
Monday, February 09, 2015

Get Najib

PKR uses Shaariibuu Altantuyaa.

PAS uses Sirul Azhar Umar - see Malaysiakini's PAS wants to take Sirul's mum to Australia

Dr M uses IMDB, wakakaka.

What about DAP?


  1. Alahai KT, emak mestilah nak jumpa anak. Emak mana yang tidak mahu jumpa anak? Pahala besar membantu untuk ketemukan emak dengan anak. - hasan

    1. just that it smells, wakakaka

    2. How rotten the smell is does not matter, it is the mom's feeling...

      - hasan

    3. be frank - mum is being exploited for political purposes and that's what smells

  2. Umno via Mael Kotak Ikan ( ismail sabri) is using...... the Chinese ( gasps !) .......should there be any mayhem or uprising from the masses from the economic downturn, their fingers have already pointed towards the Chinese for the herds to rush headlong towards the intended target to vent their anger.

    Dap is using...PAS ?

    But PAS is using DAP too ?

    And PKR is using both DAP and PAS ?

    Everybody is using everybody lah....but the worse kind of using is from Umno and some of its like-minded kawan from PAS....these people don't mind jentik and sergah and much worse for a whole minority race...and they claimed to be Islamic, wakakkaka.

  3. This bird will never tell all as long as there's still hope, however small, for it to escape death. The best bet at the moment is a bomoh !.


  4. Everybody uses somebody else. It's called leverage

    I have nothing to do with PKR, PAS and definitely no Mahathir supporter.
    I will say this about the Altantuya case.
    No single fact stands out, but taking all the bits and pieces of information together, police, prosecution, judiciary, the official Malaysian government "story" has a rotten stench surrounding it, even after the Final court verdict.

    1MDB is an upcoming train crash, a RM 40,000,000,000 train crash.
    And it is not something concocted by Mahathir or Rafizi.
    Its' a nightmare in broad daylight. When the shit finally hits the fan, it will make Maminco, BMF, PKFZ all taken together look like small change.

  5. There is no doubt PKR and PAS are being opportunistic, but they didn't conjur up this issue

    The "Altantuya issue" remains alive because there is a putrid stink of official cover -up and manipulation surrounding it.

  6. DAP is......busy fighting PAS.
    In the last few months DAP has been defocussed and ineffective in playing the role of effective opposition. There certainly are enough issues.

  7. Najib's lover-boy is sooo upset that so many different groups are out to "get" Najib......

    1. wakakaka - with such mentality we now know why the country is so f* up

  8. Given the title of your article, and your last question - are you implying that out of all the parties, DAP is NOT interested in trying to get Najib? If so, the plot thickens....jeng jeng jeng

    1. did I say "DAP is NOT interested in trying to get Najib"?

      aiyah, you're jumping to conclusion lah, wakakaka

      I merely asked what issue has been employed by DAP, wakakaka

  9. Anwar the Liwater goes to jail today....hehehehe....

    1. What to write without Anwar1:08 pm, February 10, 2015

      "What in the world will we do without barbarians? -"

      C.P. Cavafy - "Waiting for the Barbarians - 1980.

      Might as well direct the question to Ktemoc......

      there is still Hadi....and Azmin....I suppose.

  10. everybody is somebody's FOOL .....!?

  11. They got AI !


  12. Have we forgotten the other bird, the one already in the cage ! Certainly it's more easily accessible.

    But like the other bird which is far away, it won't 'sing' unless there's no chance, absolutely none at all, for it to be set free!


  13. Today is your birthday, Chinese New Year, Christmas all rolled into one.
    Want to know why ?

  14. pak syeikh has been enrolled into college. will bapak penswastaan forgive & forget or will his attack on ah jib gor get intensified?. but sure thing that is going to happen is a by-election. pesta tuduh menuduh will start again.

    1. There is sadness and anger in Permatang Pauh.
      There will be a by-election - and UMNO will get its pants burnt in Permatang Pauh.

  15. My 11 year old kid was looking at this morning's papers, which I encourage him to read to pick up awareness of the world around him.

    Just now he was asking, what is Sodomy ?


    1. I learned the word 'liwat' during the sodomy 1 trial in 1998 !


  16. 'lewat' is not a crime but 'liwat' is.

  17. I heard Liwat is actually quite common in Malaysia among consenting adults, those from all religions, including Muslims.......
