
Friday, April 24, 2015

Tian Chua did a "MCA"

FMT - PAS, DAP populist over hudud unlike principled PKR, Tian Chua says

KUALA LUMPUR, April 23 — Both PAS and the DAP are equally guilty of populism in the hudud issue by using religion and fear respectively in rallying their supporters, PKR vice-president Chua Tian Chang said today.

Chua said PKR, on the other hand, wants to help Muslims understand that there is an alternative to dealing with Quranic obligations over the Islamic penal code, and to persuade non-Muslims not to fear and attack those who genuinely believe that hudud is just and divinely inspired. [...]

He said PKR members are “democrats, but not populists”, as populists go on popular sentiment, not principles.

Chua also said PKR does not oppose hudud as a concept and that the party respects the rights of those who want the Islamic penal code implemented, but stressed that PKR believes hudud requires a more progressive interpretation than the one pushed by PAS.

Wakakaka, PKR principled while DAP and PAS populist? The bloody gall of that bloke.

A so-claimed principled PKR conjured up 916, to subvert the ballot box by enticing allegedly 30 BN MP. Real bloody democratic pariahs. As my Bhai said, the 916 scheme was unethical and immoral.

A principled PKR sent a frog hunting team headed by Tian Chua to Taiwan to chase after the alleged 30 potential BN frogs. This had been how he and his PKR colleagues served their constituencies.

And what about that stupid Kajang Satay?

Principled? Podah!

And really, it's a bit rich for Tian Chua, of all people, to accuse others of populism.

This has been a MP who was found guilty of biting a policeman. Very principled and civilized?

This has been a man who photoshop-ed a French dinner for three to serve a politically driven myth. Principled?

As for his party, PKR has been a party which as mentioned brought about the bullshit and totally unnecessary Kajang by-election and all sorts of polemical street demonstrations.

This has been a PKR which put on a drama queen show to moan Altantuyaa a la Cheng Beng, as if the poor murdered woman was their ancestor.

But I see in his pompous stab-DAP's-in-back statements as having two objectives, one desperate and one envy-driven, namely:

(a) to bodek and manja-sayang PAS by doing a 'MCA' a la 929 and 617 ...

* [read my Winds of Change (1) and Letter to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad to know what are 929 and 617]

... to wit, assuring PAS' members that PKR does not oppose hudud as a concept and respected the rights of PAS people who seek the implementation of Syariah law, so as to secure their backing for the PKR candidate in the coming Permatang Pauh's by-election, and 

(b) to attack his chief rival, the DAP, which is currently overshadowing his Chinese section in PKR - he's scared of his section being relegated into a meaningless role, especially in a party now increasingly dominated by Azmin Ali and his inner cohorts.

For more about Tian Chua and his Heavenly Snake faction in PKR, read GE-13 - snakes galore.

No matter how we look at it, Tian Chua, like MCA and Gerakan did in 929 and 617, has effectively committed PKR to accepting the implementation of PAS' hudud, or at least committed his Chinese (heavenly snake) faction in PKR to accepting the Islamic code of punishment.


  1. Kaytee,
    Hahahahaha! I expected you to say so.....Hahahaha. In this particular case, you are right. Just this particular case only hor.....

  2. I have said many times before.This Tian Chua,Rafizi and Tony Pua make up as a group called the "three stooges".These are the main political fools of the PR..

  3. looes04 (a 11 years old brain wakaka), tc claim pkr is "principled", i think "principled" here mean act base on a given set of rules, kt read too much into tc statement, how biting a police is not "principled"? how 916 n kajang move is not "principled"? how street demonstration is not "principled"? how "respects the rights of those who want the Islamic penal code implemented" similar to "accepting the implementation of PAS' hudud"? i find it unbelievable u agree with one who never scxxw or fxxk najib (yr word), where is yr cibxx principle?

    1. dearie dearie me, HY, if you have to ask "how 916 n kajang move is not "principled"" you don't understand what is democracy and ballot box! - only cheats solicit frogs

      if you have to ask "how biting a police is not "principled"?", you must have a very low understanding fo principles - only barbarians and feral animals bite people

    2. hehe kt, if u really understood democracy n that principled, u shd write a piece to retort rpk recent writes on democracy. 916 is a talk show plus some acting, kajang move is up to kajang electorate, all this r within the msia version of democracy, similarly like u always retort that anon saying msia is base on westminster system bla bla bla ignoring the "rule of law" n many cheatings, sama je.

      toddler n those under stress n threat would bite, this has nothing to do with principles but more a natural thing. y under stress/threat u ask? bec u never ever have the experience of face to face with a bunch of crook that would bomb u with c4 without any order, who think they r a cowboy like bush. but of course to u the iraqi and afghanistan r barbarians, they use stone n horse while the the cowboy use gun n copter, that could bomb u into primitive age, where barbarians and feral animals live happily.

    3. C'mon lah, HY, 916 was never a talk show but a typical PKR grab for power, by street protests, defections or treacherous manouevres, to wit, seize power by hook or by crook, which in the 916 example, was obviously by crook, wakakaka.

      once you compromise on democracy and due process, and attempt to mask its deformasi by your rationalization as it being a "Malaysian version of democracy" you're effectively lying to yourself,and gradually eroding what you understand by democracy and due process. And when the gradual erosion has completed its job, what you'll have is a de facto government by virtue of power - essentially a dictatorship like in Thailand. It doesn't matter whether it's a BN or Pakatan government, but such a "Malaysian version of democracy" is something to despise. Why then should we support such a system, one of changing one bad government for another equally bad one?

      To me, there's no difference between Dr M and AI, the real "father & son" team of all that we condemn as bad government

    4. 916 yang tak jadi. why can't 'katak' be made illegal? article 10.1.c says 'all citizens have the right to form associations'.

      e.g. the present malaysia's pak duta to indonesia (we call him pengkhianat, betrayer of voters' trust, until today), what association did he form? the constitution must distinguish wakil rakyat (legislator) from an ordinary citizen like me.

    5. during 916 i shared karpal view n criticize dap/lks silence. however i recall i wrote if pkr/pakatan truly want to do it, just do it, no need to talk n act like a clown. i dun believe pkr could achieve anything when they r not the incumbent that control the resources. the fact was pkr/pr talked but did nothing while umno/bn never talked but did it. in the game of immoral n unethical, no one beat umno/bn but u keep harping on anwar/pkr.

      when i claim msia version of democracy, it is clear that the act is not against the law, yr comparison with thailand is ....i would not say irrelevant, but u r a bit misleading to cite a coup detat against what is allowed under the law. the question is y cant katak be made illegal as suggest by k.lad?

      "once you compromise on democracy and due process" u make it sound like we never compromise, read tun salleh abbas we shd know our court n democracy is already tak bolih pakai, to a elephant still wandering like king u act like one blind, to a murai dalam sangkar u sound like a warrior, ptui!

    6. the reason why I picked on Anwar is because he claimed to be a reformist fighting against an undemocratic government, one which he avoided mentioning he was part of for 16 years. The sheer hypocrisy has been what puked me off, and with his successors, still pukes me off. At least UMNO never claimed to b reformist

      We all may well be hypocrites but I can't stand ultra hypocrites like AI and PKR - Tian Chua's brazen preposterous claim of PKR being a principled party has been such an example of ultra hypocrisy

  4. This Chua (Fujian,snake) has more than one head!

    1. i thot huaren (取得外國國籍的海外中國人) always give people an impression of having more than one head? anything wrong with that?

    2. HY

      Trouble is his heads don't work to his advantage!

  5. my take is despite the hudud paradigm there is an intrinsic and deep connection between the pr leaders/members. as such it is possible to see the other's side objectivity with an objectivity. having said that, thus, i still believe alternative futures exist but will demand new thinking from pkr and dap. it appears that pkr and dap will have to allow hudud to go unchallenged. nevertheless, when a "principled" pkr/dap concurs there is nothing wrong with hudud, it is a sweetest corruption of all. but it is in this sweetest corruption that we see hope.

    1. "but will demand new thinking from pkr and dap"

      y only pkr n dap?

    2. I have far more respect for and belief in Ridhuan Tee Abdullah than Tian Chua on the issue of "accepting" hudud. Tian Chua has done exactly what MCA and Gerakan did, selling their secular (or non-Muslim) souls for political gains

    3. i say man hy... i can hear your good friend hasan wakakaing on your pretended selectiveness. you must read that sentence collectively with the sentence after that sentence, okay?

    4. KT, it is not for political gains but a sort of secular fundamentalism... wakakaka

    5. Dr Ramasamy (DAP) called Tian Chua opportunistic rather than "principled" wakakaka, a gnam gnam description

    6. tuan unknown, i want to keep it short n simple. it is a straight forward question, y u expect new thinking from others, y not yourself? u can reply with a short answer like i am the tuan ergo i dun need change, or else u can also explain in a collective mode, or multiple sentence mode. I am fine with whichever way u adopt.

      as for my bro hasan, i just worry he might one day have to stop playing american pie because some would interpret pie as something sinful wakaka.

    7. a politician called another politician opportunistic, wow.

      btw, i have no problem with ridhuan tee, it is his choice, i dun know y u n yr sweetie barking on him, jealous kot?

    8. bro. it is tc sort of exceptionalism to counter another exceptionalism like voting for candidates who oppose hudud is "haram" wakaka

    9. at least he didn't claim to be "principled" wakakaka, what a "principled" bullshitter who led a team all the way to Taiwan in an attempt to deform the Malaysian ballot boxand cheat voters of their choice

    10. tuan hy... i am concurring with Tun Mohamed Suffian Hashim and Tun Salleh Abas; i can concur with them, and i shall always concur with them in regard to 929/617. but hudud is not about 929/617. it is not a political wish. it is about faith to be operated in a society. what would be left of faith if the guidance must be operated using only dap's or pkr's or your quranic methods. read oswald spengler? some call it spenglerism.

    11. kawan unknown, i often say hasan writes is poetic, the language is beautiful but i sometimes find it hard to grasp, while yours is hmmm .... too deep for me minus the beautiful language. I dun know what the 2 cj n yr concur have to do with our discussion, n i oso dun know anything abt spenglerism. so i just read n reply the middle part.

      i think dap never dictate pas action or faith, the voter entrust dap that hudud would never implemented at least until the next ge, what u expect dap to tell those that vote for them now? if pas want hudud, put it into their election manifesto. we never know, maybe most people support hudud, but not at a time when umno is in chaos. i never expect pkr to be a principled party, but i did when come to dap n pas.

    12. From the MANIFESTO:-

      “Pakatan Rakyat respects the people as the ultimate masters of their destiny and our homeland. The people’s freedom and voices must be respected. The rights of all, regardless of background, rich or poor, shall be considered.”

      “Ensure that the right to religious freedom and religious practice for other religions will be upheld as guaranteed in the Constitution”.

      Who wants hudud? Is it not the people of Kelantan? Or is it just Hadi or the late Nik Aziz? Is it NOT hudud, as impressed by Hadi, only applicable to the Muslim? Or do you want/insist on an oracular guarantee from God instead?

      Kau nie HY banyak sangat prasangka buruk? Dalam kepala otak kau tu, kau asyik memikirkan hudud itu is a pakatan sulit between PAS and UMNO; for the sake of Malay Unity la… bla bla bla..

      Aku sumpah tak pernah baca kau cixxx dan ptui KT selama nie… kenapa kau sampai jadi begini huh? Ish ish ish… tak de klass langsung… Chill la sikit bro…

    13. look hy how cleverly you are in making your point.. after reading your comment twice you are actually having trouble in distingushing your dreaming from your waking? hmmm a beautiful poetic language perhaps? it is not! just plain simple words with shallow meaning. it becomes deep only when you think i spin it. come on you are an intellectual, aren't you hy?

    14. aiyoyo, sdr Hasan, pada pandangan yg bukan berIslam, hudud ni bukan sj hal agama (yg kita hormat) tapi juga hal undang2 negara (yg kita takut, wakakaka).

      Yg tidak dpt dinafikan adalah itu: bahwa menerapkan hudud sebagai component undang2 negara, mahu pun tidak, mempunyai kemungkinan kesan/akibat besar juga akan rakyat yg bukan berIslam - jgn lupa, masyarakat kita yg berbilang kaum tidak hidup dlm keadaan yg compartalized

      maaf bahasa saya yg kaku dan berkurang - mudah2an sdr dpt mengerti saya, wakakaka

    15. Not only it affects the nons, but it can affects the moslems........One never know if Najib would finally put a stick about into people like Hasan. It happens with Sirul and Azilah, remember

      As for kaytee, he is expandable.......Just invoke the first tenet of rukun negara would do

    16. kawan unknown, u, hasan, n kt r intellectual, i am just a chinese commoner (huayong, 华庸/庸华 ie hy ), i have to make a confession that i am not sophisticated (or sophistic wakaka) enough to understand yr comment.

    17. my bro, i basically no bound on internet (not in real life tho, pretty hypo kan?), however i only use swear word on limited person for eg looes n kt or monsterxxxx, i believe my writing more or less remain same.

      i still have little understanding of hudud in the context of law, so i would not debate with u on this topic. i am curious what if the majority think hudud would be our law apply equally to everyone, can we hear the voice from u, or is there enough of u to be heard?

      n now the prasangka part. a simple question, what if umno say yes? i know u might argue that pas n hadi never change, it is umno that change, i hear the same from many pas member. from my pov, it make no diff who change. not sure if u could understand my pov.

      xiaodi hy.

    18. Hahahahah......Hasan's style of Hudud.....Hasan the chua.......Hahahaha! Blame kaytee as this video from australia

      You can try this style, Hasan when you wanna issue fatwa against kaytee.......Hahahaha!

  6. Unknown,
    There is nothing wrong with 929 provided there is a special session in the parliament called motion of no confidence. Our kaytee just like his sifu rpk loves to leave out important facts. Pr did ask for motion of no confidence but then malaysia is a dysfunctional democracy, hehehe!

    1. hehehe... it is dysfunctional because it remains acutely dependent on money politics.
