
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Today's Neo Nazis

Mahmoud Abbas: "Israel does not recognize us as a nation and does not treat us as human beings."

Nazis did not treat Jews as human beings. The Jews were termed as untermenschen (subhumans). It seems today Israel under the Jewish PM Netanyahu is treating the Palestinians as untermenschen too.

Elie Wisesel, author of Night: “It is obvious that the war which Hitler and his accomplices waged was a war not only against Jewish men, women, and children, but also against Jewish religion, Jewish culture, Jewish tradition, therefore Jewish memory.”

Today the World would say: “It is obvious that the war which Netanyahu and his accomplices waged is a war not only against Palestinian men, women, and children, but also against Palestinian religion, Palestinian culture, Palestinian tradition, therefore Palestinian memory.”

the face of callous cold blooded evil and arrogance

Martin Luther King Jr: “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.”

Binjamin Netanyahu: "No international pressure will prevent us from acting with all power."

From the Guardian:

The UN's top human rights official has called for an investigation into Israeli air strikes on Gaza, on the grounds that the targeting of Palestinian homes – resulting in a high death toll among civilians, particularly children – could violate international law.

The warning from Navi Pillay, the UN high commissioner for human rights, came on the fourth day of Israel's bombing of the Gaza Strip and a rocket barrage of Israel by Islamic militants.

However, the Israeli prime minister, Binjamin Netanyahu said his government would not be deflected by criticism from abroad, refusing to rule out a ground offensive and vowing there would be more air strikes. So far more than 100 Palestinians have been killed, mostly civilians, including at least 23 children. More than 670 have been injured. There have as yet been no Israeli fatalities.

Pillay said her office had received "deeply disturbing reports that many of the civilian casualties, including children, occurred as a result of strikes on homes" in Gaza. "Such reports raise serious doubt about whether the Israeli strikes have been in accordance with international humanitarian law and international human rights law."

Pillay added that the "indiscriminate firing of rockets from Gaza" could also constitute a breach.

"Every alleged breach of international law must be promptly, independently, thoroughly and effectively investigated, with a view to ensuring justice and reparations for the victims," she said.

Netanyahu shrugged off foreign criticism and said the Israeli bombing would continue unabated.

Read also:

(2) Achtung - Blitzkrieg in Progress

(3) Revealed - Israel's Deliberate Genocidal Campaign in Lebanon


  1. The usual One-sided screech from this blog.

    1. to balance the other side of deafening silence on Israeli atrocities - shame on you people, wakakaka

    2. This is bullshit. Israel refers to them Gaza civilians as PALESTINIANS. Israel fund their electricity, water, medicine, food, supplies, etc. and while at war - it KEEPS WARNING THEM CIVILIANS TO EVACUATE OVER & OVER AGAIN, so they won't get hurt!! It's them Palestinians who choose to stay despite the warning, and than they're surprised Israel's defending itself??

  2. I never thought I would see a situation where UMNO and its leader Najib would actually be more level headed than this blog...!

    I suppose I'm one of those Nons who find it a little bit difficult to sympathise with the Palestinians...

    1. I'll blog on why you are so, wakakaka

    2. Deadly missiles which kill and injure civilians are lopped indiscriminately by both Palestinians and the Israelis. Blame the West especially the US for this madness ! These killings can only be stopped by the West !

    3. both have been wrong but in retrospect, compare or rather contrast the firecrackers of the Palestinians to the cluster bombs, phosphorus bombs, guided missiles of the Israelis - that's like WWII Jewish resistance fighting in vain against the mighty Nazi war machine

    4. Two wrongs do not make a right !

    5. Part of a comment in your last post: "World War II, if you can see past the unfortunate tragedy, Nazi Germany was really fighting a noble campaign to rid the world of pernicious control by a malignant race."

      Nazi had a noble fight ?
      By killing millions !
      Now I begin to understand why some people like Bung hail Hitler as a hero !

    6. Now you know why I never want to fight Tyson!

    7. pity you didn't mention Sabra & Shatila, Deir Yassin, Ops Cast Lead, assassinations (not legalised killings) of various Palestinian leaders, bombing Lebanon back into the stone age, deliberate ghetto-risation of Gazans into the world's largest prison etc

      Your one-eyed affliction is described/explained below wakakaka

    8. Nah.......why mention......We have been bombarded with Anti Israeli propaganda..........So I would still stick to Israeli list........

  3. Don't you think Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Naratiwat, Patani, Yala, Songkla all should be returned to the inheritors of the Pattani Kingdom?

    Also include the East Malaysian states and Brunei which once belong to the Sulu Kingdom too.

    1. the Patani Kingdom was respectively possessed by Sukhothai and Ayutthaya in the 14th Century, and thus the true inheritors of those land since the 1300's had been the inheritors of Sukhothai and Ayutthaya, namely Thailand - Patani Kingdom hasn't existed for the last 800 years

      Sulu Kingdom did not possess Brunei nor East Malaysia. Rather it was the Bruneian Sultanate which possessed Sarawak, Sabah and Sulu. wakakaka

  4. Sometimes, it's interesting why Jordan does not carve up a land for Palestine.........Hahahaha, Jordan is Israel's lover boy

    Turkey has been supporting Israel tacitly........hehehehe. Syria only interested in taking back golan height......see even arabs don't give cibai shits......why should we? Domestic Politics

    1. Turkey (like Iran a non-Arab nation) no longer supports Israel. Erdogan is pretty pissed off with Israel.

      Jordan is highly vulnerable (experience of June 1967) and additionally like Egypt subjected to American aid and thus US pressure to stay out. Also, like Saudi Arabia, Jordan is a monarchy and does not favour, in fact fears republican Palestinians

    2. Civilian casualties during the Syrian conflict are about 500x that inflicted by the "neo-Nazi" Israelis on Palestine.

    3. Syrian conflict has been open war between equally matched sides. The Israeli brutal oppression in using its US-supplied mighty war machine against the Palestinians especially those in Gaza has been like shooting fish in a barrell - how many 'fish' can one shoot in such a confined area?


    Like I say, it would never end.......Perhaps, we would just turn a blind eye......Only then Palestinians would wake up......Hey that what the UMNO did all you nons right

    1. Why only the Palestinian should wake up? Why not the Israelis who are not only occupying Palestinian land but also ghetto-rising them

      We (especially the Malaysian non-Malays) should not turn a blind eye because we are civilised and should speak out for the oppressed, otherwise we should not speak out for ourselves whom we claim are oppressed.

      Do you see the irony of your comment? You have obviously and erroneously identify the Palestinians as Muslims (not all are) and thus in your aggrieved mind equated them as Malays and from there, rationalise those Muslims as deserving of the Israeli oppression kau kau.

      But you looes74, a Chinese, are actually the 'Palestinian' and your enemy UMNO is the oppressor 'Israeli' - but alas, you lack the perspective to see this.

      Additionally, regardless of race, religion, and nationality, civilised people should always speak up and support the oppressed.

    2. looes74 is in Singapore, a country which identifies closely with Israel as another rich but tiny nation surrounded by potentially hostile Muslim countries, a dangerous Muslim neighbourhood

    3. as a Sing he should read my posts



  6. the mean machine6:42 am, July 14, 2014

    Why blame Israel for everything when it was minding it's own business in the first place.If the Palestinians and Hamas wants to play with fire then they must be perpared to have their fingers burnt.

    Just a simple comparison.If someone goes into your home and try to set in on fire,what is your first reaction or what do you do.Do you kiss the potential arsonists ass or do you get a sharp object and shove the full length of it into their fucking asses?

    What if you are licenced to own a gun and has one by your side.Do you shoot the would be arsonists or let them burn your home with your loved ones too?

    1. Re your "Just a simple comparison. If someone goes into your home and try to set in on fire,what is your first reaction or what do you do."

      BUT the so-called "your home" was stolen (by force, deceit etc) from the so-called intruder, who is actually the rightful owner.

    2. I don't think denying Israel's right to exist at all within its 1967-UN recognised boundaries is going be of any help to finding peace in that region.
      That's why Hamas is ultimately going down a dead end street.

      The suffering of the Palestinians should have the world's sympathy and aid. Hamas should get none.

      There needs to be a ceasefire put in place very quickly.
      Israel to stop the bombing
      Hamas to stop firing the rockets into Israel.
      Egypt to get the border crossing reopened.

  7. I noticed that Chinese businessmen, who are normally very supportive of charitable causes (coupled with a belief that "good luck" accrues from doing good deeds) have been Miserly when it comes to the donation drive for aid to Palestine.

    It has been ordinary Malays who have been giving generously, in addition to GLCs and Bumiputra companies.

    1. if we recall, some years when Jeff Ooi then as a blogger (way before he joined DAP, wakakaka) asked for donations to help a very young Malay girl undergo a heart operations, the Chinese were the biggest donors, surprising the father of the girl by their generosity. During the aftermath of 2004 Boxing Day tsunami the Penang Chinese were the first to donate in large amounts to Penang Malays affected by the disaster and brought forth a comment by a Malay recipient (I think reported in Malaysiakini or the Star?) that the Chinese donated without asking or caring whether the recipient was affiliated to UMNO or PKR.

      Chinese are driven by Buddhist & Taoist compassion and/or Confucian ethics into being charitable.

      But if what you say is true, I am inclined to suspect the donation drive for the Palestinians had not been clear enough to explain to Chinese about the objective or who the recipients are and why they needed the donations. Chinese especially Buddhists don't like to donate money for weapons to kill someone.

      I am a Chinese and have contributed to Palestinian needs as I did for Sudanese in Darfur, not for guns or weapons, stuff like that, but for food, medicine, tents, clothing (for winter), books for children, etc

    2. The Aid to Palestine effort in Malaysia has often been publicised in heavily antagonistic terms, which makes me very uncomfortable.
      As a non-Muslim, my interest in this is purely humanitarian, I have no foot in either camp.
      The Palestinians have been locked in a deadly permanent armed conflict with Israel for 60 years.
      I feel that donating to the Palestinians just fuels that conflict, so at this point, my wallet remains closed

    3. Rather it's too far away and constant bombardment of propaganda bullshit leading to people having sour taste over the whole issue. The same fucking government as well as the melayus willing to be sent to Thai front and perhaps into Kampuchea to stop the Viets even if the Viets are doing the right thing in kicking out the Khmer Rough (Fucking cibai atheists murdering 1 million cambodians) I bet kaytee gonna blame USA.......Go find CLF and debate that......Kapish!

  8. The obvious indifference / apathy / callousness of the Non-Malays , especially the Chinese towards the plight of the Palestinians is just more ammunition for groups such as Perkasa and Isma to consider them as Pendatang and Intruders.

    It may seem irrelevant to you , but it has a resonance in the Malay Heartland.

    1. see my comment just above - you're wrong to suggest the Chinese aren't charitable - that would be totally against their religious-cultural proclivity

  9. Tanah Melayu,you are just shooting through your noses.Open your eyes and see who the real bigots are.If you do not know please feel free to ask.

  10. KT writes: "compare or rather contrast the firecrackers of the Palestinians to the cluster bombs, phosphorus bombs, guided missiles of the Israelis".

    Obviously the Palestinians don't stand a chance !
    Why not sue for peace ?

  11. A few interesting snippets.
    Malaysia's neighbours to the North and South both have diplomatic relations with Israel.
    Singapore, in particular, has very close relations with Israel, and shares military, intelligence and economic cooperation.
    In earlier days, Singapore's Commando forces trained with Israeli instructors.
    Even today, if you need to buy any Israel-exported products, just bring through Singapore and have it "repackaged". Singapore makes a profit from it, of course.

    Thailand maintains good relations with Israel because as a Buddhist country, it simply does not take sides in the Middle East conflict. The only place you can take a flight to Tel Aviv from Sout-East Asia is through El Al via Bangkok airport.

    Its hard to believe now, but Malaysia/ Malaya actually had diplomatic relations with Israel from 1957 to 1967. Israel was one of the early countries to recognise Malaya's independence, as well as the formation of Malaysia.
    The diplomatic relations were in-line with Tunku's philosophy that he was friends with anyone who extended the hand of friendship.
    Relations were cut off in the aftermath of the 1967 War when Israel occupied Arab territory beyond its UN-recognised borders.
    Today, the former Israeli embassy is now occupied by the Embassy of Palestine.

  12. That one I agree......However, this conflict has been going to for ages and perhaps, Palestinians should open their eyes and realise that it's a dead end. Shuff the Jews asides and the Jews would be even more aggressive.......At the end, the world would be chaotic.......

    By the way, when the UN proposal for the partition of Palestine came out......Jews accepted wholeheartedly, it's the arabs who started to the onslaught......Hence the real reason why the Jews refused to give strategic positions because the next thing you would know.......It would be another holocaust

    P.S : I would be constantly highlighting the plight of the other side, I am sicked and tired of all this bullshit Anti Israel propaganda

  13. no nid for u. There are already a million well-trained Yanks and Jews doing the pro-Israeli propaganda including the American government and they have achieved great results, compared to the Arabs who only want to shoot their guns in the air a la Saddam Hussein - WTF for?

    besides, your style of low class propaganda will be a disasterous result for the Israelis, only bringing them into disrepute nd scorn. On that score maybe the Palestinians should employ you to conduct propaganda for the Israelis, wakakaka.

  14. The swastika has a rich, auspicious meaning in Buddhism.

    Very unfortunate that the Nazis adopted the symbol for their twisted mentality, and it has ever since been debased for all kinds of warped purposes.

  15. 50 Israeli sweeties for your edification....wakakakaka...who says all Israelis are ugly ?

    1. aiyah, wheres the link? drooling oledy

    2. 50 Israeli sweeties for your edification....wakakakaka...who says all Israelis are ugly ?


  16. Several years back....or even more than a decade back....there was a very telling article which convincingly outlined that it is very much to the interest of the many surrounding countries around Israel to keep the Palestinian conflict going on.......that's why none of these countries are willing to carve out a tiny piece of land which they could more than able to afford to for these Palestinians ( and the humongous amount of donation pouring in, with the US also willing to put in a hefty amount would have given these long suffering people a new peaceful country to live in ) and in that article, it has also very convincingly hinted that UN was compliant to this strategy. And the Israeli are very much aware of this fact. So this conflict will continue on till....doomsday, whatever that meant.

    1. Its called "The Devil You Know" syndrome.

      Its the same reason why BN rules "forever" in Malaysia.

  17. Kaytee,
    But then over in Malaysia, the blinded melayus are brainwashed by UMNOites and worst still these zombies turned their attentions towards especially you......An atheist who violated the first tenet of Rukun Negara. Who is deserved to be burned alive......

    See how bad propaganda can be...........Time to focus on Malaysia and Malaysia only

  18. looes, you're the one who wants to burn me, wakakaka. you must be a deeply religious catholic or an evangelist or even a bahai to keep harping on my violation of the 1st Rukunegara wakakaka

  19. What is the first tenet of Rukun Negara?

    Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan

    Do you believe in God? Non! Case Close.......Stay in Aussie land, don't come back

  20. Ya, after the Melayo Jihadis burn the Christians (for violating the Allah copyright) , burn the Jews (but there are none left in Malaysia) they will come and burn the Ktemoc.

  21. looes lu sangat bodoh punya olang lah wakakaka.

    Indonesia accepts Buddhism as one of its 5 PERMISSIBLE religions. When I was down there some years ago talking with a senior government officer dealing with State ideology such as Pancasila and religions etc, I asked him how Indonesia could accept Buddhism as one of its PERMISSIBLE religions when it has no God and does not recognize an Almighty. How would this fulfil the Pancasila Pertama, yaitu 'Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa'?

    You would like to know, wouldn't you. Don't be lazy - go and find out, wakakaka.

    Lu cheen chnea bodoh lah, wakakaka

  22. Sorry hor.......Are you an Indonesian lang? Your citizenship if you have any is Indonesia. By the way, never tell Myammar and Thai lang that Buddhism no god. Those langs chop off whatever things protrude from your body especially your precious.

    This is Malaysia la.......The rule says that you don't believe in God, means you are a non persona grata. Period!

    P.S : This is what happen you "tiu" people over allah issue. Strict application follows........Atheist........Haram

  23. An interesting snippet on genocide........The word genocide actually comes in when there is a race that was kenna chased out and exterminated by guess who.........Turks. Till now, the turks refused to atone for their past sin. If you say that Israel bomning of Gaza is inhumane........wait till you read this

  24. Pancasila was worded in religious terms basically to reject Atheistic Communism, which Indonesia saw as its gravest threat.

    Did you know that the original Sanskrit root word of "Pancasila" or pañca-śīlāni refers to the Buddhist "Five Precepts" ?

    Strictly speaking , Buddhism has no God , no Supreme Being.

    But for all practical purposes (maybe not academic or pedantic purposes) Buddhism fullfils the criteria of an organised religion.
    - it has a codified set of teachings providing moral and spiritual guidance for life in the physical world as well as in death.
    - Buddhism may not have a God in the sense of an Almighty being, but it certainly recognises Divine beings, and attempts to explore and explain that level of existence e.g. Arahants, Devas, Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

    Even so, there is an inherent conflict between Indonesian Pancasila's monotheistic wording and Polytheist Hinduism, and Non-Theist Buddhism.

  25. Can't be helped....this Ktemoc has been Brainwashed by the Malaysian school system to hate Israel and anything Jewish.

    This kind of Indoctrination, done from early teenage years onwards, is often profound and impervious to any debate.

    1. wakakaka, another ultra kiasu pro Israeli visitor - always attributing those who can see through the Israeli government for what it is as being brainwashed. What about those like you who are pro Israeli? wakakaka

    2. KT says the Palestinians fight with firecrackers whereas the Israelis use cluster bombs etc, Everybody, including the Hamas, knows that the Palestinians are of no match. Does this mean they are brainless ?

    3. and where will the Palestinians get their F-15, F-15, tanks, cluster bombs and phosphorus bombs and Iron Dome anti-missile defence system? Now, who's brainless, wakakaka

  26. when looes has no clue, you can depend on him to fumble around an bullshit kau kau wakakaka - as I said, don't be bloody lazy. At least look at Chenoist's comments - it's almost there. looes, you're just a clueless lazy bugger and too proud to admit you know nuts about Indon's Pancasila wakakaka

  27. Is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over land or religion? Get that clear first.

    For most people around the world including Malaysia, some are inclined more towards religious causes like most other Moslem countries.So, supporting Palestinians becomes equated to supporting their religion (majority Palestinians are Moslems) will not get much sympathy of other religions. It's almost the same whenever there are any jihadists war or terrorism acts around the world. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on one's religious status, the big powers in the world happens to be mostly Christians which indirectly makes it look like another Crusade war being fought for another 1000 years. For non-Christian countries, it has become non of their business if it is a religious war. Likewise, with all the news in Malaysia being slanted towards a religious point, it has become non of the non-Moslems business.

    If the issue is about land, then there is validity towards supporting people whose lands have being taken away against their wishes but guess most of the blame should go to the Ottomans when they lost the first World war and Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire then. That empire is now reduced to Turkey. The spoils of war always goes to the winner in this case the British who then decide what they can do with whoever is the vanguished.

    Now, coming back to the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians. Who are the real players actually? Why aren't the Palestinians united under either HAMAS or the PLA? Who actually represents the repressed Palestinians who are interested in taking back their lands? Why switch the aim between land and religion depending on which country's support they wanted?

    I guess the actual Palestinians whose lands were taken away after being carved out to form Israel are actually being sidelined by all the other players for their own political beliefs, greed etc. And they are the ones who are the majority victims whenever there are any conflicts. Not their leaders nor their saviours.

    1. PLA is the combined authority, manned mainly by the secular al Fatah (former boss Yasser Arafat), a secular but quite corrupt body. Hamas is Islamist.

      Israel funded and supported Hamas to undermine Arafat who was head of PLA. Now the Israeli is reaping the bitter fruit of its evil creation, serve them right

    2. " with all the news in Malaysia being slanted towards a religious point, it has become non of the non-Moslems business."

      That is pretty much how I feel, and also why most Nons have tuned out from following this conflict, sad though it is.

    3. Gabriel, you're absolutely right, especially today

    4. Gabriel,
      Why bother? Does it affect you? I dare to impact towards Malaysia. Perhaps, we should pay more attention to the atrocities committed by smoe myammaris against Rohingyas who eventually flocked our shores. Then you have muslim separatists in southern Thailand and Mindanao constantly flocking into our territories. We should be focusing on that. One dead palestinian is nothing........

      How about 1 million cambodians mampus under devious men of atheist beliefs?

      Modi, the current India PM who was responsible to massacre of 5000 muslims in Gujurat. 1992 is the year where Modi was Gujarat CM.

      Why don't you say Israel supporting Hezbollah? Salameh.......This name rings a bell........CIA has been protecting him all this while till he kenna mampus

  28. You still can't get it, kaytee.........You can't equate yourself by aligning with buddhists......This is what Madhater doing......But you are just a small fly, easily squashed. No believe in God, persona non grate in Malaysia. Prepare to mampus la kaytee

  29. If the Palestinians and their samsengs Hamas cannot behave,they all deserve a spanking.If spanking will bring these misbehave brats back in line,so be it.

    1. when there is a big bully in the neighbouring robbing your land and sabotaging your trading efforts, and he is blindly (through religion) backed by the most powerful bully in the world, you must ask yourself who's the samseng(s)?

    2. Yeah, we already have a big bully.......It's called UMNO. They had just thrown cow head at the hindus. Time to stick to what's happening at home.

  30. See the similarities between 13th May incident and Deir Yassin incident.......the minorities are massacred, exageration takes overs and the minorities simply bullied till silence. These is what happened to the nons in Malaysia. Including kaytee who cabutted to Aussie land

    Again why bother about palestinian shit when your own shit never settle, allowing that cibai shit tanah melayu to shit around.........At least Northern Ireland minorities braved enough to fight back

    1. looes asked "why bother about palestinian shit when your own shit never settle"?

      so I'll ask looes "why bother about Israeli shit when your own shit never settle", wakakaka

      and his acknowledgement of the Deir Yassin massacre is encouraging but yet that somehow fails to show him why we should sympathize with the persecuted bullied oppressed Palestinians - maybe he's stupid wakakaka

  31. Black September9:20 am, July 15, 2014

    Boycott Apple, Intel, HP, Starbucks, McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nike, Levis, Dockers, Gap, Coach...
    ......all the companies that contribute to the American military-industrial complex.

  32. Kaytee,the Hamas can shoot their rockets anywhere into Israel which is heavily populated.And nobody complained.

    When the Israelis wanted to target and bomb known terrorists homes,they have to give warnings first for them to get out to prevent innocent family members from getting killed.And people still complained when civilians get killed.There has to be some innocent casualties,no matter how careful the Israelis are.

    The Palestinians whether it is the PLO or Hamas has to leave the Israelis be and not bother them.They have to remember that the state of Israel is there to stay,rockets,suicide bombers or not.

    1. Hamas wants Palestinian land back which were forcefully taken away or by default of Israel's Berlin Wall - it's already known that the Israeli snaked the Wall in a devious way to gobble up choice Palestinian land.

      Let's not ignore the reality that Gaza is the world's biggest prison where Israel blocks 3 sides while the Egyptian, pressured by the USA, closed its border with Gaza. To import material is almost an impossibility, especially stuff like concrete (cement), and other building materials and industrial tools. It's exactly like what the Nazis did to the WWII Jews in Poland and throughout Europe - the Israelis have learnt well from their Nazi persecutors and masters, one tactic being group punishment and destruction of property for association with so-called terrorists (really, freedom fighters) - thus Rashid is a so-called terrorist, Rashid's mum and dad would be forced to leave their home which would then be blasted away by Israeli soldiers..

      Additionally throughout the West Bank (within and around) and entries from roads between West Bank into Gaza, the Israelis manned military check-points which are there NOT only for security BUT as CHOKE (not just check) points to deliberately delay, deny and frustrate genuine Palestinian farmers and traders.

      B'T (Beth) Salem, the Israeli Human Rights organization has reported on several occasions that Israeli soldiers at these deliberate choke points have been instructed to deliberately make the Palestinian farmers wait for hours until their perishable goods turned bad. Only when B'T Salem turned up, would the soldiers then let the farmers through.

      The strategic sinister aim of the Israelis is to make the Palestinian so frustrated and hopeless that they will voluntarily migrate elsewhere, leaving the land for Israelis. This can only be prevented if the Palestinians keep fighting back, at least to provide morale to the downtrodden Palestinian people and to keep reminding the World there is an Israeli Neo-Nazi system persecuting a weaker people under Israeli oppression

      The Israelis control the electrical and water supplies into Gaza and would turn them off whenever they feel like punishing the Gazans, and they also prevent Palestinian fishermen from going further out to sea which prevent them from decent fishing.

      There are roads within the West Bank which are prohibited to Palestinians, like what White Supremacist South Afrika imposed upon their Blacks.

      What would you do if you are a Palestinian? What would you do if you're a 'non' in Malaysia. And believe me, the Palestinians are a trillion times worse off than a 'non' here, which comparatively would be like Paradise to a Palestinian.

    2. The non-Malays, especially the Chinese, are really first class citizens in this country, they just don't appreciate it.

      Maybe some should spend one day in the Gaza strip sharing the experience of the Palestinians.

    3. Kaytee has forgotten to mention Hamas wanted the total annihilation of Israel, Hamas wanted to blot all Jews men, women, children and even livestocks from Israel. Sorry to say, this is not acceptable. If that&s acceptable, we should burn people like tanah malaya who robbed orang asli malaya of their land and livelihood.

      One just got to listen one person called Mohd Raffick, ex military doctor with the rank of Major. The real culprit that hemmed Palestinians in are the Saudis. Didn't they seal the border from the very beginning in 1940s. The Israelis accepted the partition in which the arabs rejected and vowed to drive the jews to the sea. I say.......Palestinians deserved this piece of shit and never learn to compromise unlike the nons in Malaysia who has fast becoming second class citizens. Ask Bruno!

      The time should come for Jordan to carve up their land for Palestine. Lebanon can do that too

  33. Cause and Effect...
    The chronology of the latest crisis, as far as I can determine.

    The abduction and murder of three Jewish teenage boys in Israel =>
    Israel arrested hundreds of Palestinians in Israel =>
    Hamas rockets fired into Tel Aviv =>
    Attacks on the Gaza strip by the Israeli military =>
    Palestinian Death toll rising to at least 170
    Hamas has fired hundreds of rockets at Israel, continuing.

    Its a very ugly conflict, and neither side is innocent
    Don't just believe all the propaganda, whether its the local MSM (all slanted towards the Palestinians) or the International media (mostly slanted towards the Israeli viewpoint).

    1. Nobody is asking you to believe the so called propaganda and hence why I am advocating.......Leave Israelis and Palestinians to settle their own matters

  34. To be honest, many Christians in the country have a soft spot for Israel, where the Holy Land is located, so steeped in the history of both the Old and New Testaments.
    There is also a sense of affinity to the Jews, the people from which Christ originated.

    Don't get me wrong, we're not warmongers, we don't support the military operation that Israel is conducting against the Palestinians. Its just a sense of emotional linkage.

    Sure, a minority of Palestinians are actually Christians, but the whole issue of support for the Palestinians, and hatred for Israel is being promoted as an Islamic obligation in this country.

    Frankly the current anti-Christian tirade by Islamists, the unfair restrictions being imposed on peaceful Christian worship through Islamist agendas by authorities in this country isn't helping the athmosphere either.

    Shalom....and Salam...both mean the same, from across the Great Divide.

    1. Judaism is the foundation for Christianity, where it shows/tells about God's promise of the Messiah (the Persian King Cyrus the Great was also made a Messiah by the grateful Judeans because he freed them from Babylonian bondage, wakakaka). The OT shows the ancestry of Jesus; additionally evangelistic Christians believe the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will ONLY happen when Hebrews walk the Promised Land again. This has been PRECISELY why the powerful American Christian Right lobby has been pressuring successive US Presidents into supporting (blindly if necessary) and ENSURING (by whatever means) the Israelis (Hebrews) continue to walk the Promised Land.

      Personally I would advise Jesus not to go again to that blood-soaked land but rather to make his Second Coming in peaceful New Zealand or tropical paradise Tahiti.

    2. Hahaha......New Zealand is a sensitive word in Malaysia right now....

    3. 'Personally I would advise Jesus not to go again to that blood-soaked land'

      once he sets foot on it, in nanosecond he would be blown-up to pieces lest the rabbis and priests alike cannot cari makan leow!. he had experienced that before.

  35. In the sequence you missed out 3 Israelis (2 teenagers) kidnapping and murdering a Palestinian tenenager, Mohd Abu Khdeir, by burning him ALIVE.

    Read also this from Global Research []:

    “Cursed be he who says, ‘Avenge!‘ “
    —Chaim Bialik, from “On The Slaughter”

    From the moment three Israeli teens were reported missing last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the country’s military-intelligence apparatus suppressed the flow of information to the general public. Through a toxic blend of propaganda, subterfuge and incitement, they inflamed a precarious situation, manipulating Israelis into supporting their agenda until they made an utterly avoidable nightmare inevitable.

    Israeli police, intelligence officials and Netanyahu knew within hours of the kidnapping and murder of the three teens that they had been killed. And they knew who the prime suspects were less than a day after the kidnapping was reported.

    Rather than reveal these details to the public, Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence agency imposed a gag order on the national media, barring news outlets from reporting that the teens had almost certainly been killed, and forbidding them from revealing the identities of their suspected killers. The Shin Bet even lied to the parents of the kidnapped teens, deceiving them into believing their sons were alive.

    Instead of mounting a limited action to capture the suspected perpetrators and retrieve the teens’ bodies, Netanyahu staged an aggressive international public relations campaign, demanding sympathy and outrage from world leaders, who were also given the impression that the missing teens were still alive.

    Meanwhile, Israel’s armed forces rampaged throughout the occupied West Bank and bombarded the Gaza Strip in a campaign of collective punishment deceptively marketed to Israelis and the world as a rescue mission.

    Critical details that were known all along by Netanyahu and the military-intelligence apparatus were relayed to the Israeli public only after the abduction of more than 560 Palestinians, including at least 200 still held without charges; after the raiding of Palestinian universities and ransacking of countless homes; after six Palestinian civilians were killed by Israeli forces; after American-trained Palestinian Authority police assisted Israeli soldiers attacking Palestinian youths in the center of Ramallah; after the alleged theft by Israeli troops of $3 million in US dollars; and after Israel’s international public relations extravaganza had run its course.

    Weeks after the incident, it is now clear that the Israeli government, intelligence services and army engaged in a cover-up to provide themselves with the political space they required for a military campaign that had little to do with rescuing any kidnapped teens.

    The disinformation campaign they waged sent a heavily indoctrinated, comprehensively militarized population into a tribalistic frenzy, provoking a wave of high-level incitement, the shocking revenge killing of an innocent Palestinian teen and rioting across East Jerusalem.

    1. Another one from [] written by Joe Quinn.

      Joe Quinn is an author, editor and researcher and has been a contributing editor for since 2002. He holds a an MA in international Business Studies and a first degree in Spanish Literature and Information Management and has a professional background in Media Analysis. His writing focuses on current political intrigues surrounding the war on terrorism and the historical evidence that points to terrorism as a long-term tool of states and state actors.

      *** his article (extract) follows:

      While much of the public was being distracted by news reports of the scoreline in the Germany-Brazil World Cup game, another, admittedly less important, high-scoring 'game' was playing out in Israel/Palestine. While Brazil lost 7 to 1 to Germany, so far, Palestinians losses to Israel are running at 100-0, with no end to the carnage in sight.

      A week ago I expressed my suspicions about the timing of the kidnapping and murder of the three Israelis teens. Since then, more details have come to light that confirm that the kidnapping was most likely a carefully orchestrated Israeli government propaganda campaign designed to destroy the Fatah/Hamas unity government, demonize the Palestinians as 'terrorists', and, as always, give the psychopaths in Tel Aviv another opportunity to blow Palestinian women and children to pieces.

      As clinical studies on the psychopathic mind make clear, psychopaths periodically experience a compelling drive to give vent to their destructive instincts. In the case of psychopaths in positions of power, this usually means some kind of 'war' where innocent civilians (aka 'non-combatants') are targeted for the most brutal suffering. In the specific case of the Israeli psychopathic 'elite', the psychological profile goes something like this:

      Netanyahu and his ilk have a deep, almost unconscious desire to obliterate the Palestinians, to 'erase them from the pages of history', because the Palestinians stand in the way of them achieving their goal of a idealized Jewish state where they reign supreme. The Israeli/Zionist ideologues are frequently and privately enraged at the Palestinians because the Palestinians force the Zionists to struggle to find a way to achieve their racist goals without tarnishing their own self-image as 'seeking peace' 'defending the Jewish people' being 'the only Democracy in the Middle East' etc. To the psychopaths in Israel therefore, all Palestinians are 'evil', but there's a problem: the Palestinians are not evil and their cause is just by normal human standards.

      If it was up to them, the psychopaths in Israel would just kill all the Palestinians and be done with it. But they can't because they are constrained by human rights, innocence, respect and other 'silly' ideals adhered to by normal people, and to which the psychopaths must also pay lip service if they are to maintain their mask of humanity on the world stage.

      To get what they want therefore, the Israeli psychopaths must solve the problem of the Palestinians not conforming (in reality) to the evil image the Israelis have of them, that would allow the Israelis to freely express their destructive urges and achieve their idealized vision of a Jewish state. The solution that psychopathic types everywhere invariably come up with is to 'create their own reality' where they literally manufacture a 'reality' to fit the demonized image they have of the 'enemy' that stands in their way. At that point, they have the 'just cause' to attack the 'enemy' whose mere existence has been 'unfairly' thwarting their attempts to get what they want i.e. achieve their psychopathic agenda.

    2. Hamas don't know they're much weaker than the Israelis militarily !
      They're sure the Israelis won't avenge the death of the teenagers !
      No idea that bombs injure and kill innocent people including women an children !
      Dead sure the international community and KT won't cry foul and demand for justice !
      Don't know what they're doing ?

    3. anhea, any updates on mh370?

  36. The Same formula as in the Animal Kingdom.
    The strong suppress the weak.
    The reason TiongKok have to become a Stronger Power.
    But in Malaysia the 2nd Class have lost the opportunity just after the 2nd World War.
    The Plastinian Arabs also make the same mistakes like us.
    We are the in the same boat without visionary leaders at that time but trusting others.
    Gen Templer have said " Mao is correct that power comes from the barrel of a gun " .

  37. Non-Moslems in Malaysia generally look at the Palestinian-Israel issue without empathy due to it being more of a religious thingy.

    And the worst part is the Govt. Slanting the news towards a religious angle.

    Those are facts. Otherwise please explain the following:

    Where are the support for the Kurds, Tibetans, Uigurs, Pattanis, Sulus etc which also have their land taken away?

    The Palestinians are not Malays also, so why the different support given to all of them? Why is Palestinian problem more special to the Govt?

    Why should the non-Moslems support the Palestinians when it would be better off for them to support the Kurds, Armenians, Tibetans, Uigurs since their religions are not Islam and more towards theirs if it is from a religious point of view.

    It looks like this thing is not about race or tribe but more of a religious thing and why should the non-Moslems get involved. If the issue is to support based on a civilized and developed mentality, it just does not jive when you see even the Americans, Europeans, Arabs, Christians, Jews, Moslems countries all siding each side based on their religious status.

    So why should the non-Moslems Malaysians support the Palestinian cause? In particular non-Moslems and non-Jews and non-Christians?

    It's like seeing the Crusade happening again in the Middle East.

    Is not supporting either side in this Palestinian-Israeli conflict considered not patriotic?

    What hambug are you talking about to the nons-Moslem, non-Jews, non-Christians Malaysians?

    1. Don't forget Rohingyas.........They allowed the atheist Myammar langs to screw them and then all these folks come to Malaysia become bumis. Guess why kaytee in aussie land. Armenians tragedy is the worse kind. They too were original settlers in Turkey. Any chance of them returning to Turkey. The word genocide was coined after how Turkey (Ottoman Empire, another cibai muslim empire) massacred Armenians. Guess why some european countries are so adamant not to allow Turkey to enter EU

  38. The other side of the coin:-

  39. I don't give a hoot about either the Yids or the Ragheads.

    They can all shoot each other to pieces for all I care. In fact it be a really good idea.


    The last Jew in Penang...

    All my extended family now lives in Melbourne & Sydney, Australia.

    Jews are officially "The Enemy" in Malaysia, unless you are Rosmah's favourite Jeweller (Jacob & Co. of New York)

  41. 88 comments !
    This is shaping up to be one of your most popular post !
    And surprisingly, on the subject of events happening in a far away land.

  42. I change channels every time the stupid news talks about "Kekejaman Rejim Zionist" which translates as "the brutality of the Zionist Regime".


    Israel accepts ceasefire proposal...Hamas rejects, and will definitely continue firing missiles...

    Seems clarfied whose purpose the continued violence actually serves...

    1. you seem rather hasty in jumping to conclusion, We need to ask what are the actual-detailed terms of the ceasefire because those may be disadvantageous to one side.

    2. "disadvantageous to one side."

      Everybody wants to see an end to the civilian deaths (or maybe not ?).

      I suspect at least one side is pursuing violence to achieve some vested interest, therefore has no real interest to stop the violence until its objectives are achieved. Then they must accept that there will be costs. No point then to scream about the costs.

      Hamas would kill scores of Israeli civilians if it could. It's just that its missiles don't get through, while Israel's do.

    3. Re your "I suspect at least one side is pursuing violence to achieve some vested interest, therefore has no real interest to stop the violence until its objectives are achieved" you're right - that describes Israel

    4. To put into some perspectives.....these Hamas leaders do NOT live in Gaza and their lives are not at risk in the least. Here are some views re the recent Egypt's negotiated ceasefire :

      " Its all about money. Hamas collects USD200 million in taxes from the smuggling tunnels. Not only that Hamas warlords also control some of the tunnels for their own smuggling businesses. In total the Hamas leaders make many hundred millions USD more from these tunnels. "

      "35 rockets had been fired into Israel from Gaza since Israel accepted the ceasefire initiative.......Hamas's armed wing, the Kassam Brigades, rejected the reported text of the truce deal, saying: "Our battle with the enemy continues and will increase in ferocity and intensity."

    5. No, the reason why Hamas didn't accept the ceasefire is because they learned the terms of cease-fire from the media. This came from no other than a reliable Israeli news media, Ha'aretz. It' shows lack fo sincerity from Israel whose aim seems to be to con the Western world, especially America into believing they're the cooperative party

  44. A Pox on Both your Houses !

    Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet Act 3, scene 1, 90–92

  45. Any government in the world would have to respond to rockets fired at its civilian population.

    You can survey national-security decision makers of any government in the world - the answer will be 100%.

    The only debate would be what action to take.

    1. any people would strive against oppression of a brutal kind, as the ghetto-rization of a race and the continuous brutalities and violence perpetrated against them, as demonstrated by freedom fighters around the world, especially during WWII and the Vietnam War

      indeed the only debate would be what action to take, which depends on the weapons available and the enemy's position in terms of weaponry, numbers, space occupied and arrogance (sincerity and willingness to vacate occupied lands)
