
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Anwar & his hissy drama queen

The Malaysian Insider - The Selangor consensus

MAY 11 – There seems to be a lack of understanding what consensus means in Selangor.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim appeared today to have backed his confidant Azmin Ali in calling for a consultation process for the Selangor mentri besar post after the latter claimed Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s candidacy had bypassed the democratic process.

I want ... I want ... I want ...
OK .. OK.. OK .. just give me some time lah

The PKR advisor also appeared to have suggested that the party were considering removing Abdul Khalid when he told Sinar Harian that the consultation should include discussions on other possible candidates for the job.

“I have no problem with Tan Sri Khalid. But the problem is... there is no problem but there should be consultation. Are there other names? New faces? Do we continue?” Sinar Harian quoted him as saying.

How about this – have these two PKR leaders considered what their partners DAP and PAS have decided by consensus.

Both parties have endorsed Khalid. No question about it. No other names. No new faces.

So why is Anwar and Azmin being recalcitrant about the choice endorsed by DAP, PAS and a majority of PKR in Selangor?

Unless they think that is not democratic enough? Unless they think the top job in Selangor is being robbed from them just like GE13 was apparently stolen from them?

Perhaps these two men need a lesson in democracy, that a choice has been made. By Selangor voters happy with Khalid that they gave Pakatan Rakyat more seats this time.

Grow up. If this is how indecisive and petty you are about the Selangor mentri besar post, imagine your drama in Putrajaya.

Khalid appears to have the support of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition and Selangor people, so stop the drama and run the state well.

Or lose the state in the next polls because of your drama queen hissy fit.


Obviously Anwar Ibrahim can't change, that whatever, whichever, whoever, whenever, however Azmin Ali wants, he ensures Azmin Ali gets! Even if he has to go against his own wife, own daughter, own family and whoever.

As I mentioned many times before, Azmin Ali will destroy both PKR and Anwar Ibrahim from within.

Related: People's Parliament's:

(1) Yes, Pakatan, hear all views before you nominate the MB of Selangor

(2) Dear Azmin


  1. Seems like what Azmin wants Azmin gets even at the risks of losing popular support. Drama QUEEN..... hmmm

  2. orang ini saperti main tak pancut2.....frust & desparate thus has been creating havoc. dia punya 'kapal' sudah lama tenggelam.

  3. Anwar and Azmin, just get a room!

  4. Anwar will destroy the nation,with DAP backing he already half successful.

  5. From my information, its already a done deal , even within PKR. Khalid Ibrahim will be the next Selangor MB. However, Anwar has to do some public "wayang" to "Jaga Hati" his loyal lieutenant, to keep him fully on board.

    I'm afraid DAP fellers just don't understand Malay politics and the Malay psyche. That's how they lost Tunku Abdul Aziz, and are in process of losing Aspan Alias as well.

    Many educated Malays who support clean, accountable and transparent government (as I am one) still find DAP's political culture alien and repellent.
    Many Malays obviously voted for DAP candidates in GE13, but those were mostly loyal PAS and PKR supporters.

    As I know, traditional Chinese culture also has concepts of needing to "Give Face" to elders or people in senior positions, but maybe the Rah-Rah DAP culture has left that behind.

    1. Kampong Boy has a point here....mesti jaga air muka lah. Overseas Chinese will be unable to beat the local Malays who had honed their political skills ( the soft and hard types of skills ) for centuries. But DAP is learning fast - see how LKS was gracious and discards the winner-takes-all by publicly asking for the ex MB he defeated in Gelang Patah to be given a federal post. Of course still a long way to go, but this is a good start. If DAP bucked up in their political EQ savviness; and combined this with their relatively solid and intact CAT platform, then the sky's the limit for this party. Now if only the Malay parties also learn something from DAP too......

    2. The thing is....they only know how to save face for their own kind. Tetapi bukan main lagi when it comes to other races....where is the famous sopan santun of the malays when they deal with the non malays....see how Ibrahim Ali, Dr Mathathir lambasted and insulted the indians and esp the chinese kau-kau. See how Anwar treated his former partners like Nalla, Dr Chandra, Gobla, etc etc. Not a single drop of water face given eh.....kakakaka

      But methinks it is more than save facing in the AA-AI's more like placating a sulking child capable of causing huge discord with his tantrum-throwing, more so when the 'boy' is holding the mentor's balls firming in his fist.

  6. My take is Khalid by his background and training is more of a corporate man rather than a politician. On the other hand AA is seasoned politician who knows UMNO/BN inside out. He is one of the founding member of PKR. I think he is the one who should be given the chance to be the MB. He is the quality and the personality and also the advantage. Of course there is some personal peccadillo which we do not know whether it is true or not. The benefit of the doubt should be given to him.

    1. Why replace someone who has delivered ? To administer the richest state requires exactly someone like Khalid who is solid, stable and fair. We don't need so-called seasoned politicians for this....too much wily, crafty politicking with an unsavoury reputation of being corrupted and most of all, imbued with the umno dna to ruin the good progress done for Selangor thus far.

      'Benefit of the doubt'.....don't even try to go there....Selangor is a very very important state, so important that Najib would have given his right ball to get that state back but he was roundly rejected, so at least some credit must go to Khalid for this. We should not take any chances, PR is fighting for its life, just to give in to that sulking boy who goes " but daddy whispered to me he will give me that candy about 5 years ago" !

      Fairness means : always reward those who had proven that he had delivered. For PR, it means being fair and prudent at the same time to stick to Khalid.

    2. "We don't need so-called seasoned politicians for this....too much wily, crafty politicking with an unsavoury reputation of being corrupted and most of all, imbued with the umno dna to ruin the good progress done for Selangor thus far."

      There are so many of them in PKR... so we do not need them too, right?

    3. Ya, we don't need these scums.....those infected with the umno dna in PKR and certainly those almost filled to the brim in UMNO itself, the motherboard from which the original virus came from.

  7. 2008 - Tsunami
    2013 - Cinami
    2018 - Cina Mampus

    1. Jangan shiok sendiri lah. What rhyme with mampus ? Bungkus ! Umno bungkus sekali gus, hihihihi. Let's all wait for 2018 ya ?

  8. "AA is seasoned politician who knows UMNO/BN inside out"

    This could be his downfall too......he not only knows umno inside out, he IS umno but in a different uniform. That's why he is unable to discard all the umno negatives that comes with umno - corrupt, racist, selfish, manipulative, bullying, blackmailing, cheating and lying and stealing. In his case, being less of a seasoned politician and knowing less of umno inside out will work better for him. How about being trustworthy, a straight-shooter , not easily corruptible, less ambitious and more inclusive to other races....these attributes would earn him rakyat's love better. Granted he is not Zul Nordin or Ibrahim Ali, but if he claims to be one of the founders of a reformed party, then he has a long long way to go.

    1. "reformed party"

      Perhaps, a deformed party, you mean, eh?

    2. I am guessing, that with AA playing seat negotiator for GE13, PKR tried to bully PSM who is the incumbent. End result? BN is very thankful to Azmin.

    3. Dear kampong boy, needing to save face is a universal need, not just for malays, or chinese or any culture or race. Was that why AI said what he said? Well, in the attempt to save face for AA (assuming it is true), PKR (incl pakatan) has lost a lot of goodwill with voters who are not politicians and are pissed with the attitudes of AA. AI is no help of course. Incidentally, with the venom that comes out of tunku aziz since his exit, one wonders, is it out of anger because of 'lost face', or he is a hired hand who has found a better paymaster.

  9. Kaytee,what I cannot understand is the leadership qualities of the PKR leadership.These are actions of jilted spouses(Anwar/Azmin) who have no backbones.Hey,who knows?With better leadership Umno/BN will be sitting on the opposition bench when the new parpiament convenes.

    1. bruno, if you look at the behaviour of UMNO right NOW, can you see the parallel with PKR now?

    2. More than parallel, dear KT. They are identical twins....all from the same gene pool of the U-M-N-O stinking festering sewage sludge pond that foul up the environment and poses great danger to all due to more than half a century of unspeakable filth build-up.

  10. Well, the dust has settled. There is no point harping over it. Of course, if one got learn from Kedah lesson, one would have understand in fighting can cause the downfall of a political party. Such infighting doesn't happen in PKR.

    It happened in DAP too. Kula did throw tantrums just before the nomination. What happen to Sim when he decided to stand as an independent in Kota Laksamana. Of course, the leaving DAP Kedah starwalt is one unfortunate incident.

    I am more concerned about this......What are going to do about this?

  11. I think AA's sole interest is the kitty box that he and his cronies can dip in if he's MB. And he certainly is holding AI's b...s that's why the latter is for him.
    As if the other two parties have no say; after all, they were magnanimous to allow pkr lead the state. If they were selfish, pas could say it's their right to choose a pas mb.
    If AA really gets to be mb, I can safely say the state will go back to bn, and let's see who has the last laugh.

    Sigh, all because of a hugh kitty box, not for the rakyat's sake.

    1. Must understand many years out in the wilderness....these umno brothers in pkr has been languishing with the drought, almost now a mad rush to get on the gravy hell with sopan santun and ethics and democracy and reformasi. These are just words to create a different brand name for PKR.

  12. Azmin ali is a NO NO NO as MB selangor.
    Even on nomination day,he had his brother azwan ali stating that azmin ali must be the MB selangor.
    Again ,when he had the infamous press conference, he was surrounded by his macai2 .
    Look at their faces and it revels the anticipation of azmin being the MB. The gravy trough. Not one honest looking guy in that crowd.Zuraidah talks like she was disappointed with Khalid as MB, not because of his efficieny but because he double locked the kitty.
    Nope not azmin for MB selangor.
    If it aint broken, why fix it.
    Im yet to hear of anyone complaining about Khalid and his clean adminstraion of the state.
    If its pay back time for azmin, then do it out of your own purse anwar please dont even dream of azmin ali being MB selangor.

    1. Dear Anon 10.40 am.....100% setuju !

  13. kaytee, you should update your sakmongkol link to the current one is not working.

    hi Bruno! hehehe

  14. Wow! What we all have shown here demonstrates just how much work has still got to be done by whosoever is the MB, to turn easy platitudes into a genuine modus vivendi by stripping away the many layers of unintelligibility which divide and make conflict in PKR. I just want to wish Khalid and Azmin good luck and all the very best.

  15. That's cos your ISP is Australian. The ones in Malaysia very kaypohchee one.

    Hey Bruno how's the doggy? Hehehe

  16. well, BN is now moving towards demonising DAP. Can they succeed? Would kaytee wet dream come true?
