
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Malaysia's Fave Punching Bag

In a post over at my KTemoc Kongsamkok blog titled My Day of Infamy (1) wakakaka I wrote:

I recall reading an article where Japanese executives, suffering from highly stressed work load, were encouraged to go to a gym regularly, at least once a week if not more often, to de-stress themselves. The recommended technique was to use a wooden sword, the type favoured by kendo enthusiasts, to thrash the hell out of a straw dummy.

Banzai, Bagero and 擬似 (Bastard) - they hammered away at their respective straw man with their kendo cane swords, no doubt imagining or visualizing the targets as their superiors, who had either demanded some impossible sales quota for the US market, or humiliated them to no ends by sending them home early at 5 pm* wakakaka.

* In Japanese business circle, it’s virtually a scandal (and a great shame) for a white collared bloke to return home earlier than 11 pm.

Well, just imagine some of my former girlfriends as those highly stressed Japanese executives with nasty samurai swords and poor shivering kaytee as the straw dummy - gulp!

But alas, some UMNO members including ministers and former/ex ministers would hammer away at their straw men or punching bags, the Chinese, not because they feel stressed BUT because they want to divert attention from their failings, incompetence, naughty stuff or when one faction attempts to gain higher ethnocentric credentials over another faction in a vile demonstration of who would be more of an ultra pahlawan Melayu.

During the last general elections which UMNO won despite their allies' failures, even unto seizing back Perak and Kedah, they nonetheless decided to thrash the Chinamen for good measure, asking Apa lagi China mahu?, ostensibly because they didn't win with a 2/3 majority because of the lack of Chinese support.

Now, where is it stated that a government elected under a Westminster democracy or any other democracy must achieve a two-thirds majority to be entitled to call itself a stable government?

In fact I was informed that Mahathir had once stated (prior to some kind of election, perhaps the one between him and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah for the Umno presidency) that even if he won by one vote, he was still a legitimate winner and would accept the post.

So, hasn't it been double standards by Mahathir to expect Najib to meet the 2/3 majority requirement, when a political party could form a government with 112 parliamentary seats? Hey, some bloke even wanted to form one with only 82 MPs, wakakaka.

Yes, the so-called benchmark of a minimum two-thirds majority (148 seats) has been a myth, nay, a created nonsense to berate Najib but which admittedly would be nice to have in order to make all sorts of constitutional amendments at will, but not something necessary to form a reasonably stable government.

Indeed, given UMNO's frightened realization of the increasing electoral swing against it in the last few years, explaining why Mahathir and his Perkasa were hysterically pounding some of his own Wawasan 2020 ‘Challenges' to smithereens, no BN leader, not even Mahathir himself, would have been able to achieve that impossibility of such a win with the preposterous two-thirds majority in the recent general election.

I suspect there must be more to just the nonsensical necessity of UMNO-BN winning by a 2/3 majority in the constant undermining of Najib by Mahathir and cohorts.

Considering the electoral swing against BN, if we want to be objective, Najib did quite well in the 2013 general elections.

For example, while Pakatan was making inroads in BN strongholds like Johor and Negri Sembilan, Najib and his team were quietly taking the back lanes and by-roads into Pakatan territory to successfully seize 7 seats from PAS in Titiwangsa, Kuala Selangor, Pendang, Padang Terap, Jerai, Sik and Baling and eight from PKR in Balik Pulau, Bagan Serai, Kulim-Bandar Baru, Merbok, Machang, Ketereh, Tanah Merah and Hulu Selangor (won by PKR in 2008 though held by BN in a by-election).

As I had blogged before, even in wasting 2 precious federal seats by nominating two Perkasa jokers to stand in them, perhaps to mollify you-know-who, it was still a significant 15-seat harvest for Najib because it mitigated against the loss of 22 other seats to Pakatan.

Just imagine if he didn't succeed in the above, the final election would have been only 118 seats for BN versus 104 seats for Pakatan, a mere 14-seat difference or only an eight-seat majority to rule.

Okay, perhaps let us not proceed any further as to what possibilities this would have offered the other side, wakakaka.

Najib also ripped back Kedah for BN, which surely would and should have earned the undying gratitude of Daddy Mahathir, while holding BN's position in Perlis, Terengganu and very much to my surprise, Perak.

In wrestling back Kedah and holding off Pakatan in Perlis and Terengganu, he basically destroyed the putative ‘Northern Green Crescent' and isolated PAS to only Kelantan.

For UMNO alone, Najib increased its 79 parliamentary seats in 2008 to 88, and in Peninsular Malaysia, BN collectively won 100 seats compared to 99 in 2008, a gain of one parliamentary seat. He also increased the state seats from 239 in 2008 to 244 [figures obtained from Malaysia-Today blog].

But alas, someone has NOT been satisfied, and as mentioned earlier, I suspect that has nothing to do with not having the 2/3 majority.

Remember Ali Rustam blaming the Chinese when he didn't win his election?

Wait, I think it would be better to remember who lost his seat in Kota Setar Selatan in 1969, and who he blamed?

And guess what? He blamed his loss on the very people he had so arrogantly declared he didn't require votes from, wakakaka. In 1974 he wisely selected a different parliamentary constituency, Kubang Pasu, wakakaka.

Oh let's not leave Muhyiddin out. In 2009 after Nizar Jamaluddin won the Bukit Gantang by-election with an increase majority, the DPM accused the Chinese of grandiose scheming, that they have begun to think of themselves as kingmakers in politics.

While there's no escaping the fact that his public musing has been aimed at the heartland, to convince the faithful to re-marshal beneath the keris-ed banner, his fear-hate propaganda was lamentable, reflected in his statement to Mingguan Malaysia as follows:

“The Chinese even though are a minority group feel that they have the deciding power because the Malays are split into three groups … In such a situation, they can decide the outcome of an election and this can be seen from the general election and the by-elections.”

“They think they have the power to decide. It is not only the Chinese but the Indian community as well.’’

Less than 24% of the Malaysian population, the Chinese somehow make wonderful punching bag for UMNO's electoral losses.

Indeed, how could the 24% Chinese of Malaysians effect a popular vote of around 52% for Pakatan in 2013? And how could Lim Kit Siang win Gelang Patah with an almost 15,000 majority without support from the Malays there?

But why let facts stand in the way of UMNO whacking a convenient punching bag? The list of some UMNO members making the Chinamen their Banzai, Bagero and 擬似 (Bastard) straw men goes on and on.

Now we have Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister, blaming Chinese traders for refusing to reduce the prices of goods even though the price of petrol has come down. He called on Malays to boycott Chinese traders.

As one of my visitors remarked on the prices of some American-originated fast food, who own those franchise?

But Ismail Sabri's statements have been unduly vile, racist and instigating, If the Sedition Act needs applying, he makes a damn far more appropriate candidate to be charged under this Act than some poor bloke in Penang who merely used the quite everyday-common word of celaka.

Ismail Sabri's unmitigated bigotry has earned him opprobrium from his BN mateys in MCA and Gerakan, with former MIC strategy director S Vell Paari saying Ismail Sabri's call for Malay to boycott Chinese businesses was "saddening and shocking".

Vell Paari said: "Why is it that everything needs to be seen through racial lenses? Why couldn't he just label them as errant traders?"

Vell, because someone has got to be the punching bag to rally the Heartland to those ministers' banner. So don't ever say the bloody Chinamen have no use or role to play in Malaysia, wakakaka.

Then we hear of an Islamic preacher, Mohammad Kazim Elias, walloping the Chinese and Indians some years ago, allegedly (as the Malay Mail Online reported) ... for having fun drinking and dancing in clubs while the Malays worked hard for the country as soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and cleaners.

I wonder whether it was at Zouk night club? See this BBC report.

He commented in a recorded lecture: “Gentlemen, try looking at Chinese homes, or what are they doing hanging out in their shops. They are freely drinking, going to discos. Malay soldiers are busy in the jungle, in the middle of the sea".

“Now who is the master, who is the slave? … Our race is guarding the jungles. Where are the Chinese? Are there Hindus? How many Hindus are soldiers? Many are robbers. Freely going to Giant, nightclubs, wearing sexy clothes, hanging out in Tesco.”

Where were the Chinese and Indians?

Well, while Kazim was doing whatever preachers do, and we may reasonably assume he wasn't in the jungle himself, Chinese and Indian soldiers and policemen fought the Communist terrorists with some killed and/or wounded - see my following post Chinese policemen.

I would encourage Kazim, as a man of God, to be God-fearingly decent, God-fearingly honest about facts and God-fearingly and honourably acknowledge recognition of our Chinese Police heroes of yesteryears, stalwarts such as:

  • Yeoh Chew Bik (killed by CT at Sebarang Perai)
  • Koh Ah Cheng (killed by CT at Bukit Kepong police station)

Ironically the communist assailants at Bukit Kepong police station were led by a Malay Communist, Muhammad Indera - not unlike today's Muslim-Filipino Malay assailants of our 8 policemen

  • Loh Ah Chu (killed by CT at Bukit Berapit, Perak)
  • Chan Eng Teck (killed by CT at Bukit Berapit, Perak)
  • Ang Lock Say (killed by CT at Bukit Berapit, Perak)
  • Yeap Sean Hua (killed on duty while apprehending a criminal at Setapak; another policeman Fong Thean Kit who was off duty but heard the shot gave chase and apprehended the killer)

Important note: Both Yeap (posthumously) and Fong were awarded Malaysia’s highest gallantry award, the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP).

SP - awarded for act of extreme bravery and valor

  • Chin Chin Kooi (Special Branch Chief Inspector who served in the Police Force for 21 years - shot at point blank range and killed by unknown slayers, probably CT; before he died he managed to shoot back)

Important note: Chin was posthumously awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP)

  • Lee Han Cheong (a Sergeant and PFF patrol leader was killed by CT near Bidok)
  • DCP Tan Sri Khoo Chong Kong (killed by communist subversive in Perak)
Two other Special Branch police officers who are still alive today were awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP), namely SP Paul Kiong and DSP Sia Boon Chee.

Without exaggeration, I would consider these two officers’ contributions (presumably still under secret classification) as pivotal to the defeat of the communist terrorist movement in Peninsula Malaysia.

Thus, 5 Chinese police officers were awarded the nation's highest gallantry award, the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP), with two posthumously. I hope Mohd Kazim takes note of this and if possible, say a prayer or two for their sacrifices.

Then there were Chinese in the Armed Forces who showed their loyalty to their nation by making the ultimate sacrifices, TUDM officers like the late Lt Choo Yoke Boo and the late Lt Chang Tatt Min who were both awarded the Panglima (or Pingat) Gagah Berani (PGB) posthumously. It's said that the PGB is next in gallantry honours to the SP.

There's an unfortunate and unpleasant story behind their sacrifices, but as the nastiness had to do with an individual I won't like Kazim turn it into a racial narrative.

PGB - awarded for act of extreme bravery and valor

Prior to the 2 RMAF officer, one Ranger officer, 2nd Lt David Fu Chee Ming who I believe is still alive today, was also awarded the PGB.

2nd Lt David Fu was the Platoon Commander of 8th Platoon of C Company, 4th Battalion Royal Rangers who was tasked and placed in the Tanah Hitam area of Perak to track and destroy the enemy in his sector of operation. This was the citation for his award of the Panglima Gagah Berani (PGB):

On the 27th August 1970, his platoon of 24 men made contact with a group of about 70 enemy combatants. The enemy unknowingly had entered his sector. Thus started a heavy and intensive battle lasting 7 hours. Under his unwavering leadership, the men fought on, successfully killed 4 of the enemy. His patrol did not suffer any casualties.

For his outstanding gallantry and bravery in the finest traditions of the Ranger Corps he was bestowed with the Pingat Gagah Berani, by the King.

He left after exemplary service as a Captain.

Then there was Captain Mohana Chandran al Velayuthan, like 2nd Lt David Fu also of 4th Battalion Royal Rangers.

Captain Chandran was posthumously awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP) on 3 June 1971.

His citation for the SP read:

Leading a unit of ten men of the 4th Battalion Royal Rangers on a reconnaissance mission in the vicinity of the Ulu Kinta forest (Perak), he happened upon a group of CT numbering approximately 40 men. This occurred on the tenth day of their mission and 4 hours after they had located the first enemy tracks.

Coming under murderous fire after detection by an enemy sentry Captain Chandran rallied his squad and advanced on the enemy. The encounter with the well-entrenched enemy led to the death of Captain Chandran at the age of 27.

Apart from Chinese and Indian sterling contributions of blood, toil, tears and sweat to the nation a la tanah tumpatnya darahku I suppose we must continue to serve as UMNO's punching bag.

Yes, it's depressing to read all these after more than half a century of independence together as Malayans then Malaysians, but as the Koreans like to say when wanting to brace up depressed spirits, "Fighting!", wakakaka.


  1. Next time I'll make people skinless. No racism, plus no acne !

    -from TheTweetOfGod


  2. Blame the Chinese is a smokescreen for a number of present and upcoming issues which the government cannot or will not address.

    - GST , coming April 1st will cause a large 1-time spike in the cost of many, many products.
    It is inevitable, but the government is looking for a convenient source of blame.

    - many commodity foods such as Rice, Sugar are now monopolies controlled by people close to UMNO....and the price stubbornly stays up, even though world-market prices have fallen drastically.
    - Electricity, THE major manufacturing cost for many products, remains high, even though global prices of all kinds of fuel have fallen.
    Najib had the cheek to highlight about using Government funds to cover a scheduled electricity tariff Increase. Not sure which planet Najib lives on, but it doesn't sound like earth.

    - industrial users of diesel and petrol continue to pay high cost , because the government has imposed a tax of 40 sen per liter for diesel, 58 sen per liter for petrol., which effectively keeps cost of fuel high for manufacturers.

  3. Ktemoc is carma. ..cari makan..

    1. okay but I want to see some cash on my table, wakakaka

  4. Stirring up suspicion and loathing against the Chinese in the Heartland is a proven vote getter, very effective during GE13.
    The effort is led by Najib , no less.
    In the meantime he condones and turns a blind eye to others in his party doing it.

  5. Which racial group now controlled key economic sectors like banking, insurance, motor vehicles, electricity, rice, sugar, oil, gas, commodities, transport and communications ?

    If the Chinese are NOT in control of the above key sectors, then how could they be responsible and be blamed for something that they are not in control ?

    The cost of rice and sugar has gone down tremendously but because of the monopoly of such basic foods were given to Syed Mokhtar, there is not much the consumer could do when these monopolies keep on increasing the prices although world prices for such commodities have plunged. Ditto for electricity....the electrical bill for the consumer keep on increasing and the TNB every year declare billions of profit, although the global price of diesel, petroleum, coal, gas have all tumbled greatly. How come the bigoted minister deliberately leave out such group from blame ? Is it because they are Malays ?

    And one other thing.....the government could actually almost immediately bring down prices of almost all products by simply eliminating APs given to the selected handful of Malays who are actually just acting as' toll-gate' collection agency, earning such 'commissions' without any effort or capital in-put....buta money to the tune of billions dropping from heaven right into their pockets. This AP policy alone have artificially hike up all consumer products in the country, including crucial medical products. Why make these handful of Malays billionaires while making the rest of the population - Malays, Chinese, Indians, dan Lain Lain, suffer for having to bear all these costs ? Now the minister have the thick-faced audacity to blame one ethnic group for the ills now facing the country. Let's see if the IGP is really serious in doing his rightful duty to charge this bugger for sedition.

  6. KT... your write makes me feeling really down. Sob.. sob... Just last week my mother who is 80 years old received notice that she will have to pay 30% more for cukai pintu for her two properties at kampung. And today my two good friends told me that they have lost their mata pencarian. Sob.. sob...

    - hasan

    1. Hasan,
      This is YP. For godness sake, be fucking independent. How old oredi.........Hahahahaha

  7. It is strange that Ismail Sabri picked Ngeh as target without checking out the facts, and now is trying to wriggle himself out of the deepening hole by the "many Ngehs" excuse... How amateurish.

    One would expect higher level of professionalism from a minister.

    The other surprise is that Unity Minister Kurup comes to his defence...

    1. @Anon 919



    2. It is fucking easy what........Just like melayus never use brain to think.......Remember that Maria Hertogh's case

  8. Ismail Sabri's statement is sadly, all too accurate.
    Many Chinese traders continue to act as economic exploiters, taking advantage of the lack of business acumen and undemanding nature of rural Malays.

    Joseph Kurup , who is from Sabah is all too familiar with this phenomenon in rural areas of his state h as well.

    It is time the Malays and other Bumiputras stood up for their rights, leveraging their sheer numbers as consumers to ensure a fair deal from traders.

    1. Which racial group now controlled key economic sectors like banking, insurance, motor vehicles, electricity, rice, sugar, oil, gas, commodities, transport and communications ?

      If the Chinese are NOT in control of the above key sectors, then how could they be responsible and be blamed for something that they are not in control ?

      The cost of rice and sugar has gone down tremendously but because of the monopoly of such basic foods were given to Syed Mokhtar, there is not much the consumer could do when these monopolies keep on increasing the prices although world prices for such commodities have plunged. Ditto for electricity....the electrical bill for the consumer keep on increasing and the TNB every year declare billions of profit, although the global price of diesel, petroleum, coal, gas have all tumbled greatly. How come the bigoted minister deliberately leave out such group from blame ? Is it because they are Malays ?

      And one other thing.....the government could actually almost immediately bring down prices of almost all products by simply eliminating APs given to the selected handful of Malays who are actually just acting as' toll-gate' collection agency, earning such 'commissions' without any effort or capital in-put....buta money to the tune of billions dropping from heaven right into their pockets. This AP policy alone have artificially hike up all consumer products in the country, including crucial medical products. Why make these handful of Malays billionaires while making the rest of the population - Malays, Chinese, Indians, dan Lain Lain, suffer for having to bear all these costs ? Now the minister have the thick-faced audacity to blame one ethnic group for the ills now facing the country. Let's see if the IGP is really serious in doing his rightful duty to charge this bugger for sedition.

    2. CBMF,

      get yr compatriots to target Pernas, MSM, TNB, AP holders of all kinds (including proton) lah!!!!!

      these r the TRUE economic exploiters, taking advantage of the lack of business acumen and undemanding nature of rural Malays, indeed!!!!

    3. Syed Mohktar who is holding monopolies for rice, sugar and flour should bring down the prices of such basic foods so that at least such essential basic foods are affordable to the poor rural Malays, especially to the poverty-stricken natives in East Malaysia. The world price of sugar is only 38 USD cents but he is selling it in Malaysia for an obscene profit.

      Do you know that the Malay padi farmers are only allowed to buy their planting seedlings and farming equipment /machinery from a designated source, the franchise of which is held by a bumi crony of the a certain ruling party. And the farmers are not allowed to sell their harvested produce to any others except back to Bernas at prices dedicated by those who held the distribution monopoly. Who are the blood suckers ?

      Talk to any of these poor Malays and natives on the ground.....and they have a load of complains about how they are being fleeced and taken advantaged of by, surprise (!) surprise (!), people who had the same colour skin and religion as theirs. And when they go to the local supermarket or village general store for their basic necessities, again they see who's running the show there....kedai supermart mydin, kedai runcit din .....and the prices have not dropped even a single cent in spite of the drop in petrol price at the pump. The minister who railed against the Chinese and asking for boycott should get out of his lexus and go to the ground to see the actual sufferings there. See if he could wiggle his way out of explaining to these poor people the coming GST due in 2 months' time which will cause a further increase in prices.

    4. Fuck you cibai la Warrior.........You think you can use this cibai trick on all Malaysians including the melayu. You wait nong nong la

      Kindly go back to the hole you come from

  9. I would not mind being the punching bag for any of the ladies in the gambar above!

    1. I think it would be a very long line, wakakaka...

      - hasan

    2. What punching bag? You mean the Lewinsky style? that 5 1/2 inches long. You dirty old man

  10. Frustrated prices of goods stay put in the face of much cheaper petrol.
    But to put all the blame on a single ethnic traders is too simplistic, naive, dishonest, immoral, shameful, discriminatory, mischievous, malicious, and .........


    1. Plus........It is all Anwar's fault. So say kaytee aka modern heathcliff

    2. @ If put away, Malaysia becomes instant paradise !


  11. Kaytee,you are a very lucky bloke.Or else it might be your balls instead of the punching bag or straw man,the pretty lass is going for.Hehehe.

    1. Bruno,
      Punching kaytee cojones.......Me think he think of something else

  12. Price of goods has nothing to do with race, Dr M tells Ismail Sabri
    Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has chastised Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob for his racist rant on Chinese businesses, saying the price of goods going up has nothing to do with the ethnicity of the trader.

    He said instead of playing the race card, the agriculture and agro-based industries minister should find out the real cause of the problem.

    "That's a negative way to try to solve the problem. Find out what is the cause," he said at a press conference at Forest Institute Malaysia (FRIM) today.

    "Maybe he didn’t think what he said, if he thinks carefully, he would not say boycott Chinese goods."

    Dr Mahathir said the issue was not about Chinese or Malay, as other traders like Malay and Indian also did not reduce the price of goods.

    "This is not about Chinese, Malay or anyone else. This is about goods, not only goods sold by Chinese... Indian, Malays also raised price, they don’t bring the price down.

    "This is not about Chinese or Malay, this is about oil prices going down, but goods prices are not going down." – February 4, 2015.

  13. Let's see what the PM gonna say:

    Ismail Sabri: PM will issue statement on boycott call

  14. MCA, wrong.
    DAP, wrong.
    Vell Paari, wrong.
    M, wrong.
    KT, wrong.
    I'm wrong.

    Minister, right !


  15. Ismail Sabri's criticism was directed at All the Traders who continue to price their goods high in spite of enjoying falling costs from the very significant reduction in fuel prices.

    1. Kalai, I was under the impression that 'all' would be spelt A-L-L and not C-H-I-N-E-S-E, but good try, wakakaka

  16. Ismail Sabri's posting which is all over the internet, the words as reported in Malaysian Insider, to which he later reiterated that the remarks WERE directed at Chinese traders:

    "Majoriti pengguna adalah Melayu, Cina adalah minoriti, kalau Melayu boikot perniagaan mereka, tentu mereka tiada pilihan untuk turunkan harga barang," katanya.

    Ismail yang juga bekas menteri KPDNKK, semasa dihubungi The Malaysian Insider, mengesahkan kenyataan yang dibuatnya semalam dalam akaun Facebook miliknya itu.

    Menjelaskan mengenai kenyataan tersebut, Ismail berkata ia ditujukan kepada peniaga Cina yang masih enggan menurunkan harga barang walaupun harga runcit minyak sudah diturunkan.

    "Saya tujukan kepada peniaga-peniaga Cina yang liat untuk turunkan harga barang walaupun minyak turun harga."

    1. That cibai Kalai fella should read this in Bahasa..."Saya tujukan kepada peniaga-peniaga Cina yang liat untuk turunkan harga barang walaupun minyak turun harga." since he's unable to differentiate between A-L-L and C-H-I-N-E-S-E in the English language, wakakaka.

      That cibai Kalai only knows how to lick the ars* holes of the Umno everything they spit out, he'll lick it A-L-L up, hehehe

    2. Great cibai melayu such as you fighting with cibai indian such as kalai........clap clap clap

      Fight fight fight

      Both of you can die in the process and leave us in peace
