
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Intolerable by the hour

TMI - You may have the numbers but I’m still MB, Khalid tells Wan Azizah

Khalid Ibrahim had informed HRH he has majority support in the Selangor DUN yet he now openly admits he doesn't have the numbers but insists on continuing on as MB. So what disrespect had he committed against HRH?

What a rogue - and I have to partially blame PKR for a number of issues leading to a once-respected man becoming so brazen, undignified and a pathetic rogue, probably the most despised politician in Malaysian history for his disgusting shamelessness.

Dr Wan indeed does have the numbers despite the foot-dragging prevaricating tap-dancing PAS which wants the cake as well as to eat it.

Two of PAS ADUN, Saari Sungib (Hulu Kelang) and his colleague, Hasnul Bahruddin (Morib) have both voiced publicly their support of Dr Wan - for more see TMI's You can sack us for backing Wan Azizah, say PAS duo to party.

Saari summed it brilliantly when he said "Khalid Ibrahim's behaviour was intolerable by the hour", encapsulating everything wrong about Khalid's shameless arrogant and dictatorial behaviour, ...

... not only in refusing to vacate the MB seat after PKR expelled him from his erstwhile party, but in arbitrarily sacking PKR and DAP ADUNs as well as threatening to sack all PKR and DAP local councillors in Selangor.

And such has been the disgusting shamelessness of a man who refused to see the writing on the wall, so much so that his intolerant behaviour has driven two PAS ADUNs to buck their party even at the cost of their expulsion from their party.

thick hide rogue buffalo

heard of one sighted  recently in Selangor

If PAS doesn't want them for contravening party stand on supporting Khalid Ibrahim, I strongly recommend that DAP accepts them as party members.

The Pakatan agreement not to accept another party's ex-members has now become void by virtue of PAS' lack of virtue towards Pakatan consensus to dismiss Khalid Ibrahim as MB.

Saari Sungib and his colleague have shown their political and moral values by making a brave stand against PAS' shameless slutty coyishness with a renegade, a rogue who has been given almost unfettered imprimatur to run the state like a dictator

And Khalid has the shameless thick hide to hypocritically talk about hanging on as MB to protect the interests of the people of Selangor but forgetting that the people had voted for PKR and DAP in order for a Pakatan government to come into rule.

By his erratic behaviour he has become a virtual dictator, sacking his former Pakatan colleagues left, right and centre, forgetting that the people had voted for a Pakatan government in Selangor, not a Khalid Ibrahim government supported by UMNO.

Ignoring the pending PAS majlis on 17 August, Dr Wan already has 30 ADUNs behind her, and that's a neat and comfy majority in the Selangor DUN of 56.

But Khalid Ibrahim continues to arrogantly ignore all the niceties of Westminster democracy, or even basic indicators of the Malaysian version, saying unbelievably to Dr Wan that she may have the numbers but he's still MB presumably because he believes he has the unreserved backing of HRH.

sincerely hope that HRH as the state constitutional head, the symbol of unity for the people, and also the impartial arbitrator [Daulat Tuanku] will now take cognizant of the very obvious majority support for Dr Wan (or an alternative PKR candidate) and the corresponding lack of in Khalid Ibrahim's case.

Recently I quoted TMI's journalist Tunku Abidin Muhriz in one of his his articles in TMI. He had written poignantly to ask whether we were going to only remember Allahyarham Tuanku Raja Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah against one incident, that sad state constitutional crisis, and completely ignored or dismissed Allahyarham HRH's life long achievements?

I fear the answer to that as Malaysians only remember the bad about someone, and very seldom the good, or as Malays would say: "Kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga".

We must not allowed this sad emotional response to ever occur in Selangor. Daulat Tuanku.


  1. "He who laughs last, laughs best". So who will have the last laugh?

    1. sometimes he who laughs last may not be able to laugh at all, wakakaka

  2. KT,

    A royalist, just like the half-anmoh?????

    1. Who's half anmoh?

    2. who's half anmoh ? he who recently crowed gleefully that NOW is the Khalid Government and the rest of Opposition can go eat shit, wakakaka. He who laughs the anmoh laughing now ? hehehe

    3. that raja turncoat could only play the race game, chinese party, chinese dun vote pas, chinese this chinese that. come on la, pakatan people fight for a cause, unlike all this turncoat.

    4. OOoooooo HY, you sure are showing your Cinese fangs, wakakaka

  3. It is never over until the fat lady sings.And the fat lady in this case is the Sultan.And he is on chiek hong and will not be back for ten days or more.Well,let them sweat it out like it is 10 months or years.Khalid has nothing to lose and the privilege of seeing his enemies pee on their pants is consolation at best.Hehehe,talking about who's having the last laugh.

    1. yeah nothing to lose, whenever selangorian meet or see him, a buffalo call to mind, similarly when we read the name raja petra, a synonym of turncoat.

    2. HY, who is a 'turncoat'? Someone who disagrees with you? wakakaka

    3. nope, wiki say "A turncoat is a person who shifts allegiance from one loyalty or ideal to another, betraying or deserting an original cause by switching to the opposing side", take a guess?

      n of course u r not one, u r merely a dap servant.

    4. what about you, wakakaka

  4. What a mockery of Govt. Of the people, by the people, for the people.

    Might as well not have elections. What a waste of time and effort.

  5. I love this game of drama.It is the chicken trying to outsmart and outlive the fox.I guess that the chicken (Khalid) this time has the upper hand and has pecked the fox's balls many many times.Hehehe.

  6. the mean machine8:21 pm, August 14, 2014

    KT,it seems that your sweetie Liz Wong needs to go to the gym more often,by the looks of her recent pic yesterday leaving the secretariat building with her sacked buddies.Marie Osmond diet as seen on tv,losing 50 lbs,blah blah blah?

    1. aisehman, you should love her for her brains lah, as I do, wakakaka

  7. Khalid Ibrahim, PKR, DAP, PAS ....all are patently unfit to rule.
    The people of Selangor must be given the opportunity to return BN to power at the earliest opportunity via a state election.

    1. the people of Selangor just made their choice last year - BN dapat only 12 out of 56, wakakaka

    2. I'm pretty sure many now understand the true stripes (or spots) of Khalid, PKR, DAP and PAS.
      Get prepared for a major washout of Pakatan if the people of Selangor get the opportunity (as they should) for another ballot.

  8. I believe that Khalid is so arrogant because he knows that in the worse scenario of him loosing the majority support, HRH will go along with his advice to order a snap erection...I mean election. It's all up to HRH. And if someone is to compare this to Perak, I'd say this is a different Sultant. Absolute discretion. Khalid did say before that he "promised" HRH to remain as MB, meaning that it was HRH who wants Khalid to stay. A new election may be the only chance of Khalid winning back the MB seat with the backing of BN and Pas. So, Khalid correct to say that he is still the MB until the Sultant returns and then announce a snap poll immediately or wait until the next assembly siting to buy time. Either way, Dr Wan will still not be MB until the final whistle is blown, even if she can produce 43 signatures tomorrow. Be wise to get the election machinery ready.

  9. And sadly, the same can be said for the late Sultan Azlan Shah on Perak constitutional crisis. That is what generally ppl remembered him for against his life-long achievement

  10. Kaytee,intolerable for whom?That is the main question.Well,I can give you an answer.Manmanlai,Rafizi and their yesmen running dogs (chaw kow).They are peeing and wetting their pants for missing out on their wet dreams.

    And Khalid is enjoying every minute of it.Making lives as miserable for these f#ckers as possible,even though it will be a short time only.Maybe weeks or possible months,if the sultan plays along.Hey.who can blame Khalid,especially after Anwar's right hand man Rafizi said out loud that PKR is not worried about losing Selangor in a snap election.Well,it doesn't need to take a snap election for PKR to lose Selangor.It has already lost it.Whether it gets it back,well remains to be seen.

    1. khalid and PKR (inner coterie) and UMNO all have same DNA, wakakaka

  11. Kaytee,

    The Almighty has His own way of dealing with a despotic ruler.....

    Before they are brought down, he usually made them mad first. That's why our friend cannot read the "writing on the wall" lor......


  12. The main reason why PAS continues to insist on Khalid Ibrahim is PKR has not offered any male alternative, and Wan Azizah is just not acceptable because of ther gender.
    The rest of the crisis continuation is a consequence of that.
    This crisis is really showing up the worst of everyone involved - Khalid, PKR, PAS , DAP, etc.
    BN comes out smelling of roses.

    Sad but true.

    1. In other words PAS is just hypocrite because on one hand they want to implement hudud to show their religiousity but lie with open eye about not because of the gender of the MB canditate!!? wakakaka

    2. Every one smell bad EXCEPT for Umno ? WAKAKAKA...... walau pun buta atau bodoh, jangan lah reveal your lame brain lah.....alamak, not only not smelling bad, but SMELL of Roses some more for Umno ! kakakaka

  13. Kaytee,
    you and most people forgot perak alreadi kah?

    is there no possibililty, however remote it may seem, that these 2 turn independent after pas sack them, and horrors of horrors, become friendly to beeend???

  14. Only all the Dyana Sofas can save the PR.Period.

  15. Kaytee,what do you think the outcome will be if a snap election is called?Well,I will let you know.First,PKR will come out of it a very wounded animal.DAP will definitely lose some seats to Mca or Gerakan.Pas might do better then DAP because they stood up against Manmanlai.

    Unless,I repeat again,unless the PR pact field all the Dyana Sofas.If not,this will be the beginning of the end for PKR as it might not recover after this nasty spanking.

  16. All seem to admonish the puppet (Khalid) but overlook the puppeteer(s) !

  17. Don't let the dogs out,don't let the dogs out!Selangor is getting to be a very sick dog's world.Don't let the dogs out,don't let the dogs out!Wow wow wow,wow wow wow!
