced by Rule by Najib.

    Similarly, the Multimedia Bill of Guarantees was a world-class piece of legislation. No other developing country in the world had made such a commitment to the Internet before that. Bill Gates came in person to the launch of the MSC - he didn't just send a deputy or aide.

    One key clause in the MSC law was "There shall be No Censorship of the Internet".
    Of course it did not mean that the Internet was not subject to law - those who committed offences on-line can be prosecuted just as in the physical world.

    In 2015 Malaysia threw out the letter and the spirit of that law - to protect Datuk Seri Mohammad Najib bin Tun Razak from being brought to face justice.
    The blocking of the Malaysian Insider was just the latest incident, but most serious case. This is a Malaysian news organisation, servers in Malaysia, its Managing Editor is a Malaysian whose name is published on the website. If they committed an offence, they can be charged in court.

    Blocking the Malaysian Insider was the Multimedia Supercorridor's final nail in its coffin. Of course, it is not a Najib project, so he cares fuck all...

  3. umno internal affair? so the chinese must act chinese first kah? then lks is lge first, lge is developer first, gerakan is cai shen ye first, mca is i dun know what come first, i dun hear them almost like decade. however I am sure kt need a mirror first.

    1. lge contractor? but penang doesn't have sand mining, wakakaka.

      you missed out my fave profession, taxi sapu, wakakaka again

  4. In any organisation, there are two important disciplines, without which the organisation cannot carry out its function or move forward.
    Organisational compliance and organisational loyalty.

    The first is basically "Obeying the Bosses and the management's job instructions and directions", the second is maintaining a level of loyalty to the Boss and the organisation.

    If you find that you cannot accept either or both of these requirements, you probably should be looking for another job.

    There is an important exception. That is if it involves breaking the law or covering up somebody else breaking the law.
    If your boss or someone else in the organisation is breaking the law, or covering up an illegal act, you do NOT owe your organisation compliance or loyalty.

    In the 1990's I was responsible for implementing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for my company's Malaysian operations. The law required all US-public listed companies to implement in their businesses wherever they may be. The law was passed in the US after the Enron and WorldCom mega-frauds.
    It turned out working-level staff in the company knew there was illegal activity going on, but they had no way to speak up, without the risk of getting punished or fired.

    The SOx act required all US public-listed companies to have compliance units which reported to an independent board committee. They were required to have a hotline which anyone who knew of illegal activity to report them.

    To me, the same principle applies here.
    If Najib has broken the law, or is covering up for somebody else breaking the law, Muhyiddin does not owe Najib or UMNO organisational loyalty and compliance to keep quiet.

    What I would fault Moo is for keeping quiet so long. He should have come out in the open more forthrightly, much earlier.

    1. you hit the nail in your last paragraph. we may thus conclude he too doesn't give a shit about the law but more about power struggle, so f* him

    2. kt n rpk oso keep quiet what, y kt not fuck himself first?

    3. dah kena sepak baru nak bercakap, piiraah!

    4. wakakaka, unlike Moody or your taxi sapu PKR I don't claim to be a reformer. You guys did so go get f* by your idol, wakakaka again

  5. orang kaya sama orang kaya berjuang, rakyat untung apa?

    can rm2.50 buy usd1? harga barang2 dah turun? separation of power restored? ipp tutup kedai? what else? so, apa yg hoohaa2

    1. Tidak mustahil Ringgit boleh mencacah RM 5.00 kepada 1 USD, jika keyakinan pasaran luar negeri terhadap keutuhan system kerajaan Malaysia terus menurun.

      1MDB adalah bukti Rejim UMNO boleh terus mereka skim mencuri wang rakyat. Ia tidak berakhir bila Bapak Pengswastaan turun takhta.

  6. Muhyiddin have dropped a bombshell claiming that ex-AG Gani showed him proof of Najib's crime.

    Subsequently, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman Said has responded with a statement :

    1) that people at very high levels in our government are in cahoots to topple the PM,

    2) that Muhyiddin & ex-AG broke the law : the "fact" that there was "sharing classified legal information" was a "breach of the Official Secrets Act." ,

    3) debunking the charge sheet as premature and so it is proof of the conspiracy,

    4) that Muhyiddin probably broke the law by abetting "since he claims to have information on an alleged criminal act, but did not report to the authorities".

    So there you heard it from the inner sanctum of our government, that those top government servants were formenting rebellion, indulging in illegal activities etc... Her statement is in consonance with RPK's tale of the government institutions becoming a nest of opposition-leaning rebels. However she also seems to confirm Muhyiddin's statement of the meeting, and a charge sheet (whether rogue or not). Her "abetting" accusation can also work against the PM because it assumes the latter's guilt. Muhyiddin can just reply "yeah, go ahead charge me for abetment".

  7. It was commented that Muhyiddin only spoke out after his suspension, which is also similar to Azalina's statement querying "his hidden motive and agenda" ... "Can his act be seen as abetting since he claims to have information on an alleged criminal act, but did not report to the authorities until today."

    For the act of whistleblowing and the channel for reporting illegal activities, I was wondering who should Muhyiddin, as DPM, report to as a whistleblower so that the crime can be investigated, - the MACC, Agung, rulers, police, parliament, the AG, ...? Does he have protection as whistleblower?

    But wait a minute, in this case it was the top government attorney whistleblowing to him, not the other way round.

  8. Lets talk principles and due process. No need for anybody to claim to be a reformist.
    As Ktemoc said before "mesti jaga standards".

    Problem is Ktemoc only demands due process for Najib.

    It is not wrong to speak up for what is wrong, no matter how belated.
    It is not wrong for Muhyiddin to speak up if Najib has Sapu Uang Rakyat.
    Loyalty and Party Discipline does not extend to illegal acts.

    I can understand why he was tardy in going public.
    Who in the UMNO hierarchy would believe that Najib has been no different from a Penyuluk Saku, playing in Billions rather tens or hundreds of ringgit.

    I suppose its possible Ktemoc dislikes Moo so much that basic principles of due process be damned.

    Or maybe, when it comes to "hi$" Najib, $ome other $et of principle$ i$ at work.

  9. Most Malaysians define their identity through their religion and/or ethnicity first and foremost.
    So you shouldn't just round up on Muhyiddin for saying that he is a Malay first. He was just being frank.

    The majority of Chinese in Malaysia consider themselves Chinese first.
    They read only Chinese newspapers, watch only Chinese television and ASTRO, read only Chinese books and magazines, speak only Chinese unless it is unavoidable, socialise only with other Chinese , send their children to Chinese schools, and they, in turn, only mix with other Chinese children.

    Other Chinese who may prefer to use English (a dwindling minority) or Bahasa (very rare) are looked upon with disdain.

    Its your choice and your right to live your life, just make sure you don't go around condemning other people for saying what you yourself choose.

    1. my reiteration of Muhyiddin's "I am a Malay first" had been directed to those Chinese who pasted emojis on Najib's FB page as if they had moronically supported Muhyiddin. Personally I don't give a shit what Muhyiddin had said.

  10. Dig into the Senior leadership level of any organisation locked in competitive adversarial combat e.g. political parties and companies fighting for market share , you will often find Loyalty is valued more highly than Capability.

    It is not that Competence is not important - it is very - but technical competence can be hired or trained. It is often a matter of paying enough to attract top talent.

    But Loyalty , especially at the top level, is essential.
    The Leader needs to have the assurance his team is 100% behind him, in order to face the Battlefield outside.
    If you cannot or do not want to support, you need to be Out of the Top team.

    It is no surprise, along the way, Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang, Sammy Vellu, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng , Najib, for better or for worse, demand nothing less than full loyalty from their team. Or you are out.

    1. indeed, unchallenged disloyalty can undermine morale and spread discontent and instability in the organization

    2. shall one not then chng the party name to dictatorship action party for easy understanding? i thot the reason to have democracy is to make life difficult for politician bec power corrupt? hmmmm...

    3. you're too confused a person to explain what is party discipline and what is democracy. You should pay more attention to Chegubard being expelled from PKR and also make efforts to restore khalid ibrahim's membership in pkr, wakakaka

    4. u use the term disloyalty. u r typical dap, cakap aje pandai.

    5. ya, look after khalid ibrahim, chegubard, jonson chong, nallakaruppan, gobala etc wakakaka

    6. You shouldn't just rattle off the names and lump everybody together.

      Gobi & family made some unwise financial transactions and got into deep shit. The "Cash Is King" gang made an offer he couldn't refuse to Kautim his troubles, on condition he jumped. Of course, he did.
      Neither loyalty nor democracy had anything to do with it.

      Nalla's shiny BMW looks really good , complete with driver, and Federal contracts.

      I have to say he's a pretty shrewd player. He'd still be haemorrhaging money if he had stayed with PKR Parti Kurang Ringgit.

    7. you're quoting events AFTER their angry departures which were prompted by Anwar's marginalization of the Indians
