
Monday, April 20, 2015

Anonymous who?

As a blogger I have problems keeping track of who say what when these have been "Anonymous" who made more than 1 comment.

I don't need nor want to know your real name but I would encourage you to have at least a nick or pseudonym when leaving comments at my blog. For example I know kampong lad, HY, hasan, huaren, Bryan Wong, bruno, kalai, looes74 wakakaka (that c*b**).

Starting from now, I will not accept comments from "Anonymous" so have a Google account and call yourself Conan the Barbarian, YHWH, Sodom and Gomorrah, Mandarin Nazi, Kakinang, Kangkung, Tau-sar-pau, Ms Muffet (wakakaka) or whoever, to be able to leave a comment here.

Thanks for your cooperation.


  1. Wishing your blog All The Worst

  2. i think u shd allow more option instead of google account, that at least have to input a nick. damn mafan to use google account.

    1. Thanks for suggestion HY. I really don't mind but I am not very savvy with offer of 4 choices on comments, namely:

      (a) Anyone - includes Anonymous Users - used this but for reasons expalined, no more
      (b) Registered User - includes OpenID - I don't need anyone to register with me - more "mafan" (Penang Hokkien = maa huan) or sukar diatur
      (c) User with Google Accounts - only reasonable choice
      (d) Only members of this blog -aisehman, I'm not that exclusive lah, wakakaka

  3. Aiyaah... boh pian one. Wakakaka...

  4. areopagitica & speakers' corner no more

  5. Kaytee,now at least we know that your matey,the dentured giant "monsterballs" is alive,well and kicking.Good work for flushing out the creeps.Hehehe

  6. Lose a little anonimity, gain some accountability.

  7. Kaytee,why not pen a very long article about the cowardly IGP,who was hiding under the sarong of some pondan,failing to perform his duties to Malaysians in the cross protest incident.He fail to text to his boys in blue to haul the protesters up to be charge under the sedition act.He said the protest was not seditious,because his brother was one of the instigators.Can one imagine the brother of the IGP charged under the sedition act and send to five years in Sungei Buloh.The brother of the IGP a convicted felon?
