
Friday, September 18, 2015

Red and Yellow Sh**ts

Malays ... Chinese ... Malays ... Chinese ... Malays ... Chinese ...

Chinese ... Malays ... Chinese ... Malays ... Chinese ... Malays ...

poor Meenachee feels a wee left out on a limb

Malay lembu ... Chinese babi ... Malay kerbau ... Chinese swine ... Malay (multi-role*) camel ... Chinese hog ...

* for riding, eating and f* on its back

WTF! You rotten racists, all of you Chinese and Malay yellow and red shirts. Have you forgotten that in Malaysian there are also Indians (bloody Hindraf sleeping? wakakaka), Aborigines, Ibans, Kadazans, Bidayuhs, Thais, Eurasians ... etc?

Please be mindful of the fact that Malays and Chinese only constitute 75% of Malaysian population. There are another 25% or 7.5 million Malaysian still to be accounted for.

Red ... Yellow ... Red ... Yellow ... Red ... Yellow ...

And hasn't it been ironical that the supposedly alleged commie-minded so-called Chinese-dominated Bersih donned the colour honouring Malay royalty whilst the other side comprising Perkasa, Perkida and whatever other Per... , so-called Malay warriors defending Malay-dom, had donned the colour of world socialism and communism? Wakakaka.

we love these type or Red Shirts, wakakaka
aiyoyo, my fantasy has gone into overdrive liao lah

Aiyoyo, karn-neen-nair lay, fuyoh, what a f* strange world Malaysia is today.

But it's true that most Chinese (except the truly pious Chinese Muslims, especially those descended from 1000-year old Chinese family of Muslims like the Ma's) eat pork and even name some of their cuddly looking babies as 'too' (babi), but that word 'too' or even 'babi' is only not racist when used within and among the Chinese community.

Malays being Muslims don't eat pork as pigs are considered to be unclean creatures in Islamic belief. Thus when a Malay Muslim called a Chinese or Indian or anyone a 'babi', that Malay is deliberately abusing the 'babi' person as an unclean being, which makes that name-calling derogatory, abusive and thus racist, apart from it being childish and shameful to Malay dignity, thus with its end result being a shot in the Malay's own foot.

If there has been any threat to Malay dignity or Malay royalty, it had been perpetuated by those Malay Red Shit Shirts who insulted their rulers by donning the colour of world socialism-communism and acting in an immature manner shameful to traditional Malay courtesy and adat of bersopan santun, and thus their dignity.

It then could be said that the Yellow Shit Shirts had honoured our rulers, wakakaka.


  1. Red is the colour of beauty, brightness and joy.

  2. 1. ada apa pada warna, ini semua taik lembu jantan.
    2. if babi is unclean, why is the word in the quran?

  3. "It is not right to organise rallies dominated by one race, with the expressed aim of toppling the government" - Beloved Dear Leader Najib

    Lets get one thing right.

    The Red Shirts rally was never really about race.
    It was an attempt at propping up Najib's support in the face of unexplainable misconduct, using blatant race baiting.

    What strange bedfellows Ktemoc has nowadays....

    1. it's my adventurous nature. I like to get into bed with you too, wakakaka

  4. Well,that Babi Jamal Yunos has been sucking Chinese dicks for a long long time.Or else where his money came from?Are the dicks halal?

  5. Bruno, you are of Indian descent right? Write something la, tell us how you feel. Hehehe.

    1. himpunan maruah india?

  6. tokio rain,when you were with monsterball at the park,didn't you see me walking by with my dogs?Maybe you guys were to busy,yah?

    1. Uncle Monty turning in his grave ley. Et tu Bruno? Hehehe.

  7. especially to hy who never send roses

    1. aduh kawan, never never la, only since pas haram kan valentine day wakaka. hope they dun haram concert bon jovi tonite.

      ini lagu to u n hasan

    2. i like this is my life - bon jovi. i heard hasan has bought a ticket for the concert.

    3. it's my life.. not this is..

  8. Regarding the colour irony, Sakmongkol has an interesting analogy in his blog.

    BTW, red was also the predominant colour of the anti-GST May day rally 2014. (Seems Bung made a slip on this one.)

    Off-topic: what are your interest in the astronomy you mentioned in your profile?

    1. macro stuff like the immensity of space, galaxies, stars (suns), planets etc

    2. Pioneer/Voyager series? Recent Philae, New Horizons/Pluto? Velikovsky?

    3. yes but I haven't seriously read Velikovsky's books though I will eventually
