
Friday, October 17, 2014

Final chapter for Anwar Ibrahim?

Malaysiakini - We won't hit the streets for you again, Anwar

aisehman, so cruel lah

A NGO, which is often seen as leaning towards Pakatan Rakyat, has called on Anwar Ibrahim to retire, saying that the people are "tired" of him.

In a hard-hitting statement, Lensa Anak Muda Malaysia (Lensa) coordinator Ekhsan Bukharee reminded the opposition leader that it is no longer the era of 1998 and 1999, which witnessed the birth of the reformasi movement.

I won't say a word as I'm biased, wakakaka. But what do you think?


  1. I think you should be very, very happy....and perhaps a little sad because you may have little left to write about...

  2. Anwar Ibrahim has been written off many, many times before.

    From Pak Lah "I've already forgotten about him" to Najib - "Kurang Relevan" to Lim Keng Yaik - "People will not vote for a Main Belakang guy".

    It is usually the people who write him off who get to regret underestimating him.

    However, this time things are different , because his advancing age is a totally inescapable reality.
    It overshadows everything else, no matter how determined or resilient he may be.

  3. who doesnt know u r biased?
    your right

  4. Reading the news reports, the Lensa coordinator was essentially saying "We can't fight the Borg for you, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated, why not ride into the sunset in Turkey?"

    1. or more likely, "no more of your self interest bull, we had enough liao" wakakaka

  5. only a stupid idiot hit the street for anwar, this lensa is the typical brainless idiots. n of course kt is a bias on anything anwar. dun deny the obvious, u been waiting for anwar to return to umno for umteen years, even until that "i told you so" become a turncoat pun masih menanti-nanti, serupa itu alleycat hingga akhir nanti.

    1. dia dah cuba tetapi tidak diterima - apa saya boleh buat, wakakaka

      hmmm, siapa nak terima harimau dalam rumah mereka, wakakaka

    2. Who's Ekhsan Bukharee to speak for Lensa? A lone sparrow makes the spring comes?

      AI would still has his moment, in or out of the prison/PKR/umno. Time would tell.

      Actually, AI's return to umno could be the best thing in the history of M'sia making!

      Considering all those elite exploiters scattering among the tongkat-addicts in the party for that last ounce of 'gold', AI's present would cause a lot of hideous revolts/in-fightings.

      Verrry good for the quicken disappearance of that ketuanan party from the face of bolihland.

      This COULD be one of the reason that the mamak refuses, even in his dying day, to let AI back. Not that ALL those blur-sotongs within that party know anything of such.

      If that happen, AI has done his final service to M'sia. He might still not be the PM, but he did bring down an evil setup nurtured by that mamak!!!!

    3. ko tak payah buat apa, bujang lapok anggap tu cobaan. lebeh lebih lagi itu kebebasan anwar untuk pergi mana pun. tapi ko petik satu ucapan bodoh dari satu bodoh mencerminkan ko memang biased. ini pemerhatian aku, ko bolih anggap comment aku ni satu cobaan. wakaka.

    4. aiyah, semua olang boloh lah, hanya Anwar dan acolyte-nya, HY, pandai ma, wakakaka

    5. kalu anwar tak bodoh, dia dah jadi pm, atau menikmati 6 tahun luar penjara. aku tak pandai, tapi aku tak biased macam ko. itu perbezaan antara kami. jangan buat sindiran yg bukan bukan, ia tak akan mengelakkan fakta bahawa ko ni biased.

    6. aiyoyo, jangan malah lor, my dear dear HY - since Day 1 I have already said I don't believe in Anwar nor his reformasi bull. hence I don't like his politics - ya, memang saya biased, tapi saya tidak sembunyi tsb, wakakaka - aku selalu upfront

  6. In politics you only die when you are dead. So please do not declare victory too early.

  7. If you read again the news report, the Lensa fella peppered his statement with phrases like :
    "enemies would continue to strategise", "greediness of the regime", "tyranny of the regime", "dirty politics"

    So he might actually be criticising the govt. but in an indirect way,
    bearing in mind the current onslaught on sedition.

    1. bloke was merely telling Anwar not to take him for granted. he had enough of anwar's satay, wakakaka

  8. He could have been a great PM. Sadly, he had failed to be the PM. Kesian, he has failed to be the MB. He would be remembered by many as the de facto PKR leader who 'lead from the behind'. He is gone from the poltical arena soon.

  9. Kaytee,
    But then when anwar is mampus, that would be the end of your blog and you would be sent to abyss. Isnt it sad? Hahahahaha
    I leave you with this show. Watch the ending when the good doctor told a very interesting story. This story goes like this '

    A boy was born to an abusing father and doting mother. His father beat the fuck out of him all the time while his mother loves him a lot. When the mother passed away, that man never show any emotion but the father passed away, he wept and wailed.

    Moral of the story, Kaytee

    What happen to your sister cat? hahahahaha!

    1. He wept and wailed coz he missed the walloping.....there's such a thing as addicted to pain and abuse. Love by the mother....that's just love lah, so cloying and suffocating hehehe. Pain can give a different sort of orgasm (out of this world )??? That boy when grown up, is just ripe for S&M games...he will do well in the S&M porno industry, hehehe.

  10. The only thing the enlightened Malaysians owe Anwar is maybe forcing/helping more ppl to wake up earlier than expected to the smell of shite coming from the Dacing administration.
