
Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Give 'em enough rope ...

Please feel free to discuss my post title, which had its origin in the Book of Esther 7:10 (KJV) which says:

So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath pacified.

Hint: 25 top civil servants, wakakaka.


  1. How about about Najib or Anwar?Or Rafizi and Azmin?Ex Selangor opposition leader?LGE or Tony Pua?

  2. The 25 who signed the memo are EX-Public Servants....that's the big difference.
    They are all out of the picture.

  3. Haman and the King were Pagans. Mordecai and Esther who were cousins were Jews. If not for Esther and Mordecai, they would be no more Jews in this world. However, God works in mysterious ways. Esther was a concubine before she became Queen.

    “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be held with the cords of his sins. He shall die for lack of instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray”. [Proverbs 5:22-23 KJV]

    - hasan

  4. During the Judeans' Babylonan captivity they adopted Babylonian gods and superstitions, perhaps in order to survive. The Babylonian gods Murdoch and Isthar were "introduced" in the Book of Esther as Mordecai (Mordoch-Ay) and Esther respectively while Amun, the god hated most by the followers of the heretic but monotheistic Akhenaten, became Haman.

    wakakaka - in reality there was no Esther

  5. the tomb of esther & mordecai is in hamadan, iran, and many jews do their pilgrimage there. the moral of the story and the religious value is important, whether there was or no esther.

    1. there is no independent evidence (independent of the bible which as scholars know were written by the Judeans in Babylonian exile who wrote the tales for their survival under their Babylonian overlords) that there was such a person as Esther. The tomb is suspected to be that of Shushandukht, a Jew who was consort to King Yazdegerd, a Persian king who initially promoted Christianity but grew disgusted with the Christians after they turned violent against the Zoroastrians. Followers of Judeo-Christianity religions conduct lots of pilgrimage to mythical prophets and angels so pilgrimages to the imagined tomb of Esther may be expected.

  6. This is hidden aspect of KT's 'given enough length of rope's riddle:

    Those 'brave 25' r have been, pasted potent shelf life. They should voice out vigorously while they were still in active employment.

    Now that they've retired, their current protest COULD only be termed as rhetoric rant. The REAL potency is gone.

    Same like what that walking on water mamak's interjections on ahjibgor's handling of the M'sia Maru. Hot air only to the ears of their targetted audience.

    Their collective voice at this stage could give them some peace of mind while waiting to meet Their Creator. At the least, they can claim to have made some noises rather than remain silence.

    When to speak is the real essence of the issue here.

    At least now, they DONT have to worry about jaga periuk nasi since the retirement pension is secured!

    So......wakakaka...given enough time, even waste could be turned into nutritious fertilizer, provided the 'back door's has been secured.

  7. Give these useless creeps enough rope to hang over a branch,tied to a dumb bell and tied to their tiny mini dicks to lengthen their you know what.Hehehe.

  8. Well,first enough rope has been given to Anwar,and he has used it perfectly to the book to hang himself (political suicide) as seen in the recent Kajang Move.This man is greedy for power but very stupid politically.His ball carrying crony Rafidi is much worse.No wonder PKR is deemed doomed.

  9. the new kampung man3:07 am, December 10, 2014

    The knives are out in PKR.Chegubard has come out accusing Azmin of stabbing Azizah in the back.Very soon Azizah will be the next MB,says Anwar.

  10. Give these good for nothing politicians rope,but not enough to hang themselves.Let these politicians live and enjoy their miserable lives off the spoils squeezed out of the honest and hard working people.

    1. Wtf are you babbling about now..

  11. aisehman, I'm a wee frustrated by my dear visitors who still haven't got my implied message - wakakaka

    "Give 'em enough rope ..." is directed at those mullahs and mullah-wannabes. What I wanted you guys to come out to say was, words to the effect, yeah, those mullahs had gone too far (being given enough rope) coming out with bizarre interpretations, illegal intrusions and usurping of civil courts authority and have brazenly and INCORRECTLY/ILLEGALLY put themselves on par with the civil courts (powers of syariah courts are limited by law and the supremacy of the Malaysian civil courts should never have been questioned), that now a group of ex though still influential senior civil servants have come out to say "'nuff is 'nuff".

    The supremacy of the civil courts must now be re-asserted. And who is to say that Ah Job Gor hasn't given a nudge, nod and a wink to the 25? Perhaps he has a political objective in mind, to put PAS in its place, but the desired outcome would still be desired by most Malaysians who would have enough of what Kassim Ahmad termed sneeringly as the priesthood caste.

    That's what's meant by my post title of "Give 'em enough rope ..." and hopefully, let the Malay Muslims (and never the nons) hang them (or curtail their unwarranted powers)

    Aiyah, do I have to spell everything out for you guys? wakakakakakkaaaaaaaaaa

    1. So like Kassim Ahmad, you also think that the "powerful priesthood caste" has indeed taken over Islam? Aiyah, if you think likewise, you’re clearly a breed of a group of people in need of interpretation every bit as much as if you’ve just made earthfall from Rigil Kentaurus? Wakakakakakkaaaaaaaaaa indeed.

      - hasan

    2. "... hopefully, let the Malay Muslims (and never the nons) hang them (or curtail their unwarranted powers) ..."

      For this to emerge from the realm of wishful thinking into reality, the following have to happen:
      1) The majority of the Malays must concur with the 25,
      2) They then have to spontaneously rise up and go against the mullahs and mullah-wannabes, the priesthood caste, including such people presently in Umno and in power.
      3) Najib will be forced to intervene, and he must back this "rebellion" against those entrenched interests. This will be political suicide, if the events in the last Umno AGM is an indication.

      This scenario is unlikely to occur. Even if it does, the NGO pack led by Perkasa will lauch a counter rebellion give Najib an ultimatum, and the home minister will wield his power and all
      will be quiet again.

  12. the mullahs and ulamaks are all sacred cows wor. how to 'hang' without touching them. this is one of the many things the 'gang of 25' reportedly said:

    'keperluan segera untuk menilai kembali Undang-undang Jenayah Syariah di Malaysia. Undang-undang berkenaan yang mengkanunkan pelbagai “dosa peribadi” sebagai jenayah...' (an urgent need to review the Shariah Criminal Offences (SCO) laws of Malaysia. These laws which turn all manner of “sins” into crimes against the state)

    i did mention this issue in you earlier thread. if i were to say what you wrote above, sure kena tembak. there are no syariah courts in indonesia (only mahkamah keluarga islam) except the territory of aceh. malaysia and indonesia are both mazhab syafie subscribers.

  13. As usual you give Jibby far too much credit....the Ajib Gor guy is Boh Hoot
