
Sunday, April 05, 2015

National hero?

Has Dr M been right to char koay teow on the Altantuyaa case, by calling on Najib NOW to answer allegedly unanswered questions on the murder of the Mongolian model, or ...

... to declare he is willing to meet up with the mum of convicted murderer Sirul, ...

... and the last in my opinion, just plain silly and scraping the bottom of the barrel, ...

... to state the convicted killer (Sirul) did not murder anyone when he was Dr M's bodyguard - an assertion which has been nothing more than just a silly provocation with no connection whatsoever to what Sirul might have done and did subsequently to serving Dr M.

Look, as an example of the above last statement, Sirul's mum would have been able to tell everyone Sirul did not kill anyone when he was growing up under her care nor when he was in school, etc, and that in fact he was still a virgin, so on so forth.

But mind you, had Dr M raised these questions and matters much earlier when the issue was still burning hot or during the court cases associated with the murder, I would have saluted him.

Bringing up the Altantuyaa's case very very very late in its contemporariness, indeed "coincidentally" at a time when he is locked in acrimonious political, policy and personal dispute with Najib, only dilutes his credibility to speak on the matter, perhaps indicating he is not unlike "someone", wakakaka, exploiting a scandalous murder for political gains.

As Dr M had brought down AAB, it's possible he may bring down Najib, though the jury is still out on this. If Dr M succeeds in his latest role, he will surely enjoy the distinction of being the UMNO man who single-handedly destroys UMNO.

And why would an UMNO man destroy UMNO? The answer is plain to see but I dare say many in Pakatan couldn't care less, because they are right now wanking themselves off furiously, wakakaka.

Remember when Dr Mahathir was thumping a poor besieged PM AAB, PAS was praising the Grand Ole Man sky-high?

PAS used to call Dr Mahathir the 'devil' but during his tiff with AAB, he (the 'devil', wakakaka) was elevated back to 'heaven', perhaps by a PAS advanced 'ticket to heaven' to become an archangel, and was even hailed as a national hero and probably a national treasure as well, wakakaka.

Currently, there are talks, suggestions, wishful hopes, that the "national hero" teams up with Pakatan, or that Pakatan coopts him into a partnership to bring down Najib.

People have said that politics make strange bedfellows, as well as politics is the art of the impossible, but I wonder what place in politics would silly qualities like scruples, principles and consistency of integrity still have? How I wish Bhai is still around!


  1. Poor poor Melayu brothers are still blind to TDM hypocrisy.

    This Mamak is so so cunning and sly as a fox.

    One minute he cannot remember things in court and next minute he is as sharp and cunning as a fox.

    All because of salvaging his dynasty and cronies.

    1. Nah! Najib is even more cunning and Rosmah can give face massage to kaytee..........Hahahahahaha!

    2. some ribald sparring is entertaining but when someone like looes doesn't know how to limit himself to level of basic decency he becomes gross, obscene and vulgar - either you didn't listen to your parents' teachings (boh-kar-see) or you were a spoilt brat

    3. Level of decency.......Like writing this piece on the day when Christ was crucified

      You one fucking pontificating pretentious BASTARD, cibai kaytee

    4. day Yehoshua ben Yosef was executed by the Romans-Sanhedrin should be the most appropriate day to reflect on the origins of the Christian religon and why/how it spread throughout Europe

      for a cibai someone who claims to be a Methodist (btw, Fiji is looking for seditious you) don't cibai you realize this, you cibai infidel, wakakaka

  2. The questions, doubts , and suspicions surounding the Altantuya murder, especially whether any higher-ups were involved, were valid and are still valid, because all the Malaysian courts including the Federal Court have not addressed it.
    Quite deliberately so, many people suspect.

    This is in no way saying that Azilah and Sirul are innocent.

    Who raises the questions, whether it is PKR politicians, PAS operatives or PI Bala or Americk Sidhu or Mahathir, does not render the questions impertinent , regardless whether you dislike the people or distrust them.

    And, No, I have not suddenly come to consider Mahathir a hero.

    1. my post was not so much about questioning the ambiguous aspects of the murder case, but about Dr M's motives. As I wrote: "had Dr M raised these questions and matters much earlier when the issue was still burning hot or during the court cases associated with the murder, I would have saluted him."

    2. Hahahahaha! And my third leg would sing Mari kita when you start attacking Najib and his husband called Rosmah

    3. I attack who I want to attack - since when do I have to do your cibai bidding PODAH, wakakaka

    4. Yadda! Yadda! Elijah said that but when Jezebel threatened..........Hahahahaha. You read the bible right?

    5. OT is full of misogynistic Israelite-Judean ulamas

  3. According to this hero, the convicted murderers should not be hanged because they just followed orders to kill the young lady. Does this mean professional killers need not face the gallows ?


    1. the enemy of my enemy is my friend, who is innocent and guiltless, wakakaka

      that's why whatever Sirul says, PROVIDED it's AGAINST Najib, will be considered as the gospel truth - OTOH, if he says anything against AI, he is a killer, wakakaka

      that's why an ill-disciplined soldier who involved himself in politics can be considered a hero

      that's why Dr Mahathir is now almost a hero and according to DAP's Sakmongkol AK47, should be treated as a "friend", as PAS did during AAB's time

    2. Not if they were official orders to a uniformed officer or the person had a reasonable understanding that they were official orders.

      The military and police, especially Special Forces do not have the luxury of allowing their operatives to question the validity of their orders.
      That is why their superiors up the chain of command are the ones who are accountable for those orders. That is very much the international standard.

      In the Altantuya murder case, for some strange reason, this standard of accountability has been set aside, I suspect to protect guilty superiors. How high up these "Superiors" are is anyone's guess.

    3. it's too long a bow to suggest that a minister, even the defence or home affairs minister, could directly order a soldier or policeman to execute a civilian. operational directives including an instruction to kill/execute can only be issued by an operational commander, not a civilian (which a minister is) - any such direct operational order by a minister/civilian is illegal and cannot be considered as an "official order"

    4. That is why the authorities action to keep Chief Inspector Azilah's operational commander Deputy Supt Musa Safri light-years away from the trial is extremely suspicious.

      At a minimum, he must have been made to testify under oath whether he issued any orders to Azilah, and be cross-examined by the Defence.
      The Altantuya trial stinks from the beginning to smelly end....but it is not the end....

    5. "it's too long a bow to suggest that a minister, even the defence or home affairs minister, could directly order a soldier or policeman to execute a civilian. operational directives including an instruction to kill/execute can only be issued by an operational commander, not a civilian (which a minister is) - any such direct operational order by a minister/civilian is illegal and cannot be considered as an "official order"


      Jib Kor was precisely one layer away from Sirul, or no layers, hence the term "PERSONAL BODYGUARD".

      God, I hope you aren't chosen to defend anyone, waka waka.

    6. "That is why the authorities action to keep Chief Inspector Azilah's operational commander Deputy Supt Musa Safri light-years away from the trial is extremely suspicious."

      And the fact that it was never considered in the appeal.

      To call Musa Safri a key witness would be a huge understatement.

    7. Anonymous7:30 pm, if you are not familiar with military/police operational chain of command, please do not show your ignorance here. A bodyguard is a bodyguard is a bodyguard, full stop. Not a ready-to-use hired gun

    8. Is it SOP for the 'order' to kill to include a promised monetary reward?
      They were also ordered to steal/rob valuables from the deceased lady?


    9. An order together with sweeteners to carry out a difficult and objectionable mission. Nothing surprising about that, if it indeed occurred. Especially if there was obvious illegality involved.

      Bolehland's police did not become corrupt only recently.

      On the 2nd point, uniformed personnel stealing from people they have killed is not at all rare. Its a combination of greed and very old trophying tendencies which date back to prehistory. Red Indians did it (scalping) , American Marines did it in WWII (Japanese samurai swords taken from dead officers were commonly traded).

    10. Nah......according to that cibai fucking lanchiao kaytee, those bodyguards killed for sports

      Hahahahaha! Fuck kaytee la! Where is the fucking guilotine? Time to chop head

      Sirul must have taken drugs from kaytee........Hahahahaha

    11. Jambu, one point of correction - scalping was introduced to the American natives by the French. They aped the Europeans.

    12. why was Canny Ong murdered?

    13. Kaytee,
      Now I wonder why CL Flamiaris aka Lupus would not even bother to exorcise you. Though I still insist he got no lan pah........Hahahaha!
      Answer me one simple question if the PM were Anwar Ibrahim, would you sing a different tune? Yes or no? Straightforward answer
      Just like.....

      1) Do you believe in God, kaytee? No

      Hence kaytee has just violated the first tenet of Rukun Negara

    14. if I believe in god I would thank him for sparing as an Anwar PM-ship, wakakaka

    15. Jambu, good points.


  4. remember, he is still trailing by 1-2 own goals, now being judged by his own conscience, has lost all his aces, now got to carry own burden. he thinks by questioning all those things will bring the score to 2-2, too late DAH LAMA DAH.

  5. "National Hero?"

    It is a changing phenomenon. What is true of TDM, is equally true of NTR. But, in the final analysis, hero is just like a commodity. It can be bought and sold. No? Wakakaka...

    - hasan

  6. Ok........what did this fella say about politics is the art of possible?

    And when Ku Li is asking........Hahahaha! Fuck kaytee la, even Karpal Singh is asking

    WHO the fuck order sirul and azilah kill altantuya?

    Fuck kaytee

    1. lu nyanyok liao ah? told you already it's all about motive - read my

    2. Nah! I am more interested why the fuck you say very little about Najib and Rosmah. What is the connection between you and Rosmah? Like I say I don't care about Madhater's motive so long Najib and Rosmah is dead.

      Perhaps, we should ask why kaytee not actively campaign for Pakatan Kedah especially Mukriz come into power.

      See, my interest is to see the demise of UMNO.

    3. looks like I've been correct, that looes has gone nyanyok, wakakaka

    4. As far as KT's transient defense of the ahjibgor's involvement in the C4-ed of Atantuyaa goes, Loose is sported on about KT.

    5. sport on, not sported on - it's ok, don't thank me, wakakaka

    6. Aiyoyo, my england is getting "bad-der" and "bad-der" liao, I thought it is spot on leh

  7. Mum Mum Kaytee.........

    Silent majorty including ktemoc that fucking cibai

    1. Spy Bukit Gantang3:14 pm, April 06, 2015

      Oh God, U are sick, cursing n using obscene language. Your parent should refer u to a shrink.

    2. LOOES74.....................your abundance use of foul language reveals that you are a BORN LOSER. A loser always resort to FOUL LANGUAGE when he has lost .

  8. "A bodyguard is a bodyguard is a bodyguard, full stop. Not a ready-to-use hired gun"

    Wakaka, you are begging the question, and going around in circles.

    Let's say the bodyguard, via his immediate boss (MS). gets an order from VVIP (you know who).

    Plausible? OK.

    Should police commandos be used as ready-to-use hired guns?


    Should the police be used to suppress political dissent?


    About 1,000 things are done in Malaysia that shouldn't be done.

    And??? Thus? Therefore?

    What planet are you from? You don't seem to have spent much time in Malaysia...wakaka

    1. re your "via his immediate boss (MS). gets an order from VVIP" thank you, you've supported my clarification that ministers cannot give operational instructions to military/police directly. now whether teh "immediate boss" did that is for the police to investigate

    2. re your "should the police be used to suppress political dissent?" ask the bodek-ite who's in charge of them

    3. Should we ask the question, kaytee? Shouldn't you ask the question? Why for the love your manhood, you did't ask this question and pursue it? What the fuck you say by adverse political refusal

      Jim Cairns also refused politically but australia senate pursued it vigoriously with all out inquiry on him and Morosi

      But over in Malaysia, yilak, zilch, nothing

      It"s very baffling that even you say nothing or little about Najib and Rosmah

      Why? Why? Why? You can make long thesis on PKR flawed election but lathing on najib.

      Not just Mahathir is asking this question.......Even Karpal Singh himself

      You fucking cibai kaytee! You mocked Karpal Singh......Why don"t you dig a hole and bury yourself?

      Your loverboy Zaid has spoken......

    4. "black & white" politics versus my more balanced and discerning perceptions wakakaka

  9. Hisham Rais has asked simple question

    Who hired Sirul and Azizah murder Altantuya? Simple question!

    1. who knows, maybe no one did; maybe they had enough motive to murder her on their own bat - the only reason why this possibility has not been considered is because there is an adverse political refusal to consider it

    2. KT,

      what's yr motive in keep defending ahjibgor, though in a twisted manner?

      can tell ke???

    3. has my mentioning a possibility equated to defending ahjibgor - show me where I have dorectly defended him

    4. re-read yr few previous postings lah!

      aint they a little bit more than obvious? Thus, the twisted manner!

      do u need me to show u the intestine of yr match-stick figures that u'd drawn?

      or r u going to play semantic to argue yr way out of a self-dug indefensible hole?

  10. under superior order, kalu suruh makan najis (tahi) tak kan depa makan najis. tak kan tak ada akal kut. to those who assume the above , termasuk TDM

  11. From Hisham Rais

    kes pembunuhan altantuya ini
    akan berterusan sahingga
    najib dan rosmah ditendang keluar

    kenyataan mahathir amat jelas
    apa yang dikatakan oleh mahathir cukup terang

    sirul adalah bekas pengawal najib
    sirul juga adalah bekas pengawal mahathir

    ketika sirul bertugas dengan mahathir
    sirul TIDAK diberi arahan membunuh
    ketika bedrtugas dengan najib
    sirul membunuh altantuya
    siapa yang beri arahan bunuh altantuya
    siapa yang upah sirul dan azilah?

    sirul kini di australia
    sirul hanya menunggu masa untuk bercakap
    sirul hanya menunggu ketika yang baik

    najib dan rosmah tidak ada pilihan
    atau kena terajang oleh rakyat

    dalam dunia ini
    tidak ada PM
    yang dituduh sebagai
    terlibat dalam kes bunuh

    Again this is another esteemed blogger

    1. Najib is thus guilty until proven innocent, wakakaka

      as I've written above, Mahathir "to state the convicted killer (Sirul) did not murder anyone when he was Dr M's bodyguard - an assertion which has been nothing more than just a silly provocation with no connection whatsoever to what Sirul might have done and did subsequently to serving Dr M.

      Look, as an example of the above last statement, Sirul's mum would have been able to tell everyone Sirul did not kill anyone when he was growing up under her care nor when he was in school, etc, and that in fact he was still a virgin, so on so forth."

      looes, you haven't raised anything new - no new evidence other than prejudiced "black & white" antagonism against Naiib - aiyah, really low level accusations a la flinging enough poo around with the desperate wistful hope some will stick

    2. Spy Bukit Gantang11:48 am, April 06, 2015

      As i said before, if under order by superior to eat shit does any subordinate will eat shit. My humble opinion is they did the killing for RM$$$$. they are the culprit. Sirul is only a corporal, can afford RM to visit/run/migrate to Australia. The person/persons who hired them to do it is smart like the Don of Mafia who will use layers of his men to safeguard from being effected of the crime. Like the polices can caught the drug pusher or they raid their drug lab but they cant touch the Big Boss of the operation cos he'll will use layers of men in between to safeguard himself. So waste for time investgated Altantuya case. Those who made allegation without prove n if it;s not true n if they are muslim. it is 'fitnah' ' Makan daging saudara sendiri. Sanggupkah.

    3. re your " if under order by superior to eat shit does any subordinate will eat shit", looes74 will, wakakaka

    4. Spy Bukit Gantang12:29 pm, April 06, 2015

      Thanks KT 4 approving my comments. I thought animals only eat shit. wakaka. Ada jugak Malaysian yang sanggup. Aiya. That's why i'd comment B4 . There are some Malaysian who are not using their brain given by God properly. Sorry if my comment hurt anybody. A thousand apologies.

    5. 1. sirul did not murder anybody when he was che det's bodyguard. but i read somewhere that he confessed to have killed before, mana satu ni?

      2. these two murderers masih hidup, why don't they tell the whole world who is/are the directors and motive as well. why are they beating around the bush? main tarik tali ka? since apr 1 malaysians have been made to pay GSST and not GST.

    6. But then why the authorities especially IGP not asking this question. Whoah! Like that Nixon should have gone scot free over watergate scandal because obviously he didn't directly order those men to break into Democrat convention........Hahahahaha

      That cibai kaytee talks about Canny.....So me got to talk Nixon. Ask that cibai kaytee, what the fuck happen to Morosi/Cairns? Hahahaha!

      Why Sirul/Azilah didn't wanna talk? Hehehehe.......They are hoping to be like Razak Baginda.......goes scot free.

      You see when Najib want these scapegoats to be mampus and he has forgotten about........hahahaha

      How did Sirul escape to Aussie land? Ok la.......If Leeson can cabut, so can Sirul......Hahahahaha!

      Kampung lad,
      Don't you think it would be more fun if it includes Lupus, Frank, Tok Cik (retired military officier), semper fi and orang malaya in Din's blog as audiences......Guess kaytee should present himself in Din's blog
      Love to see people have kaytee for breakfast

      Oh how I love House of Cards (UK)

    7. " if under order by superior to eat shit does any subordinate will eat shit."
      You guys have obviously no idea of the discipline of Special Forces training.
      I haven't , but I know people who have.
      The answer is YES.

    8. Spy Bukit Gantang5:27 am, April 07, 2015

      'superior order 2 eat shit'
      U admit 2 know the people who have eat shit. wakaka. hahaha. Have u seen the scene to prove it. Brainless brainless. Maybe brainless people eat shit. wakakakaka

  12. Time to abandon ship, kaytee......

    What did LKS say about the agony pain of Jibby?

    1. people like you would abandon ship, why, because you're always on this or that ship, wakakaka - unlike you I sail on my OWN ship, the KT Independence, wakakaka

    2. wakakakaka.... I sail on my OWN ship, the KT Independence!

      powered by ahjibgor's fart????

    3. Spy Bukit Gantang12:37 pm, April 06, 2015

      Spot on KT. ' Lalang' is not respected. Nobody will trust this type of people. Like 'Katak' wakaka.

    4. Yeah, Bukit Gantang.....

      And I fully support how LKY Manhandled Jufrie

      Hahahahaha! I love every minute how the mighty UMNO cojones have been squashed........Hahahahaha!

      Love to see that happen in UMNO Malaysia

    5. Spy Bukit Gantang3:25 am, April 07, 2015

      Yeah looes, nice of u 4 not cursing anymore 4 d moment, i dont care if UMNO, BN or PR balls are squashed 2 please N make u happy. I only care for peace n harmony for Malaysian. Whoever will be in power are the same. They will prioritese their cronies for projects to siphon the country wealth. We the rakyat will be effected n suffer. I only disagree n hate people who made allegations without prove. Slander. If its u being slander, how do u feel. Happy? Mad? Whatever it is I support KT 4 his view n intergrity. Sad 4 Malaysian 2 have few rakyat like him. Do u want Malaysia 2 B in chaos cos by the power play of the politicians. what do u n i will benefit if this happen. Maybe u can rejoice of your achievement. But there will b no more peace 4 u 2 earn ya bread n butter anymore. If u fully support LKY might as well u migrate 2 singapore. Then u' ll will know ' tanah itu tinggi atau rendah,' Then u 'll also know 'Hujan di negeri orang , hujan batu di negeri sendiri.

    6. Do you fucking cibaily know why me, Hisham Rais and even Patrick Teoh extremely vulgar? Just use your little brain. You will see the light

      Fuck you Bukit Gantang

    7. Spy Bukit Gantang5:02 pm, April 07, 2015

      Thanks loose, curse n swear me if its make u happy. May God bless U. Ada aku kisah.

    8. Spy Bukit Gantang10:49 pm, April 08, 2015

      Looes, Hisham , Patrick n others who feel irritated by my comments. A thousand apologies. My little brain opinion is 'you reap what you sow'.

      I missed my dearest neighbour Cik Gu Lim , his Mrs (Kak Nya) n their children Danny, Ah Pang, Lisa, Lina n Ah Pong Sai. God Bless them wherever they are now. Probably in Ipoh. We rent a room each 4 our family above a coffee shop in Assam Kumbang . Then we move to a servants' quarters of one of d Govt House in Tate Road ( sympathy of the ADO of Taiping at that time.).We stood together (my family N Cik Gu Lim family during the racial tension in MAY 1969). We try 2 understand n respect each other. Give N take.
      I also miss my school n classmate, Paul Lim Meng Leong, Kah Keong, Saharuddin ,Jayakumar, Razak, Sabri, Wan Rahim , Hilal,.Latif I think they are all well off now. Maybe they will remember me as the in famous Tiger Man.

  13. Hehehehe.......Time to ask that cibai kaytee......

    Should Jim Cairns be held responsible over the loans affairs? Yes or No........Hahahahaha!

    Rex was duly sacked and Cairns was moved to environment

    Soon after Whitlam's government crumbled with him being sacked by Governor General.........hahahaha

    Compared to Jibby........Should Jibby's head be rolled? Hahahahaha.......Time to sing the song

    Hisham Rais is leader in the world EXCEPT Najib be accused of murder......

    another song

    1. Spy Bukit Gantang10:40 am, April 07, 2015

      Hisham Rais likes to eat his family body meat. Accused without proved . Like they did to their friend the former CM of Selangor TSKI. That's PR way of justice. 'Keadilan konon.' Poodah. Justice People Party (PKR). So are some of u who are not so bright bloggers. Accusing our PM without prove. Maybe one day Karma will make them be the one who will be
      slandered N feel the consequences.

  14. I'm not going to accuse anyone else as being culpable without further evidence.
    Fitnah, ya.......

    However, I can tell this....whoever thinks two highly trained policemen, completely off their own bat, collected C-4 explosives, detonator caps , detonator wires, and proceeded to capture a Mongolian woman they did not know, in front of Razak Baginda's house, then proceeded to blow the woman up to bits , all on their own accord, .....probably has been eating Shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    I hear some states in Australia have virtually decriminalised private use of cannabis (ganja). Its still an offence to grow and sell the narcotic, but authorities usually will not take action against those smoking ganja in private.......... many sticks smoked , ya ?


    1. what happen to the husband & wife lieutenant colonel? forgotten already?

  15. Why was Ambank founder Hussain Najadi murdered ?

    Tow truck operator Kong Swee Kwan has been convicted of the murder and sentenced to death.
    Similarly, the killer totally did not know his victim. It was not a robbery.
    The killer had a gun ready, walked up to his victim, and shot him twice - to make sure of the kill.

  16. "Wallahi Wabillahi Watallahi"
    In future all Muslim suspects just have to take the Islamic oath they had never set eyes on the victim before or never committed the crime ...and they will go free.

    1. you may wish to recall that AI refused to take an oath on the Quran

    2. Spy Bukit Gantang11:39 pm, April 07, 2015

      'Muslim taking an oath holding the Quran' AI dare not . It's concensual said his army of lawyers (although maybe RM millions paid to them to defend him'). What is he afraid of, ALLAH SWT WRATH. Just take la that oath if he is innocent. Consensual sex is a great sin 4 d real muslim. Our PM has guts, shows that he is not afraid. Cos his being slandered. May God forgive those slanderer. If there is solid proof/evidence to implicate our PM with the murder he will not go free. But Nil. just assumption from people who hate him.

  17. You may have missed my sarcasm, so my answer to someone non-taking the Islamic oath is - so what ?

    1. so don't talk about oath taking, or the issue can and has back-fired on your AI

    2. Spy Bukit Gantang7:53 pm, April 08, 2015

      Geng, Sorry , 2 misunderstood ya sarcasm, i' m just an ordinary malaysian, who have a little brain 'said looese74' but I'm not brainless 2 eat shit n b delusion but lies n slander by PR people. if they think they can topple d govt n rule Malaysia better, so be it. We will see d outcome'. Selangor is just an example 4 people 2 think what will happen. If PR rule Malaysian, they can slander, curse n tell lies that they are used to. May u n all anti govt malaysians will be happy.

      Me , i' m a humble n poor guy with little brain born in 1959 in Taiping. A town meaning peace in chinese due 2 to the peace made cos of d confrontation of the Ghee Hin N Hai San (their fightings is due 2 ,each other claims they are right, the opposite are wrong , n their leader was seditious. ( Like some of our politicians now.)ya PR of course. if u know history. So I love peace not war. War "'Menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu."

      With due respect, TDM who have done lots of good thing for Malaysian when he was in power. Maintaining peace n pro active action 2 prevent chaos. But now, i agree with Rocketman , i dont consider him a Hero. May God bless him , TDM. anak cucu dia dah senang dah . cukuplah. Tak payah lah sokong opposition. Myself ada Honda C70 buruk je, for my transportation to cari makan. Dulu nak beli basikal pun susah. .Anak2 nak kerja gomen pun susah. Terpaksa lah kerja kuli dgn towkey2 yg kaya.
