
Thursday, August 07, 2014

Helping Khalid Ibrahim stay on as MB Selangor

Let it not be said kaytee has been idling, an activity or non-activity which I love and indulge in, wakakaka.

Believe it or not, I've worked out a nice solution for Pakatan in the matter of its Chimera, namely, Khalid Ibrahim, a man without his party support yet clinging on to the MB position, though with the support of another so-called (wakakaka) Pakatan member party PAS.

got my hint, Khalid?


I suggest Khalid Ibrahim resigns from PKR and applies to join PAS which I am sure the Islamic party will be only so glad to accommodate, as indicated by its Shura Council which has thrown its unreserved support behind Mr Chimera in the matter of the MB position.

Of course we appreciate PAS' position, vis-a-vis its bizarre yet not so bizarre support of Khalid Ibrahim as MB because we have come to know that PAS (a) can't stand Anwar Ibrahim, as well as (b) can't stand a woman (Dr Wan Azizah or any other Chabor) assuming the MB position to replace unwanted-by-PKR-and-DAP Khalid Ibrahim.

If Khalid does what I recommend, to wit, resigns from PKR and applies to join PAS, and PAS accepts his membership application, the DUN will then have its 56 ADUNs made up of 16 PAS, 12 UMNO, 15 DAP and 13 PKR, in a gnam gnam split of 28 in a new Malay-Muslim Unity Coalition (PAS + UMNO) and 28 in what's left of Pakatan (PKR + DAP) - basically a 'hung' parliament.

Khalid Ibrahim can then claim he still commands confidence in the DUN and informs HRH he'll thus stay on as MB. And best of all, PAS won't be accused of misogyny which it suffers from, and poor Anwar Ibrahim will actually be, I suspect, secretly relieved he doesn't have to explain any further to The Dwarf.

Yes, there's a wee bit of frogology involved but WTF, that's normal in Malaysian politics.

surely not as bad as 30 in 916

My only question is when it comes to a show of hands in the DUN, I wonder where the Speaker stands? Does she have to stand aloof and not vote, which will be wonderful for Khalid Ibrahim because then he will have a majority vote of confidence of 28 against 27.

But OTOH, if Madam Speaker can vote and in the anticipated equal split, exercises her prerogative to cast a decisive double vote, then poor Khalid will be defeated by 28 to 29 votes.

I prefer Han Ji-Hye to Han Na-Yeo as Madam Speaker, would you agree?


I'm a wee unsure about the question of the Speaker's role in such a vote of confidence. Maybe I might just ask 'someone' who's a world authority on Hannah Yeoh, wakakaka.


  1. Previously, one of your readers has pointed out that the Pakatan Rakyat has a rule whereby none of its component parties is allowed to take in anyone who had resigned from another party in the coalition.

    In other words, a member of PKR after resigning from his party cannot join PAS, for example.

    1. ... which I suspect doesn't apply to PAS who will no doubt claim it's doing it for Islam and thus is not obligated to follow (in fact required to break) any earthly rules or agreement, as it's doing now, wakakaka

  2. Kaytee,if PKR got the balls like Rafizi said they wouldn't mind to lose the state gomen in a snap elections.Then bring it on and let the people decide.Definitely PR will be punish,all three parties including the Dap.Pkr might retain the state gomen but by a much reduced majority.Rafizi is a screw up moron,that is if he knows what he is talking about.Mca and Gerakan will be laughing all the way to the bank.

    1. agreed, though PAS could be a major loser in a fresh election, with UMNO laughing too

  3. Speaker cannot vote

  4. The trouble makers now are Anwar and Rafizi.These two should take Saiful and go somewhere where sodomy is not a crime and try to have babies.Hehehe.

  5. Kaytee,

    The indisputable "authority" on Hannah Yeoh is your friend Helen Ang lor......

    1. Really?? NOOooooooo, you must be pulling my leg lah, wakakaka

  6. The Speaker can vote in case of an equal vote, to act as a tie breaker.
    But that is meant to be an exception , not a routine function.

    By the Westminster system a party cannot cling to power on the basis of having the Speaker to vote every time.
    But BN's Malaysia has already violated that principle with the Perak assembly, where the Speaker votes on party lines every time.

    If an assembly is basically hung, it rightly requires a fresh election to get a fresh mandate

  7. Make it easy.. Khalid is no show at the hearing, then sack him. Why make things bleed for so long with Kajang, then the dossier? Or is there another dossier in Khalid's hands? The magic key to a mystery cupboard full of skeletons.

    But not apparent in your musings is DAP. Where is Tiger Jr who was so anti-Khalid? Where is KayTee's sweetie from Seputih? Why is the Klang clown all out to sharpen his knife after being censured in GE13 and party elections. Aiyaah... maybe Khalid may just pull somebody's pants down for show & tell on Selangor and ex-exco members affairs.

    For personal reasons, PAS will not feature in our election choice but we have to give credit where it is due (minus Sabu-Sabu who sombody likes). They were ethical in their approach in Trengganu's UMNO crisis unlike Manmanlai in Perak with the unappreciated help of a DAP woman and back door politics of the DAP twins.

    As for land deals in Selangor, apparently PAS has dealt one blow to another MB but relax.. no need sue sue all the time.

    Well, finally not just Selangorians but all Malaysians now need to be forced to accept My Bini.

    PS. KayTee's view on Khalid is accepted but you have to give credit to the guy, he knows how to put Manmanlai, My Bini & the Dwarf in their place. Wakakakaka

  8. Han Na Yeo who? Actress from Korea or mainland China? Pretty lass though.Is she eligible and still available? My tongue's wagging and saliva dripping.

  9. Tomorrow, August 9, is Singapore's 50th Independence day anniversary.

    The best decision Singapore ever made was to quit this slimy den of corruption, power abuse and racism called Malaysia.

    I left Selangor 30 years ago to work in Singapore. The best decision I ever made in my life.

  10. Someone is so obsessed with Hanna that every day Hanna's name has to be mentioned and Hanna's activities minutely examined and carefully annotated. Sadly, despite all the devoted attention focused on her, Hanna has not been inspired to make any response, in fact, appears not to have noticed the loving attention lavished on her! By now her obsessed admirer (no, we'll not use the word "stalker") must be deeply frustrated and inconsolable at being so ignored. Some of us will be reminded of the character "Alex Forrest" in the movie Fatal Attraction. Thus, a new maxim may be added to the traditional one, viz: Hell hath no fury like a Lesbian scorned.

    1. i see some blogger do the same to azman though on a minor scale, anything to do with gay?

  11. i've deleted 3 comments, 2 against Rafizi Ramli wakakaka, and one against both Helen Ang and Jocline Tan - aiyah, banyak personal one lah, jadi ta'boleh lor, wakakaka

  12. Speaker can't vote......but she can resign to put her vote to good use. Now is not the time to be 'wasteful'

  13. More than a few people have attributed the present imbroglio in Selangor to the power-lusting machinations of a certain God's Gift to the People. Such a charge is not without merit.

    If God's Gift to the Pipple had not been acting selfishly in the pursuit of his dream, and if he had not always bent backwards to please his beloved pet, err, favourite person, there would not have been the present mess.

    Thus, it can be said that God's Gift to the Nipple is a major disappointment to the many people who had looked on him to lead the country to a more exalted, enlightened level.

    In the fable, King Midas turned everything he touched into gold. God's Nipple (this is a shortcut to help reduce the number of keystrokes) on the other hand turned everything he touched into a clump of soft, brown, stinky stuff that everyone avoids stepping on.

    God's Nipple would do everyone a favour and at the same time give himself a well-earned rest if he accepts the government's offer of a long vacation at the exclusive Government Holiday Resort & Health Spa.

  14. the mean machine8:04 pm, August 08, 2014

    Many people do not understand it.The problem is not with Khalid.But the dwarf ,his master and his masters moronic strategic director.To have a strong state gomen,these three have to be gotten rid off.Once and for all.Good riddance to bad garbage.

  15. Fruummh! Your idea! When Khalid ........... and a few others move from PKR to PAS/DAP/PSM, the "old" Pakatan will be no more to worry about poaching members. The "new" Pakatan will be PAS, DAP & PSM. Uh? where is PKR? hehehe
