
Friday, January 01, 2016

Son of "New Year's Eve Bullshit"

Malaysia-Today followed up on its article on an allegation by an ISMA and PAS leader Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki, that the DAP was offered RM1.2 billion by Israel to win GE-13, following which (hypothetically after Pakatan had captured Putrajaya) it would build for Israel a military training camp as a reward for its election campaign donor.

This was after it published my riposte, my assessment of the training camp offer as sheer bullshit, in my post New Year's Eve bullshit, in which I dismissed on military technical grounds any reason for Israel to desire such a training establishment in Malaysia. 

Thanks Pet (RPK) for kindly posting my article.

UPDATE: since then, I read that the alleged training camp for Israel is rather a naval base at Port Dickson. Interesting that Israel purportedly wants a naval base at Port Dickson, and for what, bearing in mind Israel navy is a Mediterranean-Red Sea force? Besides, there are far better naval docking facilities in S'pore, Kuantan, Lumut and a whole host of other ports, wakakaka 

Anyway, Malaysia-Today has now published DAP has to prove its innocence. Please read it as it's an interesting write-up, as most RPK's articles have been. I left comments on this post as follows (slightly edited to fit it into this new post but without altering the contents in any significant way):

Pet, in your previous post on subject, I read this:

***The action of Perak DAP economic development bureau chief Chong Zhemin in questioning the government’s move of denying visas to two Israeli windsurfers attending a tournament in Langkawi has raised questions about the relationship between the party and Israel.

PAS research director (PPP) Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki said the matter was not new and had been raised by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s former special officer Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman four years ago.

“The allegation that was made by Mohamed Razali about DAP’s relationship with Israel is serious and is a threat to national security and the sensitivity of Muslims in Malaysia.***

I have some difficulty in accepting what Dr Zuhdi said was that the statement by Chong Zhemin is not as serious as the statement by Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, the special officer to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, four years ago.

As I see or read it, Dr Mohd Zuhdi did not make any comparative distinction between the seriousness of Chong Zhemin's accusation against the federal government or the alleged link between DAP and Israel.

Rather, he went straight for DAP's jugular by recalling and reminding us of Razali's allegation 4 years ago, one which, as reported by Rakyat Post, " ... has raised questions about the relationship between the party and Israel", in other words, an allegation of a conspiracy between the party and Israel.

To reiterate, Dr Zuhdi said: “The allegation that was made by Mohamed Razali about DAP’s relationship with Israel is serious and is a threat to national security and the sensitivity of Muslims in Malaysia. Mohamed Razali has made about three allegations and until now there has been no clear denial from DAP,”

In other words, Dr Zuhdi tells us DAP’s alleged (and as yet undenied) relationship with Israel is serious and is not only a threat to the sensitivity of Muslims in Malaysia but also (far more seriously) to Malaysia's national security.

Thus the only output of Chong Zhemin's putty brouhaha was to indicate an alleged connection between DAP and Israel.

All this gives me impetus to bring out another post, wakakaka. Thanks matey.

Let me re-emphasize my take on DAP's Chong Zhemin's role in the affair, as "The only output of Chong Zemin's putty brouhaha was to indicate an alleged connection between DAP and Israel".

In other words, it provided an opportunity for Dr Zudhi Marzuki to raise the allegation of a conspiracy forged between Israel and DAP.

But should we absolve Dr Zudhi from making this tall tale as someone merely repeating what Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, a former DAP member, said four years ago?

[I'll come shortly to what Razali had then said, so be patient. Thanks]

I don't believe so because Dr Zudhi has re-invoked a matter raised in 2011 which then fell flat and died a sudden stillborn death. So he now has ownership of it.

But why has Dr Zudhi raised it now (after 4 years with UMNO even abandoning it) and even challenged DAP to sue him if he was telling a lie?

I'll come to that soon, wakakaka, but for now let's go back to 2011 to recollect who Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman and what he had said.

Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman in 2008 was an UMNO member, WAKAKAKA.

He joined DAP with the help of Jeff Ooi, DAP MP for Jelutong, and became a committee member for the DAP Bukit Dumbar branch.

(Bkt Dumbar, ah what memories! When I was a schoolie I used to take my sweetheart to the reservoir playground there on Saturday nights, wakakaka, just to view the moonlight and recite poetry, wakakaka again).

Apparently, Razali eventually rose to a more confidential position in the party.

In 2011 Utusan published a report based on the postings of two pro UMNO bloggers which alleged the DAP being involved in a Christian conspiracy, one which alleggedly aimed to make Malaysia a Christian nation and a Christian its PM.

Look mateys, even without Utusan or pro UMNO bloggers being involved in the silly allegations of a Christian conspiracy to make Malaysia a Christian nation, most Malaysians would have laughed at the preposterousness of such an accusation.

(with possibly the exception of one of my visitor by the nick of looes74, an ardent Methodist, notoriously alleged to be a seditious fugitive from Fiji, who devotes himself to upholding Rukun Negara No 1, wakakaka) .

Malaysia in 2010 had only 9.2% of its population as Christians, and then of a wide variety of denominations.

The Muslims would have to queue up behind the Buddhists to object against such a hypothetical conspiracy coming true. This would be because the Buddhists would have been mindful of what had occurred in South Vietnam in the 50's, and 60's till the early 70's.

Wikipedia reports: In the South, by contrast, Catholicism was expanded under the presidency of Ngo Dinh Diem, who aggressively promoted it, through coercion and violence, as an important "bulwark" against North Vietnam. Diem, whose brother was Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc, gave extra rights to the Catholic Church, dedicated the nation to the "Virgin Mary", and preferentially promoted Catholic military officers and public servants while severely restricting the practice of Buddhism and allowing Catholic paramilitaries to demolish sacred Buddhist temples and pagodas.

protesting against the Ngo regime's brutalities towards Buddhists 

Anyway, back on track - Malaysiakini reported: Utusan on May 7 ran a front-page story quoting two pro-Umno bloggers, claiming that Christian religious leaders were plotting to make Christianity the religion of the federation and appoint a Christian prime minister. DAP and implicated pastors had vehemently denied the allegations.

Rocky Bru,  a blogger known to have powerful links with UMNO, wrote: The postings were picked up and frontpaged by Utusan Malaysia last Saturday, which earned it a warning from the KDN and saw some quarters who previously claimed to be anti-ISA to call for the editors to be sent to Kamunting where ISA detainees go without trial.

Subsequently one of the two bloggers, Shamsul Yunus, removed all his blog postings on the matter. Jeff Ooi said that was an admission of guilt.

On 8 May 2011, both Jeff Ooi and said protagonist of the issue under discussion, Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, made a police report on the Utusan alleged Christian conspiracy, ironically at the suggestion of Razali himself.

But 5 days later, Razali made a separate and totally different (180 degrees belakang pusing) police report supporting the alleged Christian conspiracy, wakakaka. Shades of Perak's revolving door (PKR) ADUNs, wakakaka.

Malaysiakini reported: "The (news coverage) in Utusan and TV3 (on Mohamed Razali's report) were short on details. Both mentioned that (he) was at the scene where the dinner organised by the Christian community was held, and he said, 'I know what actually took place.' 

Both Razali and the police refused to reveal his report, wakakaka. So without knowing what Razali had actually reported, how the f**k could DAP sue him?

Malaysiakini also reported: Jeff Ooi suspects possible coercion of the DAP member, who filed a police report on the alleged 'Christian conspiracy' yesterday just after the ministry had said there was "some basis" to the allegations.

Speaking to reporters in Kuala Lumpur today, Ooi said they believe that the man, DAP Bukit Dumbar branch committee member Mohamed Razali Abdul Rahman, may have been convinced to do so by his relative who is a Special Branch police officer who monitors political activities in the Jelutong area.

"We were told Mohamed Razali and this officer are relatives, and that it was this officer who was instrumental in helping Utusan Malaysia get the story. I hope the police can start to look into this angle and make a fair and just investigation into the case.

"We don't know (Mohamed Razali's) motive or intention for filing his police report some five days after we filed our police report denying the allegations made in Utusan."

So there you have it, the origin of the story four years ago, emanating from one Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, former member UMNO Penang (wakakaka) and also former member DAP Penang (wakakaka).

To reiterate, just how the f**k could DAP sue Razali when both he and the police refused to reveal the report made by him?

But how his four year old story morphed from making Malaysia a Christian nation with a Christian PM into one financed by Israel with an offering of a tropical military training camp for a Middle East power beats me, because the protagonist is the same Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, former member UMNO Penang and also former member DAP Penang (wakakaka).

Don't tell me Razali made two separate police reports? If so, why was only one (Christendom, wakakaka) raised in the news media?

Perhaps then we can call the alleged Israeli involvement 'The son of Christendom' or 'Christendom Part II', wakakaka. Or, perhaps it's just a wee ratcheting up to raise the anti-DAP ante? Surely, Israel makes a better feared and despised foe than Christians, wakakaka.

Regardless, the current allegation re-invoked by ISMA and PAS leader Dr Zudhi Marzuki carries several implausibilities, as follows:

  • as already discussed, the implausibility of Israel needing/wanting a tropical training camp

    UPDATE: since then, I read that the alleged training camp for Israel is rather a naval base at Port Dickson. Interesting that Israel purportedly wants a naval base at Port Dickson, and for what, bearing in mind Israel navy is a Mediterranean-Red Sea force? Besides, there are far better naval docking facilities in S'pore, Kuantan, Lumut and a whole host of other ports, wakakaka 

  • even if Israel does, Philippines and Thailand are friendly-to-Israel nations which can offer same
  • would PAS and PKR in Pakatan Rakyat have allowed such a preposterous conspiracy?
  • Malaysia is NOT a nation vital or even significant to Israel's grand strategy so why bother with such an expensive conspiracy? It already has the USA and the majority of Europe in its pocket and is friendly to both India and China
  • Israel is not a rich nation to offer RM1.2 billion to the DAP on a hairbrained scheme. It currently leeches on the USA to the tune of several billion American dollars per annum plus humongous quantum of military aid, intelligence and technology to survive

OK, we are now back to why Dr Zudhi has re-invoked a matter raised in 2011, one which actually fell flat and died a sudden stillborn death.

Yes, we wonder why Dr Zudhi has raised it NOW, after 4 years when even UMNO had long abandoned it, and has even challenged DAP to sue him if he was telling a lie?

I suspect (I love being a conspiracy theorist, wakakaka) that this may well be part of a PAS tactical plan to once-and-forevermore destroy Amanah, its immediate political Nemesis and concern.

In my post Poker-face Azmin plays good political poker game? I had written (extracts only):

PAS is more patient in its ultimate objective of defeating UMNO to become the ruling government authority, and not as super-obsessive as DAP, who would desire an alliance of whatever form just to change federal rule. PAS' more immediate/urgent objective is to destroy Amanah (and to an extent, also punish DAP).

So PAS is prepared to eat kuachee (dried melon seed), wait patiently, and if/when necessary, ally itself with UMNO to achieve what it wants to achieve, to wit, firstly kill off Amanah, then kill off UMNO/PKR, and eventually implement a pure Islamic State in full compliance with syariah laws (inclusive of hudud) - kowtim and f* the nobody DAP.

Yes, by associating DAP with the most hated Israel (for the reading of Malays and Muslims), the real target Amanah will suffer radioactive fallout from that poo-flinging at DAP since it's an ally of DAP.

In Malaysia very few people bother about facts or accuracy of information or allegations, as long as those are politically or salaciously sexy, wakakaka.

So DAP can go sue Dr Zudhi which will in fact make PAS very very happy because once the issue is taken to court, it will be dragged through the mud for a long long time, all the worse for Amanah.

Perhaps Dr Zudhi may have to pay DAP a million ringgit or two or even ten if the DAP wins the case, but regardless of the court verdict in any libel case on this issue brought by the DAP, the political death of Amanah (as an Islamic party allegedly in bed with Israel) and thus the survival of PAS will definitely be guaranteed.

Won't that make the lost money (sap sap suoi) all worth the political gain and survival of the party?

That's my theory as to why Dr Zudhi has raised this four-year old UMNO-abandoned surat-layang-like tall tale only NOW.

The tall tale is not unlike the lie that an UMNO division leader in Penang had pathetically fabricated about Lim Guan Eng's son and a Chinese-American sweetie chessmaster who lives several thousands of kilometres away from Malaysia, across two humongous oceans, a sweetheart whom Lim Guan Eng's son had never even met before in his life prior to the UMNO man's lie. Such was the pathetic lie, such was the pathetic hope-for political gain, such is Malaysian style politics.


  1. since umno wanna fren fren the red communist n even become one, they can no more associate dap to communist. so their green n paid blogger start to do the dirty work for them by spinning lies after lies that dap work for israel. pas under hadi n rpk is so cheap la, asyik look for donation.

    1. in thinking again, even how indicative and dissonant the issue is, i agree with kt that strategically it is useful to bolster rejection of dap's/ph's indifference to what a believing muslim really believes or holds to be important. the crux of the matter now is the unpublished report to the police by mohamed razali. i would agree with tanah melayu... dap must deny and perhaps sue dr zudhi.. very smooth then, if kt's conspiracy theory is correct.. a longish court case/hearing is enough to destroy amanah/ph... and for ten million.. a sap sap suoi indeed..but knowing hadi, he would rather split the kuachi shells with his teeth and eat the kuachi slowly but surely.. it is not hadi's style to buat fitnah i.e. casting aspersion?

  2. Please read this:

    Mind, the above article did mention about jungle warfare training. Singapore has no jungle. Just like Israel, Singapore is surrounded by Muslim Countries.

    Singapore and Israel has a "special relationship" indeed. You can wikipedia the meaning of special relationship here:

    Didn't Mohamed Razali say he was part of the G17 group who met the Israelis in Singapore? There is a need to know more about this G17 and the meeting in Singapore in order to take the measure of just what is at issue. This issue should be subjected to specific criticism rather than rejected in toto!

    “(Bkt Dumbar, ah what memories! When I was a schoolie I used to take my sweetheart to the reservoir playground there on Saturday nights, wakakaka, just to view the moonlight and recite poetry, wakakaka again).”

    I am just curious matey, were you already an atheist then? With your eyes peering through and staring straight at the moon, were you reciting religious poems, and perhaps wearing iron underwear? Wakakaka…

    1. when you were bathed in soft moonlight, my dear Bro Hasan, you didn't recite religious poems 'coz that would have been a waste of that moment, to wit, committing romantic blasphemy, wakakaka. You recited, cantillated, crooned poems of love, passion and beautiful nature

    2. I haven't read anywhere that Razali was part of the so-called G17. If you have, much obliged if you can point that reference/source to me.

      The story as admitted by the propagators was 4 years old. Wasn't PAS part of Pakatan in 20111, 2012, 2013 and even part of 2014? Why didn't Dr Zudhi raise this then? Why did PAS tolerate such a so0-called conspiracy with Israeli?

      As I suggested above, this has been raised NOW because the aim of the tall tale (started by pro UMNO bloggers and now picked up/adopted by PAS) is to destroy Amanah as a close ally of DAP, and by indirect association, being involved in an alleged Israeli conspiracy

    3. "I haven't read anywhere that Razali was part of the so-called G17. If you have, much obliged if you can point that reference/source to me."

      Here it is:

    4. thanks, will assess it. Have to admit I've never heard of Berita Semberono.

    5. Much obliged...

      BTW "You recited, cantillated, crooned poems of love, passion and beautiful nature".. Perhaps your sweetheart was not responsive, sternly refused your passion, and also took no notice of your poems in which you celebrated your partner's softness and charms? Agonized over the suffering that your partner had made you endure, in despair, you turned to Atheism? But whatever you are.. I just luv you la..

    6. aisehman Bro Hasan, a gentleman mustn't 'kiss & tell' lah, wakakaka

  3. DAP is so confident on taking Sarawak. We know that Sarawakians are easily bought for their votes. That is why Dr. Zuhdi's allegation may be true.
