
Friday, January 08, 2016

PKR's inverse proportion doctrine?

TMI - Allocation of local council seats for Amanah final, says Selangor MB (extracts):

The allocation of eight local council seats for Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) in Selangor is final, says Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.

He urged all parties in the coalition to accept the decision and move on from the issue that had caused political pundits to suggest that trouble was brewing in the newly formed partnership.

“The decision is final and it will not change. The representatives of the political parties involved have discussed this and agreed to the arrangement, so we take it that the issue is resolved.

“The discussions went well and we found the right formula that suited the demands and needs of all parties. This is not the time for competition, the councillors need to take this opportunity as a duty to the people.

“If we get stuck talking politics, the councillors will not be able to perform their duties to the taxpayers whom we serve,” he said during a work visit in Shah Alam today.

But take a look at the allocation for the big 3, bearing in mind that of the 56 seats in Selangor (after minusing 12 UMNO, 1 Independent (wakakaka) and 2 Amanah) DAP has 15 seats, PAS has 13 and PKR has 13 - TMI info as follows:

The division of 288 local council seats in the state was revised from 120 for PKR, 92 for DAP and 67 for PAS to 103 for PKR, 98 for DAP and 78 for PAS.

Regardless of whether the seat allocation has been revised or was prior to the revision, why is the smallest weakest Pakatan party getting the lion's share of the local council seats?

Pre-revision: 120 for PKR, 92 for DAP and 67 for PAS 

Revised allocation: 103 for PKR, 98 for DAP and 78 for PAS.

Look, if PAS with 13 seats is allocated 78 local council positions, why is PKR's 13 getting 103 local council positions?

And why is DAP's 15 seats receiving less local council positions than PKR, pre or post revision of allocation?

F* greedy selfish monster.

And recall that in the last Sarawak state election, out of the 71 state seats, PKR grabbed 52 (subsequently revised to 49), leaving only 19 (subsequently 22) to be shared among DAP, PAS and (at that time) SNAP.

What kind of ally is PKR?

Answer: Weakest but the greediest and most selfish, which was why it suffered a severe tummy ache in the last Sarawak state elections, winning only a miserable 3 out of 49, while DAP won 12.

F* padan muka, wakakaka


  1. it should be dap=98; pas=88; pkr=85; and pan=8.

    1. allocation of local council positions should be based on component party strength/contribution to majority rule, thus:

      DAP with 15 ADUN = 15/43 x 288 = 100.46 say 100
      PAS with 13 = 13/43 x 288 = 87.07 say 87
      PKR with 13 = 87
      PAN with 2 = 13.39 say 14

      Total - 288

    2. kt... u ve not reserved some seats for orang orang besar jajahan.. i ve allocated nine.

    3. y? ko jangan dengar tuturan batu api, ini tulisan otak udang. orang najib hati busuk. betui dan salah depend on who is the party involve, manyak low std punya argument.

    4. diulangi -"component party strength/contribution to majority rule"

      pkr kurang sumbangan tapi nak makan lebih dari yang sumbang besar, blood sucker macam pacat

  2. PKR is the sick man of the opposition pact.I am still trying to figure out why the other parties like DAP,PAS and Amanah would want to go near this very sick disease infected party.We have an ass loving sodomist leader from this party thrown into jail.And other brutuses and kaki bukas.What more do these other parties want?To be infected with aids too?Go figure.

    1. bec we dare to go against umno, unlike pas under hadi wakaka.

      dap have no choice but to kiss our ass no matter what, apa bolih buat, tu la peranan parti dimana satu malayu pun tak ada. so their kiss ass addiction is their own doing, nothing to do with anwar la. bodoh.

      amanah is the best hope.

      u continue yr sm with tokio la, politik lu mana ada paham wakaka.

    2. pkr claims to be multiracial tapi ta'ada seorang hindi exco pun. kedudukan hinduvdi exco selangor terserah pula kpd dap, wakakaka

      indians in pkr have been marginalized, years after years. they should join mic lah, wakakaka

  3. I have been saying it for some time now.After GE14,PKR will get burn so badly that it will either turn into a mosquito party or self implode.Good riddance to bad garbage.

    1. yeah that's yr slogan, we hear it, loud n clear.

    2. Nobody cares about your predictions. You r like a broken record. In the meantime we r living the high life with Jamal, Ismail n Ali. Yahoo!

  4. i want 24 local council seats.. said pan..tat is too much. but it is ok if dap wants to give up another 16. soon dap and/or pkr must give up one or two adun seat (s) to pan..tat is f* padan muka.. ha ha

    1. PAN must fight PAS (as well as UMNO) in those 15 seats and f* PKR's questionable sluttish kaki kangkang allianceS

    2. I wan amanah to contest all pas under hadi seat, I wan pas under hadi out of selangor. my 2016 wish.

    3. HY…

      Majlis Syura Ulamak - PAS tidak akan menyertai atau bergabung dengan Umno. ~ The Rakyat Post 6 January 2016.

      Tian Chua - PKR tidak perlu bertanding pada PRU14 sekiranya tidak dapat bekerjasama dengan PAS, ~ Guan Ming Daily 5 Oktober 2016.

      It simply means to PAN that - “KAMU AKAN TENGGELAM” said Hadi.

      Saya duduk makan kuaci, macam KT… wakakaka

    4. desas desus hangat yang dap bersekongkol dengan yahudi dan juga peluang peluang pelaburan dan keistimewaan yang di berikan oleh dap kepada temasek dan jabil.. memang pan akan dikapankan oleh dap dan pkr. ini semua salah sendiri.. tubuhkan parti kerana emosi setelah kalah undi..dap tukang menyalakan api.. dan pkr pula tukang mengipas dan membesarkan api.. padan muka pan..

    5. hasan, pas under hadi chng stance like erratic weather, unpredictable, bizarre, brazen, unashamed, n laughable. only thing consistent is hadi n team r getting close n closer with umno under najib. we from sri serdang constituency will work closely with dap n amanah to vote out pas, the one that make police report that cancelled a concert. make sure u buy enough kuaci n enjoy the show wakaka.

    6. HY... ask your Mad Sabu to agree with DAP to cancel NEP and also S 153 of FC la. I sure buy a gallery seat and and enough kuaci to enjoy the show.. wakakaka

    7. pkr dap n pan respect the consti, the one that wan to chng it is pas under hadi. to achieve that, they r willing to work with thief, robber n red hmmm communist. I already book the premium suit, will invite u all come over to see how the thief, robber n red hmmm communist respond to hudud n Islamic state wakaka

    8. Ok la kawan ... I heard that all nons must potong too. I will visit you when you do yours. I will invite Hadi to come along.. wakakaka

  5. should be exco seat not adun seat..

  6. HY...

    “The Malay vote is a deciding factor for Pakatan Harapan in Johor. We are not worried about our friends in the Chinese community but we are worried about support from Malay voters,” ~ Zulkefly Ahmad - Persidangan Pimpanan Pakatan Harapan – Shah Alam 9 January 2016

    Yes, how true Zulkefly is. But it is for the whole country and NOT only in Johor.

    “O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as your patrons and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for patronage) is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust.” ~ The Last Testament (Qur’an) Al-Ma’idah 5: 51

    Hukum Allah adalah hukum yang tegak di atas keadilan. Allah ta’ala berfirman (yang artinya), “Apakah hukum jahiliyah yang mereka cari? Dan siapakah yang lebih baik hukumnya daripada [hukum] Allah bagi orang-orang yang yakin.” ~ The Last Testament (Qu’an) Al-Ma’idah: 50)

    DAP leaders – some of them if not most are Christians. DAP is friendly to Singapore. Singapore is friendly to Israel/Yahudi - they have a special relationship. DAP and Singapore has got a special relationship too? In addition, DAP is against Hukum Allah. Yes, PAN and PKR are not worried about DAP.

    Hadi is not joining UMNO. Hadi is not joining Pakatan Harapan. Do you think the muslims will tell Hadi.. he (Hadi) is wrong? Or do you think muslims will support Mat Sabu who DOES NOT even want to have a Majlis Syura Ulamak?

    For now I will eat my quaci everyday…I will take it with my green tea and paper seaweed. It is very healthy. Thinking of Bruno’s slogan - GE14 and GE15 are for Najib, UMNO and BN - as I see it, that’s going to be the reality! I think Rocketman saw it too?

    Perhaps, it will the end of two political parties?

    1. Bro Hasan, if you think DAP is pally buddy with Sing, read this "Tony Pua's 'prick', Singapore diplomat's 'sole concern'" - []

      wakakaka, kuaci time lah!

    2. Yea, kuaci time lah.. wakakaka

    3. LGE carma-ing for Penang's tourism industry and thus Penangites' benefits

    4. Yea, same social and political milieu? DAP=PAP? To send religious officers for training - Christendom? Buddhism? Islam? Aisehman... LKS and the late LKY are from the same kampong man? Inverse correlation? Wakakaka...

    5. Thought you know already that LKS,LKY, Tony Pua and Nga Kor Ming are relatives........hehehe

  7. LKS was born in Batu Pahat while LKY was born in 1923, at 92 Kampong Java Road in Singapore so don't simply tembak. Are you tok guru Hadi's PA?

    1. Hi Peter.. LKY's father Lee Chin Koon was a storekeeper for Shell Depot in Batu Pahat. LCK married Chua Jim Neo (15 years of age) on May 1922. LKY was born a year later. His father worked in Batu Pahat Shell Depot when LKY was born. His mother was only 16 years old then. I don't simply tembak lah! Am I Hadi's PA? You can ask Hua Yong.

    2. and... there're so many jawa people in batu pahat.. dan tempat bernama parit jawa ada dan kampong jawa pun ada.. ada tiga atau empat kampong jawa di batu pahat.. yang mana kau nak?

  8. Though it is a fact that PKR is greedy, knowing who that motherfucker chao cibai kaytee, his writing is actually indirectly exposing the incompetency and impotency of DAP

    Particularly Teng Chang Khim and Ean Yong Hian Wah

    Kaytee's elaborate scheme in helping his true master, Najib Razak

    Perhaps Kaytee's intention to have DAP to advise Najib.......Just like Hadi Awang.......hahahaha attack on PAS.......PAS should be stripped off their excoships, deputy speakships and councillorships.....

    Hahahahaha.......what a bullshit motherfucker kaytee
