
Friday, May 01, 2015

Dilemma of a lobster - To be or not to be?

Did I mention the PKR circus is back in town? wakakaka.

Just read TMI's PKR holds ‘lobster’ party to prove point on GST.

Monsieur Homard, are you just red or just cooked?
If red and raw, you're GST-free, if cooked you are to be GST-ed

I'm PKR, I can be red or cooked depending on what is required
I'm basically manmanlai

To be, or not to be, that is the question—
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them?


An extract: Dr Afif Bahardin, who is Penang health and agricultural exco, said GST was implemented on food stuff like instant noodles and biscuits but not on expensive seafood, which only the rich could afford.

On the surface of Dr Afif Bahardin's statement, it would seem the GST is discriminatory ... in favour of luxury goods. But then he is a member of that party called the Malaysian Circus, wakakaka, so let's look beyond just the surface.

Do you like donkeys?


Let me attempt to apply the Australian GST rules as a parallel model, an example for comparison so to speak, as I am not conversant with the Malaysian one in its details.

Australian GST would be applied to processed (or manufactured) food but not on uncooked or raw food, so if the Malaysian system is similar then it's obvious uncooked or raw seafood, whether it's lobsters as PKR had chosen to make its anti GST campaign more dramatic or just ikan belanak from the wet market, would NOT be GST-ed.

I was caught off Sungai Pinang on Penang Island, directly opposite Permatang Pauh on the mainland


Unfortunately, noodles and biscuits are manufactured food and thus subject to GST.

So, we need to be fair in our discernment, that whether a food is GST-ed or not, will depend on its state (processed or raw). If you choose not to be fair and used extreme examples, in other words to play rotten politics (like the other side as you claimed), then carry on (and be just exactly like the other side).

In Australia just prior to the GST being implemented on 01 July 2000, there was a laughable circus in the Australian parliament over the GST-ing of roasted chicken versus the un-GST-ed raw chicken - for more, read this ABC interview transcript where too-clever-by-half Meg Lees and her 3rd Force Democrats politic-ed themselves into oblivion, wakakaka.

"It doesn't matter whether a mouse is raw or cooked, as long as it feeds the cat."

- with apologies to Deng Xiaoping


Also read this Wikipedia extract: During the 1998 election campaign, the leader of the Australian Democrats, Meg Lees, stated that her party was opposed to a GST unless food, books and tourism packages sold offshore were exempt, and other compensating tax measures were implemented.

The government initially stated that exemptions to the GST were not possible, and looked most likely to pass the GST legislation with the support of independent Senator BRian Harradine.

However a compromise was eventually reached with Lees, involving most basic food items being exempt from the GST, the GST on library purchases of books being refunded, a temporary 8% refund on school textbooks, increases to welfare payments, and greater powers to the ACCC to oversee the implementation of the new tax regime.

A proposal to exempt tampons from the GST was dismissed by Howard. The legislation was passed on 28 June 1999 as A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. It gained assent on 8 July 1999 and came into operation on 1 July 2000.

Many in Malaysia might have misunderstood GST as an additional tax on top of the various taxes on goods employed previously. In the Australian example which I presumed Malaysia's would more or less be similar to, the GST is meant to REPLACE (not add on to) those already-existing multi-layered taxes to make simpler the overall tax on goods and services.

In Australia, a 10% GST is imposed on goods like furniture, motorcars, clothing, processed food etc , and 'services' like car repairs, doctor services, char-kuat (massage, wakakaka), haircuts, plumbing or electrical works, etc.

Now tell me, what are your views on GST?

Errrr ... I'll tell you after you let go of me


By the way, it does not replace income tax which is a separate tax altogether, which taxes one's income or revenue.

Additionally, it is NOT the same as the 'service charge' that hotels and some restaurants levy on their customers. While GST is a government tax, the hotel & restaurant 'service charge' is not, but actually an institutionalized 'tip' for the hotel & restaurant staff, agreed to by hotel & restaurant management and the staff unions which has nothing to do with the government. It goes to the staff as 'tips'.

Likewise, zakat is a Muslim obligation to his or her religion, and has nothing to do with GST which is a government (not religious) tax, and therefore should not be a consideration for reducing GST for Muslims who pay zakat.

In fact, the Christian equivalent of zakat in many cases are far more than a Muslim's zakat. An extreme example is that of some Scandinavian churches which levy a contribution of 50% of its devotees' secular income, wakakaka, yes, half of what its parishioners earned in their lay-lives.

With GST, most things should become cheaper while some will be dearer.

How can it be cheaper, you may ask? Because GST replaces the existing taxes on the goods. Goods that had government taxes levied on it prior to GST should have been removed, thus making the goods either cheaper or at worst, the same price.

For example, if a product was previously taxed at or to a total of 10% then that product would become cheaper because it's now taxed by GST at only 6%. Some products which were previously not taxed at all would of course become dearer, by 6%.

I wonder how much was 'white goods' (eg. fridge, washing machine, airconditioner, microwave oven, western style stoves and ovens, etc) taxed at previously (ie. prior to GST)?

So, the 'lobsters' that Azmin Ali brought from the wet market should be GST free because those udang galah were raw or unprocessed goods, but if Azmin Ali were to sell them after satay-rizing them, wakakaka, then his barbecued (cooked) prawns should be GST-ed at 6%, whence he then has an obligation as a trader to collect and submit the 6% tax from their sales and hand the taxes over to the government, wakakaka again.

grilled & helicopter-ed direct from Kajang

to enable us to go to Putrajaya


One of the hypocritical or bizarre moronic outcome of our deformasi politics is some Chinese taking an anti-GST stand, when the GST actually mitigates (solves) one of their age-long complaints, namely, that they (the Chinese) alone have been bearing most of the taxes in Malaysia.

To understand what I mean, please read my July 2013 post Food for thought (1) - GSTBodoh punya Cina!


  1. wow, u work very hard like rpk to shoot anyone that go against najib eh? so in msia. which goods go cheaper after gst? enlighten us pls.

    1. my dear childish and immature HY, I don't blog for Najib nor for DAP. I write what I believe to be true and correct. In Australia white good have become far cheaper after GST. Since you are in Malaysia why don't you check yourself.

    2. kt, australia, as you said implemented the regressive tax regime on july 1, 2000 (i call gst 'pukat rimau' - ikan kecik2 pun dia sapu). did the prices of home appliances become cheaper on the 1st day? if yes, but not in malaysia, kena gst lagi wor. my friend, his bro, his father and his uncles who were in the white goods biz tutup kedai becos of too many exceptions, (itu dia cakap la) but their competitions are still operating. for time being, we malaysians are paying GSST.

      since malaysia is not the 1st country to do it unlike the nep, why didn't or haven't they learn from other countries such as cambodia (1999), laos (2009) philippines (1988) or indonesia (1984) not to mention singapore among asean partners, must they re-invent the whole wheel?

      should world and real world are two diff things. most goods should be cheaper but is not happening (bagi orang kampong pening), naik lagi ada la.

    3. when yr belief do not touch the ground, then u r plainly wrong, like najib n his idiotic yes man that do the same propaganda ignoring what is happening in the real world, since yr shallow experience is purely base on what happen in australia, what make u think u r in the authority to defend msia version of gst, unless u r najib yes man?

      i work in mid valley, i involve fully in my co gst project, the fucking actual price after 1st april is far off from the theoritical price, most good especially food surge 10% to 20%, the white goods or black goods remain same, except some selling pr inclusive of gst, but we have a choice not to buy the latter, for example car price go down rm200, but how often i buy a car that priced 2-3 times higher than australia?

      lobster is symbolic (of course best or not best subject to debate) like when u use the term circus, even a commoner in the village know this well, do we need to consult a english teacher on this?

      yr final para on chinese vs malay is what i call childish and immature, the argument on gst is abt poor n rich, yr infantile behaviour to see everything yr narrow race lense is a reflection of yr bn/najib mentality.....i am a bugis, i am a malay, i am a chinese. the truth is we r malaysian poor that protest against the surged of price. austarlian shd diam diam if ignorant abt the subject.

    4. your bullshit that "most good especially food surge 10% to 20%" when the GST is only 6% shows that you and your PKR are adamantly against GST for no other reason than it's not Anwar who proposed it - that's all, plain bloody minded negativism, nothing constructive at all.

      and have you looked at unscrupulous profiteering, instead of conveniently blaming the GST which has been successfully implemented in many countries.

      my home truth about Chinese claiming and complaining they paid most of the taxes is a well known fact for years in Malaysia.

      You can't handle the truth, being childish and immaturely kiasu

    5. we talked abt price went up, of course the tax is 6%, lu ada paham the diff? the mamak restaurant chrg rm2 for a teh tarik b4 gst, now chrg rm2.30 plus 6% on gst, how much is the price changes? unscrupulous profiteering is of course one of reason, but what out govt do abt it? however b4 we blame the trader for unscrupulous profiteering, for many expenses, they might in fact is the final consumer.

      if u truly want to show off ur wakakakaing style, u can talk about cake n biscuit, raw fish n sushi.

      if u wanna find fault on pkr, choose subject u know, not gst, especially not msia gst impact on price, otherwise dun blame others for name calling.

      the truth is the poor oso kena tax n price inflate kau kau, except those bugis n chinese that reside in anglo land.

    6. "except those bugis n chinese that reside in anglo land."

      wah liao, well done HY

    7. It is true that Chinese have been claiming ( and complaining ) that they paid most of the taxes. We don't have the statistics to prove this claim but Dr M did go some way to augment this claim years ago when he himself voluntarily told the nation this 'fact'.

      And just barely one month into this GST thingy, much confusion reigned with incompetent government officials not helping matters one Dr Bridget Welsh take on this at :

      Whatever....the end result is prices generally have gone up, not down as noisily proclaimed by that financial guy minister Maslan. So as far as the Chinese are concerned, they have even additional grouses.....on top of being the ones who paid the most taxes, they now have to pay EVEN MORE.....that's the crux of the matter. As they took out their wallet to pay for the same goods which are now higher than it were in March, they don't go thinking......" Oh, goody, now the Melayus also pay these higher prices too...serve them right, due time they share the burden which we alone have tangguh for so long..." ! What's raging in their minds is : wtf....just these few items cost me this MUCH now....bloody GST....bloody gomen ! "

    8. JJ thanks for your explanation. However, with everyone paying GST, Chinese should not and I am keen to believe they have not pursue the thought that." Oh, goody, now the Melayus also pay these higher prices too...serve them right, due time they share the burden which we alone have tangguh for so long..."

      I believe that the wisdom should be that everyone now shares the tax burden which unfortunately is necessary for a nation to function.well.

  2. There is theory, and there is reality in Malaysia.
    There are unfortunately still many idiots who swallow what the Government tells them without critical thought.

    In the last few months, before and after GST, the base price (not yet including GST) of many goods and services have gone up heavily.
    Some of it is due to the decline in Ringgit , which affects any imported goods as well as locally made goods with at least some import material content (which is most consumer goods).
    Some of it is due to the inevitable increase in the Cost of Doing Business of just about every business in Malaysia due to GST.
    In theory, the Input GST paid by businesses can be claimed back from the Government once the goods have been sold. How timely or efficient this process will be remains to be seen. The Royal Malaysian Kastam , the agency involved - is well known for its arrogance and bullying behaviour towards businesses, especially small Chinese businesses. The fact is Every business in Malaysia is now providing short term (could end up being long term) financing to the Federal government to the tune of 6% of all cost of goods and services purchased. If the business has a healthy cash flow, it will probably survive, but the 6% is still an opportunity cost, as the money can be better deployed elsewhere. If their cash flow is tight, they would end up borrowing money or even shut their doors. Or they increase the price of their goods, which is what is happening.

    For Consumers, the increase in the base price + 6% GST is adding insult to injury.

    For everything else, the base price may have remained the same, but the Consumer's simply pays an additional 6% tacked on, except for the most basic non-GST goods.

    Fact is the number of items where final selling prices have come down post-GST in Malaysia is Zero. Nada, Zilch. Ilek. Kosong.

    Many retail businesses have resorted to carrying out Discount Sales and promotions , which are aimed at coaxing customers back as most people are forced to tighten their belts.
    That is at the expense of sales margins, and nothing to do with the mythical reduction in price after GST.

    One retailer explained to me why.
    The previous GSST was a one-point 10% tax added on,
    In Malaysia, the supply chain usually has at least 3 stages, sometimes more.
    Importer or Manufacturer (add 6% GST on the entire Import value or selling price)
    Wholesaler / Distributor- (add 6% for their margin or value added)
    Retailer - (add 6% for their margin or value added)

    That is normal. No manufacturer wants to have to deal with the headache of thousands of small retail customers.

    If you are lucky the final Consumer price is equal to the original price with 10% SST. In most cases the post-GST price is more than the Consumer price under GSST.

    The main reasons most Chinese consumers have reacted with hostility towards GST, quite apart from purely paying more for goods.
    The corruption , leakages, abuse of power and cronyism of the UMNO government.
    Even if the government gains additional revenue from GST, very little of that is likely to flow back to the Chinese. Most Federal government aid or incentive programs are either officially or unofficially locked out for Chinese.

    That is the big difference , that took much of the sting out of GST in Australia and Singapore. People can see for themselves that government money flows back to people in a fair and transparent way.

    1. your complaint that importer, wholesaler and retail seller EACH tacked on 6% is not GST. If it is, then the GST is no longer 6% but 18%.

      but you have already explained how the GST works in an earlier paragraph, to wit "the Input GST paid by businesses can be claimed back from the Government once the goods have been sold. How timely or efficient this process will be remains to be seen."

      I concede a delay in refund may be possible, even likely (similar to teh Australian scene) but there's no such thing as each selling process tacking on 6% incrementally - that's deliberately making the GST looks bad for political ends and is not an honest explanation of GST

    2. That's what I said, malaysian version gst, difff from the rest

  3. I chose my words very carefully - it is Ktemoc who is either the fuck-witl or UMNO stooge.

    Wholesaler / Distributor- (add 6% for their margin or value added)
    Retailer - (add 6% for their margin or value added)

    6% on their Value Added. .

    The TRUE end result which the Consumer pays is at least or more than the earlier 1-time 10%.

    1. the point is customers should never pay more than 6% overall, full stop.

      I wonder why the politics of this country is so deformed that anyone who speaks up for GST is deemed an UMNO stooge. It's so lamentably childish - not much intelligent discussion can be ever achieved with such low class arguments.

    2. Because najib has not answered what happen to 1mdb 42 billion. Because of that gst is introduced. Kapish cibai fucking kaytee

    3. did Sing have 1MDB type problem? If not, why did the nation bring in GST? Likewise for NZ and Oz, why? Don't talk cock, cibai looes

      GST is an efficient simpler taxation scheme which most if not all nations (except Midas rich Brunei and those Gulf nations) will eventually bring in, if they haven't yet.

      In ASEAN, 7 out of 10 not including Malaysia have GST. With Malaysia (No 8th) having GST, that leaves Brunei and Myanmar out the the GST states

      In Europe 53 states have GST; Asia has 19 out of 33 - the non-GST countries are Afghanistan, Bhutan, most gulf nations, Iraq, Maldives, N Korea, Saudi, Syria, Timor Leste, Yemen. Even Africa has 44 nations with GST. UN states with GST totalled 152 out of 193; 8 non-UN states including Taiwan have GST

      looes the talk-cock giant - cibai

    4. Hehehe, Cibai Kaytee,

      1) When did Singapore Government introduce? Which Year?
      2) What is the economic state of singapore?
      3) Singapore government budget is having surplus? or Deficit?
      4) How did Singapore government introduce GST?
      5) What is the initial GST rate Singapore introduce?

      Hahahahaha.......Google those questions before you talk to me

    5. don't cibai waste my mind when cibai you can't answer my questions, wakakaka

  4. We are only a small company. The input tax we have to pay is about RM3,000-00 per month. That's a lot. We just absorb that. Now, we have also decided not to eat out anymore. Even our favourite satay seller charges GST: It is a GST registered company.

  5. KT

    Befoe 1 April, when a Malaysian buys a car (or other things which are not tax exempted), sales tax has to be paid. After that date, it's GST. This applies to all irrespective of their races. The problem to everyone is that prices of almost everything has gone up since 1 April.

    "Age-long complaints, namely, that they (the Chinese) alone have been bearing most of the taxes in Malaysia" is a different matter. The complaints will still be there after GST implementation.

    I received the following a few years ago. Some tax deduction figures may have changed. But is the illustration not valid ?

    "When non-Malays do their religious obligations, it is NOT tax deductable unless the Church or temple has applied and obtained the approval for tax exemption, which is normally very stringent and seldom approved . . .

    Even if approved the donation is restriced to 7 % of your aggregate income. (This has been revised to 10 % from YA 2009 for company.)

    Whereas zakat qualifies 100 % and is tax deductible.

    Example: Ah Beng donates to temple : RM10,000.
    His Annual income : RM100,000.
    Tax Relief : RM 23,000 (For Individual) + RM 7,000 (For Donation) Chargable income : RM70,000
    Tax payable : RM7,125

    Ali - with same income and relief. Chargeable income : (RM100,000 – RM23,000) = RM77,000
    Tax payable : (Rm7125 + 1680) = RM8,805
    Less zakat : RM 10,000.
    Tax refundable : RM (1,195)

    Ah Beng has the same annual income & donated the same amount, but he still needs to pay tax of RM7,125. Yet, Ali is entitled to a tax refund of RM1,195. He is also deemed a dutiful tax payer and honours his religious obligations. How do you like that?"

    1. Huaren...

      I think your explanation/understanding is not quite right.

      In your example, Ali's tax payable is RM8,805-00. Ali has opted to pay zakat of RM10,000-00. Therefore, Ali has in fact paid more by RM1,195-00 to the government/country via zakat than what he should have paid if he has opted to pay income tax.

      Ali does not have to pay the income tax of RM8,805-00 to the Inland Revenue because he has paid the zakat of RM10,000-00 which is more than his income tax of RM8,805-00. As such there is no tax refundable to Ali at all from the Inland Revenue.

      However, if Ali pays zakat for only RM8,000-00, than Ali must in fact pay income tax of RM805-00 i.e. RM8,805-00 (tax payable) - RM8,000-00 (zakat paid)= RM805-00.

      That's my understanding and also from my own experience. Thus, both Ah Beng and Ali are indeed dutiful tax payers whilst honouring their religious obligation. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    2. One must not forget that GST is another form of revenue. However, it would be better to leave it to Anil Netto to argue with this cibai called kaytee

      Anil Netto, a Penang lang, honorary treasurer of Aliran. He was a chartered accountant and external auditor in England

    3. The curious case of Mohammad Reza Pehvali Shah, the last Shah of Iran. Well, like Najib, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He did have ambition to doing what's best for Iran. To a certain extent, like kaytee's defence of Najib over the death of Altantuya, Reza Pahvali never personally ordered the massacre of thousand of political figures but then

      Seriously, come to think of it, I would understand if kaytee is extremely supportive of Mohammad Reza Pahvali. Iranian/persian chicks can be extremely very beautiful. Come to think of it, kaytee has written extensively about Persia too

      The Last Shah of Iran visited Kuala Kangsar to meet with Sultan Idris II......hehehehe

      Suitcase monarch........Hahahaha, sound familiar with Najib. By the way, Shah's wives were far more beautiful

    4. Hasan 2.48

      From FMT, April 7, 2014

      Zakat as a tax rebate

      "Zakat comes with one special perk, and that is the tax rebate. Zakat payment will help reduce the income tax tremendously as it falls under the tax rebate category, and in some cases, this rebate is sometimes enough to reduce the income tax to RM0. For clueless payers out there, a tax rebate is a reduction in your tax expense after you have calculated your tax for the year, and it differs from tax relief which reduces your chargeable income (donations and charity work falls under the tax relief category). So, for example:
      Roslyna’s income tax in 2013 : RM650
      Roslyna’s Zakat in 2013 : RM350
      Because zakat is a Tax Rebate, Roslyna’s income tax in 2013 is RM650 – RM350 = RM300.
      Zakat payment can be seen as a way for Muslims to appreciate the wealth that’s bestowed upon them and to help those who are less fortunate."

      Let's see what both Ali and Ah Beng take home to spend for the year.

      1. Ah Beng
      100,000,00 (Income) - 10,000.00 (Donation) - 7,125.00 (Tax)
      = 82,875.00 (Money free to spend)

      2. Ali
      100,000.00 (Income) - 10,000.00 (Zakat) = 90,000.00 (Money free to
      (Assuming that no extra tax paid is refunded).

      Ali has more money (90,000.00 - 82,875.00 = RM 7,125.00) to spend for the year even though both earn the same same amount !

    5. my dear cibai looes, now if I write on something which happenes to be what Najib is proposing does that mean I'm supporting him? Does it mean that in Malaysia one has to be pro X or anti X, or alternatively, pro Y or anti Y. Is one allowed to be just him/herself when expressing his/her views?

    6. @ Huaren 4.38

      Donation is not = zakat, but tax = zakat, okay? Hence, the tax rebate.

      Thus, you must compare apple to apple: For discussion sake, let's say Ali also makes a donation of 10K;

      1. Ah Beng 100K (Income) - 10K (Donation) - 7.125K (Tax) = 82.875K
      2. Ali 100K (Income) - 10K (Donation) - 10K (Zakat) = 80.0K

      From the above example, Ali has less money by RM2.875K to spend for the year.

    7. Hasan

      Can zakat be used for the contributor's own Haj ?

    8. Hasan

      Is zakat money collected for the exclusive (or almost) use of Muslims ?

    9. Huaren...

      "Can zakat be used for the contributor's own Haj ?" No.

      If I am rich and if I want to send some poor people to do Haj, then it is not zakat but sadaqat... i.e. spending in the cause of God.

      "Is zakat money collected for the exclusive (or almost) use of Muslims ?" The disbursement of zakat fund may be done through the Bai Tul Mal. The Bai Tul Mal is not for Muslims alone. It is responsible for the welfare of all the citizens regardless of their race, colour, or creed.

    10. Is it wrong to say that zakat is used almost entirely on Muslims ?
      Is there any statistics on the amount spent on non-Muslims ?

    11. Huaren… I can feel where you are heading to?

      Here we go. The payment of zakat is actually an act of worship. Thus, the giving of zakat can be done only by the muslims.

      In a book by Mannan – Islamic Economics: Theory and Practice - he stated that “Zakat is barren if it does not spring from a prayerful mood where there is no trace or taint of selfishness; Prayer is fruitless if it does not bring about the mood and temper of voluntary submission to the demands and dictates of genuine social welfare”.

      Hence, the welfare orientation of zakat is indeed an Islamic welfare orientation, i.e. ALL muslims are responsible for the well being of every member of the ummah. The ultimate objective of zakat is to improve the social welfare position of the beneficiaries to the extent that their status would change from being zakat fund recipients to being zakat fund contributors. H G Wells said: “ Islam has created a society more free from widespread cruelty and social oppression than any society had ever been in the world before”.

      The Qur’an has defined the beneficiaries of the zakat funds as (i) the poor; (ii) the needy; (iii) the indebted; (iv) the wayfarer; (v) the new converts; (vi) the liberation of slaves; (vii) the functionaries of zakat administration; and (viii) those who are propagating the cause of Islam.

      However, the Quran, as I have quoted above, did not mention muslims or nons, therefore, the zakat funds should also be available for the nons. Having said that, strictly speaking, if a non is propagating the cause of Islam he/she is also entitled to the zakat tithe.

      I don’t have the numbers and statistics but nevertheless I think it is fair for me to concur with you that currently the beneficiaries of the zakat funds are mostly muslims who are economically at the lower end of the society.

    12. Hasan

      According to you:

      "tax = zakat, okay?"

      "Thus, you must compare apple to apple:"

      My question:

      My tax money is used for all the things zakat money is doing including buying PM's planes.Has zakat money ever been used to buy those planes ?

      "Compare apple to apple" ?

    13. The 2 pillars of Islam that I respect very much are empathic 'fasting' and social-welfare zakat. Most religions have various forms and approaches to fasting but only Islam has a defined/specified religious obligation towards zakat, whilst Christianity depends on individual church's specifications or demands, and other religions only on voluntary contributions.

    14. u disrespect the other 3? or respect very little? wakaka

    15. HY. I'm a socialist and atheist and thus cannot find resonance with Shahadah, Salat and Hajj, but this doesn't mean I disrespect Muslims' right to their own faith as long as I'm not personally disadvantaged by it.

      I find I have direct respect for Zakat and Sawm because these two have places in my socialist heart

    16. but let me add on a wee clarification, the fasting must be empathic fasting, not fasting to just show religious piety. While it's a Muslim belief to fast to show religious piety per se I have an affinity with empathic fasting (which is also an objective of sawm) - just the pinko socialist in me

  6. I'm known to be tolerant, even of visitors who criticized me severely wakakaka. But in every area of tolerance there has to be a finite limit. I have decided not to publish monsterball's vile abuses as he's unrepentantly vicious and contemptible in his regrettable comments. I've decided that I will not permit him to defile my blog.

  7. zakat is one of the proofs that malaysia is not an islamic state as declared by that someone. payment to 'caesar' is mandatory whereas only optional to 'muslim god'.
    (god's portion is much lower than the caesar's - 2.5% flat vs 10% - 38%). caesar will not reimburse whatever excess paid to god because they are different profit centers. during the time of prophet s.a.w, he was caesar and pope in one.

    1. God's portion - the zakat rate varies from 1% to 20%.

      What did you write? "during the time of prophet s.a.w, he was caesar and pope in one". Perhaps, you're on a candid camera. Wakakaka...

    2. 1. God's portion lower than caesar's though rates not mentioned in Quran.
      2. Yes, moses was also caesar & pope in one to a certain extent. Any objections?

  8. Your good friend cibai kaytee

    Hahahaha! With 0.51% of the votes, One can be Senahtor.........Hahahahahaha!

    Who can forget Pauline Hanson

    In UK, we have Nigel Farage........and even then Nigel is mild as compared to her

  9. Hah...I finally, and very reluctantly activated my Google account. I dislike the monopolistic and monolithic Google Corporation almost as a matter of principle, and try to stay away from their services.

    Theoretically, many imported or locally manufactured goods should come down in price after the 6% GST implementation, as it replaces the 10% Sales Tax.
    Theoretically, many services should cost the same , after the 6% GST implementation, as it replaces the 6% Government Service Tax.

    I just did my weekend grocery shopping, as well as did an informal survey of White Goods (mostly electrical and electronic stuff) , Personal Care products, Apparels, Pharmaceuticals , etc..

    In reality, after April 1, most goods sold in Malaysia simply have the old price + 6% GST tacked on. So the consumer has to tighten his belt.

    Many other goods simply have had their price increased - is it profiteering or a real increase in either the cost of goods or cost of doing business ? Take your pick. Maybe both.

    Add to that the moronic rantings of two ministers - Deputy Finance Minister and Multimedia and Communications Minister over Prepaid Telco cards SNAFU.

    This is not Academia, so going on and on about theoretical principles isn't going to get us anywhere.

    1. It doesn't get anywhere especially the circumstances that force Najib to institute GST. Unless you wanna believe that chao cibai kaytee GST explanation. That cibai kaytee has forgotten to tell you guys the cost of setting GST accounting.Yadda, it is one time setup cost. But once you have GST implemented, it would remain forever and forever. Amen! And I bet with my cock hair that GST rate would go up

  10. With this revelation, I wonder what Cibai Kaytee would spit.....

    Chao cibai chua, serve you right. This is karman, cibai. You bit police right. Therefore, get smash by police. How dare you whack my master, Najib........Hahahahaha

    1. I have to admit your childish immature accusations have a certain entertaining charm so I have published your cibai comment, wakakaka

    2. Don't be shy, Cibai! Don't you feel happy when Tian Chua's car was banged by police before he was caught.

      The question would be why no write up on this which is attributed to Najib.

      What is the connection between kaytee and Najib?

  11. Din's assessment is far more objective and issue driven than Cibai kaytee. At times, Din was willing to give Jibby chances. Din ultimately gave up. Cibai Kaytee is another story. He is tormented over his sister's cat

    Just to make that cibai kaytee happy

    I agree tha this is kinda overboard. Nothing wrong for Jibby to dance

    By the way, Imelda was a good singer

  12. Hahahahahhaha! Australia! Hahahahahaha!

    But in UK.........Hahahahaha!

    This is how you whack people kaw kaw

    Me like Paul Keating's style
