
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bitter Bismarck Bites


Malaysiakini - PAS rep urges party to join Pakatan against MB

A Selangor PAS elected representative tonight became the first of the 15 in the party to take a stand against Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Hulu Kelang assemblyperson Saari Sungib, however, stressed that the stand he is taking is to “side with Pakatan Rakyat”.

“Two (out of three) Pakatan parties have taken a stand to reject Khalid. I feel that this is a reasonable stand to take and PAS should take the same stand,” Saari told Malaysiakini.

He also urged PAS leaders to swiftly make a decision on the matter and not wait until the central committee meeting on Aug 17, so as to save the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government.

Saari said the matter must be dealt with on an urgent basis, especially after Khalid’s “brash” move of sacking the six PKR and DAP members on the state executive council.


Great news.

Interim MB has just sacked all 6 exco members from DAP and PKR.

Presumably he believes he can run the state with the remaining 4 exco members from PAS in a "National Consensus" state government comprising Khalid himself, 12 UMNO Aduns and the 15 PAS Aduns who we have been informed, MUST all abide by the PAS Shura Council's decision to back Khalid. Jawohl!

Whether Khalid possesses the legal and moral rights to sack exco members from PKR and DAP en bloc doesn't matter as he claimed he has HRH's approval, as reported by The Malay Mail Online.

For more, see TMI's Pakatan loses Selangor government as Khalid sacks PKR, DAP excos.

It also doesn't matter whether HRH is now cognizant of the fact that 13 PKR and 15 DAP Aduns (comprising 50% of the Selangor DUN) are against Khalid continuing as MB, putting lie to Khalid's claim of majority support for him.

Royal Grand Vizier, wakakaka

It doesn't matter because from such tactical adversity will come greater clarity of who's friend or foe and thus better direction for Pakatan's future.

It's also great news because, unless PAS informs Pakatan otherwise of where their support lies, and pretty pronto too, we must deem them as having switch alliance and are now part of the UMNO bloc.

Syabas to PAS - we can only be thankful you have shown your true colours and hitherto-concealed fangs. Personally I have never been comfy with them, mainly because of their hudud-obsession, misogyny and belakang pusing from Pakatan consensus.

Wait, there's additional good news from constitution experts Dr Abdul Aziz Bari and Universiti Malaya law professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, who both agreed that unlike the case for the Australian Speaker, Selangor's Speaker can vote.

Prof Gurdial said Article 71(1)(b) of the Selangor Constitution implies that the speaker can vote because: "It says that a non-state assemblyperson can be appointed a speaker of the assembly but then such a person cannot vote on any matter before the assembly."

"This suggests that if the speaker is a state assemblyperson, then the speaker can vote."

dear dear dearest sweetie Hannah,
your exponentially increased powers as House Speaker
is going to upset someone, and I don't mean Khalid, wakakaka

Better still, Dr Bari said: "... ultimately the speaker has the final say in interpreting the rules on the state assembly as the courts are not allowed to interfere."

"No court can review or substitute the state assembly speaker's decision or ruling. This underlines the position of the House within the doctrine of separation of powers."


But now, get this - with Hannah Teoh and deputy speaker Nik Nazmi both voting together with the rest of the PKR and DAP Aduns, that will make a total of 28 against Khalid's faction of 28 ...

... BUT BUT BUT ... Hannah Yeoh as the Speaker of the House can cast an additional decisive vote in a deadlock (of 28 versus 28) to make it 29 against Khalid's 28, a probability I had mulled over in an earlier post Helping Khalid Ibrahim stay on as MB Selangor.

Of course, in the end HRH will have the final say, and with his royal prerogative he can say just anything! Daulat Tuanku!


  1. Kaytee,well,like it or not Khalid is the MB of the state of Selangor.So Khalid is the CEO of the biggest conglomerate in the country.It is his perogative of whom he wants to sit on his board.Like I said before,in a game of chess it is called "CHECKMATE" matey.Cheers.

  2. Dont count on that.Few PKR ADUNs will jump over..and cant be surprise the Ketua Umum will also beg to rejoin UMNO.

  3. For this purpose of taking over Selangor, Pas insisted to delay their announcement as late as possible so as to allow max time for crossovers. Come what may, Pas has already made a decision to align with Umno and KI. Still believe the Whatsapp snap was just an opinion? Childish DAP and PKR just don't want to wake up to this hard realization. Still calling for Pas to declare? As the Chinese says: won't shed tears till you see your coffin. Everyone should just prepare for the snap poll. PKR/DAP VS UMPAS United. Best choice for the voters as they can now see who these politician really are. Most honest of them all has been Umno: whatever it takes.

    1. "Everyone should just prepare for the snap poll."

      If there are crossovers and I support Anon of 9.24 pm's views there will be, then there's no necessity for snap polls as the Khalid faction will have a comfy majority to take them to GE-14

    2. It is true, but crossovers may also happen to PAS non-ulama aduns. Depends on what AI can offer. All is not what it seems in politics. KI aide has just said 30 and not 28. Next, AI may proclaim 31 and that would make a total of 61 out of 56 seats?? Wakakaka. Sept. 16 again?

    3. Yes...if some froggies do the lompat dance, then there's no need for a snap election.

      Perak gone, Kedah gone.....Penang next ?

      So our PAS Whatsapp guy can now come clear that his text is not "just' an analysis of the various scenarios but was actually his personal opinion to jentik and sergah the rights of the non Muslim minority......hehe, revised at-will boundaries here we come !

    4. The latest reported here is one Pas adun taking a different view from Hadi and gang. Let's say after all the frogs have stopped jumping around, Khalid lost the majority. He will still not resign but advise the sultan to call for a snap poll. That will then be a totally different ball game, but for sure Santa will come to Selangor early this year. What would MCA and MIC say to a union between PAS and Umno? They are so quiet. Najib said to retake Selangor by whatever means. DPM said Malay first. PAS said huddud no matter who objects. HRH said Khalid Samad need to know Malay customs. Scary isn't it? No?

    5. It's highlighted in kaytee's blog. Guess what! It's me who notice this good PAS guy called Saari Sungip while kaytee is fancying Saifuddin of UMNO

    6. okaylah looes, I concede you recommended Saari Sunyib first, wakakaka

    7. Like RPK says.........See I told you so.........Hahahahaha! Fuck la! Hahahahaha

      P.S George Patton is a foul mouth general who also speak french............Hahahahaha........I know it's irrelevant but just to tell you that I have the same attributes

  4. The 'rain' will bring out the frogs !

  5. Very very sad to see the state slipping away from PR!

  6. the gaffe guy who know's10:52 pm, August 12, 2014

    With Manmanlai as the driver the horse has bolted from the stables leaving him and the cart behind.Hehehe.

  7. Does it now mean the winner of the election will now sit on the opp bench and the loser is the de facto govt? Well, at least this can be recorded in the guineas book of records.
    Also, how come the speaker is not sacked? Has she switched camp?

  8. It is the way the game is being played by amateur chess players.With Anwar and the greenhorn charging buffalo Rafizi,what more is there to expect but chaos to ensure.All allegations with no substantiated evidence,personal attacks and gutter politics.

    Personal attacks and betrayal by Anwar and his running dogs have caused hurt and humilation to Khalid.Khalid,as a wounded lion,this MB fiasco has become personal.And we all know a wounded lion can be dangerous,very very dangerous.

    I have commented in Sak's blog as to why have we ask ourselves why Azizah only switched camps after this Kajang circus and not before.And why all this while Nurul is keeping so quite and not out attacking Khalid.Khalid was like family to them when Manmanlai was camping out in Sungei Buloh.I think that she too felt a sense of betrayal by you know who.

  9. Looks like the story of the three kingdoms! PAS, PKR, DAP. Two ganging up to fight against the third one and so on. Chuge liang , cao ahman, liǔ bei, etc.. Or is it Aun Wah, Hah Leed or ktemoc's fav ann nah kikiki

  10. KT,Rafizi the big mouth said loud and clear for everyone to hear that they wouldn't mind PKR losing Selangor in a snap election.Well,true to his words,PKR did lose Selangor even without a snap election.This is like putting the cart before the horse becoming a self fulfilling prophecy.

  11. the new kampung man12:11 am, August 13, 2014

    The first thing to do is for all PR supporters to acknowledged that the finale for PKR is on the cards.The lost of the Selangor government if official will be the final straw to break the camel's back.Be prepared for the exodus of PKR members into DAP or PAS.

    1. I agree - insofar as Pakatan is concerned, PAS is now damaged goods. I wonder whether some PAS members can be salvaged into DAP or PKR

    2. Nah! all progressive PAS members join DAP, starting with Nizar. I guarantee PR will win Perak again........Hahahaha

  12. Well,LGE said that Khalid has no right to sacked the PKR and DAP excos.

    If PKR can sacked Khalid while he was a member of PKR,why not Khalid can sacked DAP and PKR excos while he is still the MB.Khalid asked,you can sack and I cannot sack?An eye for an eye.Hehehe,hahaha.

    1. But if Khalid stubbornly refused to resign, then the exco pun boleh refused to resign kan ? An eye for an eye lor, a tooth for a tooth

  13. If the PR do not recognise Khalid's cabinet,then why should their excos hang on their seats by hook or by crook after being sacked.It is becoming a joke.

    1. They are sacked, aren't they?

    2. only HRH can sack them. Khalid loves to drop names

  14. When I see Anwar,Rafizi,Tian Chua or Nasution,I will verbally and loudly f*ck them kau kau.

    1. Nah! I would send Raja Petra Kamaruddin to the guilotine. In fact, we should have french revolution in Malaysia or the 1848 revolution. Don't know what's that? Go google

  15. the new kampung man4:15 am, August 13, 2014

    It is official.A statement from the palace has confirmed that the Sultan okayed the sacking of the PR excos.They better vacate their offices or else tangle with the palace,which I think they will not want to do so.

    Today the DAP learn a bitter lesson and had to eat humble pie.Never turn a blind eye to the greed and wrongs of Manmanlai and support him for his personal motives.This fu#king Kajang move was fraud from the very start.And LGE,being stuborn and blind loyalty to Manmanlai screwed up big time.

    Manmanlai fu#cked up big time against Mahathir.Now he has fu#ked up again double big fu#king time on Khalid.PKR is screwed and soon will close shop,because Manmanlai fu#ked his own self this last fu#king time.

    1. You mean just manmanlai and not PAS folks who love to perform political adultery. Last check adultery is a grave sin under Islam.

      Time for DAP to recruit more good melayus and follow the ways of PAP in Singapore in the 50s of course

  16. I find some of the analysis funny. Here Anwar who played the political farce. Wan Azizah in no way can be better than Khalid. She cannot even write a letter to HRH. Having a puppet MB is against any good governance. dAP in the meanwhile threw out of the windows any principles and become Pak turut of Anwar. Now PAS disagree with this. Their views were never sought. Now because of this they suddenly becomes pro umno. This doesn't make sense. Khalid fight for position is no different from Anwar fight against Mahathir:it's personal. DAP shouldn't pretend to take moral high ground coz there's none.

    1. Ehh, I read that Pas said that the MB seat belongs to PKR? Then whoever PKR nominate to the post is PKR's prerogative until such a person hurt PAS. Nik Aziz's argument was KI has not done any wrong. Has Kak Wan done any wrong? No? Then why object? TGNA also said the sacking of KI is PKR's own business. So this PKR post of MB is not their own business? Aiyooyo... Holy politics. Suits them any which way. The people do not fear Huddud but the wrong people policing Huddud.

    2. As for the puppet MB tag, can anyone name a MB in any state who is not beholden to his party president or is the president himself? Kak Wan can work as a team with expert Excos. Her Royal letter writing skill will improve. On the other hand, our Royal MB writes perfect letters to HRH, but works alone like a runaway train, mostly secretively. The public perception is KI is also beholden to somebody who operates in the shadows.

  17. PKR is no different from Umno.In fact worse and has turn into a pariah party of hungry apes.

  18. the gaffe guy who know's6:03 am, August 13, 2014

    Hannah sweetie will remain speaker and will not vote against Khalid.She is still the speaker and the rest of her DAP and PKR collegues are all out except one who is overseas.Hannah is pro Khalid and cannot follow Manmanlai blindly.She got beautiful eyes, you know.

    1. Hahahahahaha! You haven't been following kaytee's blog, have you?

    2. praising Hannah Yeo will make "someone" angry lah, wakakaka

  19. Anwar will soon be enjoying roti chanai and nasi kuah ikan in Sungei Buloh.He will not be kuai lan anymore.What goes around comes around.Maybe the self implosion of PKR is a get out of jail free pass for somebody.

    1. Gugu,
      I have checked with the Tamils in Tamil Nadu. The actual term is Roti Prata. See! All things are based in singapore. Hahahaha! Why Malaysia call Roti Chanai or Chenai because it's from Chenai.
      So,it's roti Prata as of now..........Hahahahaha!
