
Monday, August 04, 2014

Tongue in cheek

(1) Malays have been informed that they can ACTUALLY gain (or regain) control of the country from the Chinese if they were to unite (or reunite).

Currently, due to the disunited Malays, the country is controlled, most terrifyingly, by the Chinese through their massive collective number of MPs as follows: Gerakan 1, SUPP 1, SPDP 1, PBS 1, MCA 7 and DAP 37 including renowned Chinese calligraphist Goh Been Teo (Puchong), renowned Chinese historian Kar Soo Lee (Batu Kawan), renowned Chinese professor of history Doctor See-Wah Koo Ma (Batu Gajah), renowned Chinese lawyer Lam Kah Pah (Bukit Gelugor, renowned Chinese acupuncturist Khoo See Gan (Ipoh Timur), renowned Chinese water conservationist Charles Ang,  etc (if I missed out any Cinapek or Cina Ah Ee, just add them in for me, ta!).

That's almost 50 Chinese MPs. It's terrifying when (not if) they unite!

(2) Mohd Nazri told MCA to shut the f* up if they couldn't even distinguish between genuine Penang laksa and the bloody curried imitation they have in KL. Good on ya, Nazri, more hare-koe (petis udang) in your laksa?

And we haven't even talk about char koay teow yet!

(3) Due to Sing winning more gold medals than Malaysia, it's heard on the grapevine that Malaysia may offer citizenship to several Australian swimmers, Kenyan long distance runners and North Korean shooters to match the Sing sneaky strategy.

(4) Selangor is promoting a "let's all bathe together to save water", much to the consternation of PAS.

(5) Just in - Hannah Yeoh has been voted the most frequently blogged-about politician in Malaysia.

Gosh, I didn't realize I am that popular
as to merit an almost everyday post in someone's blog


Han Ji-Hye: "I envy you Han Nah-Yeoh"


  1. Kaytee,no wonder DAP is recruiting all the beautiful smart Malay ladies.It already had more than enough of smart beautiful Chinese and Indian ladies already,lah.

  2. Kaytee,

    Put up the latest photo of Hannah lah.....the size sudah 3x ganda - just like her (recently enhanced) paycheck........


    1. aisehman, that's not gentlemanly lah, wakakaka

    2. Its true...Hannah Yeoh has been growing .....horizontally lately.

  3. Aisehman, KT, is that ALL u would like to say about yr dear Miss Muppet?

    What happen to yr usual cheong hei write-up??

    Perhaps, a share of secret admiring is in order, so as not to bruise another ego? I'm sure u r very well verse with that saying of ....what hell freeze over... Yes??

    1. alamak, ayoyo, aigoo, I haven't even mentioned her and you attributed that to me - it'll destroy all my chances with her liao lah, tsk tsk tsk, wakakaka

  4. a butch looking blogger is so enamored with hannah it has turned into a scary obsession filled with hatred and jealousy

  5. Kaytee,can you please ask that baby Rafizi to stop squealing like an abused spouse.Ask him to shut the f#ck up about Khalid.Also please ask him to go play and f#ck his own self.

  6. Khalid said bring it on,if you guys got any balls.Spread it all out on the tables for all to see.Bring on the Macc,PDRM and AG's office.Khalid got real balls.

    Rafizi and Anwar talk and suck c#ck only.F#ckheads, these pair of clowns.NATO.Hehehe.

    1. HY's beloved PKR is in a spin, all the way down to the ground, and maybe below, wakakaka

  7. To summarised it the PKR leaders fucked each other up,with each fucker trying to outdo the other,in the process tripping each other up.And all ended up with shit in their faces.

  8. Anon wrote (edited slightly by kaytee, wakakaka), as follows:

    "Currently, due to the disunited Malays, the country is controlled, most terrifyingly, by the Chinese through their massive collective number of MPs..." Betul tu.....the Melayus must shivering under their selimut now......imagine if these 48 kafir MPs were to unite and come together with one voice, habis lah the Melayus......imagine, the calamity if these kafirs bring the army ( consisting of 99.9999% Malays ), the Police ( consisting of 99.8% Malays), the judges ( consisting of 99.1 % Malays), the [deleted] ( consisting of 100% Malays ) all under their thumbs....oh, the horror !!!!

  9. When someone relentlessly and unceasingly batters the DAPigs, the slit-eyed yellow race, and the hallelujah-ing crusaders then the truth becomes as undeniable and un-ignoreable as the big, red pimple at the tip of her nose -- this person has already being bought-and-paid-for to write all that stuff by You-Know-Who!

    1. Mmmm.....that shim ( amalgamation of she + him ) quite often bristled and shrilled defensively " Aku pun Cina" ! On the other hand, the other Cina by the name of Rid One Tea tried every means ( in his baju Melayu complete with songkok ) except to shout out loud, declared himself .... " Aku ni Melayu"....... And both these shameless who sold their souls have one common thing between them : they hated their own race to the very core of their prostitute selves.... one who claimed being Chinese but not accepted by the Chinese, and the other who is dying to be a Malay but not really accepted fully as one by the Malays themselves, hence his incessant hantam-ing the Cina, even to the extent of labelling his Chinese parents/siblings kafir and ignorant.

  10. @ Anonymous 1:48 pm,

    Your guess that when someone spends day after day neurotically writing on just one and only one topic could likely be a paid hack does seem to be plausible and I can believe it. Why would anyone act like a one-note samba and hammer away tirelessly at the DAP, the kiasu race, and the Christians for months and years without any let-up unless she is being paid to do that. Well, to be paid a few thousand ringgit to sit at home and write easy stuff like that is certainly a very nice way to make a living! Imagine you can wake up when you like, have a leisurely breakfast before starting your work, and have no need to endure the traffic-clogged highway to get to your office -- life certainly can't get any better than that!

    I've read quite a few of this person's vituperative outpourings and the impression she projects is that of an extremely venomous and vengeful person, oozing with hatred and ill-will. One hopes that this is not her true nature and that she is only writing all that to fulfil her paymaster's demands. If not, then very clearly she is either a thoroughly evil woman or a psychologically damaged and twisted individual.

    1. she never allows constructive criticism and rebuttals and she only surrounds herself with her coterie of pet poodles and cheer leaders,
      she is more dangerous than isma or perkasa, at least we know where they are coming from, whereas this gremlin is an instigator, an arsonist if you like,
      someone should file a report and let the appropriate authority monitor her blog, she is fermenting hatred among malaysians
